101 Powerful Ways To Use The Law of Attraction

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101 Powerful Ways To Use The Law of Attraction

Dr. Steve G Jones & Frank Mangano

www.101LawOfAttractionWays.com https://www.facebook.com/101LawOfAttractionWays

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Ta)le of -ontents
1. Attract Happiness.........................................................................................................................7 2. Gain Wealth ................................................................................................................................ 9 3. Find Love .................................................................................................................................. 11 4. Make Tr e Friends..................................................................................................................... 12 !. Follo" #o r $assion.................................................................................................................. 13 %. Give to &thers ...........................................................................................................................14 7. 'pread (indness........................................................................................................................ 1! ). Fi* #o r Fla"s...........................................................................................................................1% 9. Learn $atience........................................................................................................................... 17 1+. Attract #o r ,rea- .ar .......................................................................................................... 1) 11. Attract #o r ,rea- Ho-e ...................................................................................................... 2+ 12. Mani/est .o ra0e.....................................................................................................................21 13. Gro" 'el/12stee-....................................................................................................................22 14. 3 ild a 3 siness...................................................................................................................... 23 1!. $ rs e a Goal .......................................................................................................................... 24 1%. 4-prove #o r 'e* Li/e ........................................................................................................... 2! 17. 5ene" Motivation................................................................................................................... 2% 1). 5epair 5elationships ............................................................................................................... 27 19. Ace an 4ntervie" ..................................................................................................................... 2) 2+. 2li-inate ,o 6t ......................................................................................................................29 21. 2nco ra0e &thers.....................................................................................................................31 22. Feed the H n0r7...................................................................................................................... 32 23. 'tart a .harit7 &r0ani8ation ................................................................................................... 33 24. &verco-e $h7sical .hallen0es .............................................................................................. 34 2!. 5e-ove Li-itin0 3elie/s.........................................................................................................3! 2%. 2n9o7 Li/e More...................................................................................................................... 37 27. Maintain Good Health............................................................................................................. 3) 2). .han0e #o r Attit de ..............................................................................................................39 29. .han0e Ho" &thers 'ee #o ..................................................................................................4+ 3+. 3 ild a Lovin0 Fa-il7 ............................................................................................................41 31. 4-prove #o r Wisdo- ............................................................................................................43 32. Learn a :e" 'kill ................................................................................................................... 44 33. Get 3etter Grades.................................................................................................................... 4! 34. $er/or- 3etter at Work............................................................................................................4% 3!. Get Alon0 With &thers ........................................................................................................... 47 3%. 3 ild Health7 2atin0 Ha6its ................................................................................................... 4) 37. 'top '-okin0...........................................................................................................................49 3). 2li-inate Alcohol A6 se......................................................................................................... !+ 39. &verco-e ,r 0 Addiction.......................................................................................................!1 4+. Mana0e An0er..........................................................................................................................!2 41. Gain 'tren0th in Ti-es o/ Tro 6le ......................................................................................... !3 42. , ll or 2li-inate $ain............................................................................................................. !! 43. 'top :i0ht-ares...................................................................................................................... !% 44. &verco-e $ho6ias .................................................................................................................. !7 4!. Lose Wei0ht ............................................................................................................................ !9
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4%. 3 ild Gratit de........................................................................................................................ %+ 47. 4-prove Foc s ........................................................................................................................ %1 4). Have More F n ....................................................................................................................... %2 49. .han0e Ho" #o 'ee The World ........................................................................................... %3 !+. 2li-inate 4nso-nia ................................................................................................................. %4 !1. Get in 'hape.............................................................................................................................%% !2. 'top Worr7in0..........................................................................................................................%7 !3. Get a $ro-otion or 5aise.........................................................................................................%) !4. Gain 5espect ........................................................................................................................... %9 !!. 4-prove #o r Marria0e .......................................................................................................... 7+ !%. Gain .ertaint7..........................................................................................................................71 !7. 'top $rocrastinatin0 ................................................................................................................72 !). .reate &pport nit7 ................................................................................................................. 73 !9. 2li-inate 'ocial An*iet7 ........................................................................................................ 7! %+. 4-prove Fa-il7 Li/e ...............................................................................................................7% %1. Meet ,eadlines ....................................................................................................................... 7) %2. Work Less; Have More ........................................................................................................... 79 %3. Gain More Freedo-.................................................................................................................)+ %4. 3eco-e 2//icient .................................................................................................................... )1 %!. 5ed ce 'tress ..........................................................................................................................)2 %7. 4-prove the 2nviron-ent ....................................................................................................... )4 %). 4nspire #o rsel/ and &thers .................................................................................................... )! %9. 3 ild #o r 4-a0ination .......................................................................................................... )% 7+. Go on #o r ,rea- <acation ................................................................................................... )7 71. 3e More =nderstandin0...........................................................................................................)9 72. Learn to 5ela*..........................................................................................................................9+ 73. $ro-ote $eace......................................................................................................................... 92 74. 4-prove &r0ani8ation 'kills ...................................................................................................93 7!. Make 'o-eone>s ,a7.............................................................................................................. 94 7%. 2n9o7 2ver7 Mo-ent...............................................................................................................9! 77. 4-prove #o r Me-or7 ........................................................................................................... 9% 7). &verco-e 2atin0 ,isorders.....................................................................................................97 79. Move $ast Grie/ ...................................................................................................................... 9) )+. 5ecover /ro- 'hoppin0 Addiction ....................................................................................... 1++ )1. 'top 5oad 5a0e..................................................................................................................... 1+2 )2. 2li-inate ?ealo s7................................................................................................................. 1+3 )3. $ro-ote Healin0 ................................................................................................................... 1+4 )4. 2li-inate .o-p lsive L7in0 ................................................................................................ 1+! )!. $revent 4n/idelit7 .................................................................................................................. 1+% )%. Learn to For0ive.....................................................................................................................1+7 )7. Have a $ositive 'el/14-a0e................................................................................................... 1+9 )). &verco-e 'h7ness................................................................................................................. 111 )9. 2li-inate .ravin0s ............................................................................................................... 112 9+. 4-prove 'peakin0 'kills ....................................................................................................... 113 91. 'top &6sessive .o-p lsive 3ehavior .................................................................................. 11! 92. $revent $anic Attacks ........................................................................................................... 11%

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93. 5elieve Asth-a '7-pto-s.................................................................................................... 117 94. &verco-e ,epression............................................................................................................11) 9!. 4-prove ,e6ate 'kills........................................................................................................... 12+ 9%. ,evelop ,iscipline and 'el/1.ontrol.....................................................................................121 97. 3reak 3ad Ha6its .................................................................................................................. 122 9). 4ncorporate Good Ha6its........................................................................................................123 99. Feel a 'ense o/ 3elon0in0..................................................................................................... 124 1++. ,iscover #o r Tr e 'el/...................................................................................................... 12! 1+1. Have $o"er &ver All Aspects o/ Li/e ................................................................................ 12%

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The La" o/ Attraction is 7o r ans"er to an endless a-o nt o/ @ estions and the sol tion to an7 and all pro6le-s. 4t is so vast and po"er/ l; that it can 6e hard to kno" "here to start "hen tili8in0 this "ondro s la". Man7 people o/ten think o/ attractin0 s ccess "itho t reall7 kno"in0 "hat it -eans. And "itho t certaint7 it>s di//ic lt to precisel7 attract an7thin0. 'o; 7o co ld end p attractin0 thin0s 7o don>t reall7 "ant at allA That>s "h7 these 1+1 po"er/ l "a7s "ill help 7o 0et started or even provide a 6oost on 7o r 9o rne7 "ith the La" o/ Attraction.

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1. Attract .a&&iness 1 #o can have all o/ the thin0s 7o ever "anted in the "orld and "itho t happiness; the7 "ill -ean nothin0 to 7o . This is "h7 attractin0 happiness sho ld co-e /irst on 7o r list o/ po"er/ l "a7s to se the La" o/ Attraction.

What to +o' Act as i/ 7o are happ7 67 p ttin0 a s-ile on 7o r /ace. This tells the niverse that 7o are acceptin0 happiness and /oc sin0 on it. 4n ret rn; 7o "ill 6e re"arded "ith happiness aro nd ever7 cornerA 4/ 7o 6e0in to /eel especiall7 do"n /or an7 reason; se positive thinkin0 and a//ir-ations to 6 ild 7o r happ7 level 6ack p. A 0ood la 0h also sends o t stron0 si0nals that 7o "ant to attract -ore happiness. This is "h7 7o sho ld de/initel7 spend a /e" -in tes a da7 doin0 so-ethin0 that -akes 7o 0i00le or even roar "ith la 0hter s ch as "atchin0 / nn7 #o T 6e videos or a co-ed7 /il-. Goo/in0 aro nd "ith /riends "ill -a0ni/7 happiness /or ever7one involved as "ell. .a&&iness Affir%ations' B B B B B 4 a- happier "ith ever7 da7 that 0oes 67 4 0ain happiness in ever7thin0 that 4 do M7 /riends; /a-il7; and dail7 activities 6rin0 -e 0reat happiness 4 a- so 0rate/ l to live in a "orld / ll o/ conta0io s happiness This li/e 4 have 6rin0s -e so - ch happiness that 4 can>t help 6 t s-ile

.a&&iness /isuali0ation Techni1ue'

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When 7o "ake p in the -ornin0 or "henever 7o 6e0in to /eel 7o r happiness d"indle; 0et into a place "here 7o can 6e alone /or a /e" -in tes. #o don>t have to 6e sittin0 or la7in0 do"n to vis ali8e; 6 t it does help. First; close 7o r e7es and 6reath deepl7. 'lo"l7 6e0in to /oc s 7o r -ind on a -o-ent "here 7o "ere co-pletel7 happ7; or on a place that -akes 7o /eel ver7 happ7. Whatever that is /or 7o ; i-a0ine it in 7o r -ind>s e7e. Think a6o t ho" happ7 it -akes 7o to 6e there in that -o-ent and let ever7thin0 else disappear. Allo" 7o rsel/ to /eel the s-ile on 7o r /ace. Let 7o r senses co-e alive and se the- in 7o r i-a0inar7 "orld to taste; to ch; s-ell; see; and hear 7o r s rro ndin0s. When 7o /eel 7o r happiness 6e0in to rechar0e; i-a0ine 7o rsel/ in 7o r li/e no"; /eelin0 9 st as happ7 as 7o do in 7o r happ7 place. 4n circ -stances that nor-all7 -ake 7o /eel nhapp7; pict re 7o rsel/ 0oin0 thro 0h the- happil7 as ever. Think a6o t ho" - ch happiness 7o have and ho" their is an a6 ndance o/ happiness /or 7o at all ti-es. &pen 7o r e7es /eelin0 re/reshed; "onder/ l and a6ove all; ver7 happ7A 5epeat as needed.

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2. Gain Wealth 1 Wealth is havin0 the a6ilit7 and -eans to 0et the thin0s in li/e that 7o "ant and that help 7o achieve 7o r drea-s. Havin0 -one7 is the "a7 o r societ7 0i/ts s "ith "ealth and the niverse has an a6 ndance o/ "ealth to 0ive. 'o "h7 doesn>t ever7one have "ealth; 7o -i0ht askC That>s 6eca se the7 have their "ealth attractin0 -a0nets set to repel; "hich is never a 0ood thin0A There are so-e chan0es 7o >ll need to -ake 6e/ore 7o r "ealth -a0net can reach its / ll potential. What to +o' Firstl7; 7o - st eli-inate all 6elie/s a6o t -one7 that portra7 it in a ne0ative li0ht. #o -i0ht not even reali8e it; 6 t o r childhoods are littered "ith ne0ative co--ents 67 parents and other ad lts a6o t "ealth and -one7. The 6i00est o/ these incl des D-one7 is evilD or D"ealth7 people are sel/ishD 6 t these ne0ative 6elie/s are si-pl7 not tr e. 4nstead; think a6o t all o/ the 0ood 7o "ill 6e a6le to do "hen 7o have o6tained "ealth. There is nothin0 evil or sel/ish a6o t charit7 "ork or providin0 /or those 7o loveA 2-6race this ne" relationship "ith -one7 and "elco-e -ore o/ it into 7o r li/e "ith open ar-s. The niverse "ill re"ard 7o . Wealth Affir%ations' B B B B B 4 have 6een and "ill al"a7s 6e "ealth7 4 a- contin o sl7 increasin0 -7 "ealth "ith ever7 passin0 da7 4t -akes -e /eel e*cited to kno" that an a6 ndance o/ "ealth is availa6le to -e 3ein0 "ealth7 /ills -e "ith total content-ent and p re 9o7 An7thin0 that 4 do al"a7s prod ces a prospero s 0ro"th in -7 "ealth

Wealth /isuali0ation Techni1ue' .reatin0 a vision 6oard is an e*cellent vis ali8ation techni@ e; especiall7 /or a-assin0 "ealth. #o >ll need a poster 6oard; tape or 0l e; -a0a8ines or co-p ter and printer; and a -arker. Think a6o t "hat it -eans to 7o to 6e "ealth7. What "o ld 7o 6 7C Ho" - ch -one7 "o ld 7o haveC Who "o ld 6e in 7o r li/eC When 7o co-e p "ith 7o r o"n personal de/inition o/ "ealth; look /or i-a0es in -a0a8ines or on the co-p ter that correspond "ith that idea. . t o t or print o// the i-a0es 7o /ind that -ake 7o think o/ the "ealth7 li/e 7o "ant. Gl e or tape the- to 7o r poster 6oard; "ith the 6i00est thin0s in the center and the s-aller thin0s aro nd those. 3e s re to leave eno 0h roo- ne*t to each i-a0e /or an a//ir-ation. :o" create 7o r a//ir-ations 67 sin0 the present tense /or- o/ the state-ent. For instance; i/ 7o r idea o/ "ealth is travelin0 the "orld; incl de an i-a0e o/ 7o rsel/ on a private 9et "ith the a//ir-ations; DM7 0ro"in0 "ealth allo"s -e to travel the "orld.D

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(eep 7o r vision 6oard in a place 7o look several ti-es thro 0ho t the da7 and allo" the /eelin0s o/ act all7 havin0 those thin0s to sta7 in 7o r -ind. The -ore 7o /eel those e-otions o/ a6 ndance; the sooner the La" o/ Attraction "ill "ork to 6rin0 "ealth and prosperit7 to 7o r li/e.

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3. in+ Love 1 Love is considered to 6e the -ost po"er/ l e-otion and /or 0ood reason. 4t is so-ethin0 so precio s that "e can o/ten send o t si0nals to the niverse that act all7 prevent s /ro- ever /indin0 it. Wh7C 3eca se -an7 people har6or /ear; do 6t or insec rities a6o t love that keep the- st ck in a love r t. Gettin0 o t o/ this r t isn>t reall7 hard as lon0 as 7o develop the proper attit de and do a"a7 "ith so-e o/ the /eelin0s that have 7o st ck in the /irst place. What to +o' 'pend so-e ti-e each da7 allo"in0 positive /eelin0s a6o t love to 6eco-e do-inant in 7o r -ind. <is ali8e 7o r per/ect partner and ho" a-a8in0 the7 -ake 7o /eel. Think a6o t the thin0s 7o "ill do to0ether and 6elieve that 7o "ill have hi- or her ver7 soon. Find ever7 opport nit7 to e*ercise /eelin0s o/ love. For e*a-ple; 7o co ld adopt a pet; spend ti-e "ith /a-il7 or even en9o7 a ho667. Foc s on those /eelin0s o/ love deepl7 and i-a0ine ho" "onder/ l it "ill /eel "hen 7o can se the- on 7o r ver7 o"n partner. Another 0reat -ethod is to create dail7 a//ir-ations a6o t /indin0 7o r tr e love. 'o-ethin0 as si-ple as; D4 /all in love "ith the per/ect person /or -e and the love is - t al.D Love Affir%ations' B B B B B 4 a- "orth7 o/ 6ein0 lovin0 and 6ein0 loved in ret rn The one that 4 love is 6ein0 dra"n closer and closer to -e ri0ht no" Love is passionate; kind; and co-pletel7 availa6le to -e Lovin0 /eels a-a8in0 and so does 6ein0 loved 3ein0 in love is a po"er/ l /eelin0 that 4 a- / ll7 open to e*periencin0

Love /isuali0ation Techni1ue' Go thro 0h a da7 in 7o r -ind "here 7o have 7o r per/ect partner and 7o are 6oth deepl7 in love "ith each other. Think a6o t "hat 7o "ill do to0ether; the "ords that 7o sa7 to each other; and ho" "ar- and sensational the7 /eel in 7o r ar-s. Allo" 7o rsel/ to pict re 7o r lover in vivid detail. :o" i-a0ine r nnin0 into the- d rin0 7o r da7 and ho" 7o 6oth /eel an i--ediate and stron0 connection. Think a6o t "hat 7o "ill talk a6o t "hen 7o /irst -eet; "hat 7o "ill have in co--on; and "hat kind o/ thin0s 7o "ill do. Allo" the /eelin0s o/ havin0 so-eone to love 6rin0 7o 0reat pleas re. :o" release this desire to the niverse "ith co-plete /aith that 7o "ill soon /ind that person and 6 ild a lovin0 relationship that can "ithstand an7thin0.

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4. "a!e True rien+s 1 We are social creat res that need /riendships to tr l7 thrive. 2ven i/ 7o don>t have an7 /riends no"; "ith the La" o/ Attraction; 7o can develop lastin0 and tr e /riendships. Man7 people tend to think ne0ativel7 a6o t havin0 /riends i/ the7 don>t have an7 or i/ the7 have 6een 6etra7ed in the past; 6 t the tr th is that tr e /riends are "orth havin0. The7 are 7o r sho lder to lean on in ti-es o/ tro 6le and a 0reat so rce o/ 9o7 in ti-es o/ peace. What to +o' #o - st eli-inate an7 insec rities that tell 7o that 7o >re not deservin0 o/ /riends. This can 6e done thro 0h vis ali8ation e*ercises and positive a//ir-ations. $ict re 7o rsel/ /eelin0 con/ident and sec re o/ 7o rsel/. Then vis ali8e -akin0 /riends and en9o7in0 activities to0ether. 5epeat a//ir-ations dail7 that tar0et 7o r speci/ic reasons /or thinkin0 ne0ativel7 a6o t /riendships. For instance; i/ 7o /eel that 7o are not "orth7 o/ /riends 6eca se 7o are too sh7; se the a//ir-ation; D4 a- "orth7 o/ /riends 6eca se 4 a- kind.D Ad9 st the a//ir-ation to help 7o overco-e an7 ne0ativit7 s rro ndin0 /riendship and the niverse "ill respond. Affir%ations for rien+shi&s' B B B B B 4 a- co-pletel7 deservin0 o/ havin0 tr e and lo7al /riends Friends are a 6i0 part o/ -7 li/e and the7 -ake -e /eel co-plete 4 easil7 attract the kind o/ /riends that -ake -7 li/e 6etter 2ver7 da7 4 attract -ore positive and /riendl7 people into -7 li/e $eople are attracted to -e 6eca se 4 a- a nat rall7 /riendl7 person

rien+shi& /isuali0ation Techni1ue' 4-a0ine 7o rsel/ in the place "here 7o "o ld like to -eet "ith /riends to en9o7 each other>s co-pan7. Think a6o t la 0hin0; 0oo/in0 aro nd; doin0 activities 7o en9o7; and 9 st havin0 a 0reat ti-e to0ether. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ havin0 a lot o/ / n "ith 7o r /riends. $ict re ho" 7o -eet 7o r /riends and "hat 7o have in co--on. While 7o are vis ali8in0 7o r /riendships; keep in -ind that 7o are deservin0 o/ /riends and ho" eas7 it is /or 7o to -ake /riends. 4/ 7o /eel insec re a6o t a partic lar part o/ -akin0 /riends; practice doin0 the- /la"lessl7 and "ith 0reat re"ard in 7o r vis ali8ations. For e*a-ple; i/ 7o are sh7 and don>t /eel co-/orta6le lookin0 at so-eone in the e7es; practice doin0 this in 7o r vis ali8ed sit ation.

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5. ollow *our Passion 1 Follo"in0 7o r passion is all a6o t doin0 "hat -akes 7o /eel alive and in t ne "ith the niversal li/e /orce. There are thin0s that evoke stron0 positive e-otions and these thin0s are 7o r passions. :o -atter "hat 7o r passion is; the La" o/ Attraction can help 7o /ollo" it. Whether 7o love 0a-in0; paintin0; "ritin0; technolo07; science; or an7thin0 else; /ollo"in0 7o r passion is the 0ate"a7 to s ccess. What to +o' ,on>t 9 d0e 7o rsel/ /or lovin0 "hat 7o are passionate a6o t. 4/ so-ethin0 co-pels 7o to act; allo" 7o rsel/ to do it. &/ co rse there are o6vio s e*ceptions to /ollo"in0 7o r passions. #o don>t "ant to 6e passionate a6o t an7thin0 destr ctive. When 9 d0in0 "hether a passion is a passion rather than an o6session or addiction; ask 7o rsel/ i/ it is -akin0 a positive di//erence or a ne0ative one. That "ill help 7o 6eco-e clear a6o t "hat 7o r passions tr l7 are so that 7o can devote 7o r /oc s to the-. :ever allo" o6sessions and addictions to re-ain in 7o r li/e. F el 7o r passions 67 learnin0 ever7thin0 7o can a6o t the- and takin0 action to -ake the- possi6le. Affir%ations for ollowin# *our Passion' B B B B B 4 a- /ree to p rs e the thin0s 4 a- passionate a6o t M7 passions 6rin0 -e 0reat happiness and a6 ndance When 4 /ollo" -7 passion it al"a7s leads -e in the ri0ht direction M7 passions can 6e sed in a positive "a7 4 a- capa6le o/ t rnin0 -7 passion into a prod ctive opport nities

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for ollowin# *our Passion' 3e honest "ith 7o rsel/ a6o t "hat 7o are passionate a6o t rather than others to pers ade 7o other"ise. 4/ 7o en9o7 so-ethin0 and it 6rin0s 7o 0reat happiness; this is "hat 7o sho ld /oc s on p rs in0. #o can al"a7s 6e o tstandin0 at so-ethin0 "hen 7o have passion 6ehind it. (eep this in -ind "hen 7o close 7o r e7es to 6e0in vis ali8in0. Think a6o t 7o rsel/ as an older version o/ 7o that has acco-plished t rnin0 their passion into so-ethin0 that 0enerates "ealth; happiness and all o/ the thin0s that 7o "ant. 2nvision 7o rsel/ 0oin0 thro 0h a da7 as this version o/ 7o rsel/ and pa7 close attention to ho" 7o act; "hat 7o /eel; "ho is "ith 7o and "hat 7o are doin0. :o" think 6ack as i/ lookin0 thro 0h -e-ories and ask 7o rsel/ ho" 7o 0ot thereC Let 7o r -ind lead 7o to"ards the path and "elco-e the ans"ers to 7o r s ccess in /ollo"in0 7o r passion. 5epeat this e*ercise dail7 ntil 7o are s re o/ 7o r plans to p rs e 7o r passion.

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6. Give to $thers 1 The La" o/ Attraction -akes it possi6le to have an a6 ndance. 3eca se o/ this s rpl s o/ "ealth and s ccess 7o attract; 7o can 0ive to others. Givin0 to others "ill 0ive 7o a 0reat sense o/ acco-plish-ent and happiness. As an added 6on s; "hatever 7o 0ive co-es 6ack to 7o - ltiplied 0reatl7. What to +o' There are -an7 di//erent "a7s to do this s ch as 0ivin0 to charit7 or0ani8ations; hostin0 7o r o"n charit7 /or a ca se 7o are passionate a6o t; or even 6 7in0 nice thin0s /or the ones 7o love. 'pontaneo s 0ivin0 can 6e a-on0 the -ost re"ardin0. The ne*t ti-e 7o see so-eone str 00lin0 to pa7 in line; o//er to chip in the rest o/ their 6ill. 4/ 7o don>t have a lot o/ -one7 o/ 7o r o"n 7et; si-pl7 0ive o/ 7o r ti-e 67 vol nteerin0 at a local shelter; hospital or retire-ent center. #o "o ld 6e s rprised ho" - ch 0enerosit7 can /ill 7o "ith 0reat pleas re. Affir%ations for Generosity' B B B B B When 4 0ive to others 4 0ain -ore than 4 0ive Givin0 to others -akes -e /eel totall7 at peace "ith -7sel/ 4 0ive to others 6eca se 4 have -ore than eno 0h /or -7sel/ There is an nli-ited a6 ndance /or ever7one and 4 "ant to help spread it 4 a- a carin0; co-passionate and 0enero s person

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Generosity' Think a6o t "ho it is 7o "ant to help. :o" don>t think o/ their c rrent sit ation or an7 s //erin0; 6 t o/ ho" 7o "ant the- to /eel a/ter 7o have 0iven the- "hatever it is the7 need. 4-a0ine the- s-ilin0 and /eelin0 0ood as 7o have provided /or the- e*actl7 "hat the7 needed. 4-a0ine ho" 0rate/ l the7 are to 7o and ho" "onder/ l it /eels to 0ive the- "hat the7 needed. :o" think a6o t ho" the circ -stances all ali0ned to 6e a6le to 0ive 7o the s rpl s that allo"ed 7o to 0ive so 0enero sl7. Thank the niverse /or its a6 ndance and kno" that 7o "ill al"a7s have plent7 /or 7o rsel/ and those 7o "ant to provide /or.

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7. S&rea+ 8in+ness 1 (indness is conta0io s is -ost cases. When 7o spread kindness not onl7 are 7o -akin0 the "orld a 6etter place; 6 t 7o are creatin0 a sno"6all e//ect o/ kindness that "ill rever6erate thro 0h societ7 and 6e ret rned to 7o ten/old. What to +o' 4t>s eas7 to sho" kindness in ever7 -o-ent o/ 7o r li/e. A si-ple s-ile can tr l7 chan0e so-eone>s da7 and send a spark o/ positivit7 into their li/e. A sin0le helpin0 hand to so-eone in need "ill 6e re-e-6ered /or -an7 7ears to co-e. Those 7o sho" kindness too no" "ill never /or0et "hat 7o did and 6eco-e inspired to spread their o"n kindness in the / t re. The re-arka6le acts o/ kindness s ch as openin0 a door; carr7in0 so-eone>s 0roceries; /i*in0 a leak7 /a cet /or a nei0h6or; or helpin0 so-eone track do"n their lost pet are all part o/ an in/inite niversal "e6. This "e6 6eco-es -ore 6ea ti/ l "ith ever7 act o/ kindness 7o spread. The -ore 6ea ti/ l it 6eco-es; the -ore 7o "ill 6e treated "ith kindness in ret rn. 8in+ness Affir%ations' B B B B B The kindness 4 sho" to others al"a7s ret rns to -e e*ponentiall7 4 a- a carin0 and kind person that others love to 6e aro nd .onsideration /or others is e*tre-el7 i-portant to -e 2ver7 da7 4 6eco-e a kinder; 6etter person 2ver7 ti-e 4 a- kind; it spreads positive ener07 thro 0h the "orld

8in+ness /isuali0ations' 4/ 7o are str 00lin0 "ith kindness; 7o sho ld do this vis ali8ation at least once dail7 ntil 7o /ind it eas7 to 6e kind on a re0 lar 6asis. 3e0in 67 pict rin0 7o rsel/ in a sit ation "here 7o "o ld t7picall7 have a di//ic lt ti-e 6ein0 kind. This -i0ht 6e in tra//ic; at "ork; "ith 7o r /a-il7; or a partic larl7 anno7in0 sit ation. 5ather than vis ali8in0 ho" 7o "o ld nor-all7 react in that sit ation; i-a0ine 7o rsel/ practicin0 co-plete control over 7o r -ind and actions and that 7o act all7 "ant to 6e kind. Foc s on ho" eas7 it is to 6e kind instead o/ 0ettin0 pset or 6ein0 -ean. $a7 attention to ho" 0ood it -akes 7o /eel inside to overco-e even the -ost challen0in0 sit ations 7o /ace. $ractice in di//erent sit ations 6ased on the c rrent iss es in 7o r li/e. This vis ali8ation can 6e sed to 6e kinder to those 7o love and even co-plete stran0ers. =se vario s scenarios to practice 7o r kindness and 7o "ill see those vis ali8ations r 66in0 o// on 7o r real li/e.

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9. i: *our laws 1 We all have /la"s that "e "ant to "ork on. And "hat 6etter "a7 to do it than "ith the La" o/ AttractionC 4/ 7o are constantl7 doin0 so-ethin0 "ron0 or don>t like so-ethin0 a6o t 7o r character; 7o can chan0e. 4t>s never too late to "ork on /la"s so that 7o can 6eco-e the person 7o have al"a7s "anted to 6e. What to +o' All it takes to /i* 7o r /la"s is a little positive thinkin0; the ri0ht attit de and -editation. First; kno" that 7o have "hat it takes to -ake the chan0es in 7o r li/e. 3elieve in 7o rsel/ "ith all o/ 7o r heart. :e*t; shi/t 7o r /oc s /ro- the /la"; to the opposite 0ood characteristic 7o "ant to o6tain. For instance; i/ 7o r /la" is that 7o sa7 h rt/ l thin0s; shi/t 7o r /oc s to sa7in0 help/ l thin0s that -ake ever7one /eel 0ood. Meditate "hile vis ali8in0 7o rsel/ speakin0 kindl7 and help/ ll7 in 7o r dail7 li/e. The -editation sho ld 6e done once or t"ice dail7 so that it 6eco-es nat ral to talk "itho t sa7in0 h rt/ l thin0s. Modi/7 the techni@ e to /i* 7o r o"n personal /la"s. Affir%ations to i: laws' B B B B B 4 a- e*actl7 "ho 4 "ant to 6e M7 tho 0hts; actions and "ords are care/ ll7 considered 4 a- a 0ood person that strives to do -7 6est in all areas 4 take pride in the person 4 a- and look /or"ard to contin ed i-prove-ent 4 kno" that 4 can do "hatever it is that 4 set -7 -ind to

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to i: laws' This vis ali8ation "orks 6est i/ sed in the -ornin0 "hen 7o /irst "ake p and i--ediatel7 6e/ore 0oin0 to sleep at ni0ht. La7 do"n in 6ed and 0et co-/orta6le to 6e0in. Then close 7o r e7es and 6reathe in thro 0h 7o r nose; and o t thro 0h 7o r -o th. Foc s on one partic lar aspect o/ 7o rsel/ that 7o "o ld like to i-prove. This co ld literall7 6e an7thin0 7o "ant. :o" think a6o t a sit ation "hen 7o s all7 have this pro6le-; 6 t instead vis ali8e 7o rsel/ "itho t it. Watch ho" thin0s /all into place as 7o /i* the /la" and reall7 let 7o rsel/ /eel ho" 0ood it is to overco-e it. (no" that 7o are stron0 eno 0h to overco-e an7 /la". 4--ediatel7 a/ter the vis ali8ation; repeat one or -ore o/ the a6ove a//ir-ations ten ti-es. This "ill help 7o r s 6conscio s a6sor6 "hat 7o vis ali8ed -ore e//icientl7.

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;. Learn Patience 1 The7 sa7 patience is a virt e and /or 0ood reason. 4/ 7o can "ait /or so-ethin0 "itho t 0ettin0 /r strated d rin0 the process; 7o "ill /ind that 0ood thin0s s rprise 7o . 2ver7thin0 that 7o receive "ill 6eco-e - ch -ore val a6le and 7o r da7s "ill 6e - ch less stress/ l. $atience is eas7 to learn i/ 7o kno" "hat to do. What to +o' $atience co-es "ith a chan0e in ho" 7o see the "aitin0 period. 5ather than /oc sin0 onl7 on the li0ht at the end o/ the t nnel; en9o7 the "alk thro 0h the t nnel itsel/A When 7o shi/t 7o r attention to en9o7in0 the path 7o are on; it 6eco-es eas7 to have patience. And "hen 7o do reach 7o r 0oal; it "ill /eel as i/ the "ait "asn>t lon0 at all. .hances are that "hat 7o e*perience ri0ht no" on 7o r 9o rne7 can 6e 9 st as re"ardin0 as the 0oal 7o are "aitin0 /or. Affir%ations for Patience' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to 6e patient in an7 sit ation 4t is -7 pleas re to 6e nderstandin0 and tolerant 4 have co-plete patience "ith -7sel/ as "ell as others 4 a- a6le to "ait patientl7 "hen thin0s take -ore ti-e than 4 e*pect 4 a- as patient as a caterpillar in a cocoon trans/or-in0 into a 6 tter/l7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Patience' This is a techni@ e that can 6e se practicall7 an7"here patience 6e0ins to evade 7o . 4t is @ ick and "orks ver7 "ell. The /irst vis ali8ation takes lon0er; "hile s 6se@ ent vis ali8ations re@ ire onl7 a /e" seconds. For the /irst vis ali8ation; pict re 7o rsel/ in the sit ations that 7o lose patience in. For -an7 this is a lon0 line; "hen so-eone is 6ein0 nast7; or "hen "aitin0 to 0et o// "ork. Whatever it is; pict re that 7o are there ri0ht no". Then i-a0ine 7o rsel/ 6eco-in0 preocc pied "ith nderstandin0 the sit ation rather than "antin0 it to 6e over or allo"in0 7o rsel/ to lash o t. Think a6o t "a7s to t rn it into a positive or / nn7 sit ation; like vis ali8in0 7o r 6oss "ith a clo"n nose; or ho" stron0 7o r le0s are 6eco-in0 "hen 7o stand /or a lon0 ti-e. Find a positive "a7 to let o// so-e o/ 7o r 6 ilt p stea-. For e*a-ple; i/ 7o are i-a0inin0 7o rsel/ at "ork; dive into it "ith a positive attit de; or0ani8e 7o r "orkspace; or co-e p "ith "a7s to -ake 7o rsel/ -ore e//icient. &nce 7o co-e p "ith a loophole d rin0 7o r vis ali8ation; think o/ a "ord that helps 7o re-e-6er to se it d rin0 7o real li/e e*periences. $ t this "ord in a visi6le place or even "rite it on 7o r hand. Whenever 7o are /eelin0 inpatient at all; look at the "ord and let it re-ind 7o o/ 7o r vis ali8ation. E ickl7 pict re 7o r vis ali8ation and 0ain stren0th /ro- it.
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10. Attract *our Drea% -ar 1 Whether 7o r drea- car is a 6rand ne" M stan0 or a r st7 old .a-aro; 7o can attract it "ith the La" o/ Attraction. The te*t6ook L&A techni@ es are per/ect /or this t7pe o/ attractin0.

What to +o' 2ver7 ti-e 7o drive the car 7o have; i-a0ine that is is alread7 7o r drea- car. Let the /eelin0s o/ drivin0 7o r drea- car 0o to "ork /or 7o . The niverse "ill ans"erA 4/ 7o don>t have a car at all; tr7 sin0 -editation to vis ali8e 7o rsel/ o"nin0 the car o/ 7o r drea-s. .reate a vision 6oard "ith pict res o/ the car and incl de positive a//ir-ations s ch as DThis car is -ine.D #o can also 0o to the dealership and test drive the car 7o "ant. A6ove all; 6elieve that 7o "ill have that car. Affir%ations to Attract *our Drea% -ar' B B B B B 4 a- takin0 the steps to -ake -7 drea- car -ine M7 drea- car is 0ettin0 closer and closer to -e 4 can see -7sel/ drivin0 -7 drea- car 4 a- attractin0 the vehicle o/ -7 drea-s 4 deserve to o"n -7 drea- car

Drea% -ar /isuali0ation Techni1ue' 4/ 7o alread7 have a car; ever7 ti-e 7o drive it; i-a0ine that 7o are alread7 drivin0 in 7o r drea- car. Think a6o t all o/ the /eat res it has and "hat color it is. Think a6o t ho" 0ood 7o /eel 6ehind the "heel and ho" the other drivers - st 6e 0a"kin0 at its 0lor7.

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For those that don>t have a car; pict re 7o rsel/ 6ehind the "heel or 0o take a test drive in the car so 7o can think a6o t it in -ore vivid detail. $ick p a 6roch re sho"casin0 all o/ its 6est @ alities and keep it "here 7o can look at it o/ten.

