SAP NetWeaver and Oracle Exadata

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An Oracle White Paper July 2012

SAP NetWeaver and Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Technical Guide for installation, migration and configuration
Version 1.2

Preface................................................................................................... 4 Architecture overview............................................................................. 5 Prerequisites.......................................................................................... 6 ASM Disk Group Recommendations for SAP Databases...................... 7 ASM Environment.......................................................................... 7 ASM redundancy............................................................................ 7 Setup ASM Disk Groups................................................................ 8 ASM compatibility attributes........................................................... 8 Character Set Requirements for SAP Databases.................................. 10 Non-Unicode SAP Installations.............................................................. 10 SAP Database Administration with BR*Tools......................................... 10 BR*Tools Installation on one database node................................. 11 BR*Tools Installation on all database nodes.................................. 12 BR*Tools installation process overview......................................... 12 Lifecycle Management for SAP Databases............................................ 15 Installation of the OPatch and MOPatch Utilities................................... 16 Installation of the Oracle Exadata Bundle Patch.................................... 16 Installation of the SAP Bundle Patch for Oracle Exadata...................... 16 Migration of SAP Databases ................................................................. 17 Migration Approach 1: Oracle-to-Oracle offline migration (O2O) ACS Service and Customer Self-Service............................................... 17 Migration Approach 2: Oracle-to-Oracle online migration (Triple-O) ACS Service only.................................................................................... 20 Migration Approach 3: RMAN Transportable Tablespaces............ 23 Migration Approach 4: RMAN Duplicate Database........................ 26 Migration from Single Instance to RAC.......................................... 29 Post Migration Tasks...................................................................... 30 Shared Filesystems in SAP Environments............................................. 34

Protection of SAP Central Services ...................................................... 35 Installation Procedure for SAP Central Services ................................... 36 Installation Preparation.................................................................. 36 Setup of SAP Enqueue Replication Service ................................. 37 Configuration of SAPCTL............................................................... 39 Appendix 1:............................................................................................ 40 SAP Oracle_Home Naming Convention........................................ 40 Default Oracle Environment Settings............................................. 40 Additional Information............................................................................ 41

Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

This document explains all the necessary steps to setup an SAP system based on the SAP NetWeaver technology using the Oracle Exadata Database Machine All SAP products based !rom SAP NetWeaver " # on are certi!ied to use the Oracle Exadata Database Machine The paper describes the re$uired Oracle so!t%are environment settings on the database nodes &Appendix ' lists a %or(ing example %hich should be !ollo%ed !or an Oracle Exadata deployment !or SAP)* SAP speci!ic database re$uirements* in!ormation on ho% to install SAP re$uired database patches to the database nodes* suggestions !or the implementation o! shared !ile systems !or SAP installations and ho% to install* con!igure* manage and control the SAP central services on the database nodes through Oracle +luster%are and its service program SAP+T, The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is used !or storing the databases o! the individual SAP systems The Oracle Exadata Database Machine cannot be used to run SAP -nstances SAP -nstances have to run on separate machines %hich use the Ethernet or -n!ini.and net%or( to exchange data %ith the database&s) on the Exadata Database Machine -n SAP terminology this is called a three tier architecture This !lexible three tier architecture allo%s !or any combination o! hard%are and operating systems running the SAP instances to be used %ith the Oracle Exadata Database Machine So !or instance you can run SAP Application servers on A-/ or 0P12/ against the Oracle Exadata Database Machine This !lexibility allo%s an easy introduction o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine in existing SAP environments as it leaves the SAP layer unchanged On the database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine you can choose bet%een the Oracle Solaris ''* Oracle Solaris '' Express or Oracle ,inux 3 operating system The only SAP components %hich are supported to run on the database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine are the SAP database administration tools &.45Tools) and the SAP central services &S+S and AS+S) There is support by SAP through SAP-NST starting !rom version " # EP 6 and " 6 EP ' Please re!er to SAP OSS note '7'8696 :SAPinst !or Oracle Exadata on Oracle ,inux and Solaris /;7: to install a ne% SAP system using the Oracle Exadata Database Machine as the database bac(end Databases !rom already installed SAP systems have to be migrated !rom existing database servers to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine No changes to the standard database schema o! the SAP database should be done %hen being migrated to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine +hanges should not be done to the table and<or index design* the partitioning concept or storage attributes o! tables* indexes and partitions The standard schema o! the SAP database is very %ell designed* tested and proven %ith thousand=s o! customers -n addition many SAP administration* monitoring and upgrade tas(s depend on the standard database schema layout Any change to the standard SAP database schema there!ore has to be discussed %ith SAP and an SAP support call should be opened SAP OSS note '38#3'3 :SAP So!t%are and Oracle Exadata: %ill be updated on a regular base to re!lect any changes on using SAP applications %ith the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Overall this documentation complements the existing standard documentation on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine and there!ore it is assumed that the reader is !amiliar %ith the standard Oracle Exadata documentation To understand the re$uirements and steps outlined in this document it is necessary that the reader is also !amiliar %ith the SAP speci!ic support notes and %hite papers on Oracle 4A+ &>+on!iguration o! SAP NetWeaver !or Oracle ?rid -n!rastructure '' @ # @ and Oracle 4eal Application +lusters ''g 4elease @A A .est Practices ?uideB)* Oracle ASM &>SAP Databases on Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @A +on!iguration ?uidelines !or 2nix and ,inux Plat!ormsB)* Oracle ,inux and SAP+T, &>Providing 0igh Availability !or SAP 4esources %ith Oracle +luster%are ''g 4elease @B) All these %hite papers are stored on the SAP +omunity Net%or( &S+N) under httpA<<scn sap com<community<oracle The SAP Notes are available through the SAP Support Portal !or authoriCed users

Architecture overview
Short list o! (ey parameters !or migration to Exadata Database !iles on ASM only no shared !ile system o!!ered by Exadata &D.DS is not supported in SAP environment) local Oracle 0omes !or ?4-D and !or 4D.MS &exception to standard SAP 4A+ setup) all Oracle so!t%are installed on Exadata using Exadata standards all Oracle so!t%are installed under OS environment EoracleF ASM using standard Exadata setup &di!!erent to SAP ASM setups) ASM in cluster mode Exadata Gernel !or A+SHE4S &SAP OSS note '769"7" >Tainted ,inux Gernel generated by A+DS modules on ExadataB) although Exadata doesnFt support A+DS* the note applies here as the (ernel modules may be loaded SAP instances cannot run on Exadata &ExceptionsA AS+S* S+S* E4S) SAP central services &AS+S* S+S and E4S) on the database nodes re$uire an SAP 2nicode (ernel &see chapter :Protection o! SAP +entral Services: !or restrictions and implementation details) .45Tools can be installed on the database nodes -! non1SAP and SAP databases are operated on the same Exadata* re!er to SAP OSS note '7""8"; :Administration o! mixed SAP<Non1SAP Environments on Exadata: Exadata systems are delivered having multiple database1 and multiple storage nodes The database nodes are !orming a ?4-D cluster* %hich enables 4A+ or

Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

multi instance databases .ut 4A+ is not a must Also single instance database are supported* %hich may ma(e pro!it o! the massive parallel -O o!!ered by Exadata

0ere is a chec(list !or migration to Exadata -t should care!ully chec(ed be!ore starting the migration 4ead or be a%are o! additional documentation &SAP OSS note '38#3'3 :SAP So!t%are and Oracle Exadata:* SAP OSS note '96'"8; :Oracle '' @ #A Database Parameter Settings:) All Oracle so!t%are installed on Exadata using Exadata standards* SAP general standards donFt apply on this plat!orm All Oracle so!t%are installed under OS environment EoracleF SAP Gernel +D &minimum " ## EP 6 or " @# EP ' and higher) .45Tools so!t%are &minimum " @# patch '; and higher) Additional dis( space !or migration and<or net%or( connection bet%een old source system and target Exadata should be available SS01+onnection bet%een old source system and target Exadata should be available &user EoracleF) Exadata parameter should be set in Oracle initIS-DJ ora Please chec( the .est Practice Parameter 4e!erence !or actual valuesK The parameter logLbu!!erM'@;M should be set on Exadata* even there are not listed in the SAP OSS note '96'"8; :Oracle '' @ #A Database Parameter Settings: at the moment. +hec( this is not less than '@;M This ensures ade$uate bu!!er space !or ne% ,?W4 transport Neri!y parameter dis(LasynchLio having the de!ault value o! T42E* %hich enables asynchronous -O in ASM Parameter !ilesystemioLoptions should be set to SETA,, although it does not a!!ect 4D.MS -O per!ormance directly because using ASM there is no underlying !ile system layer Nevertheless is SETA,, recommended because it enables asynchronous -O !or 4D.MS utilities li(e 4MAN or Data Pump* %hich may %rite to !ile systems extensively See MOS notes '@#78" ' :-nit ora Parameter ED-,ESOSTEM-OLOPT-ONSF 4e!erence Note: and "3'976 ' :ASM -nherently Per!orms Asynchronous -<O 4egardless o! !ilesystemioLoptions Parameter: !or more in!ormation Dast recovery area can be set optionally but is recommended by SAP &de!ault in NON1SAP Environment) Ensure that database character set is the same as on old source database Dor the time o! a O@O Migration change to globalLnamesM!alse i! SAPS-D is the same on old source and ne% target

Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

ASM Disk Group Recommendations for SAP Databases

On Exadata ASM is already preinstalled in a cluster !ashion together %ith 4A+ on all database nodes This particular ASM on Exadata setup has some di!!erences compared to regular Single1-nstance or 4A+ on ASM installations These di!!erences should be pointed out here shortly be!ore starting %ith ASM dis( setup

ASM Environment
SAP OSS note '33#'66 :Oracle Automatic Storage Management &ASM): describes the re$uirements to run ASM in SAP environments* but the note doesnFt re!er to Exadata at all Nevertheless is SAP on ASM < Exadata a supported con!iguration because Exadata is certi!ied by SAP and Exadata is only supporting ASM !or database storage The main di!!erence bet%een regular ASM setups and Exadata isA ASM on Exadata doesnFt support A+DS Even i! the note states A+DS is re$uired !or 4A+* there is an alternative !or shared storage e g NDS o!!ered outside o! Exadata This shared storage is only used by SAP components* so it doesnFt negatively impact Exadata Please re!er to the above OSS note !or version re$uirements !or SAP (ernel* .45Tools and sapinst i! used on ASM All Exadata database nodes come %ith an ASM instance already con!igured* so there is no need !or ASM installation An Oracle Whitepaper EMoving your SAP Database to Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @* A .est Practices ?uideF describes all the necessary steps !or ASM dis( setup in detail 2n!ortunately it deals %ith single instance setups only but Exadata is operating a 4eal Application +luster 4A+* %hich also includes ASM An ASM plus 4A+ setup has some minor di!!erences* %hich must be (ept in mind* %hen reading the %hitepaper An ASM on 4A+ setup re$uires each ASM instance to have a uni$ue S-D %ithin that cluster or Exadata* so database node ' is usually operating ASM instance EHASM'F and so !orth Exadata and other 4A+ setups are using the OS user EoracleF !or installing Oracle so!t%are and this OS user must also been ta(en !or administration To adopt the user environment to the respective Oracle part* ASM or 4D.MS* please re!er to SAP OSS note '33977' :+on!iguration o! environment !or =oracle= user: and '38;389 :.45Tools con!iguration !or Oracle inst under =oracle= user:

ASM redundancy
Although there are no speci!ic re$uirements !or ASM Dis( ?roups storing the SAP databases on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine* it is a best practice to use a redundancy level o! high !or a production SAP database to achieve the highest level o! protection against any type o! storage !ailure Other SAP databases used !or development* test and PA may use a normal ASM redundancy level There is no additional need !or storage based replication* i! normal or high redundancy is used Normal redundancy means* the database %rites all data t%ice to t%o di!!erent locations &!ail groups o! an ASM dis()* %hereas high redundancy means the database %rites all data 6 times to 6 locations &!ail groups)

Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Dor a good overvie% o! ASM redundancy !eature* please have a loo( into Oracle %hitepaper ESAP %ith Oracle 4eal Application +lusters ''g 4elease @ and Automatic Storage ManagementF or Oracle documentation

Setup ASM Disk Groups

-n line %ith the standard Oracle Exadata setup you should have at least one ASM Dis( ?roup >HDATAB and another ASM Dis( ?roup >H4E+OB The DATA ?roup should contain all data !iles* control !iles* online redo log !iles* sp!iles* O+4 and voting dis(s The 4E+O ?roup should contain temporary !iles* archive logs* !lashbac( !iles and bac(ups The DATA ?roup should use a redundancy level o! high and the 4E+O ?roup a redundancy level o! normal Note: .45Tools do not support ASM locations !or bac(up destinations* e g H4E+O cannot be used !or dis( bac(ups created by .4.A+G2P &bac(upLrootLdir) or .4A4+0-NE &archiveLcopyLdir) Please re!er to belo% chapter ESAP Database Administration %ith .45ToolsF !or more details When storing more than one SAP database &!or instance an SAP E4P database and an SAP .W database or an SAP E4P database %ith an SAP +4M database or multiple SAP E4P databases) on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine all !iles o! each o! these SAP databases should !ollo% the above recommendation and there!ore !iles should be stored in the DATA and 4E+O ?roup This recommendation is in contrast to the 6 dis( group setup variants given in the Oracle Whitepaper EMoving your SAP Database to Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @* A .est Practices ?uideF This di!!erence bet%een Exadata and standard ASM setup re!lects the di!!erent storage system architectures* as Exadata isnFt Qust a plain dis( storage device On Exadata the t%o dis( groups HDATA and H4E+O are precon!igured and should be used as con!igured O! course the setup might be changed to%ard a more detailed con!iguration* but only in event o! additional special re$uirements Dor per!ormance and throughput reasons it is recommended to only have t%o control !iles and non1multiplexed online redo log !iles !or each SAP database all stored in the DATA ?roup As standard SAP installations use three control !iles in the database it is recommended to remove one control !ile !rom the sp!ile or init ora Standard SAP installations also use t%o members !or each online redo log !ile On the Oracle Exadata Database Machine it is there!ore necessary to remove one member o! each online redo log !ile !or each redo thread The source database %ill have multiple redo threads i! it %as a 4A+ database Three control !iles and multiplexed online redo log !iles are not needed on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine as the control !iles and the online redo log !iles are stored in the DATA ?roup %hich already provides three %ay mirroring !or each !ile at the Oracle ASM level due to the redundancy level o! high

ASM compatibility attributes

Each ASM dis( group has an attribute describing version compatibility o! !eatures o!!ered by ASM This attribute is divided in 6 sub attributes !or 4D.MS* ASM and ADNM* %hich is the A+DS volume manager The last one isnFt used here* as A+DS is not supported on Exadata .ut the other t%o* 4D.MS and ASM must be set to a minimum value o! F'' @ # @ #F* %hich should be the current setting !or precon!igured dis( groups on Exadata

Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

To veri!y these attribute settings* or to modi!y i! necessary* please re!er to chapter EOracle ASM compatibility AttributesF in the Oracle Whitepaper EMoving your SAP Database to Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @* A .est Practices ?uideF

Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Character Set Requirements for SAP Databases

Ne% installations o! SAP systems !rom NetWeaver " # on are 2nicode installations only Dor an SAP 2nicode installation it is re$uired that both the character and the national character set in the database is set to 2TD; When deploying a ne% Oracle Exadata Database Machine !or 2nicode installations o! SAP it is there!ore mandatory to speci!y 2TD; !or both the character and the national character set in the Exadata con!iguration %or(sheet A %or(ing example !or the Exadata con!iguration %or(sheet can be !ound in Appendix ' o! this paper So please ma(e sure that the de!ault database on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine is created %ith the SAP re$uired 2TD; character and national character set or a ne% SAP database must be created on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine !or instance through D.+A %ith a character and national character set o! 2TD;

Non-Unicode SAP Installations

Existing Non12nicode SAP installations can be used %ith the Oracle Exadata Database Machine -t is important !or these Non12nicode installations that the character and national character set o! the migrated databases !rom existing systems to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine is (ept the same as in the original system The character set %ill either be WE;DE+ or 2TD; The national character set should al%ays be 2TD; -t is mandatory that the SAP application o! such a Non12nicode SAP installation runs on an operating system %hich supports the Non12nicode runtime re$uirements o! SAP The Product Availability Matrix &PAM) o! SAP &httpA<<%%% service sap com<PAM) should be chec(ed !or valid operating system support !or Non12nicode SAP installations -n the case o! Non12nicode installations it is highly recommended to not change the hard%are or operating system !or the SAP layer Only the existing database server and storage layer should be changed to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine Note: -n the case o! Non12nicode SAP installations you cannot run the SAP +entral Services on the database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

SAP Database Administration with BR*Tools

The installation* con!iguration and operation o! .45Tools on the database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine are documented in SAP OSS notes '38;389 :.45Tools con!iguration !or Oracle inst under =oracle= user: and '7@"39' :.45Tools support !or Oracle ASM and Exadata:

Main di!!erences bet%een common single instance or 4A+ installation and Exadata in a SAP environment is* Exadata is using ASM and local Oracle homes !or the database Maybe multiple databases are operated simultaneously on an Exadata system Since .45Tools version " @# &patch ';) ASM and Exadata are supported by .45Tools &SAP OSS note '9@;3@8 :+orrections in .45Tools Nersion " @#: ) .ecause no older .45Tools version support ASM !ully* %hich is an re$uirement !or Exadata* " @# &';) is the


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

minimum .45Tools version Dunctions o!!ered by .45Tools in Exadata environments includesA .ac(up* 4estore and 4ecovery Tablespace and Data!ile management -nstance management Database chec(s Segment management Statistics* etc

