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Connect CF intranet from the remote location through VPN Connection.

Follow the installation steps as given below. Please contact Sr.EDP Manager/IT Centre for the IP address and userna e/password. !. Double Clic" FortiClientSetup.e#e

$. Clic" Next %utton

&. Select Yes 'adio %utton and clic" Next %utton

(. Select IPSec VPN and Firewall and clic" Next %utton

). Clic" on Install %utton

*. This process can be s"ipped+ please clic" on skip

,. Clic" on Finish

-. Select %asic setup and clic" on Next

.. Select the options as shown in the i age and clic" on Next

!/. clic" on Finish to co plete the installation

!!.'ight clic" on foticlient icon and clic" on 'un as ad inistrator

!$.Clic" on Firewall and select the Pass all 'adio %utton under the Firewall Mode and Clic" yes when pop window appears

!&.Clic" on 0P1 2dvanced 2dd as shown in the diagra

!(.Enter the following details as given in the figure and clic" on Advance button

!).Clic" on Config button

!*.Enter the IP 2ddress and subnet again in the previous window

as" and clic" O

button and Clic" O

Click Apply to save the configuration in the window show in step 13 to finish the configuration

!,.'ight clic" on Fortinet Client available under the tas" bar and clic" 0P1 ICF30P1 to connect to ICF intranet.

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