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11. Attract *our Drea% .o%e 1 <er7 si-ilar to attractin0 -ost other thin0s o/ 0reat val e into 7o r li/e; it -a7 take lon0er /or this kind o/ desire to -ani/est; 6 t it certainl7 "ill i/ 7o e*ercise patienceA A drea- ho-e sho ld 6e that place that -akes 7o /eel like 7o 6elon0 1 an oasis /ro- the o tside "orld and a place that 7o "ant to spend the rest o/ 7o r li/e. What to +o' The /irst step to"ards attractin0 that drea- ho-e is to i-a0ine that 7o are alread7 there. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ livin0 in 7o r drea- ho-e and all o/ the thin0s that 7o "o ld do in it. 3e speci/ic a6o t it rather than 0enerali8in0 67 thinkin0 a6o t "here the ho-e is; "hat it looks like; ho" -an7 roo-s it has; the color o/ the paint and the / rnit re 7o "ill have. Will 7o have a pool in 7o r drea- ho-e; or -a76e even a personal -ovie theaterC 3e s re to reall7 di0 deep /or those detailsA Then visit the places "here 7o "ant to live and even attend a /e" sho"in0s o/ ho-es in the area. When visitin0; i-a0ine as i/ it is alread7 7o r ho-e. Allo" those /eelin0s to 6e 7o r -ain /oc s and soon 7o r drea- ho-e "ill reall7 6e 7o rsA Drea% .o%e Affir%ations' B B B B B 4 a- attractin0 -7 drea- ho-e closer to -e each da7 Attractin0 a ho se o/ -7 drea-s is so-ethin0 that co-es nat rall7 to -e 4 6elieve in -7 a6ilit7 to take the steps to"ards o"nin0 -7 drea- ho-e M7 drea- ho-e is "aitin0 /or -e to /ind it ri0ht no" Livin0 in -7 drea- ho-e is 0oin0 to 6e so "onder/ l

Drea% .o%e /isuali0ation Techni1ue' Think a6o t "hat 7o r ho-e "ill look like "hen 7o p ll p to the drive"a7. Where is itC What s rro nds the ho-eC What does the o tside o/ the ho se look likeC 4s there a 0ate s rro ndin0 it or a 6i0 open and invitin0 7ardC Think a6o t ho" a-a8in0 7o r drea- ho-e looks and "hat it -akes 7o /eel like. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ "alkin0 into 7o r drea- ho-e as i/ 7o alread7 live there. What / rnit re do 7o have; "hat does the decor look likeC ,o 7o have -ar6le /loors; hard"ood /loors; or carpetin0C Ho" -an7 roo-s does it have and "hat do the7 look likeC What kind o/ appliances are in 7o r kitchenC ,o 7o have a 0ara0eC 2*plore 7o r ho-e inside and o t. Ma76e 7o even have a 6ea ti/ l vie" o/ the 6each or a sparklin0 pool in the 6ack. Think a6o t ho" all o/ this is 7o rs. When 7o are /inished vis ali8in0 7o r drea- ho-e; 0et e*cited a6o t /indin0 it and that the niverse /or 6rin0in0 it into 7o r li/e. #o r 0ratit de "ill re/lect 6ack to 7o soon eno 0hA

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12. "anifest -oura#e 1 When 7o p t aside an7 /ears or do 6ts a6o t doin0 so-ethin0 7o "ant to do; and 9 st do it; this takes co ra0e. #o can -ani/est co ra0e in 7o rsel/ so that nothin0 ever holds 7o 6ack a0ain. Gainin0 co ra0e "ill allo" 7o to acco-plish an7thin0 7o set 7o r -ind to "itho t allo"in0 7o r -ind to hold 7o 6ack. What to +o' =se positive a//ir-ations to retrain 7o r -ind into reali8in0 that 7o reall7 can achieve 7o r 0oals. Then 6e0in doin0 thin0s that 7o are s all7 nco-/orta6le doin0 9 st to 0et sed to the idea o/ chan0e. 5e-ove an7 li-itin0 6elie/s a6o t 7o rsel/ that -i0ht 6e keepin0 7o /ro- tr7in0 67 provin0 the- "ron0. .reate 0oals and stick to the- "itho t -akin0 e*c ses and keep 7o r attit de positive. ' rro nd 7o rsel/ "ith people "ho 6elieve in 7o and kno" that 7o can do an7thin0 7o set 7o r -ind to. ,on>t allo" 7o r -ind to "ander do"n a path o/ "hat i/ tho 0hts and instead 9 st 0o /or it. #o >ll 6e 0lad 7o didA Affir%ations for -oura#e' B B B B B 4 have the co ra0e; stren0th and persistence to do an7thin0 4 set -7 -ind to :othin0 can hold -e 6ack /ro- acco-plishin0 -7 drea-s M7 co ra0e is as stron0 as the niverse is 6i0 3ein0 co ra0eo s co-es nat rall7 to -e 4 a- not a/raid to dive in head/irst to 0et "hat 4 "ant

-oura#e /isuali0ation Techni1ues' Think a6o t 7o r dail7 li/e and the areas that 7o "ant to have co ra0e in. .lose 7o r e7es and rela*. Take a /e" deep; cleansin0 6reaths and 6e0in to create a scene in 7o r -ind. Think a6o t the circ -stances and ho" 7o "o ld react "ith co ra0e. 4-a0ine ho" - ch the people aro nd 7o "ill look p to and respect 7o /or 7o r n7ieldin0 deter-ination and /earlessness. :o" i-a0ine 7o rsel/ acco-plishin0 7o r 6i00est drea-s 6eca se 7o took a leap o/ /aith and p shed 7o rsel/ to do so-ethin0 e//ective. Think a6o t ho" 0reat it /eels to 6elieve in 7o rsel/ and "atch ho" 7o -ake decisions and take action "itho t allo"in0 an7 do 6t or /ear to hold 7o 6ack /ro- achievin0 thin0s.

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13. Grow Self<=stee% 1 #o are onl7 at 7o r 6est "hen sel/1estee- is hi0h. #o - st learn to see 7o rsel/ in a positive "a7 in order to 0ro" sel/1estee-. #o r tr e potential co ld 6e hidin0 nderneath lo" sel/1estee- and the onl7 "a7 to nleash it is to 6 ild it p. 2ver7one is the "orld 6elieves and presses the i-portance o/ this once thin0 "hen it co-es to s ccess and happiness. What to +o' #o alread7 have -an7 0ood @ alities that -ake 7o an a-a8in0 person. #o are 9 st allo"in0 ne0ative tho 0hts to clo d the- and -ake 7o /eel like less o/ a person. To re-ove this 6lock start "ritin0 7o r 0ood traits; achieve-ents and s ccess/ l -o-ents 7o have alread7 had in 7o r li/e. Write 7o rsel/ co-pli-ents on 9o6s "ell done and 0ive 7o rsel/ plent7 o/ pats on the 6ack each da7. =se positive a//ir-ations s ch as D4 have the potential to achieve an7 0oal 4 set.D Also; vis ali8e 7o rsel/ doin0 "hat 7o "ant and havin0 others praise 7o /or 6ein0 so a-a8in0. 4t "ill 6 ild 7o r con/idence /or hi0her sel/ estee- and soon 7o "ill see it re/lected in 7o r real li/e. Su##este+ Affir%ations for Self =stee%' B B B B B 4 a- a creative and ni@ e person "ith - ltiple thin0s to o//er the "orld 4 a- "orth7 o/ havin0 s ccess; happiness; health; and love in -7 li/e M7 skills; -indset; and drive to s cceed "ill help -e acco-plish an7thin0 4 a- deservin0 o/ ever7thin0 4 "ant and a- -ore than capa6le o/ 0ettin0 it all 4 /eel sec re in -7sel/ "hen it co-es to -7 -ind; 6od7 and so l

Self =stee% /isuali0ation Techni1ues' ,o this vis ali8ation e*ercise /or at least 1+ -in tes as 7o are la7in0 in 6ed or rela*in0 in a recliner. 'tart 67 rela*in0 7o r 6od7 and /oc sin0 on each 6reath 7o take. Allo" 7o r - scles to loosen startin0 "ith 7o r head and endin0 at 7o r toes. 4-a0ine that 7o are "atchin0 7o rsel/ actin0 and talkin0 "itho t an7 insec rities or sel/1esteeiss es. Allo" this to 6rin0 happiness to 7o r heart and a s-ile to 7o r /ace. , rin0 this part o/ the vis ali8ation; think a6o t 7o r a//ir-ations.

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14. >uil+ a >usiness 1 The La" o/ Attraction "ill help 7o 6 ild a 6 siness 67 0ivin0 7o the -otivation and -indset to acco-plish all o/ 7o r 0oals and create a -aster plan /or 7o r 6 siness. &nce 7o 0et the 6 siness p and r nnin0; 7o "ill /ind that c sto-ers are instantl7 attracted to 7o and "ant to have "hat 7o are o//erin0. ' ccess "ill 6e ver7 nat ral "hen 7o have the La" o/ Attraction on 7o r side. What to +o' Al"a7s /oc s on "hat 7o "ant and don>t pa7 attention to ne0ative thin0s that have happened. Al"a7s keep 7o r e7e on the res lts 7o "ant and in o6tainin0 the-. 4/ 7o st -6le or -ake a -istake; think o/ it as a positive learnin0 e*perience and a steppin0 stone to"ards s ccess. 5e-e-6er to en9o7 the process o/ 6 ildin0 7o r 6 siness rather than 6ein0 too ca 0ht p in the end res lt. When 7o live in the -o-ent; thin0s happen "itho t 7o even havin0 to tr7 ver7 hard. :ever stop learnin0 ne" thin0s that are relevant to 7o r 6 siness and al"a7s do 7o r 6est to listen to 7o r int ition. 'o-eti-es it can 6e the niverse>s "a7 o/ helpin0 7o s cceed. >usiness Affir%ations' B B B B B 4 have the thinkin0; creativit7; and "illpo"er to reach all o/ -7 career 0oals 2ver7 da7 4 6eco-e closer to s ccess and prosperit7 4 0et ever7thin0 4 need to s cceed as soon as 4 need it 2ver7 corner 4 t rn leads to ne" opport nities and 0ro"th 4 a- a -a0net /or s ccess in -7 ind str7

>usiness Success /isuali0ation Techni1ue' Think a6o t "here 7o "ant to 6e once 7o have reached the peak o/ 7o r s ccess in 6 siness or in 7o r career. Will 7o have a 6i0 o//iceC Will 7o "ork /ro- ho-eC Will 7o 6e the .2& o/ 7o r o"n co-pan7C Ma76e 7o "ant to 6e an artist o/ so-e kindC Whatever 7o "ant in partic lar; the /irst step to vis ali8in0 it is to 0et clear a6o t it. Write ever7thin0 do"n on a paper to se. #o don>t need to close 7o r e7es /or this techni@ e; 6 t 7o can i/ it helps 7o concentrate. $ict re in 7o r -ind all o/ the thin0s 7o have "ritten on that paper. ,on>t 9 st see i-a0es; 6 t /eel the e-otions o/ ho" it "o ld 6e; in addition to all o/ 7o r other senses. Get creative "ith it and have so-e / n drea-in0 a6o t 7o r / t re. :o"; keepin0 those thin0s in 7o r -ind; sa7 alo d or silentl7 to 7o rsel/ that this is 7o r / t re and it is -ani/estin0 ri0ht no" in 7o r li/e.

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15. Pursue a Goal 1 All 0oals re@ ire the sa-e care/ l plannin0; -otivation; and deter-ination to /ollo" thro 0h; 6 t "itho t the La" o/ Attraction on 7o r side; it can 6e di//ic lt to c ltivate these thin0s. #o r 0oals can 6eco-e al-ost si-ple to achieve on a dail7 6asis "hen 7o kno" "hat sho ld 6e done. Lon0 ter- 0oals "ill also 6e less /ar o//. An7 0oal 7o set 7o r -ind to is achieva6leA What to +o' The p rs it o/ 7o r 0oals is "hat -akes the- achieva6le in the /irst place. 'o; 7o r /irst step is to start doin0 "hat it takes. :ever "ait /or a per/ect ti-e to start so-ethin0 or slo" 7o rsel/ do"n 67 thinkin0 that the conditions are not ri0ht 7et. 4/ 7o contin e to "ait /or so-e per/ect ti-e; 7o "ill -iss co ntless opport nities. =se the La" o/ Attraction to p rs e 7o r 0oals 67 nderstandin0 that no" is al"a7s the per/ect ti-e. 5e-e-6er that ever7 e*c se 7o -ake "ill onl7 keep 7o /ro- 7o r 0oals. .ontin e to tell 7o rsel/ that there is a "a7 ri0ht no" and 7o "ill indeed /ind it. Affir%ations for Goals' B B B B B All o/ -7 0oals are achieva6le 4 have no do 6ts or /ears that 4 "ill reach -7 0oals 4 a- opti-istic a6o t the actions 4 take to"ards -7 0oals 2ver7 da7 4 0et closer to achievin0 total s ccess 4 en9o7 settin0 and achievin0 0oals that 0ive -e p rpose

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Goals' <is ali8e one 0oal at a ti-e. 4/ 7o have - ltiple 0oals; do separate vis ali8ation e*ercises /or each one. 4t can 6e help/ l to -ake a list o/ all 7o r 0oals and then several details a6o t each one 6e/ore 6e0innin0 the e*ercise. Listen to a -otivational son0 or read inspirational @ otes a6o t 0oal settin0 6e/ore vis ali8in0 as this helps increase 7o r positive ener07; -akin0 the ti-e 7o spend vis ali8in0 -ore e//ective. With 7o r positive ener07 /lo"in0; i-a0ine 7o rsel/ "orkin0 to"ards one o/ 7o r 0oals. <is ali8e the steps 7o take and ho" 7o r 0oal is reached. This a6o t ho" 0reat it /eels to achieve that 0oal. 4-a0ine "hat 7o r li/e "ill look like "hen the 0oal has 6een achieved.

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16. ?%&rove *our Se: Life 1 4/ 7o are concerned a6o t ho" thin0s are 0oin0 in the 6edroo-; "h7 not se a little La" o/ Attraction secret to spice p a d ll se* li/eC #o "o ld 6e pleasantl7 s rprised at the di//erence 7o can -ake "hen it co-es to pleasin0 6oth 7o and 7o r partner 6et"een the sheets. 4n /act; 7o -a7 never "ant to leave 7o r 6ed a0ainA 5ekindle that spark or start 7o r se* li/e o// "ith a 6an0 67 /ollo"in0 this advice. What to +o' The -ore 7o /oc s on havin0 -ind16lo"in0; po"er/ ll7 or0as-ic se*; the 6etter 7o "ill per/or- "hen the ti-e co-es. 4/ 7o are not havin0 eno 0h se*; tr7 vis ali8in0 7o and 7o r partner havin0 /re@ ent visits to the 6edroo- or "herever 7o -i0ht "ant to do the deed. =se all o/ 7o r senses to i-a0ine ho" it /eels; so nds; and pla7s "ith 7o r sensor7. Fre@ entl7 se positive a//ir-ations that a0ree "ith ho" 7o pict re 7o r ideal se* li/e. :ever respond to 7o r partner "ith /r stration; as this co ld ca se -ore o/ a pro6le-. 5e-e-6er that ne0ativit7 never "orks. 4nstead; co-e to hi- or her "ith a positive and 0enero s attit de. The7 "ill soon respond "itho t - ch hesitation. Affir%ations to ?%&rove *our Se: Life' B B B B B 4 have all o/ -7 se* al needs and desires -et M7 se* al partner 0ives -e 0reat pleas re "henever 4 a- in the -ood 4 a- a6le to e*ceed -7 partners e*pectations in 6ed When 4 have se* it is al"a7s -ind 6lo"in0 and /antastic 2ver7 ti-e 4 have se* it 0ets 6etter and 6etter

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Great Se:' <is ali8in0 /or 0reat se* is e*tre-el7 / n. 4t is pro6a6l7 one o/ the easiest to doA 3eca se ever7one>s se* al pre/erences var7 "idel7; it is a 0ood idea to e*plore 7o r /antasies 67 "atchin0 videos catered to 7o r o"n carnal pleas res. <is ali8in0 "ill co-e easier this "a7. 4/ 7o pre/er not to "atch these kinds o/ videos; that>s oka7. ? st pict re 7o rsel/ "ith 7o r partner instead. 4t helps to 6e la7in0 do"n "hen doin0 these t7pes o/ vis ali8ation so that 7o can co-pletel7 rela* and let 0o. &nce 7o have vis ali8ed e*actl7 "hat 7o "ant /ro- 7o r se* li/e; talk to 7o r partner a6o t it. Let the- share their /antasies "ith 7o and then take t rns actin0 the- o t. #o r se* li/e "ill never 6e 6land or 6orin0 ever a0ainA

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17. @enew "otivation 1 'o-eti-es li/e can 0et 7o do"n and -otivation s //ers. 3 t 67 sin0 the La" o/ Attraction; 7o can rene" 7o r -otivation and set it /ree to soar hi0her than ever 6e/ore. When 7o have -otivation; not even the sk7 is the li-it. What to +o' The /irst "a7 to rene" 7o r -otivation has to do "ith 7o r passion. #o - st al"a7s /ollo" 7o r passion and have clear 0oals a6o t "hat 7o "ant /ro- li/e. These clear 0oals "ill 6e 7o r so rce o/ -otivation. &nce 7o kno" "hat it is that 7o "ant "itho t a do 6t; 7o - st /oc s 7o r ener07 on ho" 0reat it is to 6e on a path to"ards achievin0 7o r 0oals and ho" a-a8in0 it "ill /eel "hen 7o reach the-. "otivation Affir%ations' B 2ver7 step 4 take to"ards -7 0oals 0ives -e -ore -otivation B 4 a- / ll o/ opti-is- and deter-ination and it 0ro"s ever7 da7 B M7 plans 0ive -e -otivation to contin e reachin0 /or -7 0oals B 4 /eel e-po"ered and ener0i8ed "hen 4 "ork to"ards thin0s in li/e B 4 al"a7s do the thin0s that 4 need to do in order to s cceed "otivation /isuali0ation Techni1ue' A vision 6oard can reall7 help 7o sta7 /oc sed on these thin0s; co-6ined "ith a vis ali8ation techni@ e. . t o t so-e i-a0es o/ 7o r 0oals and paste the- to a 6oard. Then han0 it in a hi0hl7 visi6le spot 7o see ver7 o/ten. Take a /e" -in tes several ti-es a da7 to 9 st look at those 0oals and i-a0ine ho" 0ood it "ill /eel "hen 7o achieve the-. Think a6o t ho" i-portant 7o r path and actions no" are in -akin0 the- happen. Lastl7; vis ali8e 7o rsel/ as i/ 7o have achieved the 0oals and allo" 7o r -ind to sho" 7o ho" it ca-e to 6e.

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19. @e&air @elationshi&s 1 'o-e relationships /all into a devastatin0 pit o/ despair solel7 6eca se 6oth people re/ se to see thin0s in a positive li0ht and instead d"ell on ne0ative. &/ co rse 7o kno" 67 no" that ne0ativit7 attracts ne0ativit7 and relationships are ndo 6tedl7 no e*ception to this r le. The La" o/ Attraction can help 7o repair relationships that have 6een shattered 67 ne0ative thinkin0 and /eelin0s so that the7 can thrive once a0ain. What to +o' 4/ 7o are in an a6 sive relationship; 7o - st not sta7. There is no relationship "orth savin0 i/ violence or a6 se is involved. Leave and /ind a relationship "orth7 o/ 7o r dedication. For ever7one else; re-ove an7 ne0ative thinkin0 or /eelin0s 7o have to"ards 7o r relationship. ,on>t "ait /or the other person to chan0e "hile 7o re-ain 0 arded and hostile. The /irst person to -ake the -ove - st 6e 7o . 4t doesn>t -atter "ho is "ron0 or "ho is ri0ht "hen a relationship t rns so r. The i-portant thin0 to re-e-6er is that 7o love the person or at the least; care /or the- in so-e "a7. 'tart 67 p ttin0 7o rsel/ in their shoes and nderstandin0 the-. Think a6o t their 0ood @ alities and "h7 7o care /or the- in the /irst place. <is ali8e the relationship as 6liss/ l and content. Al"a7s s-ile and co-- nicate "itho t an0er or ne0ativit7. 5elationship A//ir-ationsF B B B B B M7 relationship 0ro"s stron0er "ith each passin0 da7 All o/ -7 relationships co-e nat rall7 and are / ll o/ love and respect 4 /eel / l/illed in -7 relationship and have lots o/ hope /or the / t re M7 relationship 0ives -e all o/ the s pport 4 need 4 a- so /ort nate to have s ch a "onder/ l and e*citin0 relationship

/isuali0ation Techni1ues for @elationshi&s' Think a6o t the reasons "h7 7o entered into the relationship and a6o t the 0ood ti-es 7o have shared. :o" close 7o r e7es and pict re 7o 6oth en9o7in0 each other>s co-pan7. =se e-otions and 7o r senses to /eel that /eelin0 o/ "ar-th and happiness to0ether in 7o r -ind. As 7o think a6o t the 0ood ti-es that -ade 7o /eel 0ood in 7o r relationship; silentl7 tell 7o rsel/ that -ore o/ those are co-in0 and that each ne" da7 "ill reveal a ne" reason /or the relationship to pro0ress and thrive. =sin0 7o r a//ir-ations d rin0 vis ali8ations "ill help too.

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1;. Ace an ?nterview 1 'o-eti-es intervie"s can see- inti-idatin0 and nerve "rackin0. 3 t the7 don>t have to 6e "hen 7o tili8e the La" o/ Attraction. #o "ill 6e a6le to ace an7 intervie" that 7o /ace "ith di0nit7 and 0race. What to +o' To 0ain the skills re@ ired 7o >ll need to practice in 7o r -ind. 't dies all link vis ali8ation "ith 6etter per/or-ance. 'o 0ather 7o r research 67 learnin0 ever7 detail a6o t 7o r intervie"ers and their co-pan7; practice lookin0 con/ident and /riendl7; and a6ove all; look like 7o kno" 7o r st //. =se 0ood post re and s-ileA $ositive a//ir-ations are also @ ite e//ective in helpin0 7o /eel prepared and at ease. Al"a7s re-e-6er that 7o are "hat 7o "ant to 6e. Affir%ations for ?nterviews' B B B B B 4 have the kno"led0e; skill set; and con/idence to i-pressive an7one 4 a- / ll7 capa6le o/ -akin0 a 0reat /irst i-pression 4 a- cal- and con/ident that 4 "ill ace -7 intervie" "ith ease 4 a- the -ost @ ali/ied person /or the position .o-- nication co-es to -e nat rall7 and "ith ease

/isuali0ation techni1ues for ?nterviews' 4-a0ine 7o rsel/ "aitin0 /or 7o r intervie" "ith an ass rance that 7o are 9 st the one /or the 9o6. #o are s-ilin0 as 7o "ait; thinkin0 a6o t ho" per/ectl7 s ited /or the position 7o are; and ho" - ch the7 are 0oin0 to reali8e that d rin0 the intervie". :o" vis ali8e the intervie"er co-in0 into vie"; lookin0 pleasantl7 s rprised 67 7o r appearance and s-ile. 4-a0ine shakin0 their hand and introd cin0 7o rsel/ as the7 look relieved to see so-eone that looks con/ident and /riendl7. #o /ollo" the- to the intervie" roo- and the7 6e0in the intervie" as 7o pass thro 0h the @ estions "ith ans"er that -ake the intervie"er s-ile 6ri0htl7 and look ver7 pleased. The conversation is eas7 and /lo"s nat rall7 and 7o 6oth 0et alon0 /la"lessl7. #o alread7 kno" that 7o have the position 9 st /ro- their e*pression o/ deli0ht. Then the7 ask 7o "hen 7o can start. =se this vis ali8ation /or the da7s leadin0 p to the intervie" and do it a0ain in the car 9 st 6e/ore headin0 into the "aitin0 area.

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20. =li%inate Dou)t 1 ,o 6t creates a place /or ne0ativit7 to 0ro" and stops 7o /ro- doin0 thin0s that co ld 6rin0 7o s ccess in -an7 areas o/ li/e. Allo"in0 do 6t to d"ell in 7o r heart is naccepta6le /or so-eone tr7in0 to acco-plish an7thin0. Tho 0h e*periencin0 so-e do 6t is nat ral; allo"in0 it to control 7o r li/e is not. Gain the a6ilit7 to eli-inate do 6ts thro 0h the La" o/ Attraction.

What to +o' First and /ore-ost; 7o need to set p an environ-ent that is less cond cive to do 6tin0 inside 7o r -ind. 'top askin0 i/ 7o r desires are possi6le and instead search /or the "a7 that the7 are possi6le. When a /eelin0 o/ do 6t does arise; lettin0 it 0o is eas7. All 7o have to do is /ind reasons that 7o r desires are possi6le and that "ill spark hope; the opposite o/ do 6t into 7o r -ind. 4nstead o/ lettin0 7o r -ind re-ain in "antin0 -ode; keep it in havin0 -ode. When 7o are 0rate/ l /or "hat 7o alread7 have; it 6eco-es - ch easier to 6elieve in the possi6ilit7 o/ havin0 - ch -ore. Affir%ations to @e%ove Dou)t' B B B B B 4 6elieve that 4 "ill achieve an7thin0 4 set -7 -ind to 4 have no do 6t in -7 -ind that thin0s "ill 0o -7 "a7 4 a- a6le to p rs e -7 passions "itho t @ estionin0 -7 path M7 0oals are o6taina6le and /ail re is not an option 4/ 4 i-a0ine so-ethin0; 4 can -ake it happen

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/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Dou)t =li%ination' When 7o /eel 7o rsel/ 6e0innin0 to do 6t and 7o need a @ ick 6oost o/ con/idence and /aith; /ind a @ iet spot to rest 7o r e7es and practice this vis ali8ation e*ercise. Think a6o t "hatever it is that 7o /eel do 6t a6o t and -ake it happen in 7o r -ind. Watch it n/old 9 st as 7o "ant it to. #o can also vis ali8e 7o rsel/ p rs in0 7o r 0oals and 6ein0 e*tre-el7 s ccess/ l all 6eca se 7o have no do 6t in 7o r -inds. #o think con/identl7; act con/identl7; and receive "hat 7o "ant; "hen 7o "ant it.

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21. =ncoura#e $thers 1 For the people in 7o r li/e that have insec rities; do 6ts; and ne0ative /eelin0s; 7o can 6e their 6eacon o/ li0ht. #o r o"n positive ener07 "ill serve as a -assive enco ra0e-ent to others. #o alone can help chan0e the "a7 others see the "orld and enli0hten the- to a 6ri0hter / t re. What to +o' Al"a7s 6e sincere "hen 7o enco ra0e others in an7 "a7. #o "ant to help thesee that li/e is / ll o/ positive thin0s "itho t tr7in0 to s 0ar coat an7thin0. When 7o see so-eone do so-ethin0 0ood; no -atter ho" s-all it -a7 6e; let the- kno" ho" their actions are creatin0 po"er/ l chan0e in their lives. For instance; i/ 7o see a /riend /r stratin0l7 searchin0 thro 0h 9o6 listin0s to /ind "ork; tell the- ho" "onder/ l it is that the7 are takin0 steps to 6eco-e independent and ho" cool it "ill 6e "hen the7 can a//ord their o"n place. 4/ 7o /ind so-eone lookin0 rather sad; send the- a s-ile and point o t ho" 0reat the "eather is toda7. An7thin0 that -i0ht help t rn the- to"ards the 6ri0ht side rather than "allo"in0 in ne0ative e-otions is a 0reat "a7 to enco ra0e. Affir%ations That "a!e *ou a Great =ncoura#e%ent' B B B B B 4 a- easil7 a6le to cheer people p and help the- see positivel7 4 possess and nat ral ener07 that helps others /eel 6etter M7 tho 0hts; "ords; and actions enco ra0e people to keep 0oin0 4 "ill al"a7s 6e a6le to -ake -7 /riends and /a-il7 /ind co ra0e M7 co ra0eo s attit de spreads @ ickl7 to those aro nd -e

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to =ncoura#e $thers' This is a kind o/ vis ali8ation that 7o do "hen 7o have a speci/ic person that 7o "ant to enco ra0e. $ict re the- s ddenl7 lookin0 less nhapp7 "hen 7o "alk into the roo-. 4-a0ine that 7o /ind the per/ect "ords that -ake the- reali8e that an7thin0 is possi6le and that there is nothin0 to /ear. <is ali8e the- acceptin0 7o r enco ra0e-ent "ith an open -ind. Watch as the7 tackle "hatever "as holdin0 the- 6ack and achievin0 0reat s ccess.

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22. ee+ the .un#ry 1 A co-pletel7 sel/less act can 6oth spread 0ood cheer and 0ratit de; as "ell as provide a sense o/ content in 7o r o"n heart. Feedin0 the h n0r7 can si0ni/icantl7 i-pact 7o on a positive level and 7o can se the La" o/ Attraction to do this. What to +o' The /irst step to /eedin0 the h n0r7 sin0 the La" o/ Attraction is to send o t a -essa0e to the niverse that 7o "ant to 6e a6le to do this. #o can si-pl7 think in 7o r -ind a6o t "ho 7o "ant to provide /ood to; "here 7o "ill do it and ho". ? st thinkin0 a6o t it "ill allo" the niverse to p t thin0s into -otion. :e*t; 7o "ill need to develop an action plan. .o-- nicate "ith others to 0ain ideas a6o t the 6est "a7 to acco-plish 7o r -ission. Whether 7o "ant to /eed a str 00lin0 /a-il7 or an entire nei0h6orhood; 7o "ill 6e a6le to co-e p "ith a "a7 "hen 7o 6rin0 a positive and deter-ined attit de to the dra"in0 6oard. &nce 7o have a plan in place; 7o r attit de to"ards the ca se "ill 6e all that>s needed to 6rin0 to0ether the -eans necessar7 to /eed the h n0r7 -o ths. Affir%ations for ee+in# the .un#ry' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to asse-6le the reso rces to /eed the people 4 care a6o t M7 -ission o/ providin0 /or the h n0r7 is alread7 co-in0 tr e There is an a6 ndance o/ /ood and no one ever needs to 0o h n0r7 4t is possi6le to /eed ever7 h n0r7 person alive toda7 There is al"a7s eno 0h to 0o aro nd and 4 "ill help 0et it there

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ee+ the .un#ry' $ict re all o/ the people in the "orld "ith a 6o"l o/ /ood in /ront o/ the- to eat. Look at the people and ho" health7 the7 are 6eca se the7 are "ell1/ed. :o" look 6ack /ro- that point and see ho" it all happened. Watch ho" 7o r voice is heard -7 -an7 and ever7one pitches in to help -ake s re no person 0oes h n0r7. Look at the -assive a-o nt o/ /ood 7o are a6le to 6rin0 in /or 7o r ca se. 'ee 7o rsel/ s rpassin0 7o r 0oals and 0ettin0 -ore than eno 0h to /eed ever7one that is in need.

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23. Start a -harity $r#ani0ation 1 .harit7 or0ani8ations can 6e an7thin0 7o "ant the- to 6e. The7 can raise -one7 /or -edical costs or research; send children to s --er ca-ps /or an n/or0etta6le advent re; help people "ith ter-inal illnesses; disa6ilities; or disorders and even 6rin0 e*citin0 events to co-- nities. 3ein0 the catal7st /or positive chan0e is an incredi6l7 re"ardin0 e*perience that "ill 0ive 7o a sense o/ / l/ill-ent 6e7ond an7thin0 7o co ld i-a0ine. What to +o' =sin0 the La" o/ Attraction /or charit7 "ork can 6e hi0hl7 s ccess/ l "hen 7o 0o into it "ith the ri0ht /ra-e o/ -ind. As "ith an7 vent re; start o// 67 0ettin0 ver7 clear a6o t "hat 7o "ant /irst. Write it all do"n and 0et o t 7o r ideas /or the charit7 so that 7o kno" e*actl7 "hat it is 7o are 0oin0 to do. 5e-e-6er to have a positive attit de and 6elieve that 7o can do "hatever it takes to -ake it happen. &nce 7o have the details "orked o t; spread the "ord and talk a6o t 7o r ideas "ith as -an7 people as possi6le. When 7o do this; don>t sa7 i/ or "hen; speak in the present tense. 'a7 D4 a-D p ttin0 to0ether an or0ani8ation /or a 0reat ca se. #o r positivit7 "ill 6e re/lected 6ack to 7o in the /or- o/ s pporters. And /inall7; learn as - ch as 7o can a6o t 0oin0 a6o t this so that 7o can p t sincerit7 and con/idence 6ehind 7o r "ords. -harita)le Affir%ations' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to co-6ine reso rces to -ake positive chan0es in the "orld M7 a6ilit7 to 6rin0 people to0ether /or the 0reater 0ood co-es e//ortlessl7 M7 charis-a helps -e to inspire others to contri6 te to -7 ca se 4 a- 0ettin0 closer and closer to -7 charita6le 0oals each and ever7 da7 There is nothin0 that "ill stop -7 /ro- s cceedin0 in acco-plishin0 -7 charita6le -ission

-harita)le /isuali0ation Techni1ue' =se 7o r lists and charit7 plannin0 to 0et a clear pict re o/ "hat is it 7o r are tr7in0 to acco-plish and "rite do"n the "a7 7o "ill 0o a6o t doin0 it step 67 step. Me-ori8e those steps and then i--erse 7o rsel/ in charities si-ilar to 7o r ideas that have alread7 s cceeded. ,o this 67 researchin0 the charit7 on the "e6 or speakin0 "ith one o/ its or0ani8ers. This "ill raise 7o r vi6rational ener07 and create a positive tone "hen 7o vis ali8e. :o" /ind a place "here 7o can /ind peace and @ iet to close 7o r e7es and think a6o t 7o r plans "ith an attit de o/ co-plete /aith in it happenin0. 3e0in to pict re each step as i/ 7o are alread7 in action "ith 7o r plan. Watch all o/ the pieces co-e to0ether /la"lessl7 as 7o rall7 the /orces needed to pro-ote the chan0e 7o "ant. Finall7; pict re 7o r -asterpiece creatin0 the

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res lts 7o set o t to achieve. Let the /eelin0 o/ p re 0ratit de and pride /ill 7o r so l and "atch as these events 6e0in to n/old as a res lt. 24. $verco%e Physical -hallen#es 1 'o-eone once said; DWhether 7o think 7o can do so-ethin0 or 7o think 7o can>t; 7o >re ri0ht.D This is the La" o/ Attraction e*plained per/ectl7 to help 7o overco-e an7 o6stacle. An7 handicap can 6e overco-e so that 7o can achieve the nachieva6le. ? st take a look at so-e o/ the disa6led athletes that have overco-e si0ni/icant challen0es to 6eat the odds and do "hat the7 said the7 "o ld. ,o 7o think the7 co ld have done it "itho t sin0 the La" o/ AttractionC :o "a7A What to +o' ? st like the deter-ined and /ierce athletes "ith disa6ilities; 7o too can overco-e an7 ph7sical challen0e to acco-plish "hatever 7o set 7o r -ind to. The La" o/ Attraction "ill 0 arantee it. All 7o - st do is have /aith in 7o rsel/ and 6elieve that 7o do have "hat it takes. Then don>t stop ntil 7o achieve 7o r 0oals. ?ason Lester; a disa6led 4ron-an and =ltra-an /inisher; 0ot it ri0ht sa7in0; D4/ 7o don>t stop; 7o can>t 6e stopped.D Affir%ations for Physical Stren#th' B B B B B 4 a- a po"er/ l -achine that can do "hatever 4 set -7 -ind to M7 stren0th and co ra0e "ill al"a7s provide -e "ith a path to s ccess 4 al"a7s /inish "hat 4 set o t to do no -atter "hat the challen0es .hallen0es are like -7 steppin0 stones /or acco-plishin0 -7 ph7sical 0oals 4 la 0h in the /ace o/ o6stacles 6eca se 4 kno" the7 "ill 6e con@ ered 67 -e

/isuali0ation Techni1ues for Physical Stren#th' Athletes have 6een sin0 this techni@ e /or cent ries in order to achieve "hat so-e "o ld call i-possi6le. These vis ali8ations have 6een kno"n to help an7one 0o a6ove and 6e7ond the li-itations o/ ph7sical stren0th to 6eat all odds. This techni@ e re@ ires lots o/ ti-e and concentration so 6e s re to clear p a6o t 3+ -in tes o/ ti-e Git can 6e 6roken do"n into shorter periodsH to -aster it. The 6est ti-e to do this vis ali8ation is as 7o are /allin0 asleep. 4ncredi6l7; so-e can even carr7 it into their drea-s to that the7 are literall7 practicin0 in a virt al "orld in their sleep. The -ore 7o vis ali8e 7o rsel/ as the po"er/ l and s ccess/ l person 7o are; the -ore 7o "ill 6elieve it and the 6etter 7o "ill per/or-. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ doin0 "hat it is that 7o "ant to 6e a6le to do. This co ld 6e an7thin0; /ro"alkin0 pain1/ree; to -akin0 7o r "a7 past an entire /oot6all /ield o/ pla7ers to -ake a -ind 6lo"in0 to chdo"n. :o -atter "hat it is; pict re the "a7 it /eels; the so nds 7o hear; the s-ell in the air; "hat it looks like; and the s"eet taste o/ s ccessA

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25. @e%ove Li%itin# >eliefs 1 Li-itin0 6elie/s can co-pletel7 control 7o and keep 7o /rothe path o/ 7o r drea-s. :e0ative 6elie/s a6o t vario s thin0s in li/e "ill prevent 7o /roever tr l7 reachin0 7o r / ll potential. A 6elie/ is a /eelin0 that so-ethin0 is tr e; "hich -eans that it has the potential to 6e dead "ron0. And li-itin0 6elie/s are al-ost al"a7s as /alse as the path the7 lead 7o in. Gettin0 rid o/ 7o r li-itin0 6elie/s is reall7 si-ple. What to +o' The /irst thin0 to do is to identi/7 7o r li-itin0 6elie/s. &/ten ti-es "e "ill 6e prevented /ro- -ovin0 /or"ard; 6 t "e are not s re e*actl7 "h7. Take a "hile to reall7 deter-ine "hat 7o "ant and ask 7o rsel/ "hat it is that is holdin0 7o 6ack. For instance; 7o co ld "ant to 6 7 7o r /irst ho-e; 6 t 7o 6elieve that it "ill 6e a 6 rden that 7o cannot handle. #o - st prove this 6elie/ "ron0 67 /indin0 the reasons 7o 6elieve this and provin0 those reasons to 6e ntr e. More o/ten than not; it is 7o r o"n /ear o/ acceptin0 ne" challen0es that holds 7o 6ack rather than an ina6ilit7 to do so. 'o-e people severel7 li-it their a6ilit7 to -ake positive chan0es in their lives 9 st 6eca se the7 don>t reali8e this. :o" 7o kno"A Affir%ations to @e%ove Li%itin# >eliefs' B B B B B 4 let 0o o/ all the 6elie/s and opinions that prevent -e /ro- -ovin0 /or"ard 3elievin0 in thin0s that /ree -e to achieve s ccess -akes -e /eel invinci6le As 4 let 0o o/ -7 li-itin0 6elie/s; -7 0oals 6eco-e clearl7 o6taina6le /or -e 4 re/ se to 6elieve an7thin0 that -akes -e /eel po"erless or do 6t/ l 4 e-6race ne" 6elie/s that -ake -e /eel po"er/ l and con/ident in -7sel/ and the niverse

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to @e%ove Li%itin# >eliefs' 'tart o// -7 -akin0 a list o/ 7o r li-itin0 6elie/s; 6 t instead o/ "ritin0 do"n the act al li-itin0 6elie/; t rn it into "hat 7o "ant to 6elieve instead. 'o; i/ 7o /eel that -one7 "ill ca se 7o to 6eco-e 0reed7 and evil; "rite do"n that -one7 "ill allo" 7o to sho" 7o r 0enerosit7 and kindness. =sin0 this e*a-ple; think a6o t 7o rsel/ earnin0 lots o/ -one7 so that 7o have -ore than 7o co ld ever need or spend. Think a6o t ho" 0ood it -akes 7o /eel to have that kind o/ -one7 and to 6e a6le to provide /or 7o rsel/ co-pletel7 and sho"er the ones 7o care a6o t "ith nice thin0s. Then think a6o t ho" 0enero s 7o are "ith the -one7 and 6e 0ivin0 "ith it. ,onate to charities; help a person in need; create 7o r o"n charita6le or0ani8ation or sponsor so-e children in areas s //erin0 econo-icall7 in 7o r vis ali8ations. Also pict re 7o rsel/ 6ein0 nice to ever7one; even those that have ver7 little "ealth or stat s. 4-a0ine 0ivin0 a shiverin0 ho-eless person a nice "ar- coat or o//erin0 a person "ho deserves a second chance a 9o6.
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When 7o think a6o t these thin0s in 7o r -ind; 7o r s 6conscio s "ill 6e0in to /or- ne" 6elie/s that "ealth "ill allo" 7o to 6e even -ore 0enero s and provide -ore opport nities /or 7o to 6e kind to others. .han0e the content o/ 7o r vis ali8ations to -atch the opposite o/ 7o r li-itin0 6elie/s sin0 7o r o"n list o/ ne" /reein0 6elie/s.