So all necessary !unctions are included Database bac(ups and restore must involve 4MAN Note: .45Tools can only %rite database bac(ups to !ile system* Ebac(intF or E4MAN1 MM,F only and can restore bac(ups !rom there .45Tool log !iles and protocols are %ritten to !ile system and can be copied via Ebac(intF onto tape .45Tools cannot per!orm a bac(up to an ASM location or restore !rom an ASM location -nitIS-DJ sap parameters li(e Ebac(upLrootLdirF and EarchiveLcopyLdirF cannot point to an ASM dis( location* they must point to%ards a proper !ile system location 4ecommended is to attach an NDS<RDS appliance !or hosting these !ile systems

.ecause o! local Oracle homes !or the database* a ne% initIS-DJ sap parameter must be setA locLoraLhomes M yes ASM related .45Tools parameters are explained in SAP OSS note '38;389 :.45Tools con!iguration !or Oracle inst under =oracle= user: On Oracle Exadata Database Machine .45Tools can be installed in @ %aysA

BR*Tools Installation on one database node

.45Tools %ill be installed on one dedicated database server only* %hich becomes a .45Tools administration host All .45Tools activities must run on this particular node Advantage Minimal installation and administration e!!ort &only one application server* one database node) .45Tools log !iles reside on one node only

Disadvantage Only one node !or .45Tools based administration -! this node is unavailable* execution o! .45Tools tas(s are impossible This setup ma(es .45Tools a single point o! !ailure in terms o! database < system administration


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

BR*Tools Installation on all database nodes

To enable all Exadata database nodes to run .45Tools* the pac(age must be installed on all database nodes Advantage .45Tools resists on all nodes* i! one node crashes* it doesnFt matter Easier operating in case o! hard%are !ailures

Disadvantage More installation and administration e!!ort &minimum one application server* all database nodes) .45Tools log !iles reside on all nodes locally

With this con!iguration you can change the hostname in the 4D+ Destination !rom a !ix host to a random host in 4A+1+luster !or executing .45Tools +hange to transaction 4D+1Destinations &SM38) ?o to T+P<-P +onnections 1J SAP/P?LD.DESTLID.0OSTLNAMEJ +hange the hostname !rom >Iexadata1node'1hostnameJB to >IScan1N-PJB &Scan1,istener1Address)

Please note* that this con!iguration needs a shared 0A1NDS setup o! .45Tools con!iguration and log directories* to enable the tools to access even logs created remotely

BR*Tools installation process overview

The SAP processes run in an o%n 2nix environment* %hich is usually called IS-DJadm -t is created during SAP installation process on SAP application server hosts On the Exadata database nodes* the user must be created too i! any (ind o! SAP code is executed there 2nix user1id and group should be identical !or users EoracleF and EIS-DJadmF across all over the system &SAP servers and Exadata database nodes) Please double chec( * that OS user EoracleF belongs to OS group EoperF Environment must be maintained !or IS-DJadm on all Exadata nodes* mainlyA D.S-D dbsLoraLtnsname getting the local database instanceLname* e g G+M' set to the connect string to the general connect service o!!ered by all database instances ID.-DJ* e g tnsnames oraA G+M %orld ER+ONNE+TA <<IScan1N-PJ<G+M

Durthermore mainly the environment variables O4A+,EL0OME* O4A+,ELS-D and SAPDATAL0OME are needed to run .45Tools -! the dbenv sh or dbenv csh script contains any path to Oracle home !iles* please veri!y to use the Erun time pathF to Oracle home IO04D.MSJ* means the symbolic lin( and not the version dependent directory See SAP OSS note '3@9@#3 :Oracle '' @ #A Database So!t%are -nstallation: !or details


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

The database should contain a database user called EOPSSIS-DJadmF* %hich is usually existent* i! the database %as migrated !rom an existing SAP system -n event this user does not exist* please re!er to the !ollo%ing SAP OSS notes !or details on user creationA 67'79' :+reating OPSS users on 2N-/: '#@3"#" :D.A +oc(pitA Planning calendar and remote Oracle databases: On all Exadata database nodes the OS user IS-DJadm should be able to log on to the database using the commandA s$lplus < The installation process o! the .45Tools pac(age itsel! is described in detail in SAP OSS note '38;389 :.45Tools con!iguration !or Oracle inst under =oracle= user: .ecause Exadata doesnFt support a shared !ile system and all Oracle homes are local* on each Exadata database node the !ollo%ing directories must exist &o%ned by oracleAoinstall)A <oracle<ID.NAMEJ<saparch <oracle<ID.NAMEJ<sapbac(up <oracle<ID.NAMEJ<sapchec( <oracle<ID.NAMEJ<sapreorg <oracle<ID.NAMEJ<sappro! A!ter installation has completed* it can be tested usingA brconnect 1u < 1! chec( To enable remote administration bet%een Exadata database nodes and administration started via SAP transactions &e g D.'6)* it is recommended to setupA ssh connection %ithout pass%ord !or OS user IS-DJadm bet%een Exadata database nodes ssh connection %ithout pass%ord !or OS user EoracleF bet%een Exadata database nodes ssh connection %ithout pass%ord bet%een OS users IS-DJadm and EoracleF bet%een Exadata database nodes pass%ord less ssh connection !rom SAP application servers to Exadata database nodes is undesired .etter is to use the standalone gate%ay* %hich needs the SAP utility sapxpg on each Exadata database node

Dor more in!ormation* re!er to SAP OSS note '#@3"#" :D.A +oc(pitA Planning calendar and remote Oracle databases: The sapxpg utility is part o! SAPE/E SA4 but can also be do%nloaded as a standalone pac(age !rom Eservice sap com<s%dcF Navigate as !ollo%sA ' Support Pac(ages and Patches @ A1R -ndex 6 G &!or Gernel) 9 +hoose right SAP (ernel version &Exadata only supports unicode SAP (ernels) 3 Select OS running on your Exadata &,inux on x;7L79 79bit) 7 +lic( on Database independent " -n the box belo%* select e g sapxpgLI(ernel1versionJ sar !or do%nload 2sing IS-DJadm environment on Exadata the sapxpg is installed li(e thisA ' @ 6 ?oto sap1exe directory &commandA cdexe or cd <usr<sap<IS-DJ<SOS<exe<run) SAP+A4 1xv! Ipath to sapxpg pac(ageJ veri!y o%ner and group o! sapxpg* must be IS-DJadmAsapsys


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

9 3 7 " ;

start SM38 and goto ET+P<-P connectionsF double clic( on SAP/P?LD.DESTLID.0OSTLNAMEJ hostname might be adQusted veri!y sapxpg path* should contain absolute !ull path save and test %ith EtestF button

More detailed in!ormation can be !ound in SAP OSS notesA '#@3"#" :D.A +oc(pitA Planning calendar and remote Oracle databases: '#;""" :++MSA Message =SAP/P? !ailed !or .45Tools=: 6;"'6" :4D+ connection test !or sapxpg does not %or(: -n addition to above installation procedure* the SAP instance pro!iles should contain gate%ay speci!ic parameters li(e theseA g%<remLstart g%<remsh M M SS0LS0E,, <usr<bin<ssh

-! the remote host is a cluster or i! you %ant to start the .45Tools on a speci!ic real application cluster &4A+) node* the virtual cluster host name or the host name o! the 4A+ node must be entered in the D.A +oc(pit under :Tobs 1J .ac(1End +on!iguration:* that is in the dialog box :.45Tools execution host: that can be called by using the menu :Administration 1J O4A+,E Settings: More in!ormation in SAP OSS note '#@3"#" :D.A +oc(pitA Planning calendar and remote Oracle databases: Hint: A!ter installing the !irst node* !or a !aster install process * you can copy .45Tools and sapxpg under ><usr<sap<B to the other Exadata database nodes

The !ile <oracle<ISAPS-DJ<sappro!<initISAPS-DJ sap %ill be lin(ed to all database instances This is to have only one initIS-DJ sap to handle* i! changes apply S ln 1s <oracle<IS-DJ<sappro!<initIS-DJ' sap <oracle<IS-DJ<sappro!<initIS-DJ@ sap S ln 1s <oracle<IS-DJ<sappro!<initIS-DJ' sap <oracle<IS-DJ<sappro!<initIS-DJ6 sap S ln 1s <oracle<IS-DJ<sappro!<initIS-DJ' sap <oracle<IS-DJ<sappro!<initIS-DJ9 sap


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Lifecycle Management for SAP Databases

An Oracle Exadata Database Machine re$uires li!e cycle management at several levels o! its hard%are and so!t%are stac(A Exadata Storage Server Database server Oracle Database Server Operating system and !irm%are -n!ini.and s%itch Additional components

This section !ocuses on the Oracle Database Server and describes ho% to install Oracle Database Server so!t%are patches into the ?rid -n!rastructure Oracle 0ome and the 4A+ Oracle 0ome o! an SAP database Dor more in!ormation on the other components mentioned above* see MOS note '@7@6;# ' :Exadata Patching Overvie% and Patch Testing ?uidelines: The Oracle Database Server o! an SAP database re$uires t%o bundle patches !or a complete updateA The regular Oracle Exadata Database Machine .undle Patch &%hich contains patches !or Database* ASM and +luster%are)* also re!erred to as :Oracle Exadata .undle Patch: in the !ollo%ing* and The SAP .undle Patch !or Oracle Exadata* also re!erred to as :SAP Exadata .undle Patch: in the !ollo%ing

