Rutherford Self Reflection - Vocab Lesson Plan

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Rutherford, H - Vocabulary Lesson Plan Reflection 1

To be used by the teacher candidate after observation by the Field Experience instructor and post conference

Name: Heather Rutherford

Date: 12/03/13

My lesson plan was for a 6th grade student. I decided to use the 6th grade vocabulary list that the students were given in their general education classes. The student and I had a quick informal discussion about the vocabulary words. I made a BINGO game for the student using her vocabulary words. The BINGO board contained pictures, words, and definitions of the vocabulary words. I would give the student either a definition or a vocabulary word. If I gave the student a word, she would have to find the definition, or picture, that matched the word. If I gave the student a definition, she would have to find the word, or picture, that matched the definition. At the end of the lesson, I gave the student a worksheet to match the vocabulary words with the definitions. The student was familiar with the vocabulary words, but did not know the definition for each one. I showed the vocabulary list to the student and asked her to tell me what she thought each word meant. After going over all of the words, I gave the student her BINGO board. As I called out the words and definitions, I would prompt the student when I noticed she was struggling to find the correct match. For future lessons, I need to try to relate the vocabulary words to the students life, or other academic classes. For this lesson, it was hard to relate the vocabulary words because I am only volunteering once a week at Thunder Ridge and I am not aware of all of the classes and the materials being used in each class. I have also only

Rutherford, H - Vocabulary Lesson Plan Reflection 2

worked with the student once before, and do not know her that well. If I had more time, and knew more about my student, I would have preferred to have taken a text that she is reading in another class and find vocabulary words from that text. I would have given the student the chance to pick words that she wanted to know more about. Being able to get the student involved in her learning would make the learning more meaningful and deepen the students understanding of the material.

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