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26. =nAoy Life "ore 1 Have 7o reall7 took the ti-e to live in the here and no"; to reall7 appreciate all o/ the little thin0s in li/e that are tr l7 a"eso-eC Well 7o sho ld 6eca se those "ho do a to-aticall7 en9o7 li/e -ore. $eople that s"itch their /oc s and learn to see the positive rather than 6e 6linded 67 the ne0ative tr l7 have 6etter lives overall. What +o to' .han0in0 7o r /oc s is the ke7 to en9o7in0 li/e -ore. 5ather than d"ellin0 on the 6ills pilin0 p; think a6o t ho" "onder/ l it is to have electricit7; r nnin0 "ater; and pl -6in0. 4nstead o/ thinkin0 a6o t the 0l7 rain7 "eather; think a6o t ho" 6ea ti/ l the plants and trees "ill look "ith the a6 ndance o/ "ater. When 7o /ind 7o rsel/ thinkin0 a6o t a slo" internet connection or poor phone service; think a6o t "hat it "o ld 6e like not to have internet or phones at all. These "a7s o/ thinkin0 "ill open 7o r heart to a /eelin0 o/ 0ratit de that "ill 0o a lon0 "a7 to"ards i-provin0 7o r li/e. Affir%ations to =nAoy Life "ore' B B B B B 4 /ind 9o7 in ever7 -o-ent o/ -7 li/e 4 a- livin0 a li/e / ll o/ "onder and happiness Aro nd ever7 corner there is so-ethin0 to s-ile a6o t When 4 take the ti-e to soak in -7 s rro ndin0s; 4 a- in a"e 4 do "hat -akes -e /eel "onder/ l and /eel totall7 / l/illed

/isuali0ation Techni1ues to =nAoy Life' Think o/ a ti-e that 7o sa" so-ethin0 so incredi6le; that 7o /elt a-a8ed and e phoric a6o t it. This co ld 6e an7thin0 /ro- the -o-ent 7o sa" 7o r child /or the /irst ti-e; to a 6reathtakin0 landscape s ch as a -o ntain ran0e or tropical paradise. #o co ld also /oc s on ho" incredi6le certain thin0s in 7o r li/e are. Think a6o t ho" a-a8in0 it is to have a phone that allo"s s to co-- nicate "irelessl7 to an7one in the "orld. &r; ho" e*traordinar7 it is that the internet connects s all to0ether. #o co ld also i-a0ine ho" 6ea ti/ l and per/ect nat re is and ho" "ondro s it is that "e even e*ist at all. The odds o/ o r e*istence can 0ive an7one hope that an7thin0 is possi6le. :o" capt re those i-a0es and tho 0hts in 7o r -ind and reall7 let the- /ill 7o "ith positive e-otions. ,o this "henever 7o 6e0in to /eel like 7o r ener07 needs a 6oost.

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27. "aintain Goo+ .ealth 1 Hal/ o/ 7o r health 6attles start o t all in 7o r head. The tho 0hts 7o think deter-ine ho" health7 7o r 6od7 is and even -ake 7o sick. That>s 6eca se tho 0hts lead to actions and actions lead to either e*cellent health; or ver7 poor health. When it co-es to the La" o/ Attraction; like tho 0hts attract like realit7 and 7o r health is s rel7 not e*cl ded /ro- this. What to +o' The n -6er one "a7 to -aintain 0ood health is to think health7 tho 0hts and re/rain /ro- thinkin0 a6o t 6ein0 sick or nhealth7 in an7 "a7. 5ather than thinkin0 a6o t the /act that 7o reall7 don>t "ant to catch a cold; think a6o t ho" - ch 7o en9o7 6reathin0 /reel7 and /eelin0 a-a8in0. When 7o catch 7o rsel/ /eelin0 nervo s a6o t health iss es; s"itch 7o state o/ thinkin0 to a -ore positive one. Foc s on health7 ha6its that "ill 0ive 7o a health7 -ind and 6od7 in ret rn. All o/ the /oc s on a health7 li/est7le "ill 6e re"arded "ith 0ood health. &ne o/ the -ost o6vio s "a7s the La" o/ Attraction has a//ected health is 67 takin0 a look at the place6o e//ect. When one 6elieves that the7 are takin0 a re-ed7 /or an ail-ent; the7 6e0in to /eel 6etter and in so-e cases c re the-selvesA Affir%ations for Goo+ .ealth' B 4 a- health7 in ever7 "a7 "hen it co-es to -7 -ind and 6od7 B All o/ the / nctions and s7ste-s in -7 6od7 are "orkin0 har-onio sl7 to keep -e health7 B 4 en9o7 0ood health each and ever7 da7 6eca se 4 take care o/ -7sel/ B M7 ph7sical and -ental state is al"a7s per/or-in0 at opti-al levels. B 4 /eel a-a8in0 and health7 all o/ the ti-e 6eca se -7 i-- ne s7ste- is stron0 /isuali0ation Techni1ues for Goo+ .ealth' 4/ 7o are /i0htin0 an illness or disease; don>t allo" the tho 0hts o/ 7o r c rrent state to penetrate 7o r -ind d rin0 this e*ercise. Think as i/ the7 do not e*ist 6eca se 7o r 6od7 is activel7 /i0htin0 a "innin0 6attle to keep 7o health7 and /ree o/ s7-pto-s o/ an7 kind. #o /eel per/ectl7 health7 and ener0i8ed. (eep these tho 0hts in 7o r head "hen 7o 6e0in to vis ali8e. :o" think a6o t each individ al s7ste- 6ein0 health7 and "orkin0 per/ectl7. Watch 7o r "hite 6lood cells /i0ht o// an7 invaders and eli-inate an7thin0 that co ld ca se it har- "ith ease. $ict re 7o r heart p -pin0 stron0 and stead7; 7o l n0s a6sor6in0 all the o*70en it needs and all o/ 7o r or0ans doin0 their 9o6 "itho t a sin0le pro6le-. Think o/ 7o r -ind and 6od7 as a 6ea ti/ l li0ht that re-oves all darkness and heals instantl7. Feel 7o rsel/ havin0 no tro 6les at all "ith 7o r health and allo" the /eelin0 o/ 0ood health to 0ive 7o 0reat co-/ort and relie/. Feel 0rate/ l and con/ident that 7o are healin0 / ll7 "ith each passin0 da7 that 0oes 67.
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29. -han#e *our Attitu+e 1 Attit de is ever7thin0. A person "ith a ne0ative attit de "ill not 0et /ar at all; 6 t a person "ith a positive attit de can take the-selves all the "a7 to the top. Those "ho think ne0ativel7 think in ter-s o/ 0lass hal/ e-pt7; thinkin0 o/ -istakes and lack o/ s ccess as per-anent /ail re. Whereas positive thinkers see the 0lass as hal/ / ll; reali8in0 the tr e potential o/ -istakes and o6stacles as learnin0 opport nities to"ards s ccess. What to +o' The /irst step to chan0in0 7o r attit de to"ards an7thin0 is to take responsi6ilit7 /or 7o r ne0ative thinkin0 and responses in the past and see the- /or the destr ctive thin0s the7 are. Lettin0 0o o/ the st 66ornness and n"illin0ness to chan0e "ill lti-atel7 lead 7o to s ccess. .ontin ed practice o/ 0ood attit des "ill event all7 trickle into 7o r s 6conscio s -ind so that the chan0es in 7o r attit de 6eco-e per-anent. Havin0 a positive attit de "ill co-e nat rall7 a/ter that. Affir%ations for a Positive Attitu+e' B B B B B M7 attit de is opti-istic; co ra0eo s and /riendl7 4 attract others to -e 6eca se 4 have s ch a positive attit de 4 s-ile 6eca se 4 /eel "onder/ l and that re/lects in ever7thin0 4 do M7 attit de is so / ll o/ positive ener07 that it spreads to ever7one aro nd -e 4 have no do 6ts that 4 a- choosin0 the ri0ht path and -akin0 the ri0ht decisions

/isuali0ations for a Positive Attitu+e' There is nothin0 that can stand in 7o r "a7 o/ 6ein0 happ7; positive and / ll o/ 0ood ener07 "hen 7o se this special techni@ e that 0ets 7o ri0ht in a per/ect state o/ -ind. Find a place to sit and close 7o r e7es. 'ee 7o rsel/ in 7o r -ind. #o are s-ilin0; ener0i8ed and read7 to /ace an7thin0 #o are lookin0 p to"ards the sk7 and a 6ea- o/ li0ht co-es po rin0 in and envelopes 7o in a serene and peace/ l cocoon. #o /eel the "ar-th and protection o/ this li0ht. <is ali8e it re-ainin0 aro nd 7o at all ti-es. Think o/ it as a so rce o/ positivit7 and ever7 ti-e 7o se it to 6e positive; that li0ht 6eco-es even 6ri0hter; 0ivin0 7o even -ore positive /eelin0s. :o" open 7o r e7es and take that positive li0ht "ith 7o "herever 7o 0o.

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2;. -han#e .ow $thers See *ou 1 ,espite "hether 7o are -ade / n o/ /or 7o r looks; ridic led /or 7o r lack o/ social skills; or looked pon "ith disrespect; the La" o/ Attraction can help t rn thin0s aro nd /or 7o . 3e/ore lon0; 7o "ill 6e seen as the 6ea ti/ l person 7o are and respected 67 all that 7o kno". #o see; the ke7 to chan0in0 ho" others see 7o is 67 /irst chan0in0 ho" 7o see 7o rsel/. What to +o' The /irst step is to /ind o t "hat others tr l7 think a6o t 7o . This can 6e trick7 6eca se 7o "ill lti-atel7 "ant to de/end 7o rsel/; 6 t it is ver7 i-portant to 9 st listen and accept "hat the7 have to sa7; rather than disa0reein0 "ith the-. .hances are that so-e thin0s the7 share "ill 6e tr e. &nce 7o have pinpointed the areas that are seen 67 others as "eak or ne0ative; "rite do"n so-e a//ir-ations that contradict those perceptions and repeat the- o/ten to 7o rsel/. 2ven i/ 7o /eel the7 are not tr e at /irst; tr7 to allo" 7o rsel/ to 6e open to -akin0 the- tr e. Those a//ir-ations "ill 6e0in to re/lect in 7o r actions and soon 7o "ill /ind that 7o have chan0ed ho" 7o see 7o rsel/. &thers "ill take notice too. 5e-e-6er that /or an7 sit ation and 7o >ll 6e set. Perce&tion Affir%ations' B B B B B 2ver7one aro nd -e looks p to and respects -e 6eca se 4 have respect /or -7sel/ 4 a- a 6ea ti/ l; ni@ e and special person 6oth inside and o t 4 a- / ll o/ positive and attractive @ alities that and ever7one can see -7 potential &thers vie" -e as a person o/ -an7 talents and en9o7 6ein0 aro nd -e 2ven stran0ers are -oved 67 -7 con/ident and kind presence

/isuali0ation Techni1ues for Perce&tion' 3e/ore 7o "ill /ace an a dience or 6e aro nd people that -ake 7o /eel insec re; 7o sho ld per/or- this vis ali8ation e*ercise. 4t "ill -ake 7o appear di//erent to the people that -a7 6e critical and the7 "on>t 6e a6le to /ind an7thin0 6 t 0ood @ alities. Their perception o/ 7o "ill 6e co-pletel7 positive. First; close 7o r e7es and i-a0ine 7o rsel/ 0oin0 into the sit ation "itho t a hint o/ insec rit7 or do 6t in 7o r -ind that the7 "on>t 6e an7thin0 6 t a-a8ed 67 7o . $ict re 7o rsel/ speakin0 s-oothl7 and "ith "isdo- that cannot 6e denied. Watch the- as the7 co-- nicate respect/ ll7 and appear to 6e taken a6ack 67 7o r positive char- and charis-atic personalit7. The7 "ill see 7o e*actl7 as 7o "ant to 6e perceived. :o" 0o into the sit ation in 7o r real li/e carr7in0 "ith 7o that sa-e con/idence and total /aith in 7o r a6ilit7 to "in over an7one.

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30. >uil+ a Lovin# a%ily 1 Fa-il7 is ver7; ver7 i-portant. 'o-e "o ld sa7 that it is the sin0le -ost i-portant thin0 there is. That>s "h7 6 ildin0 a lovin0 /a-il7 is at the top o/ so -an7 to1do lists "hen it co-es to li/e 0oals. 3 t 0oin0 a6o t 6 ildin0 that /a-il7 doesn>t have to see- i-possi6le. 4n /act; all 7o need is loveA

What to +o' Al"a7s 6e kind and nderstandin0 /irst and /ore-ost. A lovin0 /a-il7 is 6 ilt on sho"in0 7o r love to each other 6e7ond 9 st "ords. 5eall7 take the ti-e to listen to 7o r /a-il7 -e-6ers and "hat the7 like and do not like. 'ho" the- 7o care 67 doin0 thin0s the7 en9o7 and sharin0 7o r ti-e 0enero sl7. (eep the lines o/ co-- nication open 67 havin0 re0 lar ti-es /or one1on1one talks. Mealti-es are a 0reat "a7 to reconnect dail7. .reate special ni0hts to do thin0s to0ether as a /a-il7 s ch as "atchin0 a -ovie ever7 Frida7 or 0oin0 to the park on the "eekends. 3e s re that the entire /a-il7 en9o7s 7o r "eekl7 activities. 4ncl de ever7one e@ all7 and 7o r love /or each other "ill 0ro" stron0er each and ever7 da7. Affir%ations for a Lovin# a%ily Life' B 4 have the -ost / n; lovin0; close /a-il7 and the7 -ake -e /eel co-plete B When 4 a- "ith -7 /a-il7 4 /eel onl7 an incredi6le 9o7 and love /or theB 4 take the ti-e and e//ort to 0ive -7 /a-il7 the love the7 deserve and the7 reciprocate this B M7 /a-il7 en9o7s 6 ildin0 ne" -e-ories to0ether "hich stren0then o r love /or each other B 4 a- so l ck7 to have the -ost carin0 and lovin0 /a-il7 -e-6ers an7one co ld ever "ant

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/isuali0ations to >uil+ a%ily Love' Think a6o t each -e-6er o/ 7o r /a-il7 "itho t allo"in0 an7 o/ the ne0ative @ alities to co-e into 7o r -ind. Think a6o t ho" - ch / n 7o have to0ether and thin0s that 7o "ant to do "ith the-. :o" close 7o r e7es and i-a0ine those thin0s happenin0. $ict re 7o rsel/ 0ivin0 0ood advice; listenin0 to their concerns and 6ein0 a6le to 0ive the- co-plete happiness. #o can also vis ali8e a da7 in the li/e o/ 7o r /a-il7 in its per/ection. Think a6o t "akin0 p to the people 7o love "ith a s-ile on 7o r /ace and positive enco ra0e-ent to help the- 0et thro 0h the da7. Think o/ ho" 7o e-6race each other>s i-per/ections and ho" 7o love the/or the people that the7 are. Think a6o t happ7 thin0s 7o do to0ether and pla7 the- like a -ovie in 7o r -ind. Thin0s like sn 00lin0 on the co ch "atchin0 a -ovie; pla7in0 0a-es; shoppin0; and eatin0 dinner are t rned into -o-ents that 7o cherish "ith all 7o r heart. Allo" that love to spread thro 0h 7o ntil 7o /eel co-pletel7 i--ersed in it. :o" open 7o r e7es and take those happ7 /a-il7 i-a0es "ith 7o as 7o en9o7 7o r /a-il7 each da7.

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31. ?%&rove *our Wis+o% 1 4t is one thin0 to 6e kno"led0ea6le; 6 t it is a co-pletel7 di//erent thin0 to 6e "ise. Wisdo- does not co-e /ro- an o tside so rce; 6 t an internal one. 4t co-es /ro- 6ein0 a6le to 9 d0e thin0s 6ased on the proper perception o/ kno"led0e and e*periences. 3ein0 a"are o/ 7o r perception is the ke7 to i-provin0 7o r o"n "isdo-. What to +o' =nderstand that "isdo- does not co-e all at once. 4t is a slo" process that 0ro"s over ti-e like a /ine "ine. 4n li/e 7o "ill inevita6l7 have -an7 s ccesses and even so-e -istakes. 4t is 7o r 9o6 to learn /ro- those -istakes; nderstand "hat "ent "ron0; and have the ri0ht -indset to 0ro" /ro- the e*perience. #o "ill need to /oc s on pa7in0 a lot o/ attention to detail and in -akin0 the choices that "ill contin o sl7 -ake the "orld a 6etter place. The -ain "a7 to 6eco-e "ise is to see thin0s as the7 tr th/ ll7 are and never allo" 7o rsel/ to /all into deception. Lies onl7 /eed i0norance and sho ld al"a7s 6e avoided "hen seekin0 to i-prove 7o r "isdo-. Affir%ations for Wis+o%' B B B B B 4 have the a6ilit7 to -ake "ise decisions and al"a7s -ake the ri0ht choice 4 a- ver7 int itive a6o t sit ations and can se it to discern the ri0ht path 4 pa7 ver7 close attention to -7 tho 0hts and "hat is 0oin0 on aro nd -e M7 instincts and 0 t /eelin0s are ver7 acc rate and 4 have a clear perception o/ realit7 4 a- ver7 intelli0ent and al"a7s se -7 kno"led0e to take the 6est co rse o/ action

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Wis+o%' At the 6e0innin0 o/ 7o r "ork da7; st d7 period; or "hatever else 7o do /or the -a9orit7 o/ 7o r da7; think a6o t 7o r a6ilit7 to /oc s and retain the -e-ories o/ 7o r e*periences. ,o this 67 closin0 7o r e7es and "alkin0 into 7o r i-a0inar7 environ-ent "ith a keen sense o/ si0ht; s-ell; hearin0; /eelin0; and taste. $ict re that ever7 thin0 7o take in is perceived correctl7 so that 7o can se this in/or-ation to -ake so nd decisions and actions that lead to s ccess. Get speci/ic a6o t this. For instance; i/ 7o are c rrentl7 "orkin0 on a pro9ect "ith a tea- o/ people; vis ali8e that 7o listen to ever7 person that speaks and care/ ll7 anal78e an7thin0 that the7 sho" 7o . 4-a0ine 7o rsel/ a"are o/ possi6le iss es 67 thinkin0 a6o t ho" the /inal pro9ect "o ld co-e to0ether. 4-a0ine that 7o have /o nd so-ethin0 ver7 cr cial "ith this thinkin0 and that it 6rin0s the pro9ect to co-pletion. All o/ 7o r tea--ates are i-pressed 67 7o r critical thinkin0 skills and i-pecca6le "isdo-. #o /eel "ise and this /eelin0 e-po"ers 7o to contin e -akin0 "ise decisions 6ased on care/ l consideration and in depth kno"led0e. :o" open 7o r e7es and carr7 this /eelin0 "ith 7o d rin0 7o r da7.

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32. Learn a Bew S!ill 1 Have 7o ever "anted to learn so-ethin0 ne"; 6 t decided a0ainst it 6eca se 7o tho 0ht to 7o rsel/ that it "as not possi6le /or 7o C This is the kind o/ thinkin0 that prevents 7o /ro- addin0 to 7o r skills and -akin0 7o rsel/ into so-ethin0 -ore. What to +o' 'top allo"in0 do 6t and ne0ative thinkin0 to prevent 7o /ro- learnin0 so-ethin0 ne"; e-6race the ne" skill "itho t a second tho 0ht and en9o7 the learnin0 process instead. 5ather than 6elievin0 that 7o are incapa6le o/ learnin0 a ne" skill or that 7o "ill e-6arrass 7o rsel/ in the process; 9 st think a6o t ho" acco-plished 7o >ll /eel "hen 7o /inall7 do 0et it ri0ht. Affir%ations for Learnin#' B B B B B Whenever 4 need to re-e-6er so-ethin0; it nat rall7 saves in -7 -ind /or / t re se 4 i--ediatel7 pick p on ne" concepts and develop skills @ ickl7 4 a- an incredi6l7 /ast learner and /ind thrill in ne" challen0es 4 al"a7s co-plete all assi0n-ents and pro9ects related to learnin0 Tests and Assi0n-ents are eas7 /or -e 6eca se 4 al"a7s kno" the ans"ers

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Learnin#' This kind o/ vis ali8ation techni@ e involves constant dail7 se so that it is a6sor6ed 67 7o r s 6conscio s and 6eco-es part o/ 7o r 6elie/ s7ste-. First; 0et into the ri0ht kind o/ vi6ration 67 readin0 inspirational @ otes a6o t kno"led0e; learnin0 and havin0 skills. This "ill help 7o r -ind s"itch over /ro- havin0 an7 ne0ative /eelin0s to"ards the learnin0 process to one that is read7 and "illin0 to learn. :o" close 7o r e7es and pict re 7o rsel/ in a learnin0 environ-ent. #o are a6le to ans"er all o/ the @ estions 7o r instr ctor asks and 7o /ind 7o rsel/ /eelin0 -ore and -ore kno"led0ea6le a6o t the s 69ect. #o are easil7 a6le to prove "hat 7o learned 67 doin0 "ell on tests and sin0 the skills per/ectl7. Allo" that /eelin0 to -ake /ill 7o "ith con/idence and -otivation /or 7o r real li/e learnin0 e*periences.

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33. Get >etter Gra+es 1 At the 6e0innin0 o/ ever7 ne" se-ester; "e 0o 6ack into classes "ith a sense o/ -otivation; dedication and deter-ination to st d7 hard; co-plete assi0n-ents and ace e*a-s. 3 t 67 the second or third "eek in; that co-6ination o/ po"er/ l /eelin0s 6e0ins to /ade a"a7; leavin0 s /allin0 6elo" o r potential to 0et the 6est 0rades possi6le. 4/ 7o have 6i0 plans /or li/e; 0rades can pla7 a 6i0 part in -akin0 thin0s a lot easier so it>s i-portant to keep this -indset lon0 a/ter the se-ester 6e0ins. What to +o' The La" o/ Attraction has helped -an7 st dents across all t7pes o/ st dies to achieve the 0rades "orth7 o/ a troph7. The -ain reason "e tend to stra7 a"a7 /ro- s ch a deter-ined and -otivated attit de is 6eca se "e let do 6t creep in. This do 6t 6e0ins eatin0 at 7o r s 6conscio s; tellin0 7o that it isn>t possi6le an7"a7s; so "h7 tr7C ,& :&T let this "a7 o/ thinkin0 even cross 7o r -ind. 3elieve that 7o .A: do an7thin0 7o set 7o r -ind to and don>t ever 0ive p. #o are 0 aranteed 6etter 0rades i/ 7o contin e to p t all o/ 7o rsel/ into 7o r st dies and se a//ir-ations to keep a positive -indset. Affir%ations for Goo+ Gra+es' B B B B B 4 can easil7 nderstand all o/ "hat 4 a- ta 0ht M7 tests and e*a-s are a "a7 to prove ho" s-art 4 a4 al"a7s 0et 0ood 0rades 6eca se 4 re-e-6er ever7thin0 4 learn Learnin0 ne" thin0s co-es easil7 to -e and this sho"s in -7 0rades M7 6rain is like a spon0e that a6sor6s ever7thin0 @ ickl7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Goo+ Gra+es' $ict re 7o rsel/ receivin0 7o r report card or vie"in0 7o r 0rades and seein0 all o/ the- all at 1++I. 'trai0ht A>s are all 7o can see. #o /eel pro d o/ 7o rsel/ and kno" that 7o are a6le to learn an7thin0 @ ickl7. 4-a0ine that 7o r teachers or instr ctors are so i-pressed 67 7o r 0rades that the7 tell the other st dents to 6e -ore like 7o . 4t / els 7o r pride and 6elie/ in 7o rsel/. #o /eel like 7o can easil7 achieve an7thin0 7o set 7o r -ind to.

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34. Perfor% >etter at Wor! 1 When 7o per/or- 6etter at "ork; 7o are -ore likel7 to 0et a raise or 6e ne*t in line /or a pro-otion. #o -a7 even /ind other opport nities open p 9 st 6eca se 7o are kno"n as a dedicated and s-art individ al that reall7 kno"s 7o r st //. What to +o' 2ver7 ti-e 7o 0o into "ork; have a plan to e*ec te all o/ 7o r tasks and assi0n-ents and stick "ith it. (eep a s-ile on 7o r /ace and 6e cheer/ l in ever7thin0 7o do. 5e-e-6er that 7o r attit de "ill spread thro 0h the "ork environ-ent @ ickl7 and that is "h7 it is so i-portant to sta7 positive. 2ven "hen 7o don>t a0ree "ith a co1"orker or even 7o r 6oss; don>t ever respond "ith a ne0ative tone. 4nstead; 6rin0 7o r "a7 o/ thinkin0 to the ta6le in a polite and help/ l "a7. #o "ill 6e s rprised ho" - ch po"er 7o can have over 7o r "ork at-osphere "hen 7o take an assertive 6 t respect/ l approach. And a6ove all; don>t co-plain a6o t 7o r da7; 6 t strive to see the silver linin0 in ever7thin0 7o do. Wor! Perfor%ance Affir%ations' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to /inish all assi0n-ents; responsi6ilities and tasks on ti-e 4 a- "ell or0ani8ed and -ana0e -7 ti-e "isel7 "hile at "ork M7 -ana0ers and co1"orkers are i-pressed 67 -7 skill and val e -e hi0hl7 M7 kno"led0e; e*perience; and e*pertise in -7 /ield -akes -e inval a6le 4 do -7 9o6 6etter than an7one else co ld; e*ceedin0 all e*pectations

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Wor! Perfor%ance' $ict re 7o rsel/ 9 st arrivin0 at "ork and 7o are earl7. <is ali8e ho" con/ident and co-/orta6le 7o look as 7o r 6oss 0reets 7o ea0erl7; co--entin0 on 7o r p nct alit7. #o 0et to 7o r "ork area and i--ediatel7 have a plan /or the da7. 2ver7thin0 0oes s-oothl7 and 7o -eet ever7 deadline ahead o/ sched le. #o are even a6le to help others 6eco-e -ore prod ctive as "ell. The -ana0er approaches 7o and -entions that i/ 7o keep p s ch 0reat "ork; 7o >ll 6e ne*t in line /or that 6i0 pro-otion. #o /eel co-pletel7 at ease and have no pro6le- "orkin0. 4n /act; 7o /inish p "ith so - ch /ree ti-e; that 7o can se it to co-e p "ith ne" strate0ies to i-prove e//icienc7 /or the entire 6 siness. #o 6rin0 7o r e*pertise to pper -ana0e-ent and the7 i--ediatel7 /all in love "ith 7o r creative and innovative ideas. .ater this vis ali8ation to -atch 7o r o"n "ork environ-ent.

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35. Get Alon# With $thers 1 4t>s not al"a7s eas7 to 0et alon0 "ith ever7one; 6 t it can 6e doneA 3elieve it or not there is a "a7 to avoid con/lict in nearl7 an7 sit ation. 4t all starts "ith ho" 7o think and /eel to"ards others. There "ill al"a7s 6e people "ho 7o don>t like and those that don>t like 7o ; 6 t that sho ld not keep 7o /ro- 6ein0 a6le to keep the peace. What to +o' Have an acceptin0; polite; and h -6le attit de and respect the di//erences o/ others. (eep a s-ile on 7o r /ace so that people can tell that 7o are an approacha6le; /riendl7 person. When 7o have a di//erent opinion than so-eone else; even i/ 7o are ri0ht; a0ree to disa0ree or have a disc ssion a6o t ho" to co-pro-ise i/ it is a serio s -atter. (eepin0 a positive attit de and never raisin0 7o r voice "ill keep the de6ate /riendl7. 3e s re to help o t those that are havin0 a hard ti-e and don>t 6e the so rce o/ an7one>s tro 6les. Treat others as 7o "o ld "ant to 6e treated 7o rsel/. The niverse "ill see that 7o are doin0 7o r part to 0et alon0 and "ill attract 0ood people to 7o . Affir%ations for Gettin# Alon#' B B B B B 4 0et alon0 "ith ever7one 4 -eet no -atter "hat 4 al"a7s treat others the "a7 that 4 "o ld "ant others to treat -e The people 4 s rro nd -7sel/ "ith -ake it eas7 to 0et alon0 4 have a special a6ilit7 to keep the peace even in stress/ l sit ations There is nothin0 preventin0 -e /ro- al"a7s 6ehavin0 kindl7 to"ards others

/isuali0ation Techni1ues for Gettin# Alon#' 4-a0ine 7o rsel/ in a sit ation that 7o "o ld nor-all7 have a hard ti-e 0ettin0 alon0 in. :o" pict re 7o rsel/ sin0 kind "ords and 6ein0 nice to the other person; or si-pl7 a0reein0 to disa0ree 67 tellin0 the other person that 7o respect their ri0ht to have their o"n opinion. <is ali8e that the other person s-iles and appreciates 7o r "ords and a6ilit7 to re-ain kind despite "hatever the sit ation is. 3e 0rate/ l to 7o rsel/ /or havin0 the sel/1control and discipline to 0et alon0.

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36. >uil+ .ealthy =atin# .a)its 1 4n order to chan0e the "a7 7o eat sin0 the La" o/ Attraction; 7o "ill need to chan0e the "a7 7o think a6o t /ood. #o r relationship "ith /ood has -ore to do "ith developin0 health7 eatin0 ha6its thro 0h 7o r tho 0hts. What to +o' First o/ all; 7o "ill need to chan0e 7o r deep rooted 6elie/s a6o t /ood that have ca sed 7o not to eat healthil7 in the past. =nderstandin0 that eatin0 nhealth7 /oods ca ses -ore har- than 0ood "ill help 7o 6e -ore likel7 to choose healthier eatin0 ha6its. 4-a0ine 7o rsel/ /eelin0 healthier and havin0 -ore ener07 "hen 7o eat the /oods that are health7 and /eelin0 nhealth7 and tired "hen 7o eat poorl7. =se positive a//ir-ations to retrain 7o r 6rain into reali8in0 the connection 6et"een a 6etter 7o and eatin0 health7. Lastl7; 7o co ld t rn to a h7pnosis recordin0 that addresses these iss es on the deepest levels o/ the s 6conscio s. Affir%ations for .ealthy =atin# .a)its' B B B B B 4 en9o7 eatin0 health7 /oods 6eca se the7 -ake -e think and /eel 6etter When 4 eat health7 4 /eel ver7 0ood a6o t -7sel/ and have no re0rets 4 a- a6le to control -7 cravin0s and choose health7 alternatives easil7 M7 health7 eatin0 ha6its help -e live a lon0er li/e "ith 6etter health 4 contin e to i-prove -7 health7 eatin0 ha6its as 4 learn -ore a6o t n trition

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for .ealthy =atin# .a)its' ,o this e*ercise pon "akin0 p in the -ornin0 "hile 7o are still in 6ed to 0et 7o r da7 started o// ri0ht. When 7o pict re health7 /ood; vis ali8e that it 0oes into 7o r sto-ach and -akes 7o /eel ener0i8ed; / ll; and health7. 4-a0ine that the tastes o/ the health7 /ood -akes 7o r -o th "ater and 0ives 7o a /eelin0 that 7o are doin0 so-ethin0 "onder/ l /or 7o rsel/. :o" vis ali8e 9 nk /ood and other nhealth7 thin0s in 7o r diet and pict re ho" the7 "ill -ake 7o /eel nast7 inside. 4-a0ine that the7 are poison and that eatin0 the- "ill re-ove 7ears o// o/ 7o r li/e and -ake 7o /eel sick. <is ali8e that these /oods taste like che-icals and dis0 st 7o . 2ven the tho 0ht o/ takin0 a 6ite "o ld -ake 7o na seo s. :o" se one or all o/ the a//ir-ations and /eel 0ood a6o t -akin0 health7 choices all da7 lon0.