Oracle tests and certi!ies both bundle patches !or SAP databases on a regular basis and ma(es them available !or SAP customers on the SAP Service Mar(etplace Oou can !ind up1to1date release in!ormation on both bundle patches and their do%nload locations in SAP OSS note '38'6;8 :Exadata '' @ #A Patches !or '' @ # @: and SAP OSS note '737739 :Exadata '' @ #A Patches !or '' @ # 6: Since each SAP Exadata .undle Patch re$uires a speci!ic version o! the Oracle Exadata .undle Patch* you cannot use versions o! the Oracle Exadata .undle Patch !or SAP databases %hich have not been speci!ically certi!ied !or that purpose The SAP Exadata .undle Patches can be installed on top o! regular Puarterly Dull Stac( Do%nload Patches &PDSDP) !or Exadata %hich include Puarterly Database Patches !or Exadata &PDPE) The SAP .undle Patches are based on the Exadata .undle Patch used as PDPE Dor Oracle '' @ # 6 initially Oracle Exadata .undle Patch .P6 is used to build up the !irst Exadata SAP .undle Patch !or '' @ # 6 %hereas .P@ is the PDPE When installing this Exadata SAP .undle Patch .P@ %ill be removed i! existing and .P6 %ill be installed %hich in turn includes .P@ &cumulative) More in!ormation on PDPE can be !ound in Oracle MOS note ;;;;@; ' :Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server ''g 4elease @ &'' @) Supported Nersions:


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Installation of the OPatch and MOPatch Utilities

The installation o! both bundle patches re$uires an up1to1date version o! the OPatch utility The installation o! the SAP Exadata .undle Patch additionally re$uires an up1to1 date version o! the MOPatch utility Appropriate versions o! both utilities are available in the SAP Exadata .undle Patch See section :OPatch and MOPatch 2tility -n!ormation: in the 4eadme document o! the SAP Exadata .undle Patch !or instructions on ho% to extract and install these utilities

Installation of the Oracle Exadata Bundle Patch

The Oracle Exadata .undle Patch contains patches %hich must be installed in the ?rid -n!rastructure Oracle 0ome &?- 0ome) and patches %hich must be installed in the 4A+ Oracle 0ome &4A+ 0ome) o! an SAP database -n case you have not installed an SAP system on the Exadata system yet you can use One+ommand to install the PDSDP < PDPE As soon as you have installed at least one SAP system on the Exadata system the recommended option to install the Oracle Exadata .undle Patch is documented in the 4eadme document o! the SAP Exadata .undle Patch +urrently you should use >opatch napplyB as described in the 4eadme section >-nstalling the SAP .undle PatchB The patchset version !or ?- 0ome and 4A+ 0ome have to be identical* but the Oracle Exadata .undle Patch version do not have to be the same Supported combinations can be !ound in SAP OSS note '7""8"; :Administration o! mixed SAP<Non1SAP Environments on Exadata: A!ter you have installed the Oracle Exadata .undle Patch you should immediately install the SAP Exadata .undle Patch -n particular* you should not execute the SP, statements mentioned in section :Patch Postinstallation: o! the 4eadme document* since the catsbp s$l script provided by the SAP Exadata .undle Patch runs also the SP, statements re$uired by the Oracle Exadata .undle Patch

Installation of the SAP Bundle Patch for Oracle Exadata

Oou must install the SAP Exadata .undle Patch a!ter you have installed the Oracle Exadata .undle Patch Note: The SAP Exadata .undle Patch is not installed by the Oracle One+ommand Exadata installation utility The SAP Exadata .undle Patch contains patches %hich must be installed in the ?rid -n!rastructure Oracle 0ome &?- 0ome) and patches %hich must be installed in the 4A+ Oracle 0ome &4A+ 0ome) o! an SAP database 2se the MOPatch utility as described in section :-nstalling the SAP .undle Patch: o! the 4eadme document o! the SAP Exadata .undle Patch to install the patches either into all 4D.MS homes &non1rolling)


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

all SAP homes &non1rolling)* non1SAP homes &rolling) single1instance ASM installation

o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine Dinally* !ollo% the post1installation steps in section :Executing Post1-nstallation -nstructions: o! the 4eadme document o! the SAP Exadata .undle Patch to run all re$uired SP, statements* update the database dictionary* and maintain the database initialiCation parameters

Migration of SAP Databases

Although there are several possibilities to migrate an existing SAP database to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine* it is recommended to choose one o! the !ollo%ing approaches described belo% as these have been success!ully tested Main tas( is the migration to ASM* %hich is described in the Oracle Whitepaper EMoving your SAP Database to Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @* A .est Practices ?uideF 0o%ever there are some important di!!erences bet%een the standard ASM setup used in the %hite paper above and Exadata Exadata operates databases and ASM in 4A+ < cluster mode* so multiple nodes could be used as a target !or migration depending !rom migration approach being used and the setup o! source database Additionally the ASM setup di!!ers slightly bet%een Exadata and the setup used in the %hite paper -! the source database is operated in single instance mode* it can be additionally migrated to 4A+ a!ter moving it into ASM on Exadata Enabling o! multiple instances <4A+ is optional* but in most cases it %ill happen probably The 4A+ migration is described !urther do%n in an extra chapter -n all database migration approaches belo%* the source database could be operated in single instance mode or 4A+ < cluster mode The above %hite paper only describes single instance databases !or source and target* %hich is the easiest variant 0ere also single instances are covered !or source -! multiple 4A+ instances must be used during migration !or per!ormance reasons* this re$uires additional steps not described in this document Please re!er to chapter EPost Migration Tas(sF !or any tas( to be executed a!ter migration has completed

Migration Approach 1: Oracle-to-Oracle offline migration (O2O) ACS Service and Customer Self-Service
This %ay o! database migration exists !or many years and is being used to migrate an SAP database bet%een di!!erent systems The method is also described in the SAP OSS note '3#;@"' :Oracle to Oracle Online Migration 1 Triple1O: The O@O database migration method %as developed by the Oracle A+S service* to o!!er customers* having very large database* a !ast* smooth and reliable migration method This method o!!ers a migration speed o! more than ' T.<h and reduces the e!!orts %hich must be spent into in con!iguration and testing o! the migration O@O supports all operating systems SAP products are certi!ied on .ecause O@O is operating system independent* it can be used to per!orm homogenous and heterogeneous system copies A homogenous system copy is a migration %here the source and target


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

operating system is the same A heterogeneous system copy is a migration %here the source and target system have di!!erent operating systems With an heterogeneous system copy you can !or instance migrate an existing SAP A-/ database to an Exadata ,inux database The advantage o! this method is* that you can combine the operating system change %ith multiple options to get most out o! the migrationA With O@O it is possible to combine a plat!orm migration %ith a release upgrade The migration method supports every combination o! 2nix* Windo%s or ,inux on source and target system So you can migrate an existing Oracle '# @ database on 0P12/ to an Exadata Solaris database -t is possible to upgrade directly to an higher database release +urrently %ith the O@O method direct database migrations are possible bet%een di!!erent Oracle versions So it is possible to upgrade directly !rom Oracle 8i to Oracle ''g by using O@O Oou also do not need the most current patchset o! the lo%er Oracle release to run the migration A complete overvie% about the upgrade paths bet%een di!!erent Oracle versions is given at the end o! this chapter As part o! the database migration* the %hole database is reorganiCed This can !ree up a signi!icant amount o! space %ithin tables and indexes The tablespace layout can be changed to the ne% SAP standard or to a customer o%n customiCed one -t is also possible to move single tables and indexes to separate tablespaces or to merge them into existing or ne% ones This allo%s you to uni!y the SAP landscape by using a de!ault tablespace name li(e >PSAPS46B in all SAP systems The SAP schema name can be changed !or instance to >SAPS46B to uni!y the SAP landscape The number o! data !iles and mount points can be signi!icantly reduced* by either optimiCing the tablespace layout or the siCe o! the data !iles and !ile systems Tablespaces are created %ith ,MTS and ASSM The method creates the appropriate scripts to create either a database using normal !iles systems or a database using ASM or Exadata !ile systems Data !iles %ill be converted !rom !ile system to Oracle ASM The method provides you %ith the needed scripts to create the database and the tablespaces automatically ,O. or ,ON? data types can be converted to Secure !iles &'' @ only) Secure!iles %ill also be compressed* i! possible Oou can compress the indexes on the target database by using Oracle index compression The compression calculation is executed as described in SAP OSS note ''#8"96 :2se o! -ndex Gey +ompression !or Oracle Databases: The correct index compression !or each index is determined automatically Oou can compress tables on the target system The compression %ill compress all SAP tables as recommended in SAP OSS note '96'@87 :,O. conversion and table compression %ith .4SPA+E " @#:


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

The do%ntime needed to migrate a database %ith the O@O method is depending on the database siCe* the included database obQects &SAP cluster tables* partitioned tables) and the available hard%are resources&+P2* Memory* Storage* Net%or() 2p to 'T.<hour is possible Although O@O %as originally developed to per!orm database migrations* it can be an interesting method to per!orm a simple database upgrade* because you can implement all ne% database !eatures you %ant into a single stepA database upgrade directly !rom 8i or '#g to ''g There is no need !or a special database release on the source* %hich can sa!e additional time* because you don=t have to patch the current database release be!ore you can upgrade 4eorganistion o! the complete database to !ree up unused space -mplementation o! index and table compression* %hich %ill result in a 3#U smaller database siCe

O2O Technology

The O@O method is based on the !ollo%ing !e% steps approachA Prepare the source system* by de!ining the needed Oracle directories on the !ile system and load the P,<SP, into the source system The pac(age is only a !e% M. in siCe To hold the scripts on the !ile system* only a !e% M. are needed &Typically less than 3# M.) De!ine the basic conditions !or the migration* e g de!inition o! the setup o! target database* &ASM con!iguration* usage o! table and index compression*or other database !eatures) The P,<SP, pac(age is then executed to generate the needed migration scripts A typically pac(age run %ill ta(e 6# min V 'h on a SAP system +reation o! an empty target database* either %ith the provided scripts generated by the P,<SP, pac(age or %ith your o%n scripts A!ter the scripts are created* they are copied to the target system* to run the database migration itsel! To run the migration process a program named >schedulerB is available* %hich runs all needed migration scripts in the correct order and controls also the correct execution o! each script 2sing this scheduler you have !ull control over the migration This includes the possibility to restart !ailed scripts or to set it to >DoneB The scheduler is %ritten in (sh and runs on all 2nix or ,inux operating systems -t=s also possible to run the scheduling so!t%are on a remote machine* e g i! Windo%s is used on source or target The throughput depends on the available hard%are on source and target machine -n best case you can build up the target database %ith more than ' T.< hour Typically the throughput %ill be bet%een @3# ?.<h and 3## ?.<h in average To achieve this throughput* di!!erent migration methods are used !or the database tables .ased on the table siCe and datatype &e g SAP cluster tables)* the best migration !or the particular tables is chosen to achieve the best migration per!ormance Typically most o! the data is trans!erred directly over


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

the net%or(* not using a dump!ile !or the migration This saves space on the !ile system To veri!y the migration* source and target databases are compared on obQect level &based on the obQect name) to ensure the correctness o! the migration -n a second step* -n addition all tables on source and target are compared based on the number o! ro%s So at the end o! the migration you can prove the correctness o! the migration based on obQect and ro% level Once the migration is completed the post SAP migration tas(s can be started The system are !ully supported by SAP as mentioned in SAP OSS note '3#;@"' :Oracle to Oracle Online Migration 1 Triple1O: The O@O method is developed and maintained by the Oracle A+S service in Walldor! O@O is either available as an A+S service or can also be used by customers themselves

Migration Approach 2: Oracle-to-Oracle online migration (Triple-O) ACS Service only

-! the do%ntime re$uirements cannot be !ul!illed %ith the O@O o!!line method* you can use as an alternative the Triple1O method* also described in SAP OSS note '3#;@"' :Oracle to Oracle Online Migration 1 Triple1O: The estimate the do%ntime available !or the technical database migration* you have to get the do%ntime !or the application !irst -n this do%ntime not only the database migration must be per!ormed* but in case o! a heterogeneous system copy * user acceptance test* inter!ace tests and post1SAP migration tas(s must be per!ormed As a result the real available do%ntime !or the technical database migration is much shorter than the application do%ntime So the Triple1O method %as developed* to reduce the technical database migration time to a minimum Typically the re$uired do%ntime !or the database migration is bet%een 6# minutes and ' hour* independent !rom the database siCe On customer re$uest the source and target database can be compared based on the ro% count a!ter the migration is completed* to ensure the correctness o! the online migration
Triple-O technology

Triple1O allo%s are real online migration o! the database -t uses ?olden?ate so!t%are !or the online synchronisation o! the changes and a modi!ies O@O version* to per!orm a consistent initial database load ?olden?ate reads the online redo log or the archive log o! the database and extracts DD, and DM, changes* recorded in the redo log o! the database ?olden?ate trans!orms the physical changes !rom the redo log !ile into a general description* %hich is operating system and database release independent* and saves these changes into trail !iles The volume o! the trail !iles is typically 6#U 1 3#U o! the redo log volume To use ?olden?ate supplemental logging must be enabled on the database The ?olden?ate trail !iles are sent to the target database server* either %ith ?olden?ate* unsing a net%or( connection* or by providing the trail !iles via NDS to the target system On the target side the trails !iles are read by apply processes* %hich execute native SP, statements* generated out o! the contents o! the trail !ile on the target system So each


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

DM, is trans!ormed into the appropriate insert* update or delete command This allo%s to use ?olden?ate !or heterogeneous system copies as %ell -t=s possible to start or stop an online migration at any time There is no do%ntime needed !or the start or the stop o! the migration Durthermore the migration method doesn=t need any special database patches* nor a special database patch level Triple1O runs on any 8i* '#g or ''g version and supports DM, and DD, changes So there are no limitations &e g transport stop) on the usage o! the SAP system during the migration All operations can be per!ormed $uite normal .oth* 4<6 and .W systems are !ully supported .ecause ?olden?ate is operating system independent* also heterogeneous database migrations are supported The minimum Oracle release on source is 8 @ Direct database upgrades to '#g and ''g are possible When using Triple1O* you can ma(e use o! all !eatures listed !or the O@O method So the basic con!iguration is very similar bet%een O@O and Triple1O .eside the migration scripts* !or Triple1O also the ?olden?ate con!iguration scripts %ill be generated automatically The online migration is running in a very similar %ay* as the previously described O@O migration A P,<SP, pac(age is loaded in to the database* and creates all necessary script* to per!orm the online migration -nstead o! running the migration scripts o!!line &SAP is do%n)* these scripts are no% executed* %hile SAP is up and running To allo% a consistent export o! the data* Oracle !lashbac( capabilites are used This allo%s on one side a consistent export o! the tables to a speci!ic S+N &System +hange Number)* on the side it=s possible to con!igure the ?olden?ate processes !or each table to the table speci!ic S+N* to guarantee an error !ree apply The !etch o! an individal S+N !or each table and the update o! the ?olden?ate con!iguration !iles is executed by the scheduler so!t%are* %hich runs the migration One challenge in an online migration is to handle the additional load* generated by the ?olden?ate processes and the initial dataload Nery o!ten the current hard%are on the source system is outdated and already !ully used by the current application load So it=s not possible to add additional load on the system* %ithout harming the production To allo% an online migration even under these circumstances* it=s possible to run a do%nstream capture o! the ?olden?ate processes -n such a con!iguration* the archive !iles !rom the production system are analysed and extracted on a di!!erent server This server must not have the same OS but only the same endian byte order So it=s possible to process database archive !iles !rom 0P12/* A-/ and Sun Solaris &big endian) and ,inux* Windo%s &little endian) cross1plat!orm There!ore it=s possible to run the ?olden?ate processes on a di!!erent hard%are* to unload the productive environment To preserve the resources on the production system -! it=s even a problem to handle the initial data unload on the productive system* a shado% database can be used instead So it=s possible to run a Triple1o migration completely outside o! the productive systems* %hich allo%s to per!orm an online migration even on old and outdated hard%are To support also very large databases %ith a huge system load it=s possible to con!igure ?olden?ate in many di!!erent %ays To increase the capabilities to process a larger redo log volume* up to 69 ?olden?ate processes can be de!ined Each process gets a number o! tables* to extract the DM, and DD, changes o! these tables The P,<SP, pac(age %ill per!orm a load distribution* based on the recorded DM, changes in the database !or


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

each table -t=s possible to con!igure up tp 69 processes !or the redo log extraction One ?olden?ate extract process is capable to handle up to ' T. o! redo %ithin @9h Dor the apply on the target system in general more processes are needed* than to extract the redo log !ile Typically !or a normal SAP system 3 V '# apply processes are needed Dor large .W systems more than @# apply processes can be needed To allo% a maximum !lexibility !or the ?olden?ate con!iguration* !or each extract process up to 69 apply processes can be de!ined Once again* the assigned tables in each extract are assigned to the number o! de!ined apply processes by per!orming a %or( load balancing So %ith a @ tier architecture more than '### apply processes %ould be possible The typical proQect plan !or an online migration has typically !our phasesA ' @ Prepare the migration* generate migration scripts Start the ?olden?ate processes to record the database changes either on the productive system or do%nstream on a di!!erent server The recorded changes* listed in the trail !iles are sent over the net%or( to the target machine* %here they are stored in the !ile system 4un the S+N1based initial data load either !rom the productive server or !rom a shado% database During the initial load the database changes are recorded permanently to the ?olden?ate trail !iles The duration o! the initial load depends on the database siCe and the number o! Qobs %hich can be executed in parallel to unload the database Typically the unload is completed %ithin 9;h Once the initial load is completed* the apply processes on the target machine are started .ecause the apply couldn=t be started as long as the initial data load is running* there exists no% a time gap bet%een the source and the target system* %hich must be closed to bring both systems into sync There must be no% enough time to close the time gap bet%een source and target database The needed time is depending !rom the amount o! changes* %hich have to apply* the (ind o! operations* %hich have to apply* the number o! apply processes and the per!ormance o! the target system -! the time gap bet%een source and target system is closed* both systems can run in parallel up to the !inal s%itch

