Rutherford Heather Replacement Behavior Lesson Plan

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Rutherford, H Replacement Behavior Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Preparation Teacher Candidate: Heather Rutherford Title of Lesson: Break Schedule

e Grade Level: 2nd Grade Subject Area: BIP Goal 1. Lesson Topic (What is the big idea?): Student will learn to ask for a break before becoming physically aggressive. 2. What standard(s) (or IEP goals) will it address? IEP/BIP Goal: Student will give the teacher a visual break symbol to indicate that he needs a break, before becoming physically aggressive. 3. Main Objective of Instruction (What do you want the student(s) to learn?): Student will use a visual break symbol to signal that he needs a break, before becoming physically aggressive. The student will use the symbol 3 out of 4 times per academic instruction hour, during each school day, as measured by a teacher-made checklist. 4. Supporting Objectives: Student will learn to use a visual schedule. 5. Specific Strategies (conspicuous) to be taught/modeled: Modeling, Direct Instruction, Role-play. 6. Planning for individual differences (mediated scaffolding): What are the accommodations/modifications you need to prepare? The student will need to be prompted to use the visual break symbol when he starts to show signs of verbal, and or, physical escalation. 7. What background knowledge do the students have? How will you assess students learning pre, during and post? The student has been using a visual schedule and is familiar with the process of handing teachers his schedule cards.

8. What management/grouping issues do you need to consider? This lesson will be given one-on-one with the student in the ILC classroom.

Rutherford, H Replacement Behavior Lesson Plan 2

9. Materials and Resources: Visual Break Symbol, Visual Schedule Cards, Para-educator to help role play 10. How/where will students be able to integrate (generalize) this learning? The student will be able to use the skills learned to help him ask for a break, across multiple settings, before resorting to physical aggression to achieve his escape. 11. How will you evaluate student learning from this lesson and build review into ongoing instruction (judicious review)? I will observe the student to see, when his behaviors start escalating, if he is able to use the visual break symbol to help himself selfregulate.

Rutherford, H Replacement Behavior Lesson Plan 3 Lesson Title: Prairie Dog Vocabulary Main Objective of this lesson: Student will use a visual break symbol to signal that he needs a break, before becoming physically aggressive. The student will use the symbol 3 out of 4 times per academic instruction hour, during each school day, as measured by a teacher-made checklist. (CONTENT-PROCESS) I. Opening: (SET How will you get the student(s) attention?) Relate lesson to prior learning. Communicate the objective of the lesson. I will show the student the visual break signal and ask him what he thinks it might mean, and how he might use it.

II. Procedure: (Is this an informal presentation, direct instruction, or structured discovery?) This will be a one-on-one lesson using direct instruction and role-play. o Strategies (I Do/ how will you guide students to construct meaning for themselves): I Do: I will start the visual schedule and model for the student how to use the visual break symbol. I will start an academic assignment and become frustrated with the assignment. I will use self-talk to show the student how I would be internalizing the need for a break. I will say, This work is too hard. I dont want to do it. Im so mad right now. I want to hit my teacher, but its not okay to hit a teacher. I wish I could take a break to calm down! I will then look at the visual break symbol and say, That card says break. I wonder if I give it to my teacher if she will let me have a break so I can calm down. I will then take the symbol and give it to the Para-educator to indicate that I need a break. The Para-educator will praise me for using the visual break symbol before becoming physically aggressive and I will take my break. o Differentiation: This lesson is one-on-one and is tailored for the students needs. o (PRODUCT) The student will use the visual break symbol throughout his school day and across multiple settings. o Guided Practice (We Do/students present): We Do: I will ask the student to start his schedule. When the student starts to become frustrated, I will prompt him to use the visual break symbol. III. Closure: Student(s) summarize, demonstrate learning of lesson. Independent Practice (You Do). You Do: I will tell the student to complete the rest of his schedule, using the visual break symbol when he feels frustrated or upset about his work. Formally END the lesson.

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I will praise the students for his/her hard work.

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