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37. Sto& S%o!in# 1 &nce 7o start s-okin0 it 6eco-es an endless c7cle. 2ven i/ 7o have "anted to @ it in the past and /ailed; the La" o/ Attraction can help 7o overco-e this ha6it. Whether 7o have 6een s-okin0 /or -an7 7ears or are nippin0 it in the 6 d @ ickl7; it can 6e done. What to +o' 5e-ove the reasons 6ehind 7o r s-okin0 67 addressin0 the e-otional and ph7sical iss es. 4/ 7o s-oke 6eca se 7o are 6ored; /ind so-ethin0 else to do "ith 7o r ti-e s ch as readin0 6ooks or pla7in0 a @ ick 0a-e on 7o r phone. 4/ 7o s-oke 6eca se 7o are stressed o t; tr7 -editatin0 and rela*in0 so-e other "a7. There are plent7 o/ "a7s to n"ind "itho t li0htin0 p. 4/ 7o are tr7in0 to 6e cool aro nd others; nderstand that s-okin0 -akes noone DcoolD. Tr e /riends "on>t care i/ 7o don>t s-oke. 4/ 7o /eel like 7o >re o t o/ control; se positive a//ir-ations and vis ali8ation techni@ es to re"ire 7o r -ind so that 7o /eel -ore po"er/ l. Affir%ations to Sto& S%o!in#' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to stop s-okin0 i--ediatel7 "itho t /eelin0 deprived '-okin0 is no lon0er so-ethin0 4 need or "ant to do 4 "ill never pick p another ci0arette a0ain /or the rest o/ -7 li/e 4 /eel healthier; happier and -ore ener0etic "hen 4 don>t s-oke M7 "ithdra"al s7-pto-s "ill 0o a"a7 and 4 "ill /eel 6etter than ever

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Sto& S%o!in#' <is ali8ation - st 6e sed in con9 nction "ith a//ir-ations /or 6est res lts. 4t is reco--ended to se this vis ali8ation e*ercise t"o or three ti-es each da7. 'tart o// 67 sin0 7o r positive a//ir-ations and repeat the- several ti-es. :o" vis ali8e the -one7 that it takes to p rchase a pack o/ ci0arettes. $ict re ho" 6i0 that -one7 pile "ill 0ro" in a "eek; t"o "eeks; a -onth; even a 7ear. 4-a0ine "hat 7o can do "ith that -one7 no" that 7o no lon0er need it to 6 7 ci0arettes that onl7 0et thro"n in the trash. :o" pict re 7o rsel/ a -onth a/ter @ ittin0. #o can 6reathe easier; 7o no lon0er co 0h at ni0ht; and 7o s-ell - ch 6etter to non1s-okers. #o r ho-e and car no lon0er s-ell like an ashtra7 and 7o r 6reathe is clean and /resh. #o can no" cli-6 stairs "itho t 7o r heart racin0 and 7o have -ore ener07. #o /eel healthier and stron0er. #o r teeth and nails are /inall7 lookin0 "hite a0ain too. =se this vis ali8ation "hen 7o 6e0in to cave in to te-ptation and 7o >ll 0ain the stren0th 7o need to stop s-okin0 /orever.

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39. =li%inate Alcohol A)use 1 As "ith other addictions; the La" o/ Attraction provides a po"er/ l "a7 to se 7o r -ind to overco-e the-. Tho 0h Alcohol a6 se can 6e a severe pro6le-; it can 6e eli-inated 67 "antin0 to -ake a chan0e and 6elievin0 that 7o can do it. What to +o' Address the sa-e iss es associated "ith @ ittin0 ci0arettes to overco-e 7o r addiction. 3e s re to incl de others in 7o r healin0 process that can 6rin0 positivit7 and enco ra0e-ent d rin0 ti-es o/ "eakness. AA -eetin0s or online /or -s are a ver7 0ood "a7 to do this. Affir%ations to =li%inate Alcohol A)use' B B B B B Alcohol no lon0er controls -e and 4 do not "ant or need it in -7 li/e 4 a- a 6etter person "hen 4 a- so6er M7 /riends and /a-il7 are happier "hen 4 a- so6er Li/e is / ll o/ hope and an7thin0 is possi6le "hen 4 a- so6er 4 have total control o/ "hat 4 drink and 4 choose to stop drinkin0 alcohol

/isuali0ation Techni1ues to =li%inate Alcohol A)use' The -ost co--on vis ali8ation techni@ e and the one that is -ost e//ective is one that 0ives 7o a 0li-pse into a so6er / t re. $ict re 7o rsel/ /ive 7ears /ro- no" as i/ 7o have stopped drinkin0 startin0 no" and t rned to"ards other thin0s 7o are passionate a6o t. #o co ld 6e an7"here 7o "ant "ithin /ive 7ears ti-e "hen 7o don>t allo" alcohol to 0et in the "a7. 4-a0ine "here 7o "ant to -e in as - ch detail as possi6le and allo" those /eelin0s to keep 7o on the ri0ht track to"ards 7o r ne"; so6er and s ccess/ l / t re.

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3;. $verco%e Dru# A++iction 1 ,r 0s are the -ost serio s o/ all the addictions 6 t there is al"a7s hope "hen 7o have the La" o/ Attraction on 7o r side. 4t>s ver7 i-portant to kno" ho" li/e threatenin0 and dan0ero s dr 0s can 6e. 4/ 7o se dr 0s on a re0 lar 6asis; 7o sho ld take the ti-e to do so-ethin0 0ood /or 7o rsel/ and overco-e the addiction. #o "ill "onder "h7 7o ever started sin0 the- in the /irst place. What to +o' The /irst step is to 0o to a reha6ilitation center and 0et help /or the ph7sical "ithdra"al s7-pto-s i/ necessar7. 2nter the pro0ra- "ith an open -ind and positive attit de so that 7o can 0et the -ost o t o/ it. =se dail7 -editation; vis ali8ation techni@ es and positive a//ir-ations d rin0 7o r recover7 and contin e to do so once 7o are /inished. Also se the sa-e -ethods /or @ ittin0 s-okin0 and alcohol a6 se. Affir%ations to $verco%e Dru# A++iction' B B B B B 4 no lon0er "ant or need dr 0s in -7 li/e to 6e happ7 4 a- happier; healthier; and -ore -7sel/ "hen 4 don>t do dr 0s :o" that 4 don>t do dr 0s 4 "ill live lon0er and /eel 6etter 3ein0 clean is an incredi6l7 /ree /eelin0 that 4 en9o7 i--ensel7 4 no" have inner peace 6eca se 4 no lon0er se dr 0s

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to )e Dru# ree =se a co-6ination approach to this vis ali8ation. =se the one to @ it s-okin0 and the one to overco-e alcohol a6 se to0ether. 5eplace the ci0arettes and alcohol parts "ith vis ali8ations a6o t 6ein0 dr 01/ree instead.

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40. "ana#e An#er 1 When 7o lose control over 7o r an0er; 7o lose control o/ 7o rsel/. 4/ 7o have di//ic lties rei0nin0 in 7o r an0er; 7o can 6ene/it /ro- a little an0er -ana0e-ent sin0 the La" o/ Attraction. 2ven i/ 7o r an0er co-es on s ddenl7 and "itho t "arnin0; there are "a7s to co-6at these e-otions and /eelin0s so that 7o can /eel 6alanced and in control no -atter "hat -a7 co-e 7o r "a7. What to +o' 3e/ore 7o do an7thin0 else; 7o - st /irst nderstand that 7o have co-plete and total control over 7o r -ind and actions. 'pontaneo s o t6 rsts onl7 add / el to the /ire in ti-es o/ stress and sho ld never 6e allo"ed to s r/ace. 3 t 7o also cannot let ever7thin0 sta7 6ottled p inside either. Meditate d rin0 ti-es "hen 7o are an0r7 and allo" 7o rsel/ to cool do"n 6e/ore /acin0 a hot iss e. 5e-ind 7o rsel/ that 7o - st re-ain cal- "hen 7o are an0r7 in order to 6rin0 a6o t the 6est res lts. =se positive a//ir-ations on a dail7 6asis co-6ined "ith vis ali8in0 sit ations "here 7o keep 7o r cool. 4t is also a 0ood idea to talk thin0s o t 6e/ore the7 escalate into a 6i00er pro6le-. $eople -a7 not even reali8e that 7o are pset a6o t so-ethin0 nless 7o sa7 so-ethin0 in a cal- and respect/ l "a7. Another "a7 to re-ove an0er is to learn /or0iveness. Affir%ations for An#er "ana#e%ent' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to keep -7sel/ /ro- /eelin0 o t o/ control "hen 4 /eel an0r7 When 4 a- /aced "ith a threat or stress/ l sit ation; 4 handle it cal-l7 and collectedl7 2ven "hen a sit ation is /r stratin0 4 a- a6le to -aintain a positive attit de .al-in0 do"n and relievin0 stress co-es nat rall7 to -e When 4 /eel an0r7; 4 a- a6le to release it in a constr ctive and responsi6le "a7

/isuali0ation Techni1ues for An#er "ana#e%ent' =se this techni@ e at the /irst si0n o/ an0r7 /eelin0s; or i/ 7o kno" that 7o "ill 6e /acin0 a sit ation that -akes 7o /eel stressed and /r strated. First; close 7o r e7es. ,isconnect 7o rsel/ /ro- the tro 6lin0 sit ation and i-a0ine that 7o are leavin0 7o r 6od7 and /loatin0 a6ove "hat is happenin0. :o" vis ali8e 7o rsel/ respondin0 "ith a cal- tone and care/ l "ords. Feel the tension leave 7o r 6od7 and let 0o o/ the an0er. 4/ 7o still /eel too an0r7 to control 7o rsel/. $ict re 7o rsel/ in a place that -akes 7o /eel co-pletel7 at ease. This co ld 6e an7thin0 that 7o love to do s ch as "ater skiin0 or ridin0 a roller coaster. 4t co ld also 6e si-pl7 rela*in0 on 7o r o"n private island paradise. &nce 7o 6e0in to /eel that happiness inside; it is oka7 to open 7o r e7es and respond as 7o pict red 7o rsel/ doin0 "hen 7o disconnect 7o rsel/ /ro- the sit ation.

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41. Gain Stren#th in Ti%es of Trou)le 1 When 7o /eel like ever7thin0 see-s to 6e 0oin0 co-pletel7 "ron0; it doesn>t have to a//ect 7o r -ood in a tra -atic "a7. 2ver7one e*periences pro6le-s in li/e and thin0s happen that ca se tro 6le; 6 t it isn>t the e*periences that -ake li/e -isera6le 6 t the "a7 7o choose to deal "ith the-. What to +o' The 6est "a7 to /eel 6etter "hen ever7thin0 starts 0oin0 "ron0 is to start re-e-6erin0 ever7thin0 that has 0one ri0ht. #o can also reass re 7o rsel/ that 7o r li/e "ill 0et 6etter and the "a7 it "ill 0et 6etter is 67 7o p llin0 7o rsel/ /ro- the tro 6le and 0ettin0 6ack on track to"ards 7o r 0oals 1 no e*c sesA :ever sa7 7o can>t and 7o "ill /ind i--ense stren0th thro 0h 7o r tro 6led ti-es. Affir%ations for Stren#th in Difficult Ti%es' B 4 can -ake it thro 0h an7thin0 li/e thro"s -7 "a7 B There is nothin0 4 can>t handle B :o pro6le- is too 6i0 /or -e to solve B 2ver7 -istake 4 -ake is 9 st another speed 6 -p on the road to s ccess B When 4 a- /aced "ith a di//ic lt7; 4 al"a7s se -7 positive attit de to overco-e it /isuali0ation Techni1ue for Gainin# Stren#th in Trou)lin# Ti%es' This is one o/ the -ost po"er/ l kinds o/ vis ali8ations 7o can do 6eca se it 0ives 7o a "a7 to -ake the La" o/ Attraction "ork -ore e//ectivel7 in ever7 aspect o/ 7o r li/e. When 7o 0ain this kind o/ inner stren0th; 7o "on>t ever have a pro6le- -ani/estin0 thin0s 6eca se 7o "ill 6e radiatin0 a stron0 vi6rational ener07 "ith a positive -a0netic p ll. When 7o /eel do"n a6o t so-ethin0 or a lot o/ thin0s 0oin0 on in 7o r li/e; take the ti-e to clear p 1! or 2+ -in tes /or this li/e1chan0in0 vis ali8ation. Think a6o t "hat it is that has 7o /eelin0 ne0ativel7. :o" la7 do"n and rela* 7o r 6od7. Foc s on releasin0 the tension /ro- all o/ 7o r - scles 6e0innin0 at the top o/ 7o r head and "orkin0 7o r "a7 all the "a7 to the tips o/ 7o r toes. Foc s on 6reathin0 slo"l7 and deepl7; in thro 0h 7o r nose and o t thro 0h 7o r -o th. :o" i-a0ine that 7o are on a "ar- 6each "ith a 0entle 6ree8e and the so nd o/ so/t "aves rollin0 in. #o s-ell the scent o/ tropical /r it and cocon t and /eel the silk7 so/t sand 6et"een 7o r toes. :o" pict re 7o rsel/ "ith a pen and stick7 note paper. Write do"n the thin0s that co-e into 7o r -ind that are -akin0 7o /eel "eak. When 7o are /inished; roll p the little pieces o/ paper into tin7 scrolls. $lace the- all into a 6ottle and seal the lid sh t; s7-6oli8in0 7o r readiness to let the- 0o. =sin0 7o r stron0 ar-; thro" the 6ottle into the ocean as /ar o t as 7o can. :o" "atch as it slo"l7 6 t s rel7 disappears on the hori8on and the pro6le-s are 0one.

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? st as the 6ottle o/ pro6le-s vanishes; 7o 6e0in to /eel a stren0th co-in0 /ro- "ithin 7o r 6od7. <is ali8e that stren0th radiatin0 o t o/ 7o and s rro ndin0 7o "ith a shield. #o s ddenl7 kno" that nothin0 7o e*perience "ill ever 6e a6le to 0et 7o do"n a0ain. This shield "ill help 7o see the 6ri0ht side and re-ain positive even "hen thin0s are not 0oin0 as planned. :o" s-ile; open 7o r e7es and /eel a sense o/ total relie/; kno"in0 7o r shield is al"a7s in place.

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42. Dull or =li%inate Pain 1 $ain is 7o r 6rain>s "a7 o/ tellin0 7o that so-ethin0 is "ron0. 4t is a necessar7 evil 6 t one that 7o can have po"er over sin0 La" o/ Attraction techni@ es. & r -inds can 6e trained to perceive pain di//erentl7 in order to live a less pain/ l li/e /or those "ith chronic pain. What to +o' 3e/ore 7o can d ll or eli-inate the pain 7o "ill need to help 7o r -ind ackno"led0e the pain so that it is no lon0er necessar7. Thank 7o r 6od7 /or lettin0 7o kno" that so-ethin0 is "ron0 and tell 7o rsel/ that it is oka7 to t rn o// the si0nal no". 2vent all7; 7o r -ind "ill not perceive the pain as so-ethin0 so 6ad. &ne da7 7o "ill look 6ack and reali8e "ith s rprise that 7o no lon0er have that pain. Affir%ations for Pain =li%ination' B B B B B M7 6od7 is co-pletel7 /ree o/ an7 pain 4 have total control o/ ho" -7 6od7 /eels 4 "ake p ever7 da7 "ith less pain than the da7 6e/ore 4t is ver7 eas7 to release the pain and tension inside -e 4 have a nat ral a6ilit7 to control "hat 4 /eel ph7sicall7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Pain =li%ination' 2li-inatin0 pain thro 0h vis ali8ation co ld literall7 chan0e 7o r li/e ri0ht no". The /irst step is 6elievin0 that this "ill "ork /or 7o . 4/ 7o 6elieve it "ill "ork; it W4LL W&5(. This is ho" the La" o/ Attraction "orks a/ter all. 'o /oc s on p ttin0 7o r ener07 into kno"in0 that 7o are 9 st -o-ents a"a7 /ro- vis ali8in0 7o r pain a"a7. 4-a0ine that 7o have alread7 done it ri0ht no" and let the /eelin0 o/ 6ein0 pain /ree 0ive 7o even -ore /aith in the process. :o"; 0et into a place "here 7o can rela*. Take 7o r shoes o//; "ear so-ethin0 reall7 co-/7 and loose; and i/ 7o have 7o r hair p; let it do"n. :o" la7 do"n and 9 st /oc s on 7o r 6reathin0. 4n....and o t....in....and o t. 5ela*..... &nce 7o are as rela*ed as possi6le; /oc s on the pain 7o are /eelin0. Think a6o t "here it is; "hat shape is takes; and 0ive it a color. <is ali8a that 7o can act all7 see 7o r pain as a thin0 in 7o r 6od7. :o" that 7o can see it; 7o can -ake it disappear. Move the pain o t o/ 7o r 6od7 and vis ali8e in /loatin0 a6ove 7o . :o" 0et creative and "atch is 6e destro7ed. =se 7o r i-a0ination to 0et rid o/ it. Hit it "ith a 0iant 6at; "atch it 0et s"allo"ed 67 a shark; or 6e s cked into a 6lack hole. .on0rat lations; 7o r pain is 0one. 4/ not; practice this and /oc s on re-ovin0 7o r do 6t to see res lts.
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43. Sto& Bi#ht%ares 1 4/ 7o re0 larl7 have ni0ht-ares that ca se 7o to lose sleep; the La" o/ Attraction can help 7o con@ er 7o r sleepin0 "orld too. 5e-e-6er that 7o attract "hat 7o /oc s on the -ost and that this can also 6e tr e in 7o r drea- "orld. What to +o' $ositive a//ir-ations can 6e sed prior to /allin0 asleep so that 7o can control 7o r drea- "orld. ,on>t s rro nd 7o rsel/ "ith an7 scar7 i-a0es or scenes and think o/ happ7 tho 0hts as 7o dri/t o// to sleep. 4/ 7o do have a 6ad drea- that occ rs /re@ entl7; "rite it do"n in a drea- 9o rnal and atte-pt to achieve l cid drea-in0 so that 7o can chan0e 7o r drea- the ne*t ti-e it happens. Affir%ations for Sto&&in# Bi#ht%ares' B B B B B M7 drea-s are al"a7s / ll o/ happ7 thin0s When 4 sleep; -7 -ind drea-s peace/ ll7 thro 0h the ni0ht 4 a- a6le to /all asleep and en9o7 positive /eelin0s the "hole ni0ht As 4 /all asleep 4 think a6o t happ7 thin0s and have s"eet drea-s 4 a- al"a7s a6le to keep -7 drea-s / ll o/ 0oodness and / n

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Sto& Bi#ht%ares This vis ali8ation techni@ e incl des t"o parts. The /irst part is sed to help 7o 6e l cid; or conscio s in 7o r drea- state. With 7o r e7es open; vis ali8e 7o rsel/ stickin0 7o r /in0er thro 0h the pal- o/ 7o r other hand. Will it to happen as o/ it is possi6le. ,o this -an7 ti-es thro 0h the da7 /ro- no" on to 6 ild a ne" ha6it o/ per/or-in0 this realit7 check. #o r s 6conscio s "ill event all7 6e0in doin0 this ha6it "hile 7o are in 7o r drea- and 7o "ill reali8e 7o are drea-in0 6eca se 7o "ill act all7 6e a6le to p t 7o r /in0er thro 0h 7o r hand. The second part o/ the vis ali8ation techni@ e is to create 7o r o"n drea- "orld rather than allo"in0 7o r ne0ative e-otions or thinkin0 to create a ni0ht-are. ,o this 67 "ritin0 do"n "hat 7o r lti-ate drea- "o ld 6e. 4ncl de -an7 details to 6rin0 it to li/e in 7o r -ind. As 7o are /allin0 asleep; 6e0in creatin0 this drea- in 7o r -ind as i/ 7o are alread7 drea-in0. 4t "ill take so-e practice; 6 t event all7 7o "ill 6e a6le to enter into this drea- "hen 7o enter 52M sleep and se 7o r l cid drea-in0 techni@ e to keep it positive all thro 0h the ni0ht.

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44. $verco%e Pho)ias 1 Facin0 7o r /ears and overco-in0 pho6ias is 9 st the sa-e as learnin0 to ride a 6ike or s"i-. Tho 0h it /eels i-possi6le at /irst; once "e set o r -inds to s ccess it /inall7 happens. The La" o/ Attraction can help 7o set 7o r -ind to overco-in0 an7 /ear or pho6ia /ro- hei0hts and s-all spaces to spiders and snakes. What to +o' 3e read7 and "illin0 to /ace 7o r /ear head on and reali8e that 7o r -ind is pla7in0 tricks on 7o . <is ali8e 7o rsel/ /acin0 the /ear "ith no conse@ ence and let the e-otions o/ pride and acco-plish-ent /ill 7o r -ind. 4/ /ear starts to 0ro"; distract 7o r -ind 67 thinkin0 a6o t so-ethin0 that 7o are not a/raid o/ at all s ch as a c te kitten. 5epeat a -antra s ch as D:othin0 "ill h rt -e.D Face 7o r /ear on a re0 lar 6asis so that 7o 6eco-e desensiti8ed to the sit ation or thin0 that 7o are a/raid o/. (eep a positive and opti-istic -ind "hile /acin0 7o r /ears and 7o "ill soon 6e pho6ia /ree. Affir%ations to $verco%e Pho)ias' Fill in the 6lank "ith 7o r pho6ia or se a 0eneral "ord s ch as Dan7thin0D. B B B B B 4 a- easil7 a6le to /ace JJJJJJJJJJJJJ Whenever 4 have to do so-ethin0 that incl des JJJJJJJJJJJ; 4 a- /earless. 4 have no pro6le-s overco-in0 -7 pho6ias and /acin0 an7thin0. 4 choose to al"a7s 6e in control o/ -7sel/ and never allo" /ear to control -e. 4 a- al"a7s capa6le o/ /acin0 an7 sit ation or thin0 "hen necessar7 "itho t 6ein0 a//ected.

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to $verco%e Pho)ias' This proven vis ali8ation techni@ e involves a co-6ination o/ cal-in0 e*ercises and i--ersion in the pho6ic environ-ent "itho t havin0 an7 conse@ ences. To start; 9 st close 7o r e7es "henever pho6ia 6e0ins to take hold and concentrate on so-ethin0 that 7o love. 4t co ld 6e an7thin0 7o "o ld never t rn do"n s ch as a "alk in the park or 6askin0 in the s n on a "arsprin0 da7. 5eall7 it can 6e "hatever 7o decide. :e*t; allo" the /eelin0 o/ that thin0 7o love doin0 to take over all o/ 7o r senses /or at least t"o -in tes. Wait ntil 7o /eel co-pletel7 rela*ed. When 7o are totall7 at peace and /eelin0 content; think a6o t doin0 the thin0s that 7o are a/raid o/. $ict re 7o rsel/ overco-in0 7o r pho6ia "hile /eelin0 co-pletel7 na/raid and cal-. 4/ at an7 ti-e 7o 6e0in to /eel an*io s or /ear/ l; revert 6ack to 7o r co-/ortin0 vis ali8ation ntil 7o cal- do"n; and then start 6ack "here 7o le/t o// in 7o r pho6ia i--ersion.

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,o this vis ali8ation techni@ e ever7 da7; "henever 7o 0et a chance ntil 7o have no /eelin0s o/ pho6ia d rin0 7o r i-a0inar7 pho6ia sit ation. 2vent all7 7o "ill 6e a6le to do the real thin0 "itho t the cripplin0 /ear.

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45. Lose Wei#ht 1 Wei0ht loss s ccess is all a6o t ho" 7o think. When 7o think 7o can do it; 7o can do it. When 7o think 7o can>t; that 6eco-es tr e too. Losin0 "ei0ht can help prevent a - ltit de o/ o6esit7 related health pro6le-s incl din0 dia6etes and heart disease. 'o it>s not 9 st a6o t ph7sical appearance; it>s a6o t 7o r @ alit7 o/ li/e too. What to +o' Actin0 as i/ pla7s a h 0e role in "ei0ht loss. This La" o/ Attraction techni@ e -eans to act as i/ 7o are alread7 7o r 0oal "ei0ht. 'o i/ 7o "ant to 6e 2+ po nds li0hter; act like 7o "o ld need to act i/ 7o "ere alread7 2+ po nds li0hter and "anted to sta7 that "a7. This -eans to red ce portion si8es and skip the second helpin0s. 2atin0 healthier takes "illpo"er and /or that 7o can t rn to L&A techni@ es s ch as a//ir-ations and vision 6oards. .reate a vision 6oard o/ 7o rsel/ at a health7 "ei0ht 67 sin0 a s-aller 6od7 "ith 7o r head. Then paste pict res o/ all the thin0s 7o "o ld do "hen 7o are thinner. This co ld 6e a shoppin0 spree; "earin0 a 6ikini; takin0 a trip; or 6ein0 a6le to do thin0s that 7o r "ei0ht prevents 7o /ro- doin0. Affir%ations to Lose Wei#ht' B B B B B 4 can /eel -7 clothin0 0ettin0 looser "ith each passin0 da7 M7 /at is disappearin0 /ro- -7 6od7; revealin0 a thinner -e 4 a- eatin0 health7 and e*ercisin0 6eca se it helps -e lose -ore "ei0ht 2ver7 ti-e 4 0et on the scale 4 "ei0h less than 4 did 6e/ore Losin0 "ei0ht co-es e//ortlessl7 /or -e

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Lose Wei#ht .lose 7o r e7es and allo" /eelin0s o/ e*cite-ent and anticipation to enter 7o r -ind a6o t 7o r "ei0ht loss 0oal. :o" pict re 7o rsel/ at the "ei0ht 7o "ant to 6e. Feel 7o rsel/ p ll on the pair o/ pants in the si8e 7o "ant to 6e "itho t an7 resistance at all. Look in the -irror at 7o r ne" 6od7 and ad-ire it. Think a6o t 6ein0 a6le to "alk aro nd "ith ease and /eelin0 con/ident and 0ood lookin0. Think a6o t ho" this is 7o . #o are 6eco-in0 this ne"; thinner 7o ri0ht no". 4t is happenin0. 4-a0ine the health7 /oods 7o p t in 7o r 6od7 that -ake 7o /eel 0ood and ho" 7o can no" r n an entire -ile "itho t /eelin0 tired. Think a6o t ho" e*ercise 6rin0s 7o a 0reat sense o/ pride and / els 7o "ith ener07. ,o this e*ercise ever7 da7 d rin0 7o r "ei0ht loss 9o rne7 9 st 6e/ore 7o /ace the -ost challen0in0 sit ations.

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46. >uil+ Gratitu+e 1 Gratit de is a - st i/ 7o "ant to ever /eel happ7 in li/e. #o don>t need to /eel co-placent to a6o t 7o r c rrent circ -stances in order to e*perience a p re /eelin0 o/ 0rate/ lness. 4t onl7 takes so-e thinkin0 a6o t ho" "onder/ l certain thin0s are and that 7o have 6een 0iven the opport nit7 to p rs e 7o r 0oals. With that; the "orld 6eco-es a 6ri0hter place; 7o /eel ine*plica6l7 "onder/ l; and -ore thin0s to 6e 0rate/ l /or appear in a6 ndance. What to +o' 2ver7 -ornin0 "hen 7o "ake p and ever7 evenin0 6e/ore 0oin0 to 6ed; -editate /or the sole p rpose o/ 0ratit de. 'tart o// "ith the si-ple thin0s s ch as the a6ilit7 to 6reath; ho" 0reat it is 9 st to 6e alive; 7o r /a-il7; /riends; and all o/ the thin0s that 7o have. Think a6o t ho" a"eso-e each thin0s is and ho" those thin0s -ake 7o /eel. ,o this /or /ive to ten -in tes and then "rite do"n a /e" o/ the 6i00est thin0s that 7o are 0rate/ l /or. This co ld 6e a person; place; event; or -aterial possessions. 4t co ld even 6e an idea or concept. =sin0 a 0ratit de 9o rnal is an e*cellent idea. A/ter a "hile; 7o "ill notice that /oc sin0 on 0ratit de 6 ilds a6 ndance in 7o r li/e in "a7s 7o never i-a0ined. Affir%ations to >uil+ Gratitu+e' B B B B B 4 a- so thank/ l /or ever7thin0 4 have and the thin0s 4 a- receivin0 4 a- so 0rate/ l to al"a7s have ever7thin0 that 4 need The niverse al"a7s provides ever7thin0 4 need to /eel 0rate/ l M7 li/e is / ll o/ thin0s to 6e thank/ l /or and -7 0ratit de 0ro"s ever7 da7 M7 e*periences are so precio s to -e and 4 a- so 0lad to 6e alive

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to >uil+ Gratitu+e' For this vis ali8ation 9 st pict re 7o rsel/ lookin0 at ever7thin0 7o have 6een 6lessed "ith. 'tart "ith the s-all thin0s and -ove to"ards the 6i0 thin0s; i-a0inin0 ho" each thin0 7o have -akes 7o /eel and "hat it allo"s 7o to do. #o co ld vis ali8e an7thin0 d rin0 this ti-e incl din0 /a-il7; /riends; "ealth; health; pets; even thin0s like 7o r re-ote control. Whatever -akes 7o /eel reall7 0rate/ l; /oc s on 0ro"in0 that /eelin0 6i00er and 6i00er. 4/ 7o need so-e ideas /or 7o r vis ali8ation; 9 st look aro nd "ith 7o r e7es open and reall7; tr l7 see.

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47. ?%&rove ocus 1 Foc s is one o/ the -ost i-portant /actors to the La" o/ Attraction and ho" it "orks in 7o r li/e. This is si-pl7 /or the /act that "e attract -ore o/ "hatever "e /oc s on. #o r /oc s and the a-o nt o/ it is "hat deter-ines ho" - ch control 7o have over the thin0s 7o "ant in li/e. What to +o' Foc s - st 6e done in a positive "a7 in order to ena6le the ri0ht kind o/ chan0e in 7o r li/e. 4/ 7o concentrate 7o r /oc s in a ne0ative "a7; 7o "ill /ind 7o rsel/ /allin0 deeper into a trap o/ ne0ative sit ations and e*periences. 4/ 7o catch 7o rsel/ /oc sin0 on ho" 6ad so-ethin0 is; i--ediatel7 s"itch 7o r 6rain into a di//erent -ode o/ thinkin0. For e*a-ple; i/ 7o are /eelin0 over"hel-ed 67 the a-o nt o/ "ork 7o are doin0 to"ards a 0oal; instead /oc s on ho" 0reat it is to 6e "orkin0 to"ards 7o r 0oal and think o/ each task as a special piece to the p 88le. Find e*cite-ent and a /eelin0 o/ e-po"er-ent as 7o acco-plish "ork and i/ 7o - st; 6reak lar0e pro9ects do"n into -ini1tasks and cele6rate a/ter each co-pleted -ilestone. Affir%ations to ?%&rove ocus' B B B B B 4 a- al"a7s a6le to keep -7 /oc s on -7 0oals and keep -ovin0 /or"ard When 4 do so-ethin0; 4 p t all o/ -7 /oc s into it Foc sin0 co-es nat rall7 to -e When 4 do so-ethin0; 4 6eco-e / ll7 a6sor6ed in it Foc sin0 on thin0s -akes -e /eel reall7 prod ctive and happ7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?%&rove ocus' This vis ali8ation techni@ e sho ld 6e sed 6e/ore 7o do so-ethin0 that 7o "ill need to /oc s on. Find a place to 6e alone /or a /e" -in tes. 4/ 7o - st; se a 6athroo- or 7o r car to 0et a"a7. .lose 7o r e7es and take deep; slo" 6reaths. :o" pict re 7o r ears openin0 to hearin0 ever7 so nd. 4-a0ine that 7o 9 st re-oved ear pl 0s and no" 7o can hear an7thin0. :e*t; think a6o t 7o r -ind; i-a0ine that it has a door and that 7o have 9 st opened it. & t o/ the door co-es a 6ea ti/ l li0ht that s rro nds ever7thin0 7o see. This represents 7o r -ind 6ein0 open. The /inal step is to vis ali8e 7o r heart. 4t to has a door and "hen 7o open it; 7o /ree another li0ht / ll o/ da88lin0 colors and shapes. This represents 7o r heart 6ein0 open. :o"; open 7o r e7es and /oc s on ho" clearl7 7o can see. With 7o r ears; e7es; heart; and -ind open; 7o are no" a6le to /oc s on an7thin0 7o "antA

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49. .ave "ore un 1 4/ 7o are /eelin0 6ored and n/ l/illed; 0 ess "hat happensC #o "ill attract -ore 6oredo- and thin0s that don>t / l/ill 7o r e-otional needs. :ot havin0 / n is a choice 7o -ake /ro- "ithin; not reall7 a prod ct o/ o r environ-ents at allA Have 7o ever "atched a child pla7 "ith the sa-e to7 /or ho rs and da7s; co-in0 p "ith ne" "a7s to -ake each -o-ent ni@ eC 5ekindle 7o r a6ilit7 to do si-ilarl7 and 7o >ll nlock the doors to all the / n 7o co ld "ant. What to +o' The /irst step is to loosen p. Then p t a s-ile on 7o r /ace and start -akin0 a list o/ ever7thin0 that 7o have done that 7o /ind / n. Think a6o t ho" - ch / n 7o have doin0 certain activities 67 vis ali8in0 the- in 7o r -ind and allo" those /eelin0s to -ake 7o /eel 0ood no". Take 7o r list o/ thin0s that 7o en9o7 doin0 and -ake a pro-ise to 7o rsel/ to do -ore o/ the-. 4/ -one7 is an iss e; there are T&:' o/ "a7s to have / n "itho t droppin0 a di-e. Take p a challen0e; 6eco-e passionate a6o t a ho667; 0et o t o/ the ho se and -eet people; vol nteer /or a charit7 or or0ani8ation s ch as a no1kill ani-al shelter; learn a ne" skill; or do so-ethin0 di//erent "ith 7o r ro tine. All o/ these thin0s can help spice p 7o r li/e and -ake 7o /eel the / n a0ain. Affir%ations to .ave "ore un' B B B B B 4 al"a7s have / n no -atter "here 4 a- or "hat 4 a- doin0 4 al"a7s s rro nd -7sel/ "ith people that like to have / n 4 a- easil7 a6le to se -7 i-a0ination to -ake an7thin0 / n Li/e is / ll o/ / n advent res; co-ical e*periences; and e*citin0 9o rne7s F n al"a7s /inds -e "herever 4 0o and ever7thin0 in li/e is / n /or -e

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to .ave "ore un' Think a6o t a ti-e that 7o had the -ost / n 7o have ever had. :o" recreate that da7 or event in 7o r -ind as acc ratel7 as 7o can. #o can act all7 trick 7o r -ind into /eelin0 like it has 9 st had a lot o/ / n "ith this techni@ e and keep 7o 0oin0 thro 0h the da7 "ith -ore happiness. The happier 7o are; the -ore / n "ill /ind 7o . 5e-e-6er to se all o/ 7o r senses to i-a0ine the / n ti-e. 'ee 7o r s rro ndin0s; s-ell the scents in the air; hear the so nds; /eel the thin0s 7o to ch; and taste the thin0s 7o eat or drink. Also; 6e s re to think a6o t ho" 7o /eel e-otionall7 tooA That>s the -ost i-portant part.

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4;. -han#e .ow *ou See The Worl+ 1 $erception is all a6o t co-parisons. This is "h7 a person that has al"a7s kno" "ealth and a6 ndance can /eel as i/ the7 are deprived "hile a person that has 6een poor all their li/e can /eel ver7 /ort nate. What to +o' The ke7 is all a6o t "hat 7o are co-parin0 7o r sit ation to. 5ather than lookin0 at a ver7 "ealth7 person and /eelin0 like 7o have nothin0; look at ho" /ar 7o have co-e on 7o r o"n 9o rne7. 4/ thin0s aren>t 0oin0 "ell at all /or 7o ; /oc s on the path 7o are on and appreciate ever7 step /or"ard 7o take. Also learn to 6e thank/ l /or -istakes and set6acks; as these are 7o r learnin0 e*periences. 5eali8e that /ail re is not tr l7 /ail re at all; 6 t a steppin0 stone to"ards s ccess. &ne o/ the 6i00est "a7s to chan0e ho" 7o see the "orld is to stop "atchin0 the ne"s. The "orld is s ch a "onder/ l place / ll o/ 0ood; 6 t the ne"s never sho"s 7o those thin0s. The7 /oc s -ostl7 on ne0ative thin0s; "hich -akes it di//ic lt to see the "orld as it tr l7 is. Affir%ations to -han#e .ow *ou See The Worl+' B B B B B 4 choose to see the positive in ever7 sit ation 4 6elieve the "orld is 0enerall7 a 0ood place "ith 0ood people M7 li/e is / ll o/ 6lessin0s and 4 a- 0rate/ l /or "hat 4 have There is 6ea t7 all aro nd s & r e*istence is a"e inspirin0 and -a0ical

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to -han#e .ow *ou See The Worl+' .lose 7o r e7es. Think a6o t all o/ "hat "e have here in o r "orld. <is ali8e the niverse and ho" s-all earth is in co-parison. :o" think a6o t ho" a-a8in0 it is /or o r planet to even e*ist. <is ali8e all o/ the s-all details that -ake it possi6le /or li/e to 6e here at all. Think a6o t o r "ater; the at-osphere; the /ood that 0ro"s and the plants and ani-als that co-plete the /ood chain. 4-a0ine ho" li/e "o ld 6e /or s i/ "e "ere an7 closer or / rther /roo r s n or "hat "o ld happen i/ "e didn>t have the 0ravitational p ll o/ the -oon. Also pict re "hat it "o ld 6e like i/ o r planet did not rotate aro nd the s n or spin to 0ive s ni0ht and da7. All o/ these thin0s are -ind 6o00lin0 and a-a8in0. #o "ill have s ch a di//erent vie" o/ the "orld "hen 7o conte-plate these concepts sin0 vis ali8ation. 4t is tr l7 re-arka6le. Allo" 7o rsel/ to /eel the 0ratit de /or havin0 all o/ these tin7 thin0s co-e to0ether /or s to 6e here.