Depending on the database siCe and the duration o! the above described steps* depend on the system per!ormance and the amount o! generated change data Typically an online migration starts 3 days be!ore the !inal s%itch .ut i! needed the migration can start more than a %ee( be!ore* to have enough time !or all needed activities
Triple-O for datacenter migration

Nery o!ten systems must be trans!erred bet%een data centre This can be due to a data centre consolidation* or is needed %hen the provider is changed -n this case it=s very li(ely that there exist only a limited net%or( connection bet%een the database centres* %hich doesn=t provide the necessary band %ith to run the initial data load and the ?olden?ate processes in parallel To run a !ull database laod over net%or( at least a ' ?byte connection is needed Dor WAN connections typically '## Mbit or even less is available -n this case it=s still possible to run a !ull online migration* %ith the above mentioned


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

minimum do%ntime bet%een 6# minutes and ' hour To achieve this* the !ollo%ing approach is usedA ' @ Prepare the migration* generate migration scripts Start the ?olden?ate processes to record the database changes either on the productive system or do%nstream on a di!!erent server The recorded changes* listed in the trail !iles are sent over the net%or( to the target machine* %here they are stored in the !ile system To optimiCe the usage o! the net%or( band %ith* the ?olden?ate trans!er can be compressed by a !actor o! approx 31" 4un the S+N1based initial data unload either !rom the productive server or !rom a shado% database To save the band %idth the database is dumped out to a NAS server in multiple dump !iles With a single NAS device you can achieve a throughput o! '3# ?.<h Once the initial unload is completed* the NAS device is detached !rom the source system and transported to the target data centre The NAS device is attached to the target system and the target database is loaded !rom the NAS device Once the initial load is completed* the applies are started on the target machine There must be no% enough time to close the time gap bet%een source and target database The needed time is depending !rom the amount o! changes* %hich have to apply* the (ind o! operations* %hich have to apply* the number o! apply processes and the per!ormance o! the target system -! the time gap bet%een source and target system is closed* both systems can run in parallel up to the !inal s%itch

9 3 7 "

2sing this approach it=s possible to migrate even database bet%een date centres* %hich are connected only by a limited net%or( connection 2sing the enhanced con!iguration option !or ?olden?ate &do%nstream capturing* usage o! a shado% database !or the initial database load)* even very large databases %ith a very critical per!ormance can be migrated %ith a minimum do%ntime .ecause all operations are ta(ing place online* even under di!!icult conditions an online migration can be per!ormed* on the costs o! a longer duration o! the migration proQect* but %ithout a longer do%ntime

Migration Approach 3: RMAN Transportable Tablespaces

.y using Transportable Tablespaces* it is possible to migrate an existing database !rom any 2N-/ or Windo%s plat!orm to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine This migration %ill create a ne% database on the target plat!orm* the old source database is (ept in place* so it is overall li(e a heterogeneous copy process This process is described in detail in the document >Moving your SAP Database to Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @B and can be used as a step by step instruction Dor a detail explanation* please re!er to Oracle online documentation version '' @* more precisely to the boo( and 4ecovery 2ser=s ?uideF


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Dor a !irst overvie% here are the main !acts and limitations and !or using Transportable Tablespaces &TTS)A o!!line process* source database and tablespaces to be exported* must be set read1 only during the process homogeneous and heterogeneous migrations possible supported plat!orms are given in database vie% vStransportableLplat!orm 4MAN must be used in this process target database must be created !reshly be!ore source tablespaces can be plugged in net%or( connection and shared !ilesystem storage &NDS) is used !or 4MAN reading data!iles !rom source database single tablespace or a set o! tablespaces can be trans!erred EsystemF tablespaces* temporary and undo tablespaces cannot be trans!erred This also applies to redo logs* %hich certainly arenFt tablespaces the set o! trans!erred tablespaces must be sel!1contained* means no obQect included in the tablespace set must re!er to an obQect not included in the tablespace set

The migration process includes the !ollo%ing stepsA +hec( prere$uisites* e g supported plat!orms On source select !rom vStransportableLplat!orm* to veri!y i! the source plat!orm is supported Target plat!orm is E,inux x;7 791bitF or ESolaris Operating System &x;7179)F !or Exadata -denti!y all tablespaces to be trans!erred Select tablespaceLname !rom dbaLtablespaces or dbaLtables to determine the tablespaces to be trans!erred 2sually all tablespaces containing obQects o! SAP schema &e g SAPS46* OPSSISAPS-DJADM) belong to the tablespace set A trans!er o! a subset o! tablespaces < data is technically possible but might corrupt SAP dictionary So this is not supported OptionalA copy EsapuserF table into a tablespace* %hich %ill be transported To copy a complete SAP system* SAP login data !rom old database must be copied into ne% database -! the table EsapuserF resides in the tablespace EsystemF* it must be moved to a tablespace included in the tablespace set !irst Other%ise it %ould not be trans!erred Neri!y the set to be sel! contained 2se P,<SP, procedure dbmsLtts transportLsetLchec( to veri!y no obQect in the tablespace set has re!erences to an obQect not included in the set The %hitepaper provides a script !or executing the above procedure to veri!y a set o! all non1 system tablespaces Open source database read1only To ensure !or data consistency* the database must be opened in read1only mode


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

4MAN convert script must be created !or migrating bet%een plat!orms The %hite paper provides !or a small 4MAN script* %hich must be executed The script execution results in creation o! the !inal 4MAN convert script itsel! The Econvert databaseF 4MAN command includes all tablespaces in the convert script* so a!ter script generation* all non trans!erred EsystemF1 undo tablespaces must be deleted !rom the !inal script Set tablespaces to be trans!erred read only .e!ore tablespace metedata can be exported and convert procedure can be started* it must be !or sure* that the metadata o! the tablespace cannot change So additionally each transported tablespace must be set read1only +reate export o! metadata describing all obQects included in the tablespace set This has t%o internal steps* !irst an export o! metadata describing all non1table obQects* second a metadata export o! all tables The %hite paper provides exact statements < examples ho% to proceed +reate parameter!ile !or target database This is the !irst step to be executed on the Exadata All steps be!ore %here done on the old source machine* this and all !ollo%ing steps are executed on the Exadata As 4MAN needs a running database instance* !irst a parameter !ile has to be created* so the ne% instance can be started on the Exadata This is a single instance &non14A+* clusterLdatabaseM!alse) only A integration into +4S &+luster manager is not needed) 0o%ever itFs recommended to prepare the instance %ith !inal data li(e instance name &S-D)* e g G+M' Memory parameters can be adQusted later Also migration single instance to 4A+ %ill be done later There are several parameters needed !or ASM migration &!ile creation)* %here the given example doesnFt use Exadata standards Mainly names o! ASM dis( groups di!!er on Exadata* please adQust 4MAN copy into ASM and convert process A!ter chec(ing that the instance can be started* the !inal convert 4MAN script is executed All the source data!iles noted in the convert script must be accessible using the exact path !rom the script So a NDS mount is needed The 4MAN output has to be (ept* because ne% ASM !ilenames %ill be needed !or import later +reate target database %ith EsystemF tablespaces only on Exadata To create a !resh empty database* there are multiple procedures possible The %hite paper describes a %ay using plain SP, scripts* %hich is the simplest methode -t provides multiple short scripts* %hich can be copied and adQusted The !irst script E'Lcreatedb s$lF must be modi!ied !irst* to adQust ASM dis( group names to Exadata standards Therea!ter SAP roles EsapconnF and EsapdbaF have to be created as described Plug transported tablespaces into ne% database on Exadata This needs again t%o import steps Dirst import the non1table metadata are imported as described in the %hite paper All obQects are created %ithout table data .e!ore the second import can be started* EsapconnF and EsapdbaF roles have to be granted -tFs recommended to provide a script !or the second import o! table data The import commend needs all ASM pathes o! transported tablespace


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

!iles to be speci!ied Dor this reason* the 4MAN output o! the convert1run should be (ept The %hite paper describes ho% to assemble the needed import command Some post steps A!ter the second import* the tablespaces o! the database on Exadata should be chec(ed -! all tablespaces and data!iles are (no%n* the read1only !lag must be removed DonFt !orget to adQust tablespace settings !or imported users Also chec( the %hite paper !or re!erred OSS notes to be chec(ed a!ter migration 4MAN can be used !or validation o! the database Missing is a setup o! the !inal sp!ile* migration to 4A+ &adding more instances) and integration into +4S This is described belo%