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50. =li%inate ?nso%nia 1 4/ 7o have tro 6le sleepin0; 7o r "hole li/e can 6e a//ected. #o /eel 0ro007; -ood7 and irrita6le d rin0 the da7; and -isera6le at ni0ht. 3 t thanks to the La" o/ Attraction; -ost cases o/ inso-nia can 6e eli-inated or 0reatl7 relieved.

What to +o' The -ain -istake people -ake "ith inso-nia is that the7 /oc s all o/ their tho 0hts on tr7in0 to cal- their -ind to /all asleep "hile the -ind contin es to race. This tells the niverse that 7o have a -ind that is not cal- and that 7o cannot sleep so 7o end p h rtin0 7o r sleep e//orts even -ore. 5ather than /oc sin0 on that; /oc s on a di//erent techni@ e. When it is ti-e /or 6ed; take a6o t 3+ -in tes to allo" an7 and all tho 0hts to co-e to 7o r -ind and appreciate the-. 4/ 7o 6e0in to /oc s on solvin0 a pro6le-; "rite it do"n and think o/ an7 sol tion that co-es to -ind; even i/ it is to si-pl7 think a6o t it to-orro". Then p t 7o r "ritin0 a"a7 and tell 7o rsel/ that 7o are done "ith the- no". Then la7 do"n; close 7o r e7es and pict re that 7o are lookin0 at 7o rsel/ in a place o/ 7o r choice that -akes 7o /eel caland rela*ed. Watch 7o rsel/ /allin0 asleep in 7o r -ind in that oasis. A 0ood place to i-a0ine is a 6each 6eca se 7o can "atch the "aves roll in or i-a0ine dolphins pla7in0 in the distance. .hances are 7o "ill 6e asleep and drea-in0 o/ 7o r oasis all ni0ht lon0. Affir%ations to =li%inate ?nso%nia' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to sleep rest/ ll7 thro 0h the ni0ht When 4 sleep 4 a"aken /eelin0 ener0i8ed and re/reshed 4t is eas7 /or -e to /all asleep @ ickl7 and sta7 asleep M7 sleep is peace/ l and / ll o/ 0ood drea-s 4t is al"a7s so si-ple to 0et into 6ed and /all into a deep sleep

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/isuali0ation Techni1ue to =li%inate ?nso%nia' &ne o/ the -ost "onder/ l vis ali8ation -ethods /or inso-nia treat-ent is 6ased on reverse ps7cholo07 /irst; and then La" o/ Attraction second. 4t "orks incredi6l7 "ell /or people "ith chronic inso-nia or /or those that si-pl7 don>t /eel ver7 tired "hen it is ti-e to 0o to sleep. First; deter-ine a place sin0 7o r i-a0ination "here 7o "o ld /eel co-pletel7 at peace and rela*ed. This co ld 6e a -a0ical place s ch as a 6ed o/ clo ds "ith healin0 po"ers; or so-e"here ver7 sa/e s ch as a /ortress "ith a co87 6ed inside. Get creative; 6 t -ake s re 7o "o ld reall7 /eel co-pletel7 at ease there. :o"; create a treachero s 9o rne7 in 7o r -ind. This part is -eant to tire 7o r -ind and 6od7 67 creatin0 a ver7 ph7sicall7 challen0in0 advent re that is the onl7 thin0 6et"een 7o and 7o r rela*in0 place o/ sl -6er. This co ld 6e a cli-6 p a steep -o ntainside; a paddle do"n a r shin0 river; a desperate cra"l thro 0h the 'ahara desert; a trek across /ro8en t ndra; or a s"iacross the ic7 "aters o/ the arctic ocean. 5eall7 i-a0ine "hat it "o ld /eel like; ho" hard it "o ld 6e; and contin e to p sh 7o rsel/ /or as lon0 as 7o can. The idea is to /eel s ch anticipation /or 7o r rela*in0; sa/e place that 7o 9 st cannot "ait to 0et to itA A/ter a 0ood lon0 ti-e; i-a0ine that 7o see 7o r oasis o// in the distance. #o can /inall7 see it and 7o "ork hard to 0et to 7o r destination. When 7o /inall7 0et there; 7o are so -entall7 tired and so ph7sicall7 e*ha sted that 7o /all asleep as soon as 7o 0et into the hori8ontal position.

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51. Get in Sha&e 1 Gettin0 in shape is eas7 "hen 7o tili8e La" o/ Attraction techni@ es d rin0 the process. #o "ill need to take action to do this 6 t action all 6e0ins in the -ind. #o r tho 0hts 6eco-e realit7 and a 0oal o/ 0ettin0 the toned ph7si@ e 7o have 6een drea-in0 o/ can 6e achieved. What to +o' Get ver7 detailed a6o t 7o r /itness 0oals and hold 7o rsel/ acco nta6le /or 7o r choices. =se a co-6ination o/ -otivational a//ir-ations and vis ali8ation to keep 7o r -otivation 0oin0 stron0. 4/ 7o "ant to 6e a6le to r n a -arathon "itho t stoppin0. =se an a//ir-ation si-ilar to; D2ver7da7 4 r n lon0er and /eel 6etter doin0 it.D Then pict re 7o rsel/ r nnin0 that entire -arathon "hile /eelin0 incredi6le; po"er/ l and / ll7 capa6le. 4/ 7o r 0oal is to look 0ood in 7o r 6athin0 s it; pict re 7o rsel/ lookin0 a-a8in0 on the 6each and let those e-otions /ill 7o "ith deter-ination to "ork o t and eat ri0ht. A sa7in0 that has helped keep -an7 people on track to"ards their /itness 0oals is; D:o /ood tastes as 0ood as 6ein0 in shape /eels.D Whenever 7o are te-pted to eat so-ethin0 na 0ht7; think a6o t ho" - ch 6etter it /eels to look 0ood in 7o r o"n skin. Affir%ations to Get in Sha&e' B B B B B M7 6od7 is / ll o/ stron0 - scles 4 a- see -7 6od7 0ettin0 -ore /it ever7 da7 4 have a ph7si@ e that is 6oth stron0 and health7 M7 "orko ts are al"a7s consistent and en9o7a6le 4 reall7 p sh -7sel/ to 6e -7 ver7 6est

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Get in Sha&e' <is ali8ation /or 0ettin0 in shape has 6een scienti/icall7 proven to help 6 ild stren0th and i-prove 7o r per/or-ance d rin0 "orko ts. The La" o/ Attraction is a po"er/ l tool to t rn 7o rsel/ into an e*tre-el7 ph7sicall7 /it individ al. 3e/ore 0oin0 to the 07- or li/tin0 "ei0hts; pict re 7o rsel/ per/or-in0 7o r "orko t "ith ease. 4/ 7o are plannin0 on doin0 a certain activit7 or "orko t o t a speci/ic - scle 0ro p; vis ali8e 7o rsel/ easil7 0ettin0 thro 0h it sin0 all o/ 7o r senses to /ill in the details. Feel the "ei0hts in 7o r hands and the tension on 7o r 6od7; look at the a-o nt o/ "ei0ht 7o are li/tin0 and allo" 7o rsel/ to /eel co-pletel7 con/ident in 7o r a6ilit7 to do an7thin0. 4-a0ine that 7o /eel e-po"ered to 6e 7o r ver7 6est. 4/ 7o are r nnin0; i-a0ine that 7o can 6reathe "ith ease and 7o r heart6eat is ver7 stead7 and stron0. Let the /eelin0 o/ r nnin0 like a "ell oiled en0ine 0ive 7o that e*tra -otivational s pport to co-plete 7o r /itness 0oals.

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52. Sto& Worryin# 1 Are 7o the kind o/ person that chooses to think a6o t the "orst case scenario o/ an7 sit ationC Well i/ 7o ever "ant an7thin0 0ood to happen to 7o ; this - st stop no". There is nothin0 "orse /or 7o and 7o r / t re than 6ein0 in a constant state o/ "orr7. A/ter all; 7o attract "hat 7o think a6o t. What to +o' The /irst step to stop "orr7 /ro- 6ein0 the center o/ 7o r ever7 tho 0ht is to s"itch over to 6ein0 an opti-ist. &pti-ists don>t "orr7. The7 live li/e kno"in0 that "ith their e//orts and positive thinkin0 an7thin0 is possi6le. Tr7 the :.4...2. techni@ e.G:otice; 4ntervene; .han0e; 2-6raceH. Wear a r 66er 6and; 6racelet; or an7thin0 else as a re-inder to 6e :4.2. 4/ 7o catch 7o rsel/ "orr7in0 a6o t an7thin0 at all; notice it. Then intervene "ith 7o r line o/ thinkin0 and chan0e it. Finall7; e-6race 7o r ne" tho 0ht 67 /eelin0 0ood a6o t it. For e*a-ple; 7o are "orkin0 on a pro9ect and 6e0in to "orr7 a6o t the deadline and 6ein0 incapa6le o/ -eetin0 it. #o see 7o r re-inder and notice these "orries "hich -akes 7o re-e-6er to intervene and chan0e 7o r thinkin0. 4nstead 7o think; D4 have "hat it takes to 0et the "ork done in plent7 o/ ti-e.D Then think a6o t ho" 0ood it "ill /eel "hen 7o /inish "ith spare ti-e and let that -ake 7o /eel 0ood inside. Affir%ations to Sto& Worryin#' B B B B B 4 a- a nat rall7 "orr7 /ree person 4 kno" that ever7thin0 "ill "ork o t /or -e 2ver7thin0 "ill 6e oka7 no" and al"a7s 4 a- con/ident that -7 li/e "ill 6e "onder/ l 4 have a stron0 sense o/ opti-is- /or the / t re

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Sto& Worryin#' 4denti/7 7o r "orries and "rite the- do"n on paper. :o" close 7o r e7es and think a6o t the thin0s 7o have "ritten. Foc s on one "orr7 at a ti-e. $ict re the sit ation that 7o are "orried a6o t as i/ it "as happenin0 in this ver7 -o-ent. 4nstead o/ allo"in0 7o rsel/ to vis ali8e the sit ation 0oin0 6adl7; i-a0ine that it is alread7 0oin0 per/ectl7 and "itho t a sin0le pro6le-. Foc s on ho" happ7 and relieved 7o are that the sit ation is 0oin0 so "ell. Thank the niverse /or 0ivin0 7o positive res lts. 4/ so-ethin0 is alread7 0oin0 "ron0 and it -akes 7o /eel "orried; vis ali8e that it "orks o t in so-e "a7 /or the 6etter. That there is so-e reason /or the sit ation and that 7o "ill co-e o t o/ it a 6etter person. Think o/ it as the dark ni0ht 6e/ore a 6ea ti/ l -ornin0. A6ove all; keep an opti-istic attit de d rin0 7o r vis ali8ations.

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53. Get a Pro%otion or @aise 1 There aren>t ver7 -an7 o/ s that can sa7 "e "o ldn>t love to 0et a pro-otion or -ake -ore -one7. Thank/ ll7 7o have so-e control over this "ith the help o/ the La" o/ Attraction. #o can cli-6 the ranks and -ake -ore -one7 so don>t 0o another da7 settlin0 /or less. What to +o' Find o t ho" - ch 7o "ant and 6elieve that 7o are "orth7 o/ it. 3e "orth7 o/ -ore -one7 67 increasin0 7o r skills and kno"led0e in 7o r ind str7. Take on -ore responsi6ilit7 to prove 7o can handle -ore. Go a6ove and 6e7ond to sho" that 7o are -ore val a6le in a hi0her position. 3e con/ident in 7o rsel/ and don>t 6e a/raid to ask /or it. #o do deserve it. 'tart actin0 as i/ 7o have alread7 s cceeded in 0ettin0 -ore 67 investin0 in a /e" nice o t/its /or "ork or 6 7in0 so-ethin0 that "ill co-e in hand7 "hen 7o are pro-oted. When 7o dress and look the part people a to-aticall7 "ant to 0ive 7o -ore. Get creative and co-e p "ith a "a7 that "ill -ake ever7one -ore prod ctive and e//ective. A positive attit de spa"ns creativit7 and inspiration "ill co-e easil7. Affir%ations to Get a Pro%otion or @aise' B B B B B 4 a- ne*t in line /or a pa7 increase 4 kno" that -ore -one7 is co-in0 -7 "a7 soon 4 a- the person that "ill receive the ne*t pro-otion M7 skills and e*pertise contin e to attract 6etter pa7 and positions The -ore 4 /oc s on -ovin0 p the ladder at "ork; the /aster 4 cli-6

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Get a Pro%otion or @aise' 3e/ore 6e0innin0 7o r "ork da7; do this vis ali8ation to keep 7o r positive vi6rational ener07 set to attract. This is a per/ect techni@ e to se "hile 7o are still in 7o r vehicle or "hile en9o7in0 7o r c p o/ co//ee in the -ornin0. .lose 7o r e7es and think a6o t "hat 7o "ant to happen toda7 at "ork. <is ali8e that 7o r 6oss or clients co-e to 7o "ith 0ratit de and ad-iration /or the 9o6 7o do. 4-a0ine the- tellin0 7o that the7 /eel 7o are capa6le o/ -ore than 7o r c rrent position. Listen to the- tell 7o that 7o have 6een pro-oted or that 7o "ill no" 6e 0ettin0 K a-o nt -ore -one7. 5eall7 allo" 7o rsel/ to hear the "ords in 7o r -ind and see the e*pression on their /ace.

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54. Gain @es&ect 1 Witho t respect it is i-possi6le to 6e taken serio sl7 and appear as a val a6le -e-6er o/ societ7. 2arnin0 the respect o/ others starts internall7. There are pro6a6l7 a lot o/ thin0s 7o don>t kno" a6o t ho" to 0ain respect so let>s clear thin0s p and /ind o t "hat it takes to 0ain this cr cial virt e. What to +o' The ans"er to 0ainin0 the respect o/ others la7s in ho" - ch 7o respect 7o rsel/ and others. When 7o think a6o t 7o r respect /or 7o rsel/ and the people aro nd 7o ; this is re/lected 6ack to 7o . When 7o lack respect 7o rsel/; 7o cannot e*pect an7one to respect 7o A That>s "h7 the7 sa7 that respect is a t"o "a7 street. This is a per/ect e*a-ple o/ the La" o/ Attraction in action. Affir%ations to Gain @es&ect' B B B B B All those "ho kno" -e treat -e "ith the t-ost respect 4 a- respected 67 -7 /a-il7; /riends; and collea0 es When 4 speak; people listen "ith respect and tr st M7 respect /or others is al"a7s - t al 4 a- ad-ired and respected 67 those "ho kno" -e

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Gain @es&ect' This vis ali8ation can 6e done 6e/ore an7 social sit ation to 0ive 7o the 6oost o/ con/idence 7o need to 0ain i--ediate respect. Think a6o t the people 7o are a6o t to see. Think a6o t havin0 a hi0h a-o nt o/ respect /or the-. $ractice actin0 respect/ ll7 to"ards the- in 7o r -ind and /oc s on havin0 a polite e*pression on 7o r /ace as "ell as sin0 kind "ords. <is ali8e that the7 ret rn 7o r respect thro 0h their "ords; actions and /acial e*pressions. :ote ho" 0ood it /eels to 6e aro nd people "ho respect 7o r and treat 7o "ith kindness. Allo" that /eelin0 to -a0ni/7 and i-a0ine that it 6eco-es so stron0; that 7o are no" a -a0net /or respect. Think a6o t the people that have disrespected 7o in the past no" na6le to sa7 or do an7thin0 disrespect/ l a0ain. #o r entire a ra no" de-ands respect. 4t /eels ver7 0ood. :o" open 7o r e7es and enter into that social sit ation e* din0 con/idence and respect.

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55. ?%&rove *our "arria#e 1 Whether 7o 9 st tied the knot last "eek or are cele6ratin0 -an7 7ears to0ether; there is al"a7s roo- /or i-prove-ent "ithin a -arria0e. :o co ple is a6sol tel7 per/ect; and others "ill re@ ire - ch -ore attention; 6 t have no "orries; 7o r -arria0e can 6e / ll o/ love and happiness "hen 7o take the ri0ht approach. What to +o' Marria0e is 6ased on 7o r intentions and /ollo"in0 thro 0h. 4t>s also a6o t "elco-in0 di//erences and 6ein0 a6le to cope "ith the- "ith an acceptin0 heart. There "ill no do 6t 6e ti-es "hen 7o disa0ree "ith each other and a positive attit de is all 7o need. 3rin0 a / n and /lirt7 approach to ever7 da7 and don>t take thin0s too serio sl7. 4/ there is an iss e that is 6otherin0 7o ; co-- nicate in a lovin0 "a7 rather than placin0 6la-e. Al"a7s look /or "a7s to please 7o r spo se and the7 "ill ret rn the /avor. Foc s on all o/ the thin0s that 7o r partner does ri0ht. A 0reat "a7 to help stren0then the 6ond 6et"een 7o 6oth is to 0ive each other intention lists and vo" to -ake each others intentions co-e tr e; one at a ti-e. (eep thepositive. 5ather than sa7in0 7o "ant so-ethin0 to stop; sa7 7o "ant so-ethin0 to start. Affir%ations to ?%&rove *our "arria#e' B B B B B 4 a- -arried to the -ost a-a8in0 person in the entire "orld M7 -arria0e is one o/ the 6est thin0s that has ever happened to -e 4 love doin0 thin0s that -ake -7 h s6andL"i/e happ7 Happ7 -arria0e co-es nat rall7 to o r relationship M7 -arria0e 0ets 6etter and 6etter ever7 sin0le da7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?%&rove *our "arria#e' <is ali8e the "a7 7o "ant 7o r -arria0e to 6e and se a//ir-ations to0ether to instill characteristics 7o "ant to have. For instance; i/ 7o r spo se "ants 7o to p t 7o r socks in the ha-per rather than the /loor; 6e receptive and se a//ir-ations to help 7o do this co pled "ith vis ali8in0 7o rsel/ takin0 7o r socks o// and p ttin0 the- in the ha-per i--ediatel7. And i/ 7o "ant 7o r spo se to help -ore aro nd the ho se "ith chores; have the- repeat an a//ir-ation /ollo"ed 67 vis ali8in0 co-pletin0 the chores and en9o7in0 it. This vis ali8ation techni@ e re@ ires co-pro-ise. #o cannot -ake 7o r spo se do an7thin0 the7 don>t "ant to do. 3 t; i/ 7o 6oth "ant to -ake it "ork; 7o can help each other -ake chan0es /or 7o rselves and each other.

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56. Gain -ertainty 1 The -ore certain a6o t thin0s 7o are; the clearer 7o r 0oals 6eco-e and the easier it is to have the La" o/ Attraction "orkin0 /or 7o and not a0ainst 7o . .on/ sion is a 0ra7 area that can hinder pro0ress and lti-atel7 keep 7o /ro- 7o r tr e desires. 4t>s ti-e to 0ain certaint7 a6o t "hat 7o "ant o t o/ li/e. What to +o' A 0reat "a7 to 0et clear and 0ain certaint7 is 67 sin0 a techni@ e called re-e-6erin0 the / t re. Take a -o-ent to think a6o t 7o rsel/ in the / t re "hen 7o are ver7 old; a/ter 7o have acco-plished ever7thin0 7o ever "anted and are no" en9o7in0 the end o/ 7o r li/e in co-plete co-/ort "itho t a sin0le re0ret. This is the li/e that 7o "ant to capt re and look 6ack on as i/ 7o are re-e-6erin0 7o r / t re. Think a6o t "hat 7o "ant to have "hen 7o reach the top and "hat le0ac7 7o "ant to leave 6ehind. ,elve into ever7 aspect o/ "hat li/e holds incl din0 career; /a-il7; "ealth; happiness; passions; and an7thin0 7o co ld ever hope to achieve. Then /ind o t "hat it takes to 0et all o/ that. This "ill 6e 7o r path to co-plete certaint7. Affir%ations to Gain -ertainty' B B B B B M7 path is clear and 4 a- co-pletel7 /oc sed on it 4 kno" that 4 "ill acco-plish -7 drea-s 4 a- ver7 certain a6o t "hat 4 "ant and ho" to 0et it When 4 set -7 -ind to so-ethin0; 4 kno" "hat to do 4 a- con/ident in -7 decisions and have no re0rets

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Gain -ertainty' Think a6o t 7o r per/ect da7. What "o ld 7o doC Where "o ld 7o 0oC Who "o ld 7o 6e "ithC What "o ld 7o r sched le 6e likeC Ho" do 7o /eelC What do 7o seeC Ans"er these @ estions and 6e0in vis ali8in0 "hat it "o ld 6e like to 6e livin0 7o r li/e in that per/ect da7. Let 7o r tho 0hts /lo" and i/ so-ethin0 is especiall7 appealin0 to 7o ; 0o ahead and open 7o r e7es to "rite it do"n. ,o this vis ali8ation once dail7 to reall7 0et a clear pict re o/ "hat is i-portant to 7o and 6e certain a6o t 7o r direction. A/ter a /e" "eeks; 0ather 7o r notes /ro- these vis ali8ations and se the- to create a vision 6oard /or 7o r passions; interests and 0oals.

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57. Sto& Procrastinatin# 1 $rocrastinators al"a7s "ait. The7 "ait so lon0 and so o/ten that opport nities pass the- 67 and 0oals contin e to el de the-. 3 t procrastinators can chan0e thanks to the La" o/ Attraction. &pport nities can 0reet 7o aro nd ever7 corner and 7o r 0oals "ill 6e reached "itho t a do 6t "hen 7o learn to stop procrastinatin0 and start doin0. What to +o' $rocrastinators rarel7 take the ti-e to record their a-6itions. Writin0 do"n the thin0s on paper can reall7 help 7o hold 7o rsel/ acco nta6le. .hoose the -ore di//ic lt tasks /irst to 0et the- o t o/ the "a7 and 6reak do"n 6i0 9o6s into s-aller tasks to -ake the- less da ntin0. Another thin0s that stops 7o /ro- i--ediac7 is not 6elievin0 7o can act all7 do it. #o - st re-ove li-itin0 6elie/s 6e/ore procrastination can 6e stopped co-pletel7. Affir%ations to Sto& Procrastinatin#' B B B B B 4 a- capa6le o/ doin0 an7thin0 ri0ht no" 2ver7 -o-ent is a ti-e to e-6race and take action 4 choose to /inish thin0s i--ediatel7 4 a- easil7 a6le to start and /inish thin0s @ ickl7 4 love to 0et thin0s done ri0ht a"a7 rather than "ait

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Sto& Procrastinatin#' Think a6o t the thin0s 7o "ant to do and 6e0in 6reakin0 the- p into s-aller tasks. This "ill help 7o r vis ali8ation 6eco-e a treat rather than an over"hel-in0 process. &nce 7o have 7o r steps "orked o t; 6e0in the /irst step in 7o r -ind as i/ 7o are startin0 it. Foc s on stirrin0 /eelin0s o/ deter-ination and /oc s as 7o are "orkin0 thro 0h the step in 7o r -ind. 5eall7 0et into the process 67 seein0 e*actl7 "hat 7o "o ld do in realit7. 4/ 7o 6e0in to /eel apprehensive; pict re 7o r end res lt. 4-a0ine "hat it "ill 6e like "hen 7o are /inished and one step closer to 7o r 0oal. Then 0o 6ack to vis ali8in0 the steps. .ontin e to vis ali8e 7o rsel/ doin0 the ne*t consec tive task ntil 7o /inish the- all in 7o r -ind. Think a6o t ho" - ch easier it is to co-plete these tasks than 7o anticipated. When 7o /inish the vis ali8ation; 0ive 7o rsel/ a -o-ent to /eel 0ratit de /or co-pletin0 the entire pro9ect and /or stickin0 "ith it. :o" se this /eelin0 to 0et started on the real deal.

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59. -reate $&&ortunity 1 &pport nities are like ladders "aitin0 to 6e cli-6ed. Ho" 0reat "o ld it 6e to start 6 ildin0 7o r o"n ladders so 6i0 that 7o can cli-6 to the topC #o can tr l7 create opport nit7 in 7o r li/e and all it takes is the ri0ht -indset and the passion to i0nite it. What to +o' 5eali8e ho" - ch po"er 7o have over 7o r / t re /irst and /ore-ost. #o reall7 can do "hatever 7o set 7o r -ind to. The trick is discoverin0 ho". Let 0o o/ /ear and do 6t and let 7o r creative -ind 0o /ree "itho t castin0 9 d0e-ent. Learn ever7thin0 there is to kno" a6o t "hatever it is 7o >re passionate a6o t. The -ore 7o kno"; the -ore doors "ill open and the -ore ladders 7o "ill /ind to cli-6. 3e co ra0eo s and resilient 67 tacklin0 thin0s head on and 0ettin0 ri0ht 6ack p "hen 7o /all do"n. #o "ill /ind that at the top o/ ever7 ladder; t"o -ore ladders o/ opport nit7 appear. 2ver7 ti-e 7o take an opport nit7 7o "ill 6e lead closer and closer to"ards 7o r 0oals. Affir%ations to -reate $&&ortunity' B 4 al"a7s have a "a7 to acco-plish -7 0oals B The people and sit ations in -7 li/e are constantl7 providin0 -e "ith a-a8in0 opport nities B Whenever 4 look; 4 /ind opport nit7 ever7"here B ' ccess co-es to -e nat rall7 and "itho t strain B 4t is eas7 /or -e to /ind "a7s o/ doin0 "hat 4 "ant to do /isuali0ation Techni1ue to -reate $&&ortunity' This is a vis ali8ation 6est done 6e/ore "orkin0 to"ards 7o r 0oals on a dail7 6asis. For e*a-ple; i/ 7o are c rrentl7 "orkin0 on 0ainin0 c sto-ers /or 7o r 6 siness; take a -o-ent to per/or- this techni@ e 6e/ore 6e0innin0 7o r research or c sto-er in@ iries. .lose 7o r e7es and take a /e" deep; cleansin0 6reaths. Tr7 to rela* and clear 7o r -ind o/ an7 @ estions. Think a6o t s ccess and "hat that -eans to 7o . 4-a0ine 7o rsel/ 0ettin0 e*actl7 "hat that entails. <is ali8e "hat is "o ld look like; ho" - ch 7o "o ld have in 7o r 6ank acco nt; and "hat 7o li/e "o ld incl de. :o" create opport nities in 7o r -ind that -ake those s ccesses possi6le. For instance; 7o pass so-eone at a store and hear the- disc ssin0 their need /or e*actl7 "hat 7o o//er. #o tell the- a6o t 7o r 6 siness or service and the7 i--ediatel7 6eco-e interested. The7 spread the "ord to their /riends and "ithin a /e" "eeks; 7o 0o /ro- havin0 8ero c sto-ers to havin0 2+ re0 lar pa7in0 c sto-ers. This 0ives 7o the opport nit7 to e*pand thro 0h advertisin0 and 7o 0ro" even 6i00er. #o have eno 0h no" to hire a /e" e-plo7ees and 7o r reach e*tends to a lar0er c sto-er pool. Later; 7o r 6 siness

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reall7 takes o// and 7o /ind 7o can a//ord to e*pand and hire a tea- o/ e*perts to keep 7o r 6 siness -ovin0 in the ri0ht direction "ith 7o at the hel-. .ontin e to /ind these opport nities in 7o r -ind as i/ the7 "ere little doors to "alk thro 0h ntil 7o achieve the lti-ate s ccess. Get creative "ith 7o r vis ali8ation and reall7 let it /eel real. When 7o create these sit ations in 7o r -ind; 7o are invitin0 the- to happen in realit7 and the niverse "ill respond.

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5;. =li%inate Social An:iety 1 4/ 7o start to /eel n s all7 stressed o t "hen 7o enter social sit ations or co-pletel7 avoid the- alto0ether in order to avoid a total -eltdo"n then this -essa0e is /or 7o . H -ans are hi0hl7 social 6ein0s and thrive "hen "e are a6le to do so nat rall7 and "itho t /eelin0 an*io s. 3 t "hen 7o have social an*iet7 ever7thin0 is di//erent. The 0ood ne"s is that the La" o/ Attraction can create 6alance in 7o r social li/e. What to +o' 'tart "ith pinpointin0 the speci/ic areas o/ sociali8ation that tri00er ne0ative responses. .reate a//ir-ations that state ho" 7o "o ld "ant to react in the sit ation. :e*t; i--erse 7o rsel/ in as -an7 social sit ations as possi6le "itho t thinkin0 a6o t it. ? st 9 -p in; 6e 7o rsel/ and don>t "orr7 a6o t "hat others think a6o t 7o too - ch. Affir%ations to =li%inate Social An:iety' B B B B B When 4 speak 4 a- 0oin0 to so nd con/ident; s-art and /riendl7 4 a- easil7 a6le to 6e aro nd others and /eel co-/orta6le &ther people instantl7 like 6ein0 aro nd -e and 4 like 6ein0 aro nd others 2ver7one "ill notice ho" cal- and cool 4 a4 a- co-/orta6le "ith -7sel/ despite -7 /la"s and ever7one accepts -e

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to =li%inate Social An:iety' .reate a list o/ e*periences or social sit ations that 0ive 7o an an*io s /eelin0. 'tart "ith the one that 0ives 7o the -ost an*iet7. <is ali8e the sit ation 0oin0 "ell in 7o r -ind ntil 7o /eel as i/ 7o have alread7 overco-e that ne0ative response. =se 7o r i-a0ination like a practice 8one /or sociali8in0 and don>t 6e a/raid o/ -essin0 p. ,o this /or each iss e ntil 7o /eel no an*iet7 d rin0 the vis ali8ation.

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60. ?%&rove a%ily Life 1 4/ 7o have 6een doin0 nothin0 6 t ar0 in0 "ith 7o r /a-il7 and tensions are hi0h; it is i-possi6le to /eel content "ith 7o r li/e. Fa-il7 is a -a9or part o/ "ho 7o are and i/ thin0s aren>t 0oin0 "ell it reall7 has an i-pression on all other aspects o/ 7o r da7. There are so-e "a7s to 0et thro 0h those ro 0h patches and 6ack to s-ooth sailin0.

What to +o' 2ver7 -ornin0 vo" to 7o rsel/ that 7o "ill 6e a positive e*a-ple /or ever7one in 7o r /a-il7. '-ile; 6e kind and positive; and do thin0s /or 7o r /a-il7 that the7 "ill appreciate. Give 7o r love /reel7 and 0enero sl7 and never 7ell or se a ne0ative tone. Let each /a-il7 -e-6er kno" that 7o love the- ever7 da7 and let the- kno" that the7 can al"a7s co-e to 7o to talk. 'ho" respect in di//erent "a7s 67 listenin0 to 7o r /a-il7 -e-6ers and takin0 their /eelin0s into consideration. 'pend ti-e to0ether ever7 da7 doin0 so-ethin0 9 st /or / n; even i/ it>s 9 st /or a /e" -in tes. Fill 7o r ho-e "ith la 0hter and 7o "ill i-prove 7o r /a-il7 in no ti-e at all. Affir%ations to ?%&rove a%ily Life' B B B B B M7 /a-il7 is s pportive; happ7 and a 0reat inspiration 4 have the -ost lovin0 /a-il7 an7one co ld ask /or 4 /ind it eas7 to 0et alon0 "ith ever7 -e-6er o/ -7 /a-il7 M7 /a-il7 is al"a7s there /or -e "hen 4 need the4 have the -ost / n "ith -7 /a-il7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?%&rove a%ily Life'

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4-a0inin0 7o r /a-il7 doin0 / n thin0s to0ether and s pportin0 each other is a 0reat "a7 to 0et those positive ener07 vi6rations /lo"in0. #o "ill /ind that 9 st thinkin0 a6o t 7o r /a-il7 in a happ7 "a7 "ill 6rin0 a6o t happ7 chan0es in 7o r /a-il7 li/e. First; pict re so-ethin0 that is / n and i-a0ine that each -e-6er o/ 7o r /a-il7 is s-ilin0 and havin0 a 0reat ti-e. Think a6o t ho" special 7o r /a-il7 is and the secret 9okes 7o share. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ sin0 "ords and actin0 in a "a7 that s pports 7o r /a-il7 and sho"s the- ho" - ch 7o care. Then i-a0ine one1on1one ti-e "ith each -e-6er o/ 7o r /a-il7 and the special thin0s onl7 7o 6oth share. .reatin0 6onds in the -ind helps 7o r create the- in real li/e.

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61. "eet Dea+lines 1 Those that have tro 6le stickin0 to deadlines pro6a6l7 don>t care eno 0h a6o t the-. 2ven i/ the7 do care; the7 -a7 not have the drive or positive attit de to 6e consistent and persistent "ith 0ettin0 thin0s done on ti-e. 4/ this is 7o ; here are a /e" "a7s the La" o/ Attraction can help 7o keep 7o r deadlines -et. What to +o' &/ co rse 7o "ant to 6e positive a6o t reachin0 7o r 0oals; 6 t the 6i00est -istake people -ake "ith deadlines is co--ittin0 too - ch too soon. 3e realistic "ith 7o r 0oals and 0ive 7o rsel/ plent7 o/ ti-e to achieve the- so that 7o can en9o7 the process "itho t 0ettin0 6 rned o t. When 7o have lots to do; /oc s on -eetin0 dail7; ho rl7; or -in te1671 -in te tar0ets rather than /eelin0 over"hel-ed 67 the enor-it7 o/ a pro9ect. Then cele6rate each co-pletion "ith a s-all re"ard or a "ell deserved 6reak. A6ove all; -aintain a positive o tlook to 6rin0 a sense o/ satis/action to 7o r "ork. Affir%ations to "eet Dea+lines' B B B B B 4 a- easil7 a6le to -eet an7 deadline 4 set /or -7sel/ M7 e//icienc7 and deter-ination 0ives -e the a6ilit7 to -eet -7 deadlines Meetin0 deadlines co-es nat rall7 to -e at all ti-es There is no deadline that is too - ch /or -e to handle 4 a- like a -achine "hen it co-es to 0ettin0 thin0s done

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to "eet Dea+lines' Think a6o t assi0n-ents 7o have and ho" eas7 the7 are. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ startin0 the- and 6ein0 a6le to i--erse 7o rsel/ into each task e//ortlessl7. $ict re ho" "onder/ l it /eels to 6e so en0a0ed in 7o r pro9ects and ho" @ ickl7 7o 0et thin0s done. 4-a0ine havin0 plent7 o/ ti-e to take 6reaks and rela* too. $ict re "hat 7o r client; 6oss; or 7o "ill look like and /eel like "hen 7o have -et the deadline 0iven. 4-a0ine ho" "onder/ l 7o "ill /eel "hen it is done on ti-e and "ith @ alit7. Think a6o t "hat co ld co-e a6o t /ro- 6ein0 so p nct al; s ch as a raise or pro-otion. ,o this vis ali8ation 6e/ore startin0 an7 pro9ect "ith a deadline and 7o "ill have no pro6le-s ch ckin0 a"a7 at it ntil 7o 0et it done.

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62. Wor! Less, .ave "ore 1 This is one o/ the reasons "h7 7o have to love the La" o/ Attraction. Workin0 less o/ten and havin0 -ore -one7 and /reedo- is a -a9or reason to t rn aro nd 7o r vi6rational ener07 and allo" the niverse to 6rin0 a6 ndance into 7o r li/e. &/ co rse 7o - st 6e "onderin0 "hat the secret it to s ch an a-a8in0 concept. What to +o' 3e con/ident in 7o r skills and 7o r val e "hether 7o "ork as part o/ a co-pan7 or r n 7o r o"n 6 siness. ,on>t 6e a/raid to ask /or -ore -one7 6eca se 7o are "orth it. 4/ 7o don>t 6elieve that 7o are; start sin0 a//ir-ations so that 7o r s 6conscio s can 0et into ali0n-ent "ith a prospero s ener07. 'tart plannin0 7o r vacations and thinkin0 a6o t all o/ the thin0s 7o "ill do "ith -ore -one7 and /reedo-. Have patience d rin0 7o r 9o rne7 to"ards this li/e and 6e 0rate/ l /or ever7 step in the ri0ht direction. 4/ 7o have a set6ack; 6e 0rate/ l /or that too as the7 al"a7s provide a val a6le lesson that can 6e sed. Affir%ations to Wor! Less, .ave "ore' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to provide @ alit7 over @ antit7 and 0et -ore in ret rn M7 kno"led0e and e*pertise is deservin0 o/ hi0h pa7 and -ore /reedo4 "ork "hen 4 /eel like it 6eca se 4 can a//ord to en9o7 li/e 4 a- reso rce/ l eno 0h to -ake -7 -one7 "ork /or -e Makin0 -one7 co-es e//ortlessl7 to -e at all ti-es

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Wor! Less, .ave "ore' We attract "hat "e /oc s on. This -eans that 7o can attract -ore -one7 67 vis ali8in0 it. #o can even 0et creative "ith this one. Man7 e*perts reco--end -akin0 7o r o"n -one7 tree to sit on 7o r ni0htstand or desk. Get a piece o/ thick paper and create a cone shape that looks like a ver7 lar0e part7 hat. 'et it on 7o r ta6le or desk and place so-e -one7 on it sin0 stick7 tack. Look at the -one7 and 6e 0rate/ l /or it. :o" close 7o r e7es and i-a0ine that the tree is / ll o/ lar0e 6ills. Think a6o t it 0ettin0 -ore and -ore -one7 added ever7 da7. 4-a0ine ho" 0ood 7o /eel "hen the -one7 tree is / ll o/ lots o/ -one7 that 7o -ade. This 6eats the pi007 6ank 6eca se 7o can act all7 see all o/ 7o r -one7 increasin0 each da7.

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63. Gain "ore ree+o% 1 As 7o "ork less and have -ore -one7; 7o "ill lti-atel7 0ain -ore /reedo- to do thin0s 7o love. Freedo- -i0ht -ean one thin0 to 7o and so-ethin0 entirel7 di//erent to so-eone else. The -ain thin0 is to /ind 7o r o"n /reedo- and chase a/ter it. What to +o' #o r /reedo- can 6e /o nd in 7o r passions. ,oin0 "hat 7o love -ore o/ten can 6e done 67 0ettin0 creative and -akin0 7o r passions / nd 7o r li/e. 4/ 7o love to pain; -ake 7o r paintin0s availa6le to 6 7 and kno" that so-eone "ill love 7o r "ork. Whatever 7o love; 9 st do -ore o/ it and opport nities "ill /ind 7o that can trans/or- 7o r passions into pro/it. Affir%ations to Gain "ore ree+o%' B B B B B 4 a- /ree to 6e "ho 4 "ant to 6e 4t is eas7 /or -e to clear p /ree ti-e /or -7sel/ 4 en9o7 6ein0 /ree to do the thin0s 4 love 4 a- a6le to do all o/ the thin0s that 4 "ant to do M7 /reedo- 0ives -e ti-e to en9o7 all o/ li/e>s -o-ents

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Gain "ore ree+o%' For this vis ali8ation 9 st i-a0ine doin0 "hat 7o "ant to do "itho t an7 inhi6itions. .lose 7o r e7es to an i-a0inar7 "orld o/ / n; /antas7 and /reedo- like 7o have never e*perienced 6e/ore. Allo" 7o rsel/ to reall7 6e spoiled. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ 6 7in0 the thin0s 7o have al"a7s "anted; 0oin0 places 7o drea- a6o t 0oin0; and doin0 thin0s that 7o have al"a7s 6een d7in0 to do. Get all o/ 7o r senses involved. Feel the /a6ric o/ that ne" coat; s-ell the "a7 the Ha"aiian 6ree8e in 7o r Ma i 0eta"a7; or taste the salt7 air as 7o sail the seven seas. 5eall7 0et into it. The /eelin0 "ill 6rin0 7o -ore /reedo- /or s re.

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64. >eco%e =fficient 1 With proper plannin0 co-es e//icienc7. With positive thinkin0 and a proactive attit de to"ards 7o r dail7 activities; 7o can strea-line 7o r li/e and 6eco-e as e//icient as possi6le. What to +o' 2//icienc7 6e0ins in the -ind. #o "ill need to se the La" o/ Attraction techni@ es o/ eli-inatin0 "aste/ l thinkin0. This incl des "orr7in0; tho 0hts o/ do 6t or /ear; insec rities; and needless /oc s on thin0s that don>t -atter. To 6e e//icient; 7o need to re-ove this cl tter /ro- 7o r -ind. This leaves roo- /or positive thinkin0 and allo"s ideas /or i-prove-ent to co-e easil7. &r0ani8e 7o r ph7sical li/e as "ell so that 7o r -ind can 6e /ree /ro- distractions. Affir%ations to >eco%e =fficient' B B B B B 4 do thin0s that create -a*i- - prod ctivit7 2ver7thin0 4 do; 4 do it "ith an e//icient precision 4 a- nat rall7 ver7 e//icient "hen 4 "ork 4 a- a6le to 6e e*tre-el7 prod ctive al"a7s 4 se -7 ti-e "isel7 at all ti-es

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to >eco%e =fficient' The 6ea t7 o/ vis ali8ation is that it reall7; tr l7 "orks /or 9 st a6o t an7thin0 and 6ein0 -ore e//icient is de/initel7 no e*ception. 3e0in 67 closin0 7o r e7es and i-a0inin0 7o rsel/ in a co-pletel7 6lank space. Most people /ind that vis ali8in0 a "hite roo- "ith no doors; "indo"s or / rnit re "orks "ell. This step is to clear 7o r -ind in preparation /or the ne*t step. Look aro nd /or a /e" -o-ents as 7o 6rain reali8ed that there is nothin0 to process. #o "ill 6e0in to /eel rela*ed and clearheaded. :o"; pict re that the thin0s 7o need to 6eco-e prod ctive and e//icient at a speci/ic task s ddenl7 appear "ith 7o in the roo-. There is nothin0 else in 7o r space e*cept /or 7o and these ver7 speci/ic thin0s 7o need. This "ill chan0e drasticall7 dependin0 on "hat it is 7o are "orkin0 on. 4t co ld 6e a d al screen co-p ter "ith all o/ the Microso/t &//ice so/t"are; a "ei0ht 6ench "ith all o/ the "ei0hts or0ani8ed 67 si8e; or a "ork 6ench "ith a ti-er and pro9ect s pplies. Whatever it is that 7o "ant to 0et done "ithin a set ti-e/ra-e and "ith the 6est e//icienc7 is "hat 7o sho ld vis ali8e. &nce 7o r thin0s appear; 0et to "ork; i-a0inin0 that 7o are a6le to easil7 tackle the task or pro9ect "itho t an7 distraction or di//ic lt7. This a6o t ho" 7o /eel as 7o "ork to co-plete the task "ith a prod ctive approach and "hen 7o /inish; allo" 7o r e-otions to 6eco-e 7o r -ain /oc s. :o" open 7o r e7es and /eel the prod ctivit7 /lo"in0 thro 0h 7o .
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65. @e+uce Stress 1 There is reall7 no need to 0et 7o rsel/ all stressed o t to the point o/ /eelin0 terri6le. There are so -an7 "a7s to cope "ith stress so that 7o can live a li/e that is /ree o/ all the ne0ative /eelin0s. 2ven tho 0h 7o "ill still have to deal "ith stress/ l sit ations; 7o "on>t have to /eel the sa-e reaction to the-. 5ed cin0 stress helps 6oth ph7sical and -ental health. What to +o' Meditation is an e*cellent and hi0hl7 e//ective tool that 0oes alon0 "ith the La" o/ Attraction "ell. #o can do it an7"here to let 0o o/ stress/ l /eelin0s and /ind 7o r inner 6liss. The 6est techni@ e is to sit or la7 do"n in a co-/orta6le position and 6reathe in thro 0h 7o r nose; o t thro 0h 7o r -o th slo"l7 and deepl7. Think a6o t a place 7o /eel the -ost at peace in "hether it 6e s rro nded 67 a -o ntain vie"; in a tropical paradise or on a ha--ock in a @ iet -eado". Allo" serenit7 to envelop 7o ntil a s-ile co-es to 7o r /ace /ro- the /eelin0. That /eels 6etter doesn>t itC 5e-e-6er to enter the -editation "ith a positive intention to relieve stress and 6elieve in the healin0 po"ers it has. Affir%ations to @e+uce Stress' B B B B B 4 a- happ7 and content M7 li/e is cal- and peace/ l 4 a- lettin0 0o o/ all tension and "orr7 4 /eel co-pletel7 at ease 4 /eel -7sel/ -ovin0 / rther a"a7 /ro- stress/ l sit ations

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to @e+uce Stress' <is ali8ation is al-ost -a0ical in ter-s o/ stress red ction. ,o this e*ercise a/ter doin0 so-ethin0 that "o ld nor-all7 stress 7o o t; in the -ornin0s pon "akin0 p; and at ni0ht 9 st 6e/ore 0oin0 to sleep. Find a place that is cal-; @ iet and co-/orta6le. 'it or la7 do"n in the position that is -ost co-/orta6le to 7o . Take a /e" cleansin0 6reaths and close 7o r e7es. :o" se 7o r i-a0ination and 0et creative. Think a6o t a place that -akes 7o /eel like 7o are in heaven. This co ld 6e an7thin0 /ro- a secl ded island "ith /r it trees and "ater so clear 7o can see to the 6otto-; to a h 0e part7 "here 7o are the center o/ attention. Whatever -akes 7o /eel 0ood; pict re it as i/ it "as happenin0 ri0ht no". =se all o/ 7o r senses to create the scene "ith as - ch detail as possi6le. 'ta7 in 7o r per/ect place /or 1+ to 1! -in tes and "hen 7o /eel read7; allo" 7o rsel/ to open 7o r e7es and /eel a-a8in0. 66. Sto& Be#ative Thin!in# 1 :e0ative thinkin0 is the 6i00est ene-7 7o have in li/e; especiall7 "hen it co-es to the La" o/ Attraction. #o r tho 0hts are all connected to the niverse and directl7 i-pact 7o in so-e "a7; no -atter ho" s-all. 2ver7 positive tho 0ht is
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re/lected 6ack to 7o in the /or- o/ positive /eelin0s and e*perience "hile ne0ative tho 0hts co-e 6ack as /eelin0s and e*periences 7o don>t "ant. T rnin0 7o r ne0ative thinkin0 aro nd is not 9 st as si-ple as 6ein0 positive. There are a /e" tricks 7o >ll need p 7o r sleeve to -aster the skill. What to +o' $ractice thinkin0 a6o t thin0s 7o are thank/ l /or 6i0 and s-all. ,o this several ti-es a da7 and don>t se the "ord at least; 6eca se that is a ne0ative /eelin0 o/ lack. 4nstead o/ DAt least 4 have a roo/ over -7 headD sa7 D4 a- so 0lad to have a roo/ over -7 head.D 3e aro nd positive people that -ake 7o /eel reall7 0ood and avoid an7one that s cks 7o r positive ener07. 5eali8e that 7o are in control o/ 7o r choices and that it is all p to 7o to choose positive thinkin0. (eep a s-ile on 7o r /ace too. 't dies sho" that it helps keep 7o positive. Affir%ations to Sto& Be#ative Thin!in#' B B B B B 4 choose to re-ain positive despite the c rrent sit ation 4 a- opti-istic a6o t the / t re 4 choose to al"a7s /ind the silver linin0 There is nothin0 that can hold -e 6ack /ro- 6ein0 positive 4 release all ne0ative e-otions and e-6race positive thinkin0

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Sto& Be#ative Thin!in# F This vis ali8ation techni@ e is a-a8in0 /or "hen 7o 9 st "ake p in the -ornin0. 4t helps 7o 6rin0 a positive attit de /irst thin0 to 7o r da7. 'tart 67 i-a0inin0 7o rsel/ 0ettin0 o t o/ 6ed /eelin0 incredi6le and ener0etic. #o have plent7 o/ ti-e to en9o7 the -ornin0 as 7o 0et read7 /or the da7. 5eall7 allo" the e*perience o/ 6ein0 alive and doin0 7o r dail7 activities to /ill 7o "ith 0reat happiness. <is ali8e 7o r entire da7 0oin0 per/ectl7 and ever7 sit ation concl des "ith the desired o tco-e. #o /eel ver7 prod ctive and 0ood a6o t 7o r da7. Think a6o t the people 7o talk to and the thin0s that 7o acco-plish. 3rin0 a 0rate/ l attit de to 7o r vis ali8ation to /inish it o//. These e-otions "ill keep 7o r positive ener07 hi0h /or -ost o/ the da7. 4/ 7o /eel 7o rsel/ 6eco-in0 ne0ative; take a deep 6reath and 0o 6ack into vis ali8in0 the desired o tco-e "ith 6elie/ that it "ill happen.

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67. ?%&rove the =nviron%ent 1 3i0 chan0es can happen to save the ani-als and save the earth in o r "orld "e call ho-e. 3 t the7 can onl7 happen /or the positive thinkers and doers o t there that p rs e their passion and tr l7 harness their / ll potential. These kind o/ people take the rei0ns o/ nat re and do their part to 6rin0 6alance and restore the planet. #o can do this kind o/ "ork too i/ it is 7o r passion and the La" o/ Attraction can help -ake it all possi6le. #o r thinkin0 can act on the environ-ent; as a pe66le acts "hen it is thro"n into the ocean; ripplin0 o t "a7 6e7ond its si8e. What to +o' #o need to reali8e the tr e po"er that is inside 7o alone as an individ al to -ake a di//erence on a niversal level. #o r voice can i-pact people to -ake chan0es and "hen 7o incorporate positive thinkin0 into 7o r e//orts; the La" o/ Attraction "ill 0ive 7o "hat 7o seek. 3e0in 67 learnin0 ever7thin0 there is to kno" a6o t the environ-ent and ho" it "orks. When 7o spread 7o r ideas to others; se a charis-atic tone to 0ro" their positive ener07 to"ards 7o r ca se as "ell. Affir%ations to ?%&rove the =nviron%ent' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to take care o/ nat re in a pro/o nd "a7 M7 a6ilit7 to spread the "ord a6o t o r "orld "ill 6rin0 a6o t chan0e 4 kno" that 4 can do -7 part to -ake a 6i0 di//erence in the environ-ent 4t onl7 takes one passionate person to 6rin0 positive environ-ental chan0es M7 co-pellin0 "ords a6o t the environ-ent "ill spark passion in others

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?%&rove the =nviron%ent' Write do"n 0oals that "ill help i-prove the environ-ent. When 7o have a clear path; vis ali8e 7o r ideas takin0 place and i-a0ine the "orld 6ein0 repaired as 7o act and spread the "ord a6o t 7o r -ission. For instance; i/ 7o r 0oal is to prevent trash /ro- 6ein0 d -ped in the ocean; vis ali8e 7o rsel/ speakin0 o t a6o t the toll it takes on the sea li/e and ho" it "ill directl7 a//ect the "orld. Then i-a0ine that people 6e0in to take 7o ver7 serio sl7 and 6eco-e passionate a6o t the ca se as "ell. #o co ld envision that event all7; the -essa0e is ta 0ht in schools and 6 sinesses across the 0lo6e. That ne" re0 lations and en/orce-ent -eas res have 6een p t into place as "ell. Think a6o t a vast -ove-ent "hen it co-es to the environ-ental i-pact that started "ith 7o r sin0le voice. :o" se this -otivational vis ali8ation to propel 7o to"ards that 0oal.

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69. ?ns&ire *ourself an+ $thers 1 2nth sias- is conta0io s and 7o r a6ilit7 to inspire is alread7 stron0. Think a6o t ho" /ar the "orld has co-e in 9 st a /e" short decades. We "ent /ro- li0htin0 lanterns and ridin0 horse dra"n carria0es to sin0 apps and drivin0 /ast cars. Ho" did this all occ rC $eople "ere inspired /or s reA What to +o' Findin0 7o r passion and thro"in0 7o rsel/ into it "ill 0 arantee 7o re-ain inspired d rin0 the 9o rne7. When 7o do "hat 7o love; there is no end res lt that - st 6e -et 6e/ore 7o are satis/ied 6eca se the satis/action co-es /ro- the steps 7o take as "ell. To inspire others alon0 the "a7 7o 9 st need to share 7o r passion "ith others and 6e a shinin0 e*a-ple o/ ho" - ch 7o en9o7 it. 'ho"in0 that 7o care /or others is also a "onder/ l "a7 to inspire. $eople love to 6e cared a6o t and once the7 kno" 7o care; the7 "ill 6e inspired to -eet an7 challen0es 7o /ace ri0ht there "ith 7o . Affir%ations to ?ns&ire *ourself an+ $thers' B B B B B 4 a- inspired deepl7 67 the "ords; si0hts; and events in -7 li/e M7 inspiration co-es nat rall7 to -e thro 0h -an7 aven es When inspiration hits; 4 "elco-e and e-6race it / ll7 3ein0 inspired is a "onder/ l 0i/t that 4 never take /or 0ranted 4 a- so 0rate/ l /or inspiration that co-es to -e on a dail7 6asis

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?ns&ire *ourself an+ $thers' The /irst step to 6eco-in0 inspired is to learn a lot a6o t "hat 7o are passionate a6o t. Watch videos; read 6ooks; listen to speakers disc ss and do thin0s hands1on. Tr7 to i--erse 7o rsel/ in so-e kind o/ learnin0 e*perience ever7 da7. 4--ediatel7 a/ter 7o /inish doin0 so; this is "hen 7o 6e0in 7o r vis ali8ation /or inspiration. First; close 7o r e7es ri0ht "here 7o are. 3e0in to let 7o r -ind "ander over the thin0s 7o have learned ver7 recentl7; "hat 7o /eel a6o t these thin0s; and "hat 7o alread7 kne". Allo" 7o r s 6conscio s to 6athe in this line o/ thinkin0 "itho t an7 direction or reason. ? st en9o7 "hatever co-es to 7o r -ind. #o >ll kno" "hen so-ethin0 has inspired 7o 6eca se 7o "ill /eel it i--ediatel7. When this happens; open 7o r e7es and 0et it o t on paper. Al"a7s "rite do"n 7o r inspirations no -atter ho" sill7 or a6s rd the7 see-. 4t is this kind o/ inspiration that has created the a-a8in0 thin0s "e have in this "orld.

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6;. >uil+ *our ?%a#ination 1 #o r i-a0ination is like the 6ranches o/ a tree. The tree tr nk is ever7thin0 7o perceive in the "orld and the 6ranches are the 6rilliant ideas that co-e /rothat. #o r i-a0ination 0oes hand in hand "ith inspiration to / el the / t re and 6rin0 a6o t positive chan0es toda7. What to +o' &pen 7o r e7es to the 6ea t7 and "onders o/ the "orld 67 /oc sin0 on thin0s that -ake 7o /eel inspired. This co ld 6e an7thin0 /ro- scienti/ic research to dancin0. Think o/ 7o rsel/ as a s-all piece to a ver7 6i0 p 88le that /its to0ether to create so-ethin0 6rilliant. Then i-a0ine "hat it is like to 6e other pieces o/ the p 88le. 'tart p ttin0 7o r creative tho 0hts onto paper or act the- o t. 3o nce these ideas o// o/ tr sted /riends to 0ain -ore insi0ht. The7 -a7 have so-ethin0 e*citin0 to add. ,on>t 6e asha-ed or a/raid o/ 7o stran0e and n s al ideas. 2ver7 0reat invention and idea so nded l dicro s at one point. (eep 7o rsel/ positive a6o t 7o r i-a0ination and 7o co ld 6e the ne*t person to i-prove the "orld. Affir%ations to >uil+ *our ?%a#ination' B B B B B M7 i-a0ination is endless 4 a- easil7 a6le to i-a0ine ne" scenarios M7 i-a0ination allo"s -e to think o tside the 6o* 2ver7 da7 4 /eel -7 i-a0ination 0ettin0 6i00er M7 i-a0ination has the potential to take -e an7"here 4 "ant to 0o

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to >uil+ *our ?%a#ination' This vis ali8ation techni@ e is / n and can 6e done "henever 7o /eel the need to 6olster the creative portion o/ 7o r -ind. 4t involves readin0 a 6ook or lookin0 at i-a0es that evoke an e-otional response /ro- 7o . As 7o read; act all7 create a pict re o/ the stor7 in 7o r -ind sin0 7o r i-a0ination. When 7o look at art"ork; pict res or other i-a0es; don>t 9 st see the-; 6 t pretend to 6e in the-. For instance; i/ 7o look at a paintin0 o/ a ship sailin0 across the ocean d rin0 a ro 0h stor-; i-a0ine the -ove-ent o/ the deck nder 7o r /eet; the /eelin0 o/ the ro 0h "inds -ovin0 thro 0h 7o r hair and t 00in0 at 7o r clothes. Feel the cool sea spra7in0 -ist over 7o r /ace. Think a6o t "hat the 7ells 7o hear and the so nd o/ the ship creakin0 nder the press re. #o 0et the idea. ,o this kind o/ vis ali8in0 o/ten and 7o "ill notice -a9or chan0es in 7o r a6ilit7 to se 7o r i-a0ination in -an7 di//erent sit ations.

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70. Go on *our Drea% /acation 1 Attractin0 7o r drea- vacation can 6e an e*citin0 and / n e*perience /or 7o . 4t is not di//ic lt at all to do and 7o >ll pro6a6l7 6oost 7o r positivit7 levels 9 st 67 thinkin0 a6o t it.

What to +o' What is 7o r drea- vacationC Think a6o t ever7 sin0le detail. What do 7o "ant to doC Where do 7o "ant to do itC Who do 7o "ant to do it "ithC Aro nd "hen do 7o "ant to e-6ark on this vacation o/ a li/eti-eC Get ver7 clear a6o t "hat 7o "ant so that 7o r /oc s can 6e ri0ht "here it needs to 6e in order to -ake it happen. .reate a vision 6oard and incl de i-a0es o/ 7o r drea- vacation; alon0 "ith positive a//ir-ations. Thank the niverse /or allo"in0 7o to have this drea- vacation "hen the ti-e is ri0ht. As 7o /all to sleep each ni0ht; create this i-a0inar7 "orld o/ 7o r drea- vacation and allo" the e*perience to "ash over 7o as i/ 7o "ere reall7 there. ,on>t /eel an*io s a6o t it or allo" /eelin0s o/ ne0ativit7 to enter 7o r -ind. &nl7 let e*cite-ent and a 6elie/ that it "ill happen /ill 7o r tho 0hts. Affir%ations to Go on *our Drea% /acation' B B B B B 2ach da7 4 0et closer to the vacation o/ -7 drea-s 4 a- takin0 the necessar7 steps to -ake -7 drea- vacation possi6le 4 kno" that 4 "ill soon 6e takin0 the holida7 4 deserve 4t is eas7 to see that 4 "ill e*perience the vacation 4 "ant 4 deserve to en9o7 the drea- vacation 4 a- plannin0

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Go on *our Drea% /acation'

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Think a6o t "hat 7o "ant /ro- 7o r drea- vacation. Where do 7o "ant to 0oC Ho" do 7o "ant to 0et thereC Who do 7o "ant to travel "ithC What "ill 7o do d rin0 7o r vacationC Get speci/ic a6o t "here 7o "ant to 0o and "hat it "ill 6e like. Then close 7o r e7es and start vis ali8in0 it as i/ it "ere happenin0 ri0ht no". 4/ 7o need help i-a0inin0 the thin0s 7o "ant to do; tr7 lookin0 at pict res or "atchin0 videos on the "e6. =se the- to create 7o r o"n personal paradise in 7o r -ind. 5e-e-6er to incl de all o/ 7o r senses to -ake the e*perience as real as it can 0et. ,o this vis ali8ation dail7 as 7o dri/t o// to sleep.

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71. >e "ore Un+erstan+in# 1 When 7o don>t nderstand people or sit ations; ne0ative /eelin0s can s r/ace. That is "h7 the La" o/ Attraction sho ld al"a7s 6e sed to 0ain -ore nderstandin0 in all thin0s. When 7o nderstand -ore; it is - ch easier to keep 7o r attit de positive. What to +o' A lack o/ nderstandin0 t7picall7 co-es /ro- a lack o/ havin0 all the in/or-ation or havin0 a di//erence in vie"s or 6elie/s. To 6eco-e -ore nderstandin0; open 7o r -ind. Find the in/or-ation and learn a6o t other vie"s. 2ven i/ 7o don>t a0ree; 7o can 6e acceptin0. This "ill lead to nderstandin0 6eca se "hen 7o accept so-eone or so-ethin0; 7o reali8e ho" it "o ld 6e i/ 7o "ere "alkin0 in their shoes. Affir%ations for >ein# "ore Un+erstan+in#' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to nderstand -7sel/ and others "ith a deep "isdo4 /ind it eas7 to see a sit ation or "a7 o/ thinkin0 o69ectivel7 M7 co-passionate nat re allo"s -e to nderstand others "ith ease 4 a- a ver7 tolerant person 6eca se 4 have 0reat e-path7 M7 nderstandin0 is ver7 6road 6eca se 4 keep an open -ind

/isuali0ation Techni1ue for >ein# "ore Un+erstan+in#' First; think o/ the sit ation or person that 7o do not nderstand. :o" allo" 7o rsel/ to 6eco-e the- or p t 7o rsel/ in the sit ation sin0 vis ali8ation. Think a6o t "h7 the7 -a7 have reacted the "a7 the7 did or "h7 thin0s t rned o t the "a7 the7 did. 3eco-e a detective in a sense as 7o repla7 the scene in 7o r -ind thro 0h another person>s e7es. Think a6o t a si-ilar sit ation in "hich 7o acted in a certain "a7 and "hat 7o /elt e-otionall7. ,on>t allo" 7o rsel/ to cast 9 d0e-ent or 6eco-e acc sator7. ? st tr7 to nderstand the reasons 6ehind it. 2ven i/ the7 are 6ad reasons; reco0ni8e that ever7one -akes -istakes and thin0s happen. :o" think a6o t a sit ation "here so-eone did not nderstand 7o . Think a6o t ho" 6adl7 7o "anted to 6e nderstood. :o" i-a0ine that is ho" the person 7o are i-a0inin0 7o rsel/ as /eels. Tr7 to think a6o t "hat -i0ht 6e 0oin0 thro 0h their -ind. #o "ill 6e s rprised "hat 7o can nderstand "hen 7o prevent 7o rsel/ /ro- closin0 7o r -ind and allo"in0 7o rsel/ to vie" thin0s /ro- another perspective.

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72. Learn to @ela: 1 Lettin0 0o o/ pro6le-s and e-6racin0 rela*ation can see- al-ost like 9 -pin0 into the ocean "hen 7o don>t kno" ho" to s"i-. #o -i0ht /eel like lettin0 0o /or even a -in te "ill ca se 7o r "hole li/e to spiral o t o/ control. The nerves prevent 7o /ro- act all7 learnin0 to rela*. 3 t "hat 7o don>t reali8e is that rela*ation isn>t an ocean that 7o can dro"n in; it is a li/e preserver that keeps 7o a/loat. The pro6le-s 7o have on a dail7 6asis "ill no lon0er /eel so threatenin0 "hen 7o 0ive 7o rsel/ ti-e to 9 st rela*. ? -p ri0ht in and 7o >ll see 9 st ho" soothin0 it can 6eA What to +o' 4n order to let 0o o/ an*io s /eelin0s that prevent 7o /ro- rela*in0; start 67 sin0 positive a//ir-ations. 'a7; D5ela*in0 is the sol tion to -7 pro6le-s. 4t is a healin0 ti-e.D 4/ 7o have 6elie/s that disa0ree; it is ti-e to re-ove the- /ro- 7o r li/e. $rove that rela*ation is i-portant 67 reali8in0 that it re/reshes 7o r -ind and -akes 7o -ore prod ctive. 4t also allo"s ne" ideas to co-e nat rall7 and "itho t /orce. When 7o are read7 to rela*; /ind so-ethin0 that -akes 7o /eel totall7 at ease. $eace/ l - sic; a 6 66le 6ath; 0ettin0 a -assa0e; aro-atherap7; a spa da7; a road trip; "alkin0 thro 0h nat re; and readin0 are all 0reat "a7s to rela*. Affir%ations to Learn to @ela:' B B B B B 4 a- co-pletel7 rela*ed 4t is eas7 /or -e to cal- -7 -ind and release tension 5ela*ation co-es nat rall7 /or -e at all ti-es 4 a- a6le to /ace di//ic lt sit ations "hile re-ainin0 rela*ed 2ver7 -o-ent that 0oes 67 4 /eel -ore and -ore at peace

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Learn to @ela:' This vis ali8ation techni@ e "orks directl7 "ith the La" o/ Attraction to attract rela*in0 tho 0hts and /eelin0s like a -a0net. Additionall7; it is reco--ended 67 the -edical "orld to treat stress and pro-ote -ore rela*ation. 'tart o// 67 choosin0 a ti-e o/ da7 that 7o can sit or la7 do"n "itho t 6ein0 disr pted. 2ven i/ this -eans 7o - st "ait ntil ever7one /alls asleep; it is "orth the "aitA La7 do"n on 7o r 6ack and -ake 7o rsel/ co-/orta6le sin0 pillo"s i/ needed. Think o/ 7o r -ind as a transportation device that allo"s 7o to travel to an7 place; an7 ti-e 7o /eel 7o need a 6reak. :o" close 7o r e7es and 6reath in slo"l7 thro 0h 7o r nose and e*hale nor-all7 thro 0h 7o r -o th. As 7o 6reathe; vis ali8e 7o r - scles; one 0ro p at a ti-e tensin0 and then releasin0. ,o this /ro- head to toe ntil 7o /eel co-pletel7 tension1/ree. :o" i-a0ine that a t nnel appears in the roo- "ith 7o . $ict re 7o rsel/ steppin0 thro 0h it into a 6ea ti/ l and -a0ical place. Think a6o t the at-osphere as 7o 0o alon0. Add si0hts;
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so nds; sensations; taste; and s-ells. ,on>t leave an7thin0 o t in 7o r peace/ l oasis. For e*a-ple; i/ 7o >re in a -eado" / ll o/ 6loo-in0 /lo"ers and 0entle; "ar- 6ree8es; /eel the air 6r sh 7o r skin; s-ell the delicate 6lend o/ /lo"er7 /ra0rances in the air and soak p the "ar-th o/ the s nshine. Listen to 6irds sin0 and taste a re/reshin0 c p o/ 7o r /avorite 6evera0e. Feel the rela*ation take over all o/ 7o r senses. :o" 0et creative and -ake p 7o r o"n private paradise.

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73. Pro%ote Peace 1 $eace is spread one person at a ti-e. Altho 0h "orld peace is so-ethin0 that "o ld re@ ire all people to think positivel7 and practice respect; not ever7one has received the La" o/ Attraction -e-o. For so-e; the7 6elieve peace is earned thro 0h violence; and 6eca se o/ their 6elie/s; "ars are /o 0ht and 6attles are lost. 3 t 7o can -ake a di//erence in spreadin0 "orld peace 67 6ein0 a shinin0 e*a-ple o/ "hat peace is. What to +o' The -ain thin0 is to 6e "illin0 to -ake chan0es in the "a7 7o think; /eel and 6ehave. #o sho ld /ill 7o r head and li/e "ith peace/ l tho 0hts and actions so that others "ill 6elieve it "hen 7o talk. Let 0o o/ violent tho 0hts; hatred; 0reed; lies; and discri-ination and e-6race peace/ l tho 0hts; love; 0enerosit7; tr th; and acceptance o/ diversit7. .reate positive a//ir-ations to instill ne"; peace/ l 6elie/s to replace an7 that -i0ht p ll 7o a"a7 /ro- it. 4/ 7o are tr l7 passionate a6o t -akin0 peace/ l chan0e; -ake it 7o r career. There are -an7 di//erent 9o6s that are -eant to help keep the peace in the "orld. #o co ld even 6e0in 7o r o"n -ove-ent. Affir%ations to Pro%ote Peace' B B B B B 4 choose to 6e at peace in all that 4 do The "orld is a peace/ l place /or -e M7 /a-il7 and /riends are peace/ l people 4t is eas7 /or -e to keep the peace "herever 4 a$eace/ l tho 0hts and /eelin0s enter -7 -ind ever7 da7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Pro%ote Peace' This vis ali8ation is a6sol tel7 "onder/ l to per/or- at ni0ht 6eca se the settin0 is alread7 ver7 peace/ l and serene. <is ali8e the "orld e*istin0 in per/ect har-on7 and "hat it "o ld 6e like. 'ee people /ro- all "alks o/ li/e; coe*istin0 "itho t an7 ani-osit7 or hatred. 4-a0ine thes-ilin0 as the7 pass in the streets and 6 ildin0 their co-- nities on concepts o/ acceptin0 people re0ardless o/ "hat the7 look like or 6elieve. Think a6o t ho" 0rate/ l 7o are /or the a-o nt o/ peace that "e alread7 have. Think o/ peace/ l sit ations and pict re 7o rsel/ havin0 people in 7o r li/e that live peace/ ll7. <is ali8e the honora6le "a7 7o have seen others act 67 choosin0 peace even "hen it "asn>t eas7. 3e thank/ l /or these thin0s as 7o /all asleep.

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74. ?%&rove $r#ani0ation S!ills 1 There is a place /or ever7thin0 and ever7thin0 in its place. That>s "hat or0ani8ation is all a6o t. 3 t it tr l7 starts - ch deeper than that. 4t 6e0ins in the -ind o/ the or0ani8er. What to +o' The /irst step is to reali8e that disor0ani8ation leads to lots o/ other 6i00er pro6le-s in li/e. =nderstandin0 that or0ani8ation is a reall7 6i0 deal "ill help 7o /oc s on it -ore and there/ore attract it into 7o r li/e. ,ecl tter 7o r environ-ent at "ork and in the ho-e so that 7o don>t have to tr7 so hard to think. .l tter -akes the 6rain /eel st ck. Then -editate on the areas in 7o r li/e that 7o "ant to i-prove "ith or0ani8ation and pict re the- as 7o "o ld "ant the- to look. This e*ercise "ill -otivate 7o to -ake the- -atch this vision in 7o r li/e. Affir%ations to ?%&rove $r#ani0ation S!ills' B B B B B 4 a- a nat rall7 or0ani8ed person M7 s rro ndin0s are "ell or0ani8ed 4 /ind it eas7 to 0et and sta7 or0ani8ed M7 or0ani8ation helps -e acco-plish -ore in less ti-e 3ein0 or0ani8ed -akes -e /eel at ease

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?%&rove $r#ani0ation S!ills' To 6e0in 7o r or0ani8ation 9o rne7; vis ali8ation is a h -on0o s part. This techni@ e can 6e tili8ed an7 ti-e 7o "ant to 0et or0ani8ed or or0ani8e so-ethin0 di//erentl7. $ict re the space or sit ation that 7o "o ld like to or0ani8e as it is no". :o" i-a0ine that 7o re-ove ever7thin0 /ro- that space so that it is 6lank and clean. =sin0 7o r creativit7; place "hatever 7o "ant 6ack into the roo- in a "a7 that -akes 7o /eel co-pletel7 or0ani8ed. When 7o are /inished; take so-e ti-e to look aro nd 7o r vis ali8ed space and se it. Feel ho" e//icient 7o can 0et thin0s done or ho" - ch easier it is to concentrate. :o" that 7o see it in 7o r -ind>s e7e; 7o "ill 6e a6le to 0ain the -otivation to -ake it happen in real li/e.