Migration Approach 4: RMAN Duplicate Database

The 4MAN Eduplicate !rom active databaseF approach is a very simple method to create a !ull copy o! a complete database -t can be used o!!line or online* so the source database can be in open state and operating during copy process That shortens overall do%ntime o! migration drastically 0o%ever this approach is limited to speci!ic plat!orms using the same byte endian !ormat i! used !or a migration to Exadata A step by step example is given in detail in the document >Moving your SAP Database to Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @B Dor !urther detail explanation* please re!er to Oracle online documentation version '' @* more precisely to the boo( and 4ecovery 2ser=s ?uideF Additional MOS notes are covering this topicA 678799 ' :Dre$uently As(ed Puestions about 4estoring Or Duplicating .et%een Di!!erent Nersions And Plat!orms: '#"8376 ' :4MAN D2P,-+ATE<4ESTO4E<4E+ONE4 Mixed Plat!orm Support:

?enerally the 4MAN Eduplicate databaseF command is used !or creation o! a database copy This copy is created by 4MAN in!luenced by database parameter settings* %hich can de!ine a ne% storage structure li(e an ASM destination So this approach can be used !or a migration !rom a !ile system based database into ASM or Exadata The %hite paper above is !ocusing !or a migration into ASM only and doesnFt care o! Exadata at all Nevertheless it can be used !or a step by step instruction !or Exadata migration Exadata speci!ic topics o! this approach are noted here together %ith a short overvie% 4e$uirements and limitsA +urrently supported source operating systems are Solaris and ,inux on x;7179 plat!orm and Windo%s Net%or( &T+P<-P) connection must exist bet%een source and target hosts -n stead o! the above described Tansportable Tablespace approach* net%or( %ill be used by 4MAN* so no shared !ile system storage &li(e NDS) is needed Minimum source database version o! '' @ # @ plus setting o! compatible parameter E'' @ # @F or higher .oth databases* source and target* are running the same Oracle 4D.MS version


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Online < o!!line migration The 4MAN option E!rom active databaseF enables an online copy process* so the source database is open and operable Online migration reduces certainly the do%ntime o! the migration -! the source database is in mount state during duplicate execution* a consistent database copy is created* i! the source is in open state* recovery must be executed %hich is automatically done by 4MAN

The !ollo%ing gives a short overvie% o! the steps to be executed to migrate a database into Exadata using 4MAN duplicateA +hec( prere$uisites* e g supported plat!orms Only E,inux x;7 791bitF* ESolaris x;7179F and Windo%s are supported source plat!orms Environment on source system Only some environment variables are needed on the source side* e g O4A+,EL.ASE* O4A+,EL0OME* O4A+,ELS-D* PAT0 2sually this is already setup on source Oracle pass%ord !ile on source Neri!y source database !or a valid pass%ord !ile* i! it is missing* create one SP,5Net con!iguration on source This step is needed to access the source database !rom Exadata and vice versa Most o!ten the local setup is already in place* because non D. nodes li(e SAP application servers need to access the source database -n short* the source instance must be (no%n by local &source) listener* other%ise it must be added to the local listener ora !ile and the listener restarted An entry &TNS alias) to access the old and the ne% &Exadata) database is needed in tnsnames ora The !ile s$lnet ora must be consistent to the entries in the !iles tnsnames ora and listener ora A ne% TNS alias is needed to access the ne% instance on Exadata SP,5Net con!iguration on target &Exadata) -t must be possible to access the ne% instance on Exadata !rom source machine So regular static instance setup &listener ora* s$lnet ora and tnsnames ora) must be in place -t is recommended to use !inal S-DFs* so instance setup must not be changed later A static setup is mandatory because 4MAN %ill shutdo%n and startup the instance via SP,5Net +4S or ?4-D setup is not needed at this migration step* it %ill be done later So here is a static single instance de!ined in SP,5Net 2nli(e in a normal Exadata or 4A+ con!iguration* the scan1listener and scan1address should not be used !or accessing this ne% Exadata instance The hostname should be used* %hich is an exception here -t must be !or sure* that the instance is still accessible even* i! not started This static SP,5Net setup should been removed a!ter migration to Exadata has completed Environment on Exadata On Exadata* the oraenv script can be used to provide correct environment The script is reading the !ile <etc<oratab* so instead o! maintaining the environment itsel!* a ne% entry should be added to the !ile !or the ne% instance


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Oracle pass%ord !ile on Exadata The ne% instance on Exadata should also have a pass%ord !ile %ith the same EsysF pass%ord li(e the source database Parameter !ile preparation Please use the respective chapter in the %hite paper >Moving your SAP Database to Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @B and adapt the given example ?ood start is a copy o! source parameter !ile +hange parameters as given in the example %ith the !ollo%ing exceptionsA logLarchiveLdestL' On Exadata* the archive logs are created in the Dast 4ecovery Area &D4A) To achieve this logLarchiveLdestL' should be set to ElogLarchiveLdestL' M ElocationMHA4+0<P4D<oraarchF F
dbLcreateLonlineLlogLdestLn .oth parameters should be (ept as given in the example So the duplicated database still has t%o members per redo group A!ter migration* the second member should be deleted due to per!ormance impacts as stated earlier in this document logL!ileLnameLconvert Dollo% the example as here applies the same li(e above controlL!iles Only t%o copies are needed* one in HDATA* the other in H4E+O

Neri!y these settings by starting up the ne% instance in nomount state Then shutdo%n again

Neri!ying D. access and instance start up Simply try to connect %ith SP,5Plus !rom Exadata to source database using the ne% TNS alias Then connect !rom SP,5Plus on the source system to the ne% instance on Exadata The remote instance must be accessible even i! the instance is not started using Esys<Ipass%ordJWIne%1TNS1alias to ExadataJF* so remote startup is possible The target instance must be started in nomount state 4MAN script creation 2se the example given in the %hite paper to create an 4MAN script !or database duplication The number o! dis( channels being de!ined are used on the source side As the 4MAN session %ill be started on the Exadata D. machine* care must be ta(en %ith the naming and 4MAN syntaxA the Econnect targetF %ill connect to the old database &%hich is the source !or the copy process) and the Econnect auxilliaryF speci!ies the ne% Exadata database The same applies to the channels Multiple target and auxiliary channels are possible +leanup ASM storage on Exadata -! the Eduplicate databaseF approach is used multiple times to re!resh a database on Exadata* old database !iles should be deleted in ASM using asmcmd be!ore next duplicate starts


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

4unning 4MAN duplicate Next step is to execute above 4MAN script 4ecommended is to log the output into a !ile

Post duplication steps

A!ter migration using Transportable Tablespaces or Duplicate approach has !inished* the result should be chec(ed care!ully on Exadata Dirst use vie%s vScontrol!ile* vSdata!ile and vSlog!ile to veri!y ne% !ile location in ASM The second redo log members should be deleted as stated above Neri!y deletion process in asmcmd The 4MAN command Evalidate databaseF should be executed to veri!y database physical structure and data bloc(s !or corruption Additionally the p!ile must be maintained to erase parameters only needed !or duplication or migration 0ere parameters !or additional instances could be included in the !ile* %hich saves some steps in the !ollo%ing 4A+ migration At the end* an sp!ile* stored in ASM* should be created -t is recommended to exchange the p!ile %ith a ne% version* only containing the parameter Esp!ileF pointing to the ne% sp!ile in ASM This !ile must exist in the 4D.MS home o! all Exadata D. nodes On the Exadata migration machine* the entry in <etc<oratab can be deleted* as it %ill be automatically recreated in the !ollo%ing 4A+ migration

Migration from Single Instance to RAC

A!ter migrating the database into ASM on the !irst Exadata node* the database is still in single instance mode so the remaining instances on the other Exadata nodes must be enabled 2sually each Exadata nodes operates one instance o! the SAP databae* but this is not a must* also a subset o! Exadata nodes can be used !or hosting one speci!ic database .ut generally* a!ter migrating onto Exadata* all !urther nodes get a 4A+ database instance On the database side only t%o changes are re$uired to enable multiple 4A+ instances !rom a single instance databaseA Every 4A+ instance needs an o%n undo tablespace* so !or every ne%ly created instance a ne% undo tablespace must be created li(e this &!or @ nd instance)A create undo tablespace PSAP2NDOL##@ data!ile EHDATAF X Note: the !irst &old single) instance should use undo tablespace PSAP2NDO* any !urther instance gets the undo tablespace name PSAP2NDOL##IYJ %here IYJ is the instance or thread number Please (eep this naming scheme !or avoiding !uture upgrade issues due to SAP tools Each 4A+ instance needs an o%n set o! online redo logs called Eredo threadF The !irst &old single) instance get thread number '* so !or all ne%ly created instances a ne% redo thread is createdA alter database add log!ile thread InJ group ImJ &EHDATAZF*FH4E+OZF) siCe @##MX 0ere InJ is the redo thread number &usually e$ual to instance number) and