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75. "a!e So%eoneCs Day 1 When 7o conscio sl7 se the La" o/ Attraction 7o 6eco-e a co-pletel7 6etter person. #o s-ile -ore; have 6etter tho 0hts; en9o7 the s-all thin0s and 7o also 0ain the a6ilit7 to tr l7 -ake so-eone>s da7. The ener07 7o vi6rate can literall7 6e /elt 67 those aro nd 7o . Ho" eas7 it is to -ake others /eel a-a8in0 "ill s rprise 7o . What to +o' $eople have n6elieva6le 6rains that can do -ore thin0s than 7o think. The -irror ne rons in o r 6rains can sti- late e-otions 67 o6servation alone. This -eans that 7o onl7 have to /eel positive aro nd others to -ake the- start /eelin0 positive the-selves. #o r positivit7 is act all7 conta0io sA 'o-e 0reat "a7s to -ake so-eone>s da7 sin0 this loophole is to stop "orr7in0 a6o t their "ell 6ein0 and act as i/ the7 are alread7 havin0 a per/ect da7. 2ven i/ thin0s are not 0oin0 "ell the7 "ill likel7 /or0et "hatever "as 6otherin0 the- and /eel an incredi6le positive ener07. 5ather than 0ive so-eone a co-pli-ent directl7; let the- overhear 7o talkin0 positivel7 a6o t theinstead. 4t>s / nn7 6 t this trick -akes the- /eel like 7o reall7 do appreciate the-; eno 0h so that 7o are spreadin0 the "ordA Affir%ations to "a!e So%eoneCs Day' B B B B B 4 en9o7 -akin0 people aro nd -e happ7 4 6ri0hten ever7one>s da7 "ith -7 presence :e0ative people 6eco-e positive aro nd -e 4 have a nat ral a6ilit7 to 6rin0 o t the happiness in others M7 positive personalit7 is conta0io s

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to "a!e So%eoneCs Day' .lose 7o r e7es; think a6o t the person that 7o "ant to spread positivit7 and happiness to. 4-a0ine "hat 7o sa7 and vis ali8e their reaction. Watch as the7 appear happier and happier the lon0er 7o are "ith the-. $ict re that 7o part "a7s. #o 0o a6o t the rest o/ the da7 /eelin0 content "ith 7o r a6ilit7 to cheer that person p. :o" vis ali8e the- callin0 or "ritin0 a letter to thank 7o /or -akin0 their da7. Allo" this to /ill 7o "ith an even 0reater 9o7. :o" se that e*tra 9o7 to acco-plish the real thin0.

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76. =nAoy =very "o%ent 1 When 7o 0et ca 0ht p in 7o r dail7 activities it can 6e eas7 to lose track o/ ever7 -o-ent 7o have. There is 9o7 in ever7 sin0le -o-ent and to -iss that is a real sha-e. 4-a0ine livin0 7o r li/e en9o7in0 ever7 -o-ent o/ it. Wo ldn>t that 6e 0reatC Here>s ho" 7o can do that. What to +o' 3ein0 -ind/ l o/ the present is the sin0le -ost i-portant "a7 to en9o7 ever7 -o-ent. 4t doesn>t -atter i/ 7o are at "ork or at pla7; let 7o r attention sta7 ri0ht "ith 7o . Think a6o t "hat 7o are doin0 ri0ht no". 2-6race 7o r senses and ho" the7 -ake 7o /eel. #o kno" that /eelin0 "hen 7o 0et so en0rossed in "hat 7o are doin0 that ever7thin0 else /ades a"a7 /or a "hileC Allo" 7o rsel/ to e*perience this in ever7thin0 7o do "hether it is plannin0; cleanin0; havin0 / n; eatin0; e*ercisin0; 7o na-e itA :ot onl7 sho ld 7o /oc s on the no"; 7o sho ld think a6o t it as i/ it is the -ost precio s 0i/t 7o "ill ever receive. 4/ 7o are doin0 so-ethin0 that 7o partic larl7 don>t en9o7; envision the end res lts and kno" the reasons "h7 7o are doin0 it. ' ddenl7 7o "ill act all7 start to en9o7 it a lot -ore. Affir%ations to =nAoy =very "o%ent' B B B B B 4 al"a7s /ind the 0ood in ever7 -o-ent o/ -7 li/e 2ver7 second 4 a- alive is a precio s and "onder/ l 0i/t 4 /ind it eas7 to en9o7 -7 ti-e no -atter "hat 4 a- doin0 Havin0 a 0ood ti-e in ever7 sit ation co-es nat rall7 to -e 4 al"a7s co--it -7sel/ to ever7 -o-ent / ll7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to =nAoy =very "o%ent' The ke7 to livin0 in ever7 -o-ent is to learn ho" to 6e -ind/ l. There is a special -ind/ lness vis ali8ation -editation techni@ e desi0ned especiall7 /or livin0 in the -o-ent and en9o7in0 it / ll7. 'tart 67 sittin0 do"n in a co-/orta6le position and takin0 in a /e" deep 6reathes to 0et into a cal- state. .lose 7o r e7es and si-pl7 allo" "hatever co-es to 7o r -ind to take shape as 7o r s rro ndin0s in the vis ali8ation. .ontin e to e*plore 7o r -ind>s creation /or an7thin0 ne" as 7o r -ind 6e0ins to create -ore and -ore detail. Take ti-e to reall7 notice each thin0 that is added to 7o r environ-ent and "hat it co ld -ean to 7o . ,o this -editation t"ice dail7. As 7o 0o a6o t 7o r dail7 ro tine; allo" 7o r -ind to reall7 soak in "hat is happenin0. This "ill help 7o r vis ali8ation ti-e -ore e//ective /or 7o and 0ive 7o a ti-e to re/lect 6ack on

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7o r e*periences /ro- da7 to da7. 4t "ill help 7o to re-e-6er that ever7 -o-ent is special and sho ld 6e paid / ll attention. 77. ?%&rove *our "e%ory 1 5e-e-6erin0 is ver7 i-portant in allo"in0 7o to en9o7 the -o-ent. This is 6eca se it is critical in helpin0 7o think and do the thin0s that -ake 7o prod ctive. There are so-e tried and tr e -ethods /or developin0 a -e-or7 that is as close to photo0raphic as 7o can 0et. What to +o' 'tress; an0er; an*iet7 and other ne0ative e-otions 6lock 7o r a6ilit7 to retain -e-or7 as "ell. When 7o are happ7; cortisol levels are - ch lo"er and 6eca se cortisol directl7 a//ects the -e-or7 areas o/ the 6rain; it is 6est to keep "ith the La" o/ Attraction to 0et 6etter -e-or7. Think happ7 tho 0hts; /oc s on an attit de o/ 0ratit de; s-ile -ore o/ten and 6e s re to 0et plent7 o/ rest and rela*ation. #o r -e-or7 "ill thank 7o . Affir%ations to ?%&rove *our "e%ory' B B B B B 4 have a photo0raphic -e-or7 4 a- a6le to recall an7thin0 that 4 e*perience 4 have an incredi6l7 acc rate -e-or7 4 re-e-6er na-es; /acts; /i0 res; and sit ations easil7 &thers are a-a8ed 67 ho" easil7 4 re-e-6er thin0s

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?%&rove *our "e%ory' This vis ali8ation techni@ e is @ ite / n to do and can 6e t rned into an e*citin0 0a-e /or the "hole /a-il7. First; look at a pict re; "ords; or n -6ers. #o can also look at a co-6ination o/ these. 'tart o// "ith 3 or 4 thin0s to re-e-6er. :o" close 7o r e7es; vis ali8e the thin0s 7o sa"; and recall "hat the7 "ere sin0 7o r -e-or7. Grad all7 increase the a-o nt o/ thin0s 7o need to re-e-6er ntil 7o -a*i-ise 7o r -e-ori8in0 po"er. Then 6e0in stretchin0 7o r lon0er ter- -e-or7 67 increasin0 the a-o nt o/ ti-e since 7o looked at the pict re 67 a /e" -in tes; then an ho r; then a da7; then a "eek and so on. #o can also pla7 aro nd sin0 hearin0 too. 4t is also possi6le to vis ali8e sin0 7o r other senses so s"itch thin0s p to keep 7o r -ind consistentl7 challen0ed. , rin0 the -e-or7 process; se an a//ir-ation s ch as D4 "ill re-e-6er all o/ this in/or-ation /or the ne*t ti-e 4 need it.D

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79. $verco%e =atin# Disor+ers 1 2atin0 disorders arise /ro- a deeper pro6le- "ith sel/1i-a0e. There is never a reason to starve 7o rsel/; -ake 7o rsel/ sick or eat too - ch. #o 6od7 onl7 re@ ires health7 /ood in the appropriate a-o nts to look and /eel a-a8in0. An7 6elie/s 7o -a7 have a6o t 7o r 6od7 and sel/1i-a0e "ill need to 6e addressed in order to overco-e eatin0 disorders sin0 La" o/ Attraction techni@ es. What to +o' First; /ind o t e*actl7 "hat has created 7o r pro6le- "ith eatin0. ,o 7o eat too - ch in order to co-pensate /or ne0ative e-otionsC &r do 7o not eat eno 0h 6eca se 7o think it "ill -ake 7o /atC Whatever the reason is; it is "ron0. 2atin0 healthil7 "ill not -ake 7o /eel e-otionall7 6etter and it "ill s rel7 not pro-ote a 6od7 that looks health7. Tar0et an7 o/ those 6elie/s; do so-e len0th7 research and prove the- "ron0. #o "ill then 6e a6le to overco-e the eatin0 disorder. 4/ 7o still have a hard ti-e; don>t 6e a/raid to 0et help. ' rro ndin0 7o rsel/ "ith positive people that can help 7o overco-e 7o r pro6le-s is a -a9or L&A r le. Affir%ations to $verco%e =atin# Disor+ers' B B B B B When 4 eat the ri0ht a-o nt o/ health7 /oods; 4 look and /eel -7 ver7 6est. 4t is eas7 /or -e to eat health7 portions o/ "holeso-e /oods 2atin0 health7 co-es nat rall7 /or -e 4 a- at -7 6est "hen 4 eat the /oods -7 6od7 needs "hen it needs it 4 a- deter-ined to 6e /ree o/ eatin0 disorders /ro- this point on

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to $verco%e =atin# Disor+ers' 3eca se eatin0 disorders are al-ost al"a7s closel7 related to 6od7 i-a0e; the 6est techni@ e to overco-e the- is to vis ali8e 7o rsel/ as a 6ea ti/ l and health7 person. $ict re 7o rsel/ eatin0 /re@ ent; health7 -eals in the ri0ht portions as 7o look into a -irror at 7o rsel/ in the per/ect 6od7. <is ali8e that 7o r 6od7 is per/ect and that 7o are in the 6est shape o/ 7o r li/e. Allo" the /eelin0 o/ eatin0 ri0ht and lookin0 0ood to reall7 sink in. :o" /eel 0rate/ l /or these eatin0 ha6its and ho" a-a8in0 7o look and /eel 67 eatin0 ri0ht.

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7;. "ove Past Grief 1 When 7o /eel sad or are 0rievin0 /or an7 reason; it helps to kno" that 7o are not alone. :earl7 ever7 sin0le person on this planet "ill lose so-eone the7 care a6o t deepl7 d rin0 their lives. 3 t the tr th is that "hen 7o nderstand the niversal La" o/ Attraction co-pletel7; 7o "ill reali8e that there is no reason to 0rieve the death o/ a loved one or /eel sad "hen 7o are no lon0er "ith a person 7o care a6o t. What to +o' 5eali8e that 7o have a li/e to live and that pain and sadness is the opposite o/ "hat 7o r loved one "o ld "ant 7o to /eel /or ver7 lon0. &/ co rse; there is a period o/ ti-e that it is oka7 to 6e sad; 6 t then 7o - st pick 7o rsel/ p; 6r sh 7o rsel/ o//; and -ove on /or 7o and /or the one 7o have lost. Accordin0 to -an7 La" o/ Attraction e*perts; o r ph7sical lives are 9 st a /raction o/ "hat o r entire e*perience is. We are all part o/ a niversal ener07. 'o kno" that even i/ 7o r loved one is not "ith 7o on the ph7sical plane; the7 are "ith 7o on an ener07 level. With that 6ein0 said; it is oka7 to 0et 6ack to livin0 7o r li/e no" in order to create a 6etter vi6rational ener07 /or ever7one; in this "orld and the ne*t. Affir%ations to "ove Past Grief' B B B B B 4 -ove past 0rie/ to 6e stron0 /or -7sel/ 4t is oka7 to 0rieve and 4 kno" that 4 "ill 6e happ7 a0ain 4 choose to cele6rate the li/e o/ those that have passed on 4 a- con/ident in -7 a6ilit7 to heal and to create a 6ri0ht / t re 4 choose to 0rieve /or -7 loved one 67 healin0 @ ickl7

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/isuali0ation Techni1ue to "ove Past Grief' Grievin0 is an individ al process /or each person. There are no t"o people "ho 0rieve in e*actl7 the sa-e "a7. This is "h7 it can 6e di//ic lt to help pinpoint a speci/ic vis ali8ation techni@ e /or ever7one. =se these ideas to co-e p "ith a vis ali8ation techni@ e that "ill "ork /or 7o r o"n special 0rievin0 process and that -atches p "ith 7o r 6elie/s. Think a6o t the person 7o are 0rievin0 over as i/ the7 "ere still in the roo- "ith 7o . Talk to the- as i/ the7 "ere a6le to listen to 7o and tr7 to i-a0ine "hat the7 are sa7in0 in response. #o r -e-ories o/ the- "ill help 7o keep the- alive thro 0h speakin0 "ith the- in 7o r -ind. Give the- love and tell the- the thin0s 7o "ish 7o told the-. At /irst; 7o "ill 6e sad 6 t a/ter several sessions o/ these vis ali8ations; 7o "ill 6e0in to reali8e that 7o still have a part o/ 7o r loved one inside o/ 7o and noone can take that a"a7. Another "onder/ l vis ali8ation idea is to vis ali8e 7o rsel/ 6ein0 the stron0 person 7o "ant to 6e once 7o -ove past the pain o/ the loss. Think a6o t ho" - ch the person 7o love that has passed "o ld "ant 7o to live 7o r li/e happ7 and /ree o/ the 0rie/. ,o it /or the- as "ell as 7o rsel/.

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90. @ecover fro% Sho&&in# A++iction 1 When 7o shop til 7o drop it is 6eca se 7o are tr7in0 to /ill in a piece o/ 7o r li/e p 88le that is -issin0; 6 t 7o don>t kno" "hat it is. This leads to serio s /inancial pro6le-s and an nhapp7 li/e. Wh7C 3eca se shoppin0 is reall7 not the ans"er at all. There is a deep rooted e-otional iss e that is the tr e ca se and 7o - st /ind this in order to eli-inate 7o r addiction to shoppin0.

What to +o' Find a hi0h so-e other "a7 that doesn>t involve 6 7in0 thin0s 7o don>t need. This co ld 6e a ho667; sport; or even a 0a-e "ith /riends. ,istraction 0oes a lon0 "a7 in keepin0 a"a7 /ro- the stores. Write do"n thin0s that 7o see in the store that 7o "ant and "ait at least one "eek 6e/ore 6 7in0 it. This 0ives 7o ti-e to r le o t co-p lsive tendencies and reall7 ask 7o rsel/ i/ 7o tr l7 "ant it. When it co-es to the La" o/ Attraction; /ind those e-otional iss es and "ork on the- sin0 a//ir-ations; vis ali8ations and -editative e*ercises. Affir%ations to @ecover fro% Sho&&in# A++iction' B B B B B 4 onl7 6 7 thin0s that 4 need or have spent a lot o/ ti-e thinkin0 a6o t 4 a- a6le to control -7 i-p lses "hile shoppin0 4t is eas7 /or -e to p t so-ethin0 6ack that 4 don>t have to have When 4 a- shoppin0; 4 onl7 6 7 thin0s that are on -7 list 4 care/ ll7 consider each p rchase 6e/ore -akin0 a decision

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to @ecover fro% Sho&&in# A++iction' A shoppin0 addiction t7picall7 happens 6eca se o/ a /eelin0 o/ lackin0. To co-6at this kind o/ e-otional iss e; practice this vis ali8ation e*ercise ever7 -ornin0 "hen 7o "ake p and an7

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ti-e 7o are 0oin0 o t o/ the ho se. <is ali8e 7o r li/e and all o/ the -an7 thin0s that -akes it so "onder/ l. Tr7 not to /oc s on 7o r -aterial possessions so - ch; 6 t on those 7o love and the "onder/ l opport nities that have co-e into 7o r li/e. Think a6o t @ alit7 ti-e 7o spend doin0 "hat 7o love and ho" a-a8in0 and content 7o are. The ke7 to co-6attin0 7o r shoppin0 addiction is to reali8e ho" 0reat li/e is /or 7o alread7 and to nderstand ho" no a-o nt o/ st // can ever 6 7 7o r happiness. 4t is the thin0s that -one7 cannot 6 7 "hich -ake s tr l7 happ7. <is ali8e these thin0s and 7o "ill 6e less likel7 to spl r0e on thin0s 7o don>t need.

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91. Sto& @oa+ @a#e 1 Are 7o the t7pe o/ driver that is constantl7 /eelin0 ncontrolla6le an0er to"ards other driversC Tho 0h 7o -a7 not think 7o are in the "ron0; -ost o/ the ti-es road ra0e isn>t helpin0 an7one at all. The other drivers certainl7 don>t learn an7 lessons and s all7 it>s onl7 7o r passen0ers that 0et to hear 7o r an0er / eled 7ells. 'o it>s reall7 i-portant to learn to let 0o o/ road ra0e and nderstand that there "ill 6e those drivers and there is no reason to 0et 7o rsel/ in a ne0ative vi6rational ener07 on acco nt o/ their i0norance. What to +o' The /irst step is to re-e-6er that 7o r sa/et7 is "a7 -ore i-portant than tr7in0 to 0et a point across to dea/ ears. When the adrenaline is p -pin0 and 7o /eel o t o/ control; p ll over and park to take so-e nice deep 6reathes. When the o//ensive driver is o t o/ site; it is - ch easier to 0et the incident o t o/ 7o r -ind. 5eali8e that ever7one -akes -istakes and that the7 are learnin0 e*periences. What 7o tho 0ht "as an a00ressive act o/ another driver co ld have 6een 9 st a -istake. Learn to /or0ive so that 7o can -ove on and /eel 6etter. #o choose "hether another driver that 7o "ill pro6a6l7 never see a0ain can have po"er over 7o r -ood. .hoose "isel7 and 6r sh it o//. Affir%ations to Sto& @oa+ @a#e' B B B B B 4 re-ain cal- and collected "hen 4 a- 6ehind the "heel &ther drivers -a7 do i0norant thin0s; 6 t 4 a- a6ove that 4 a- a6le to control -7 te-per "hile drivin0 4 a- nderstandin0 o/ the -istakes other drivers -ake 4 "ill not allo" an7one>s 6ad drivin0 to a//ect -7 happiness

/isuali0ation Techni1ues to Sto& @oa+ @a#e' <is ali8in0 "hile drivin0 is a 6ad idea. 'o the /irst step to overco-in0 road ra0e "ith vis ali8ation is to 0et o// the road and park 7o r car. .hances are; this "ill alread7 help 7o to cal- do"n and re-ove so-e o/ that an0er. :o"; take so-e deep 6reathes and close 7o r e7es. ? st -ake s re that 7o have 7o r car in park /irstA Think a6o t 7o r happ7 place. This co ld 6e a scenario "here 7o are the onl7 driver on the road. #o are /ree to -ove a6o t "itho t the restriction o/ other drivers. #o /eel /ree and rela*ed. Allo" this i-a0e to -ake 7o /eel at peace and let a s-ile co-e to 7o r /ace. A/ter a /e" -in tes; open 7o r e7es and 7o sho ld 6e 0ood to 0o.

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92. =li%inate Jealousy 1 'o-eti-es 7o -i0ht /ind 7o rsel/ /eelin0 a 6it paranoid and 9ealo s. This can ste- /ro- 7o r o"n insec rities and lack o/ /eelin0 "orth7. ?ealo sl7 also o/ten happens "hen 7o /eel that so-eone else is not deservin0 o/ "hat the7 have. 3eca se 9ealo s7 is a ne0ative e-otion created 67 /ear and an*iet7 over a potential loss or over "hat so-eone else has; it creates ver7 6ad ener07 /or the La" o/ Attraction. That is "h7 it is so i-portant to eli-inate. What to +o' ?ealo s7 can 6e eli-inated 67 addressin0 7o r o"n ne0ative /eelin0s. #o - st convince 7o rsel/ that 7o are "orth7 and deservin0 in order to stop the an0er. &nce 7o /eel sec re "ith 7o rsel/; losin0 so-eone that "o ld 6etra7 7o r tr st doesn>t -ake 7o /eel 9ealo s. #o reali8e that i/ so-eone "o ld do that; the7 are not "orth7 o/ 7o r attention. This keeps 7o /ro- reactin0 o t o/ paranoid thinkin0. T rn aro nd 6elie/s that -ake 7o /eel insec re and 7o "ill eli-inate /eelin0s o/ 9ealo s7. This is done 67 co-in0 to ter-s "ith the /act that 7o are 0ood eno 0h to 6e loved and to have nice thin0s. Affir%ations to =li%inate Jealousy' B B B B B 4t is eas7 to let 0o o/ 9ealo s7 6eca se 4 can tr st 4 a- con/ident eno 0h in -7sel/ not to 6e 9ealo s 4 /ind no reason to 6e 9ealo s 6eca se 4 a- sec re o/ -7sel/ 4 have no reason to "orr7 6eca se 4 a- 0ood eno 0h 4 a- con/ident in -7 partner>s a6ilit7 to 6e /aith/ l

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to =li%inate Jealousy' Tr st is a -assive part o/ eli-inatin0 9ealo s7 and so is -ovin0 past /ear o/ loss. A 6i0 part o/ 9ealo s7 co-es /ro- sin0 7o r i-a0ination to create a pict re o/ "hat 7o don>t "ant to happen. 4nstead o/ doin0 that; se 7o r i-a0ination to create a scenario "here thin0 0o "ell "itho t 7o r intr sion or 9ealo s /eelin0s 6eco-in0 an iss e. .lose 7o r e7es and i-a0ine a sit ation "here 7o r 9ealo s7 s all7 6oils o t o/ control. This co ld 6e "hen 7o r partner is late co-in0 ho-e; is o t "ith /riends; or talkin0 "ith so-eone o/ the opposite se*. :o" i-a0ine that 7o r partner is on their 6est 6ehavior and that the7 onl7 love and "ant 7o . <is ali8e the- t rnin0 do"n the advances o/ an interested 6achelor or 6achelorette and ho" that -akes 7o /eel con/ident inside. Watch in 7o r -ind>s e7e that 7o r partner is 9 st st ck in tra//ic "hen the7 are r nnin0 late. 3elieve "hat 7o r partner tells 7o is tr e and then vis ali8e it to create a sense o/ co-/ort in 7o r heart.This techni@ e "ill help 7o red ce /eelin0s o/ 9ealo s7 so that 7o can /oc s on "hat reall7 -atters..7o r relationshipA

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93. Pro%ote .ealin# 1 4/ 7o are str 00lin0 "ith an7 kind o/ illness in 7o r 6od7 or -ind; 7o can pro-ote it to heal "ith the La" o/ Attraction. & r -ind has the po"er to heal a variet7 o/ disease and illness "ithin o rsel/. #o can pro-ote healin0 startin0 ri0ht no". What to +o' There is no 6etter healin0 6al- than /eelin0s o/ 0ratit de /or o r c rrent sit ation. 4/ 7o are co-6attin0 a li/e threatenin0 illness; 6e thank/ l that 7o are still 6reathin0 and livin0. ,on>t allo" /ear o/ death to 0et in the "a7 o/ ho" 0rate/ l 7o are that 7o e*ist in the /irst place. ? st 6ein0 here is an a-a8in0 0i/t that "e can dra" positive ener07 /ro- /or po"er/ l healin0. Foc s 7o r attention on 6ein0 health7 and "ell. $roo/ o/ the la" at "ork can 6e seen in the place6o e//ect; "hich -eans patients 6e0in to 0et "ell 9 st 67 thinkin0 the7 are takin0 a -edication or receivin0 a certain treat-ent. =se -editation to vis ali8e 7o rsel/ as co-pletel7 health7 and "ell. Affir%ations to Pro%ote .ealin#' B B B B B M7 6od7 heals itsel/ @ ickl7 4 /eel healin0 takin0 place inside -e ri0ht no" 4 a- so 0rate/ l to 6e healin0 4 a- in per/ect health -entall7; ph7sicall7 and spirit all7 4 0et closer and closer to per/ect health ever7 da7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Pro%ote .ealin#' This techni@ e is ver7 si-ilar to the pain eli-ination vis ali8ation. First; rest 7o r 6od7 67 sittin0 co-/orta6l7 or la7in0 do"n. :o" /oc s on 7o r health iss es; one at a ti-e. $ict re the health iss e in 7o r 6od7 as a visi6le thin0. For instance; i/ 7o have a heart iss e; think a6o t so-ethin0 0l7 and dark in 7o r heart. Ma76e it has spikes or is 0lo"in0 "ith so-e / nk7 6ro"n a ra. ? st pict re ho" 7o think it "o ld look and /oc s on -ovin0 it "ith 7o r -ind. Make the o69ect that represents the health pro6le- leave 7o r 6od7 and then i-a0ine that it 0ets 6lo"n p "ith a 0renade or sent on a rocket to o ter space. ,o this "ith each separate health condition 7o have ntil 7o have /inished eli-inatin0 health iss es /ro- 7o r 6od7. :o" have /aith that the niverse is 6rin0in0 healin0 to those areas and 6e open to opport nities that 0reet 7o to -ake that possi6le.

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94. =li%inate -o%&ulsive Lyin# 1 4>- s re 7o have heard the old sa7in0; DThe tr th "ill set 7o /ree.D This is so tr e no -atter "ho 7o are. When 7o lie; especiall7 in a co-p lsive "a7; 7o - st keep track o/ the lie and re-e-6er "ho 7o lied to; there67 p ttin0 a little part o/ 7o rsel/ in a 9ail. These pieces o/ 7o rsel/ 6eco-e so hidden that 7o -i0ht not even reali8e ho" - ch o/ 7o is -issin0; hidin0 6ehind these lies. The person 7o reall7 are is nder there so-e"here and i/ 7o ever "ant to e*perience tr e /reedo-; it>s ti-e to start tellin0 the tr th. What to +o' .o-p lsive l7in0 al"a7s starts o// "ith an a0enda. This co ld 6e to cover p 6ad actions or tho 0hts; to keep /ro- h rtin0 another>s /eelin0s; to -anip late others; -ake onesel/ appear 6etter than the7 reall7 are; or o t o/ 6ad ha6it. The tr th is a lot easier than pretendin0 to 6e so-eone else and this is the /irst 6elie/ that needs to 6e instilled in order to stop the r0e /or lies. 3e/ore 7o speak; think a6o t "hether or not it is reall7 the tr th. 'tart tellin0 tr ths to 7o rsel/ and se tr th/ l a//ir-ations. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ tellin0 the tr th a6o t thin0s and havin0 6etter e*periences 6eca se o/ it. 'oon tellin0 the tr th "ill 6eco-e 7o r /irst instinct rather than l7in0. Affir%ations to =li%inate -o%&ulsive Lyin#' B B B B B 4 a- easil7 a6le to re-ain tr th/ l at all ti-es Tellin0 the tr th co-es nat rall7 to -e 4 a- an honest person 4t is eas7 /or -e to 6e honest "hen asked a @ estion 4 a- 0en ine in -7 actions; "ords and tho 0hts

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to =li%inate -o%&ulsive Lyin#' This vis ali8ation techni@ e sho ld 6e sed as o/ten as possi6le to 6reak the co-p lsive l7in0 ha6it. .o-p lsive l7in0 to so-e people co-es "itho t thinkin0 and is reall7 not done on p rpose /or so-e. 4n order to 6reak an7 ha6it; the s 6conscio s needs to 6e retrained and this is e*actl7 "hat this vis ali8ation techni@ e entails. An7 ti-e 7o are asked a @ estion or /ind 7o rsel/ thinkin0 a6o t speakin0 to so-eone; i-a0ine 7o rsel/ in the conversation. Think a6o t sin0 onl7 the tr th and 6e s re that ever7thin0 7o sa7 d rin0 the vis ali8ation is co-pletel7 tr e. ,on>t tr7 to 6end the tr th or s 0ar coat it. $ractice tellin0 the entire tr th in as -an7 i-a0inar7 conversations as 7o can thro 0ho t the da7. 4t "on>t take lon0 /or these tr th/ l "ords to 6e0in co-in0 eas7 to 7o "hen 7o are conversations "ith real people.

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95. Prevent ?nfi+elity 1 4n/idelit7 is not co-pletel7 avoida6le 1++I o/ the ti-e 6eca se 7o cannot have control over 7o r partner all o/ the ti-e. The7 -a7 9 st 6e a cheater. 3 t 7o can prevent in/idelit7 in 7o r -arria0e i/ 7o learn to think positivel7 and keep the relationship /ro- 6eco-in0 so-ethin0 7o r partner "ill "ant to stra7 /ro-. What to +o' The -ost e//ective "a7 to prevent in/idelit7 in 7o r -arria0e is to 6e co-pletel7 and totall7 open "ith 7o r /eelin0s; e-otions and needs and "elco-in0 7o r partner to do the sa-e. :ever keep secrets /ro- 7o r spo se; no -atter ho" s-all the7 see-. Most o/ all; don>t /oc s on 6ein0 "orried a6o t cheatin0 or 0ive an7 o/ 7o r attention to tho 0hts o/ in/idelit7. 5e-e-6er that the -ore 7o /oc s on so-ethin0; the -ore 7o attract it. 'o /oc s on havin0 a partner that is /aith/ l and tr th/ l so that 7o contin e to attract that. Affir%ations to Prevent ?nfi+elity' B B B B B 4 have a lovin0; /aith/ l; and s pportive partner M7 h s6andL"i/e is devoted to -e / ll7 4 a- eno 0h /or -7 partner 4t is eas7 to re-ain /aith/ l to -7 partner M7 partner and 4 respect each other too - ch to cheat

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Prevent ?nfi+elity' <is ali8e 7o and 7o r partner -an7 7ears /ro- no". Foc s on the love and adoration 7o 6oth still have /or each other a/ter all that ti-e. <is ali8e that 7o 6oth are co-pletel7 honest and open "ith one anothers and /eel the tr st that 7o 6oth share. 4-a0ine the / l/ill-ent that 7o provide 7o r spo se in all aspects o/ the relationship and that /eelin0 is - t al. 3elieve that this relationship "ill re-ain 9 st as 7o i-a0ine it /orever. The devotion 7o have /or each other is n"averin0.

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96. Learn to or#ive 1 Holdin0 on to /eelin0s o/ resent-ent and an0er can si0ni/icantl7 lo"er 7o r positive ener07; providin0 a path"a7 /or ne0ativit7 to enter 7o r li/e. For0iveness is the po"er to let 0o o/ the ne0ative e-otions s rro ndin0 the sit ation so that 7o can close that path"a7 /or ne0ativit7 and open p the /lood0ates /or positivit7. What to +o' When 7o /or0ive so-eone 7o are not dis-issin0 that it never happened; 7o are si-pl7 lettin0 0o o/ the ne0ative e-otions s rro ndin0 it. Tho 0h 7o can still learn the val a6le lesson that the7 ta 0ht 7o to never 6e h rt in the sa-e "a7 a0ain; 7o can still /or0ive. 4t is not /or the person that needs /or0ivin0 at all. 4t is /or 7o r o"n "ell16ein0. =se a//ir-ations to eli-inate these ne0ative /eelin0s and shi/t 7o r /oc s a"a7 /ro- "hat happened. Think onl7 a6o t restorin0 7o rsel/ to a state o/ happiness. A 0reat a//ir-ation to se /or /or0iveness is; D4 choose to /eel 0ood a0ain 67 /or0ivin0 those that have h rt -e.D Affir%ations to Learn to or#ive' B B B B B 4 easil7 /or0ive others and others easil7 /or0ive -e 4 /or0ive 6eca se it allo"s -e to /eel 6etter and -ove /or"ard M7 /or0ivin0 attit de is re/lected 6ack to -e 4 choose to /or0ive -7sel/ /or the past so that 4 can 0ro" /or the / t re 4 /or0ive all o/ those that have -ade -istakes and release the past

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/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Learn to or#ive' There are several techni@ es /or vis ali8ation to help 7o /or0ive. This partic lar one helps 7o /ace the person or people that 7o are tr7in0 to /or0ive in a controlled environ-ent. 4t also 6rin0s 7o the clos re to -ove on /ro- an7 sit ation in the past. 5ela* 7o r 6od7 67 sittin0 in a co-/orta6le chair; la7in0 on a co ch or an7"here that /eels 0ood to 7o . $ict re 7o rsel/ lookin0 thro 0h a piece o/ 6 lletproo/ 0lass at the person or people that 7o "ant to /or0ive on the other side. The7 cannot h rt 7o and the7 don>t speak to 7o . There is phone on the "all that allo"s 7o to speak "ith the-. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ pickin0 it p to talk to the-. The7 appear to 6e listenin0 intentl7 6 t sa7 nothin0. :o" think a6o t "hat 7o "ant to sa7 to the- in order to 6e a6le to /or0ive the-. #o -i0ht "ant to tell the- ho" - ch the7 have h rt 7o and that 7o choose to let this pain 0o 1 that the7 can no lon0er ca se 7o to /eel an7 -ore pain. 'a7 the "ords in 7o r vis ali8ation; D4 /or0ive 7o .D :o" i-a0ine that those "ords s ddenl7 -ake 7o /eel li0hter and happier as the ne0ativit7 7o /eel /or the- is released. Allo" 7o rsel/ to s-ile and /eel 0ood /or the /irst ti-e in a lon0 ti-e. :o" i-a0ine that 7o t rn aro nd "hile the7 contin e to look thro 0h the 0lass as 7o "alk a"a7 and disappear o t o/ si0ht. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ 6ein0 s rro nded 67 a co-/ortin0 li0ht that represents the healin0 that has 9 st taken place. Allo" it to envelope 7o and shield 7o "ith positivit7 and love. :o" 7o can open 7o r e7es and /eel 0reat a6o t 7o rsel/.

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97. .ave a Positive Self<?%a#e 1 The "a7 7o see 7o rsel/ deter-ines "hat 7o do in li/e; ho" others perceive 7o ; and ho" happ7 7o are. 4t is ver7 i-portant to see 7o rsel/ in a positive li0ht rather than contin o sl7 /oc sin0 on 7o r /la"s and /eelin0 6ad a6o t 7o rsel/. What to +o' 4--ediatel7 stop thinkin0 a6o t thin0s 7o cannot chan0e a6o t 7o rsel/. :o" start thinkin0 a6o t thin0s 7o can chan0e and kno" that 7o can 6e the person 7o "ant to 6e. Give 7o rsel/ credit /or "antin0 to i-prove.Make a list o/ these characteristics 7o "ant to have and create positive a//ir-ations statin0 the- as /acts a6o t 7o rsel/. #o r s 6conscio s "ill a6sor6 these "ords and soon 7o "ill 6e ever7thin0 7o "ant to 6e. 4/ 7o 6elieve so-ethin0 to 6e tr e that is preventin0 7o /ro- lovin0 7o rsel/; prove that 6elie/ "ron0. Affir%ations to .ave a Positive Self<?%a#e' B M7 6ea t7 sho"s on 6oth the inside and o t B 2ver7one "ho kno"s -e thinks hi0hl7 o/ -e B 4 have an attractive personalit7 and 0ood looks B 4 a- accepted /or "ho 4 a- 67 -7sel/ and others B 4 a- / ll7 and co-pletel7 con/ident in -7sel/ /isuali0ation Techni1ue to .ave a Positive Self<?%a#e' This vis ali8ation helps 7o reali8e the / ll potential o/ 7o rsel/ and eli-inates an7 ne0ative /oc s on sel/. 2ver7 person is ni@ e and special "ith 0i/ts that tr l7 -atter. Think a6o t that as 7o /ind a nice co-/orta6le place to sit and then close 7o r e7es. Take in so-e deep; slo" 6reaths and /eel 7o r 6od7 6ein0 no rished 67 the o*70en 7o inhale. <is ali8e that "ith ever7 inhale; 7o r 6od7 6eco-es 6ri0hter and "ith ever7 e*hale; the darkness is taken a"a7. :o" think a6o t the color red as an or6 o/ li0ht. 4t represents the ph7sical 6ea t7 o/ 7o r 6od7 in action. Will it to 0ro" 6ri0hter and 6older in 7o r -ind and i-a0ine it co-in0 closer to 7o and 6ein0 a6sor6ed into 7o r 6od7. $ict re the color oran0e in the sa7 or6 o/ li0ht. 4t represents 7o r creativit7 and devotion that -akes 7o so special. 4-a0ine that it too is a6sor6ed into 7o r 6od7 as it shines 6ri0hter and 6ri0hter. :o" think a6o t the color 7ello" as the ne*t or6 o/ li0ht 7o see. This represents 7o r positivit7 to"ards li/e and the a6ilit7 to -ake 7o r drea-s co-e tr e. Watch it shine 6ri0ht as it -oves into 7o r 6od7 as "ell. Think a6o t ho" po"er/ l 7o /eel. <is ali8e the ne*t or6 o/ li0ht as 0reen. 4t represents 7o r love and e-otions. Think a6o t it as a dose o/ p re happiness and peace as it enters 7o r 6od7 as "ell.
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4-a0ine 7et another or6 in /ront o/ 7o . This one is 6l e and 6ea ti/ l. 4t represents 7o r "ords and a6ilit7 to co-- nicate. #o r "ords are i-portant; 6rin0in0 a6o t positive chan0e in 7o r li/e. Allo" this 6l e or6 to 6e a6sor6ed into 7o r 6od7. #o contin e to /eel -ore sec re "ith "ho 7o are. The indi0o li0ht is ne*t. 4t is one o/ the -ost i-portant or6s o/ li0ht as it represents 7o r int ition and connection "ith a hi0her level o/ thinkin0. Will it to 0ro" ver7 6ri0ht and then allo" it to /ind a place in 7o r 6od7. #o /eel ver7 0ood a6o t 7o rsel/ no". Let those /eelin0s do-inate. The last color or6 is violet. 4t is the 6ri0htest o/ the li0hts and represents the /act that 7o are not alone. 4t also stands /or "isdo- and connects s "ith the niverse on a "hole ne" level. We are a6le to dra" stren0th /ro- this li0ht as it is neverendin0. Allo" it to sit at the top o/ 7o r head. 4t "ill keep 7o on the ri0ht path to"ards lovin0 7o rsel/ /or all o/ 7o r 6ea ti/ l colors. :o" open 7o r e7es /eelin0 e*tre-el7 0ood a6o t 7o rsel/ and kno"in0 that ever7 aspect o/ 7o is "orkin0 to 6rin0 7o r happiness; health; love; and "ealth.

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99. $verco%e Shyness 1 4/ 7o are sh7; the La" o/ Attraction can help 7o overco-e it. There is never a reason to 6e sh7 6eca se "e all have /la"s and thin0s that "e "o ld rather hide; 6 t it doesn>t -atter. We are all h -an and 7o are "ho 7o are. What to +o' Find o t "hat tri00ers 7o r /eelin0s o/ sh7ness. .o-e p "ith so-e positive a//ir-ations that 7o can se to 0ive 7o rsel/ that enco ra0e-ent to overco-e these /eelin0s. Act as i/ 7o are not sh7 and /ace social sit ations head on. $retend that 7o are actin0 a part and don>t think a6o t it too - ch. The -ore 7o p t 7o rsel/ into sit ations that -ake 7o /eel sh7; the less sh7 7o "ill /eel in the-. &ne o/ the 6i00est thin0s is to not co-pare 7o rsel/ to others. #o are special; ni@ e and per/ect 9 st the "a7 7o are. 3e pro d o/ it. Lastl7; don>t 6e so serio s. 4t is oka7 to let loose and 6e 7o rsel/. Those that -atter "on>t -ind and those that -ind don>t -atterA Affir%ations to $verco%e Shyness' B B B B B $eople en9o7 6ein0 aro nd -e 4 have a lot to o//er others 4 a- nphased 67 -eetin0 ne" people 4t is eas7 /or -e to /eel at ease aro nd others 4 a- con/ident and o t0oin0 in an7 social sit ation

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to $verco%e Shyness' This vis ali8ation can 6e per/or-ed an7"here 7o need a @ ick 6oost o/ con/idence and as a practice 8one /or pco-in0 sociali8in0. 'i-pl7 close 7o r e7es and take 7o rsel/ into the scene that nor-all7 -akes 7o /eel sh7. 4 can help to pict re so-ethin0 that has alread7 happened 6e/ore so that 7o can easil7 vis ali8e the details. 5ather than i-a0inin0 7o rsel/ as 7o acted or "o ld nor-all7 act; pict re 7o rsel/ lookin0 con/ident; sa7in0 the ri0ht thin0s; and 6ein0 ver7 sec re "ith 7o rsel/ re0ardless o/ "hat the other person or people are sa7in0. <is ali8e that the other person or people respond to 7o r con/ident attit de and "ords "ith acceptance. 4/ 7o have a hard ti-e co-6attin0 those sh7 e-otions even in 7o r vis ali8ation; think a6o t people that 7o kno" "ell and are not sh7 aro nd at all s ch as 7o r parents or 6est /riends. Gather that stren0th and se it to practice 6ein0 o t0oin0 and collected aro nd ne" people ntil 7o /eel co-pletel7 at ease. 4t -a7 take a /e" sessions; 6 t 7o "ill 6eco-e 6etter and 6etter at 6ein0 aro nd others over ti-e.

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9;. =li%inate -ravin#s 1 This is a to 0h one /or a lot o/ people; 6 t it can de/initel7 6e doneA We crave di//erent /oods /or a speci/ic reason. We are tr7in0 to -ake o rselves /eel 6etter. 3 t 9 nk /oods and s"eets don>t reall7 -ake s /eel 6etter at all. What to +o' Whenever 7o r cravin0s strike; se a//ir-ations desi0ned to help 7o r s 6conscio s "ant to eat healthier options "hen cravin0s strike. 'a7 so-ethin0 like; D4 choose to eat health7 /oods 6eca se the7 0ive -e the n trients -7 6od7 needs.D <is ali8e 7o rsel/ 0oin0 thro 0h the da7 "itho t 0ivin0 in to te-ptation and think a6o t the health7 choices 7o "ill -ake instead. 4-a0ine ho" 0ood it /eels to eat health7 and overco-e 7o r cravin0s. ,o this vis ali8ation -editation ever7 -ornin0 and 7o sho ld see res lts i--ediatel7. 4/ 7o 6e0in to crave so-ethin0; 0ive 7o rsel/ a pinch or splash so-e "ater on 7o r /ace; then replace that cravin0 "ith a pretend cravin0. Think a6o t eatin0 so-e carrot sticks or a c c -6er "ith the sa-e e*cite-ent as 7o "o ld the ice1crea-. Affir%ations to =li%inate -ravin#s' B B B B B 4 no lon0er /eel the need to /eed -7 6od7 /oods that are nhealth7 4 a- easil7 a6le to avoid te-ptation and -ake "ise eatin0 choices 4 have no cravin0s /or /oods that "ill ca se -e to 6e less health7 4t is eas7 /or -e to en9o7 health7 /oods "itho t /eelin0 deprived 4 en9o7 9 nk /oods and s 0ar7 thin0s as occasional treats onl7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to =li%inate -ravin#s' Think a6o t ho" / ll o/ ener07 and stron0 7o /eel "hen 7o don>t eat thin0s that are nhealth7. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ skinnier; happier; and /ittin0 into the si8e o/ 7o r drea-s. 5eall7 /eel that e-otion 6ehind havin0 -et 7o r "ei0ht and health7 0oals 67 si-pl7 eatin0 healthier and consistentl7. 4-a0ine the people in 7o r li/e -akin0 co--ents a6o t ho" - ch healthier 7o look and /eel the pride and 9o7 that co-es "ith that. Also i-a0ine that 7o look a-a8in0 and that 7o have ad-irers t rnin0 their heads as 7o "alk 67. 4/ that>s not -otivation eno 0h; vis ali8e those nhealth7 /oods that 7o crave as poison. 4-a0ine that the7 taste dis0 stin0 and that 7o "o ld never drea- o/ p ttin0 that 0ar6a0e in 7o r -o th.

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;0. ?%&rove S&ea!in# S!ills 1 3ein0 a6le to speak "ith so-eone /ace to /ace or in /ront o/ a cro"d takes so-e de0ree o/ con/idence and a lot o/ La" o/ Attraction. #o can se so -an7 di//erent L&A techni@ es to overco-e an7 potential iss es and 6eco-e an e*cellent speaker.

What to +o' <is ali8ation is a 0reat tool /or speakin0 skill i-prove-ent. .lose 7o r e7es; vis ali8e 7o rsel/ talkin0 "ith per/ect clarit7. 4-a0ine the people 7o are talkin0 to listenin0 intentl7 "ith a-a8e-ent at "hat 7o have to sa7. 4/ 7o are plannin0 on speakin0 in /ront o/ an a dience; vis ali8e ho" 7o /eel "hen the7 stand p and appla d 7o r "ords. 5e-e-6er to practice a lot in /ront o/ a -irror so that 7o can 6rin0 7o r vision to li/e. Al"a7s keep positive tho 0hts in 7o r head a6o t 7o r speakin0 skills and tell 7o rsel/ that 7o can do it repeatedl7. The -ore 7o speak in /ront o/ others; the 6etter 7o "ill 0et and the -ore 7o "ill /eel con/ident doin0 it. Affir%ations to ?%&rove S&ea!in# S!ills' B B B B B 4 a- charis-atic and clear "hen 4 speak When 4 open -7 -o th; people "ant to kno" "hat 4 have to sa7 4 a- an e*cellent speaker "ith a special talent /or co-- nicatin0 M7 "ords -otivate; inspire; and pers ade "hen necessar7 4 a- easil7 a6le to conve7 -7 tho 0hts thro 0h "ords

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?%&rove S&ea!in# S!ills'

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4-a0ine that 7o are 9 st -o-ents a"a7 /ro- speakin0 and that 7o are /eelin0 ver7 con/ident in "hat 7o are 0oin0 to sa7. Then think a6o t 7o rsel/ "alkin0 to the place "here 7o "ill speak and lookin0 at the a dience. Think a6o t ho" happ7 7o are to 6e a6le to share "ith the- "hat 7o have to sa7. <is ali8e their /aces lookin0 pleased to hear 7o r voice and "hen 7o speak; 7o 0et the e*act reactions 7o "ant. $ict re the speech and hearin0 7o rsel/ talkin0 /ro- 6e0innin0 to end. 4-a0ine that "hen 7o /inish; the7 all stand and appla d 6eca se 7o did so "ell. Think a6o t "hat happens a/ter 7o /inish talkin0 as "ell. Ma76e one o/ the a dience -e-6ers "ant 7o r a to0raph or the7 ask /or 7o r 6 siness card. &r vis ali8e that 7o 0ain a lot o/ ne" c sto-ers 6eca se the7 like "hat 7o had to sa7. (eep the e-otions 7o /eel stron0 and en9o7 "hat "o ld co-e /ro- a s ccess/ l speakin0 per/or-ance. #o r con/idence "ill 6e as hi0h as the sk7 once 7o /inish this vis ali8ation.

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;1. Sto& $)sessive -o%&ulsive >ehavior 1 When 7o 6ehave in a "a7 that disr pts 7o /roen9o7in0 li/e / ll7 6eca se o/ o6sessiveness; 7o are act all7 6lockin0 so-e positive ener07 /ro- /lo"in0 into 7o r li/e. #o 6eco-e o6sessed over the "hat i/s in li/e and that is no "a7 to live the La" o/ Attraction li/e. Thank/ ll7; there are so-e "a7s to stop this 6ehavior and -ove /or"ard. What to +o' This one -a7 take a little help /ro- a pro/essional; 6 t the techni@ es and ideas o/ the La" o/ Attraction are incorporated into the treat-ent. The t7pical approach is called co0nitive 6ehavioral therap7. This helps 7o 67 teachin0 7o r -ind to learn to see the "orld as less threatenin0 and instills the @ alities 7o need to 6eco-e -ore opti-istic. Man7 o6sessive co-p lsions are 6ased on ne0ative 6elie/s and these deepl7 rooted "a7s o/ thinkin0 are challen0ed thro 0h the retrainin0 o/ 7o r tho 0ht patterns. #o -a7 have s ccess doin0 this 7o rsel/ 67 sin0 the :.4...2. techni@ e. 3 t 7o "ill need to /irst identi/7 the "a7s that 7o o6sess over thin0s in order to 6reak the c7cle. Affir%ations to Sto& $)sessive -o%&ulsive >ehavior' B B B B B 4 a- a6le to resist o6sessive co-p lsive tendencies 4 have no r0e to do o6sessive co-p lsive activities 4 a- in co-plete control over -7 i-p lses &., does not a//ect -7 li/e an7-ore 4 do not o6sessive over an7thin0 nnecessaril7

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Sto& $)sessive -o%&ulsive >ehavior' First; 0et 7o rsel/ into a co-/orta6le position. This co ld 6e sittin0; la7in0 do"n in 6ed; or rela*in0 in a recliner. $ict re 7o rsel/ /eelin0 totall7 cal- as 7o clothes 7o r e7es. 4-a0ine 7o rsel/ in a place "here 7o r &., is not relevant. This co ld 6e a special place "ith -a0ical @ alities s ch as a /air7 land o/ -a0ical healin0 creat res; a tropical vacation paradise; or in a sterile; 6lank roo-. Whatever "orks /or 7o . 4t doesn>t have to 6e so-ethin0 that an7one else "o ld choose as lon0 as the place -akes 7o /eel no need to per/or- co-p lsive 6ehaviors. 5ela* here in this place /or a /e" -in tes ntil 7o /eel e*tre-el7 rela*ed. Foc s on 6ein0 care/ree and "itho t concern /or an7thin0 6 t this. :o"; think a6o t so-ethin0 that "o ld t7picall7 ca se 7o to 6eco-e co-p lsive. <ie" 7o rsel/ in the e*perience; onl7 don>t "atch it /ro- 7o r point o/ vie"; 6 t as a 67stander "atchin0. 3e 7o r o"n cheerleader; r0in0 7o rsel/ to contin e /eelin0 rela*ed and care/ree. Then "atch 7o rsel/ 0o thro 0h the e*perience "itho t doin0 the co-p lsive 6ehavior. Feel pro d and happ7 that 7o "ere a6le to 0et thro 0h it.

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;2. Prevent Panic Attac!s 1 4/ 7o are /indin0 that panic attack are disr ptin0 or even cripplin0 7o r ever7da7 li/e; the La" o/ Attraction has 7o r 6ack. This is the e*act sort o/ iss e that can literall7 6e solved per-anentl7 i/ 7o tili8e the techni@ es correctl7. What to +o' ,eter-ine the sit ations that 6rin0 on 7o r panic attacks. This co ld 6e social sit ations; a heav7 "orkload; ar0 -ents; certain tho 0hts; tra//ic; etc. 4t co ld also 6e a co-6ination o/ thin0s that 6rin0s 7o r stress levels p to a 6reakin0 point. (no"in0 "hat these tri00ers are "ill help 7o create a plan that "orks. When 7o identi/7 one o/ 7o r tri00ers; se the distraction techni@ e. ,o so-ethin0 co-pletel7 nrelated to the tri00er /or a /e" -o-ents. 4/ 7o cannot 0et a"a7; se positive a//ir-ations to 0ain po"er 6ack. #o can also tr7 the vis ali8ation -ethod. Affir%ations to Prevent Panic Attac!s' B B B B B 4 a- cal- and in control 4 a- sa/e and peace is /illin0 -7 -ind 4 a- a6le to rela* and 6reathe easil7 When 4 a- /aced "ith stress 4 never panic 4 have nothin0 to /eel panicked or an*io s a6o t

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Prevent Panic Attac!s' When 7o /eel a panic attack co-in0 on or 7o are /aced "ith a tri00er; i-a0ine 7o r happ7 place. This co ld 6e a -e-or7 or a /antas7 "orld 7o create /or 7o rsel/. 4t can 6e 7o r secret oasis "hen 7o are /eelin0 stressed or panicked. ,on>t tell an7one a6o t 7o r secret place. 4t is 7o r "a7 to escape realit7 and 0et 6ack to a cal- and rela*ed state o/ 6ein0.

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;3. @elieve Asth%a Sy%&to%s 1 .ertain kinds o/ asth-a attacks can 6e avoided 67 sin0 La" o/ Attraction -ethods to eli-inate e*tre-e ne0ative e-otions. 'o-e people have asth-a attacks "hen the7 are 6reathin0 heavil7 d rin0 periods o/ intense stress. Fort natel7 there is so-e help /or those that s //er /ro- asth-a attacks. #o can control 7o r asth-aA What to +o' =se the sa-e -ethod /or helpin0 7o stop panic attacks to relieve 7o r asth-a. &ther "a7s 7o can 0ain -ore control is to keep 7o r ho-e and environ-ent /ree /ro- asth-a tri00ers. A positive and deter-ined attit de can 0o a lon0 "a7 in keepin0 7o -otivated to contin all7 keep tri00ers o t o/ 7o r ho-e. Have a health7 cleanin0 da7 "here 7o vac -; "ash c rtains; and scr 6 s r/aces and se the a//ir-ation; D4 clean 6eca se it -akes -e /eel 0ood and asth-a1/reeD (indl7 ask those 7o interact "ith to re/rain /ro- s-okin0 aro nd 7o as "ell. When 7o ask nicel7 the7 "ill "ant to 6e nice 6ack. Affir%ations to @elieve Asth%a Sy%&to%s' B B B B B 4 a- al"a7s a6le to 6reathe easil7 and co-pletel7 4 have po"er over -7 asth-a and it does not control -e M7 l n0s are al"a7s health7 and "orkin0 per/ectl7 4 al"a7s keep -7 environ-ent asth-a /riendl7 4 have no pro6le-s handlin0 -7 asth-a

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to @elieve Asth%a Sy%&to%s' This vis ali8ation techni@ e is scienti/icall7 proven to help red ce or even eli-inate asth-a s7-pto-s. When 7o /eel the /irst si0n o/ an asth-a attack; close 7o r e7es and let the /ear or an*iet7 over the iss e -elt a"a7. :o" pict re 7o rsel/ in 7o r -ind. When 7o 6reathe in thro 0h 7o r nose 7o have no tro 6le 6reathin0 in deepl7 and cal-l7. When 7o e*hale; 7o are / ll7 a6le to let o t all o/ the air. 2ver7 6reath co-es e//ortlessl7 and "itho t an7 pro6le-s.

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;4. $verco%e De&ression 1 ,epression is a place that no one sho ld have to 0o. #o don>t have to /eel depressed no -atter "hat kind o/ hand 7o have 6een dealt in li/e. The La" o/ Attraction "orks to help 7o overco-e depression "hether 7o are a 6illionaire .2& or livin0 o t o/ a card6oard 6o*. :ot onl7 that; 6 t it can help 7o p t 7o r li/e 6ack to0ether so that 7o have tons to 6e happ7 a6o t. What to +o' 'tart o// 67 practicin0 0ratit de /or the thin0s 7o have ri0ht no". 3ein0 0rate/ l /or "hat 7o have si0ni/icantl7 li/ts 7o r -ood. 4/ 7o have tro 6le /eelin0 0rate/ l /or "hat 7o have; tr7 i-a0inin0 7o r li/e "itho t thin0s 7o have. 'tart "ith the si-ple 0i/t o/ 6ein0 a6le to 6reath and 6e alive. The /act that "e all have an opport nit7 to e*perience the niverse as o rselves is incredi6le in itsel/. 3e0in addin0 -ore and -ore thin0s to 6e thank/ l /or. The niverse "ill respond 67 0ivin0 7o -ore to 6e thank/ l /or. A/ter a "hile 7o "ill look 6ack at the ti-e 7o "ere depressed and "onder "hat took 7o so lon0 to snap o t o/ it. A note' 'o-e depression is ver7 serio s and re@ ires the help o/ a doctor to treat. 4/ 7o /eel hopeless or like li/e is not "orth livin0; contact a pro/essional ri0ht a"a7. #o are a ver7 i-portant part o/ this "orld and 7o deserve to /eel 6etterA Affir%ations to $verco%e De&ression' B B B B B 4 deserve to 6e happ7 and en9o7 li/e 4 choose to /ind the positive in ever7 sit ation 4 look /or"ard to ever7 da7 6eca se it is a precio s 0i/t 4 a- enth siastic and appreciative in ever7 -o-ent :othin0 can 0et -e do"n ever a0ain

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/isuali0ation Techni1ue to $verco%e De&ression' Think o/ a place or activit7 that 6rin0s 7o 0reat satis/action and -akes 7o /eel reall7 happ7. This co ld 6e an7thin0 /ro- /loatin0 in a pool on a "ar- s --er a/ternoon; to sleddin0 do"n a slope on a sno"7 -ornin0. Whatever "orks 6est /or 7o sho ld 6e 7o r special vis ali8ation oasis. Find a place that is peace/ l and "here 7o "on>t 6e dist r6ed /or a "hile. The 6est place /or a lot o/ people is in 6ed ri0ht 6e/ore 0oin0 to sleep; 6 t 7o can choose 7o r o"n special ti-e and place. To 6e0in; 0et co-/orta6le and close 7o r e7es; i-a0ine 7o rsel/ in that happ7 place doin0 that happ7 thin0 and /eel the s-ile on 7o r /ace. Look aro nd and soak p the si0hts. '-ell the air; /eel the thin0s 7o to ch; and listen to the so nds. #o can even incl de taste. 4ncorporate all 7o r senses and reall7 allo" the i-a0inar7 scene to envelop 7o in a cocoon o/ 9o7. :o" allo" 7o r -ind to "ander. 4/ so-ethin0 stress/ l enters 7o r -ind; -ake it into so-ethin0 ph7sical s ch as a sno"6all; 6alloon; rock or stick. Let the stress 0o s7-6olicall7 67 lettin0 castin0 the o69ect a"a7. Watch it disappear o t o/ 7o r vie". #o kno" that 7o "ill never see it a0ain. 'pend a little -ore ti-e in 7o r i-a0inar7 happ7 place and "hen 7o >re read7; 7o can end the vis ali8ation. When 7o open 7o r e7es 7o "ill /eel re/reshed and happ7. 4/ depressin0 /eelin0s arise; se the vis ali8ation a0ain as -an7 ti-es as 7o need.

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;5. ?%&rove De)ate S!ills 1 Are 7o passionate a6o t de6atesC Want to -ake a di//erence in this "orldC .hances are 7o >ll need de6ate skills to s cceed. The La" o/ Attraction can 6e on 7o r side o/ the de6ate "hen 7o kno" so-e o/ the 6est de6ater secrets. What to +o' 3e positive and opti-istic a6o t 7o r chances o/ "innin0. (no" 7o r /acts and keep the- strai0ht. Al"a7s -ean "hat 7o sa7 and sa7 "hat 7o -ean. Have respect /or 7o r opponent 6 t kno" that 7o "ill 6e the "inner i/ 7o sta7 positive. 3e con/ident in that /act. When 7o have con/idence on 7o r side; it is oka7 to let the other speak "itho t interr ptin0. This sho"s ever7one that 7o don>t need to resort to those kind o/ tactics in order to prove 7o r point and that 7o / ll7 6elieve in "hat 7o /eel is the ri0ht thin0. Affir%ations to ?%&rove De)ate S!ills' B B B B B 4 a- eas7 to nderstand and people are nat rall7 pers aded 67 -e When 4 6elieve in so-ethin0 -7 charis-atic a6ilities help others to 6elieve too 4 a- a6le to easil7 sho" others that -7 "a7 o/ thinkin0 is the 6est option When 4 speak; ever7one listens "ith an open -ind 4 have "hat it takes to prove -7 point

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?%&rove De)ate S!ills' 3e/ore 0oin0 into a de6ate sit ation; do this e//ective vis ali8ation techni@ e as -an7 ti-es as possi6le leadin0 p to and i--ediatel7 6e/ore it is sched led to take place. Find a place "here 7o can spend several -in tes in peace and close 7o r e7es. Think a6o t the de6ate and 7o r opponents. 4-a0ine 7o rsel/ havin0 the per/ect rhetoric /or ever7 point ar0 ed 67 the opposition. <is ali8e their /ace as the7 reali8e 7o are ri0ht and the7 are "ron0. 4-a0ine that others involved are all cheerin0 7o on in a0ree-ent "hile re-ainin0 silent and lookin0 perple*ed "hen 7o opposition speaks. Think a6o t "hat others "ill sa7 a/ter the de6ate. Ho" the7 all a0ree "ith certaint7 that 7o are the one that is ri0ht. (no" that 7o are ri0ht and 6e co-pletel7 s re o/ it. :o" 0o o t there and prove 7o r opposition "ron0A

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;6. Develo& Disci&line an+ Self<-ontrol 1 The art o/ discipline and sel/1control is a "onder/ l skill to have. 4t -akes li/e so - ch easier "hen 7o are practicin0 control over 7o r actions and e-otional responses to di//erent sit ations. The La" o/ Attraction can 6e 6ene/icial /or this in a -a9or "a7. What to +o' Find the areas in "hich 7o think or act that a//ects 7o r li/e in a ne0ative "a7. ,on>t let denial stop 7o /ro- 6ein0 tr th/ l to 7o rsel/. When 7o identi/7 the-; create a positive a//ir-ation that "ill help 7o stop the ne0ative thinkin0 or action. ,o this ntil 7o address all areas that need i-prove-ent. <is ali8e 7o r li/e "itho t /eelin0 the r0e to do an7 o/ those destr ctive 6ehaviors. Affir%ations to Develo& Disci&line an+ Self<-ontrol' B B B B B When 4 /oc s on doin0 so-ethin0; 4 do it M7 "illpo"er allo"s -e to 6e in total control o/ -7 actions 4 a- al"a7s disciplined in -7 actions; decisions and thinkin0 37 practicin0 sel/1control; 4 a- a6le to -ove steadil7 to"ards -7 0oals 4 6eco-e -ore s ccess/ l ever7 da7 6eca se 4 a- in control o/ -7sel/

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to Develo& Disci&line an+ Self<-ontrol' This vis ali8ation can 6e done "herever 7o are and "henever 7o are /eelin0 o t o/ control. <is ali8e 7o rsel/ in the sit ation that lacks discipline in 7o r li/e. 5ather than ho" 7o "o ld nor-all7 react; pict re 7o rsel/ practicin0 i-pecca6le sel/1control. 4-a0ine that 7o are in co-plete control o/ 7o rsel/; /eelin0 no r0es to do an7thin0 6 t "hat 7o kno" is ri0ht. #o /eel co-pletel7 cal-.

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;7. >rea! >a+ .a)its 1 3ad ha6its 0o hand in hand "ith learnin0 sel/1control and discipline. The7 are hi0hl7 da-a0in0 to 7o r s ccess in li/e as the7 stop 7o /ro- creatin0 -ore 0ood ha6its and distract 7o /ro- 7o r 0oals. What to +o' #o can incorporate the sa-e e*act La" o/ Attraction techni@ es that 7o develop 0ood discipline and sel/1control. Affir%ations to >rea! >a+ .a)its' B B B B B 4 a- in control o/ -7 actions 4 no lon0er choose to have 6ad ha6its 2ver7 da7 4 re-ove -ore 6ad ha6its /ro- -7 li/e 4 contin e to i-prove -7sel/ ever7 sin0le da7 4 a- easil7 a6le to stop doin0 thin0s that are detri-ental to -7 s ccess sed to

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to >rea! >a+ .a)its' $er/or- this dail7 vis ali8ation techni@ e i--ediatel7 6e/ore 7o "o ld nor-all7 do the 6ad ha6it. For e*a-ple; i/ 7o are tr7in0 to stop 9 -pin0 on the co-p ter to pla7 0a-es "hen 7o 0et ho-e /ro- "ork "hen 7o sho ld 6e doin0 la ndr7; vis ali8e 7o rsel/ "alkin0 into 7o r place; and 0ettin0 the la ndr7 done. 'et an alar- to re-ind 7o to do the vis ali8ation 9 st 6e/ore 7o kno" the 6ad ha6it "ill take place. This can "ork /or al-ost an7 6ad ha6it 7o "ant to p r0e /ro- 7o r li/e and it is e*tre-el7 e//ective.

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;9. ?ncor&orate Goo+ .a)its 1 Good ha6its are so cr cial to s ccess that it is virt all7 i-possi6le to have one "itho t the other. ,eter-ine "hat 0ood ha6its 7o "ant to incorporate into 7o r li/e and then take a 0enero s a-o nt o/ ti-e in honin0 the- to per/ection. =se these e*tre-el7 e//ective L&A techni@ es to do it. What to +o' Ha6its are /or-ed 67 repetitivel7 doin0 so-ethin0 over and over a0ain. The7 seep into 7o r s 6conscio s and then 6eco-e a "a7 o/ li/e. #o don>t even have to think a6o t doin0 the-; the7 9 st happen. 'tart o// 67 addin0 one ne" 0ood ha6it at a ti-e and keep so-ethin0 as a re-inder to do it. This co ld 6e an alar-; special 6racelet or a stick7 note. Take it one da7 at a ti-e and never skip a da7. .reate an a//ir-ation that 7o can repeat ten ti-es 6e/ore 7o 0o to sleep sa7in0 that 7o "ill do the ha6it happil7. Within 3+ to %+ da7s 7o "ill 6e doin0 this 0ood ha6it "itho t even thinkin0. Affir%ations to ?ncor&orate Goo+ .a)its' .reate an a//ir-ation that 7o can repeat ten ti-es 6e/ore 7o 0o to sleep sa7in0 that 7o do the ha6it happil7. B Fill in the 6lanks 1 4 al"a7s re-e-6er to JJJJJJ "hen 4 a- JJJJJJJ. /isuali0ation Techni1ue to ?ncor&orate Goo+ .a)itsF <is ali8e 7o rsel/ doin0 the ha6it at the speci/ic ti-e and place several ti-es a da7. 4/ 7o "ant to re-e-6er to p t 7o r ke7s on the hook "hen 7o co-e ho-e /ro- "ork; pict re 7o rsel/ "alkin0 in the door o/ 7o r place; lookin0 at the hook and placin0 7o r ke7s on it 6e/ore doin0 an7thin0 else. Whatever the thin0 is; 9 st keep doin0 it in 7o r head. #o r s 6conscio s doesn>t kno" the di//erence 6et"een vis ali8in0 the ha6it and act all7 doin0 it.

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;;. eel a Sense of >elon#in# 1 We all need to /eel like "e 6elon0 to so-ethin0. The La" o/ Attraction 0ives s an incredi6le sense o/ 6elon0in0. This is 6eca se "e are all connected 67 o r tho 0hts and /eelin0s in a "a7 that is co-pletel7 e*traordinar7. All 7o have to do is reach o t and e-6race this /eelin0 and 7o "ill have so - ch / l/ill-ent. What to +o' #o are 7o r "orst critic. 'top allo"in0 7o rsel/ to sa7 thin0s like; D4 don>t /it it;D or D4 never 6elon0.D 2ver7 sin0le person is ni@ e and special "hich is "h7 "e all 6elon0 in so-e "a7. We are like the connectors in a c rrent o/ electricit7 6rin0in0 po"er to the niverse. 2ver7 person that e*ists 6elon0s to the c rrent. When 7o r sense o/ 6elon0in0 "anes; /ind so-ethin0 that 7o en9o7 and 7o "ill no do 6t /ind others that en9o7 the sa-e thin0. .onnect "ith the- and "atch 7o r positive ener07 and sense o/ 6elon0in0 soar. Affir%ations to eel a Sense of >elon#in# B B B B B 4 a- a p 88le piece that helps co-plete the niverse 4 have so-ethin0 that can 6e sed /or positive chan0e M7 li/e has a special p rpose that onl7 4 can / l/ill 4 6elon0. 4 a- needed. 4 -ake others happ7 "hen 4 a- aro nd

/isuali0ation Techni1ue to eel a Sense of >elon#in# <is ali8e 7o rsel/ as a piece o/ thread in a 6ea ti/ l and intricatel7 "oven sheet. This sheet represents o r niverse and "hen it is "hole and nda-a0ed; all is ri0ht in the "orld. 4-a0ine "hat "o ld happen i/ 7o re-oved that sin0le thread /ro- the sheet. $ict re the sheet 6e0innin0 to nravel -ore and -ore; the lon0er 7o are -issin0 /ro- it. That is ho" - ch 7o 6elon0. Witho t 7o ; the niverse "o ld 6e da-a0ed and thin0s "o ld 6eco-e nraveled. #o are here to keep this sheet to0ether and 7o 6elon0 here 9 st as - ch as all o/ the other threads. Allo" this sense o/ 6elon0in0 to propel 7o to 6e the stron0est and -ost resilient thread possi6le.

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100. Discover *our True Self 1 The 0reat thin0 a6o t the La" o/ Attraction is that it allo"s 7o to have the tools to discover "ho it is 7o reall7 are and 6e pro d o/ it. 2ver7one starts o t as a little pe66le; an nc t dia-ond in the ro 0h. 2ver7 positive tho 0ht and /eelin0 shaves o// a piece o/ that pe66le ntil a da88lin0 dia-ond is /or-ed. That da88lin0 dia-ond is 7o r tr e sel/A What to +o' The 6est practice /or discoverin0 7o r tr e sel/ is -editation. Get into a co-/orta6le sittin0 position or la7 do"n. 3reathe deepl7 and close 7o r e7es. Allo" 7o r tho 0hts and /eelin0s to /lo" /reel7 "itho t 9 d0e-ent /or at least 1! -in tes each da7 and "rite do"n the -ost i-portant thin0 that co-es to 7o r -ind a/ter each -editation session. 5ecord the- in a 9o rnal and se the- to discover "hat reall7 -atters -ost to 7o and "ho 7o are. Affir%ations for >ein# True to *ourself' B B B B B 4 a- content "ith ever7 aspect o/ "ho 4 aM7 deepest and -ost tr th/ l sel/ is "ho 4 al"a7s a4 a- co-/orta6le sho"in0 -7 tr e sel/ to ever7one aro nd -e 4 have nothin0 to hide /ro- -7sel/ or others As 4 contin e to look inside -7sel/; 4 learn "ho 4 a- 6etter

/isuali0ation Techni1ue' Get so-ethin0 to "rite "ith and a note6ook or 9o rnal to "rite in. 'it do"n in a co-/orta6le position on the /loor or in a chair. .lose 7o r e7es 0entl7. 5est 7o r hands on 7o r lap and pict re 7o rsel/ shinin0 6ri0htl7 "ith color/ l li0hts. Which colors do 7o seeC Think a6o t these colors and "atch the- care/ ll7 as the7 0ro" 6ri0hter. ,on>t 9 d0e the- or tr7 to -ake the- 0o a"a7; 9 st allo" the- to shine as 6ri0htl7 as the7 "ant. &penin0 7o r -ind to seein0 7o r o"n colors "ill help 7o 6e -ore open a6o t "ho 7o are. :o" think a6o t the thin0s that are -ost i-portant to 7o . 4-a0ine that 7o are ver7 old and have lived a li/e that 7o are pro d o/. What "as the -ost i-portant part o/ that li/eC ,i0 deep /or the ans"ers and think a6o t it /or as lon0 as 7o need. When 7o /eel read7; open 7o r e7es and 6e0in "ritin0 do"n the /irst thin0s that co-e into 7o r -ind. ,o this e*ercise dail7 /or as lon0 as it takes /or 7o to /eel ver7 clear a6o t "ho 7o tr l7 are.

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101. .ave Power $ver All As&ects of Life 1 What an incredi6le thin0 to have po"er over all aspects o/ 7o r li/eA #o r tho 0hts and /eelin0s create 7o r li/e and 6eca se 7o can choose "hat to think and ho" to /eel; 7o have all o/ the po"er.

What to +o' 2li-inate /ear and do 6t. 3e co ra0eo s and 6elieve in 7o rsel/ and the po"er o/ 7o r intentions. When 7o "ant so-ethin0; /oc s on it "ith positive certaint7 that 7o "ill 0et it. 3e 0rate/ l /or ever7thin0 ever7 da7. =se -editation; vis ali8ation; positive a//ir-ations; and other La" o/ Attraction techni@ es to 6rin0 a6o t the res lts 7o "ant. There "ill 6e nothin0 stoppin0 7o /ro- a li/e o/ happiness; "ealth; love; and health ever7 a0ain. Affir%ations for Total Power $ver *our Life' B B B B B 4 have co-plete control over -7 destin7 4 a- a6le to choose -7 o"n path When 4 a- positive and deter-ined; 4 can do an7thin0 4 set -7 -ind to M7 health; happiness; relationships; "ealth and o tco-e is all p to -e 4 create -7 realit7 sin0 the po"er o/ -7 o"n -ind

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/isuali0ation Techni1ue for Total Power $ver *our Life' <is ali8e 7o rsel/ 6ein0 positive and 0rate/ l "hen 7o "ake p in the -ornin0. $ict re ever7thin0 0oin0 per/ectl7 and all o/ 7o r 0oals 6ein0 achieved "ith ease. Think a6o t the people in 7o r li/e and ho" the7 all look p to and en9o7 7o 6eca se o/ 7o r positive personalit7. 4-a0ine ever7 "indo" o/ opport nit7 6ein0 opened to 7o and ho" easil7 7o overco-e o6stacles that challen0e 7o . :o" pict re 7o r li/e as it is no" as i/ it "ere alread7 per/ect and co-plete. 3e thank/ l /or ever7thin0 as it is and also 6e thank/ l /or ever7thin0 that is co-in0 7o r "a7. .reate a vision 6oard re/lectin0 ever7 aspect o/ 7o r li/e and keep it "here 7o look o/ten.

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