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

ImJ is the group number &uni$ue in database) A!ter this donFt !orget to enable the ne% redo threadA alter database enable thread InJX .e!ore starting any ne% 4A+ database instance* some 4A+ re$uired parameter settings must be applied Please note the di!!erent values !or IS-DJ or E5F at the beginning o! parameter name* they tell you the scope o! parameter* so %e di!!er bet%een parameters valid !or all instances or !or a speci!ic particular instance Table 1 RAC specific database parameters Parameter Name 5 clusterLdatabase IS-DJ instanceLname IS-DJ instanceLnumber IS-DJ localLlistener IS-DJ remoteLlistener IS-DJ undoLtablespace IS-DJ thread IS-DJ serviceLnames Value true ID.-DJIse$1nrJ Ise$1nrJ Comment database is a 4A+ database 2ni$ue name o! instance 2ni$ue number o! instance

,istener entry in tnsnames ora only i! listener port ne '3@' <<IScan1N-PJAIportJ Iundo1tablespaceLnameJ Ise$1nr J ID.-DJ*IinstanceLnameJ N-P o! S+AN listener Name o! undo tablespace Number o! redo thread De!ault instance services

Dor ease o! maintenance and consistency IS-DJ o! the instance1speci!ic parameters be e$ual to the respective instanceLname -n the user environment only one parameter needs special attentionA O4A+,ELS-D V -s e$ual to the IS-DJ o! the parameters

To be able to start an instance !rom s$lplus create a !ile initIS-DJ ora !or every local instance in the local 4D.MS home containingA sp!ileMFIpath<name to the sp!ilesJ ExampleA sp!ileMFHDATA<ID.-DJ<sp!ileID.-DJ oraF +ertainly* the !ile must already exist Z Then the database and all itFs instances has to be de!ined as a +4S resourceA srvctl add database Vd ID.-DJ 1o IO4A+,EL0OMEJ 1p Ipath<name o! sp!ileJ srvctl add instance Vd ID.-DJ 1i IS-DJ 1n IExadata nodeJ No% all 4A+ database instances can be started To maintain the !ile <etc<oratab on all the nodes* please re!er to the SAP OSS note '33977' :+on!iguration o! environment !or =oracle= user:

Post Migration Tasks


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

The !ollo%ing is a list o! tas(s to be executed a!ter migration itsel! has !inished Not all tas(s apply al%ays* please chec( %hich tas(s are needed !or your system O@O post activities +hec( user OPSSoracle Additional database services +ustomiCe SAP Pro!iles +ustomiCe tnsnames ora on SAP Applicationsserver 46trans Test +hec(<-mplement SAP OSS note "96333 :Oracle Se$uence !or 4A+:

O2O post activities

-! you migrate your database %ith Toolset O@O public synonyms %ill not be migrated A!ter migration execute .45Tools to create standard SAP public synonymsA brconnect 1c 1u < 1! crsyn 1o ISAP Schema !or example SAPS46J
Check OPS$oracle user

-! the user OPSSO4A+,E does not exist* create it in the database as !ollo%sA SP,J connect < as sysdba SP,J create user opsSoracle identi!ied externallyX SP,J grant sapdba to opsSoracleX Oracle 2ser >systemB should have privilege >sysoperB to operate correctly %ith .45Tools &>grant sysoper to systemB)
Additional database services

A!ter migration o! data and migration to 4A+ the database services should be customiCed This allo%s the SAP Application Server to connect to the database %ithout con!iguring tnsnames ora on Exadata When migration and 4A+ setup has completed* all instances o!!er t%o static services provided by database parameter EserviceLnamesF* %hich are named li(e ID.-DJ and IinstanceLnameJ These services are static and al%ays o!!ered The ID.-DJ service is e g used by 46trans or TP* %hile the second is !or instance administration purposes Additionally to the static services* each SAP Application Server -nstance gets its o%n database service on ExadataA srvctl add service 1d ID.-DJ 1s IServiceLnameJ 1r IS-D'J 1a IS-D@J Example !or database E4P %ith 4A+ S-Ds E4P' and E4P@A SAP ApplicationsserviceA DNE.M?S#'* D## Dormer central instance DNE.M?S#' located to Exadata node '* application server instance D## located to Exadata node @A


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

S srvctl add service 1d E4P 1s E4PLDNE.M?S#' 1r E4P' 1a E4P@ S srvctl add service 1d E4P 1s E4PLD## 1r E4P@ 1a E4P' Database services %ill be listed under Oracle Parameter >SE4N-+ELNAMESB [oracleWexa'db#' sappro!\S s$lplus < as sysdba SP,J sho% parameter service NAME TOPE NA,2E 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 111111111111111111111111111111 serviceLnames string E4PLS+S##* E4PLD##* E4P

Usefull Commands for database services

srvctl disable database 1d E4PX srvctl enable database 1d E4P srvctl con!ig database 1d E4P srvctl stop database 1d E4PX srvctl start database 1d E4P srvctl status database 1d E4P -nstance E4P' is running on node exa'db#' -nstance E4P@ is running on node exa'db#@ srvctl stop listenerX srvctl start listenerX srvctl status listener srvctl stop scanLlistenerX srvctl start scanLlistenerX srvctl status scanLlistener srvctl status service 1d E4P Service E4P' is running on instance&s) E4P' Service E4P@ is running on instance&s) E4P@ Service E4PLAS+S#@ is running on instance&s) E4P@ Service E4PLD## is running on instance&s) E4P@ Service E4PLDNE.M?S#' is running on instance&s) E4P' srvctl remove service 1d ID.S-DJ 1s IServiceJ

Customize SAP Profiles

A!ter the database is migrated to Exadata the SAP Pro!iles must be adQusted to connect to the ne% 4A+1Database on Exadata Mainly SAPD.0OST and Tava1D.10ost must be adQusted as sho%n belo% SAP De!ault Pro!ile SAPD.0OST M IExadata1N-P o! node 'J Q@ee<dbhost M IExadata1N-P o! node 'J

-! tnsnames ora !iles are still be used and all SAP instances are already using their o%n TNS connect descriptor* start and instance pro!iles must not be changed -n this case only the connect descriptors in the tnsnames ora !ile must be changed as sho%n in the next chapter -! tnsnames ora !iles are used !urther but all SAP instances %ere using the same TNS connect descriptor* belo% given variables dbs<ora<tnsname and dbsLoraLtnsname must be adQusted in a %ay that each SAP instance gets its o%n TNS connect descriptor


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

4ecommended is to use the ne% ER+ONNE+T !eature* %hich needs the pro!iles to be adQusted as !ollo%s SAP Start Pro!ile ER+ONNE+T M <<IScan1N-PJ<ITNS1service1nameJ SETENNL#6 M dbsLoraLtnsnameMS&ER+ONNE+T)

SAP -nstance Pro!ile dbs<ora<tnsname M <<IScan1N-PJ<ITNS1service1nameJ

Example !or @ SAP instances DNE.M?S#' and D#6 o! SAP system E4PA STA4TL DNE.M?S#'LIhostnameJ ER+ONNE+TM<<IScan1N-PJ<E4PLDNE.M?S#' WO,4D SETENNL#6 M dbsLoraLtnsnameMS&ER+ONNE+T) STA4TL D#6LIhostnameJ ER+ONNE+TM<<IScan1N-PJ<E4PLD#6 WO,4D SETENNL#6 M dbsLoraLtnsnameMS&ER+ONNE+T) E4PLDNE.M?S#'LIhostnameJ dbs<ora<tnsname M <<IScan1N-PJ<E4PLDNE.M?S#' WO,4D E4PLD#6LIhostnameJ dbs<ora<tnsname M <<IScan1N-PJ<E4PLD#6 WO,4D

Customize tnsnames.ora on SAP Applicationsserver

A!ter migration to Exadata all TNS aliases used must no% point to the ne% database to connect all SAP Application Servers %ith the ne% database ?enerally all 0OST parameters must use the Scan1N-P* the only exception is a connect descriptor used by .45Tools &brspace) to remotely start or stop a dedicated 4D.MS instance* these TNS decriptors are using the node1N-P in 0OST parameter -! tnsnames ora !iles must be used !urther and all SAP instances are currently using one shared TNS alias* please create one TNS alias per SAP instance A detailed description is given in the Oracle %hite paper >+on!iguration o! SAP NetWeaver !or Oracle ?rid -n!rastructure '' @ # @ and Oracle 4eal Application +lusters ''g 4elease @A A .est Practices ?uideB
R3trans Test

2se 46trans to test database connectivity -! problems occurA +hec( environment variable :dbsLoraLtnsname M ID.S-DJ: is set This should be add to the environment o! the user IsidJadm & dbenv sh and dbenv csh) Optional chec(<install SAP1OSS note 3##;; :+reating OPSS users on Windo%s NT<Oracle:


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Ne% pass%ord generationA >orap%d !ileMSO4A+,EL0OME<dbs<orap% pass%ordMIpass%ordJBL!orLOracle user sys

Check/Implement SAP Note 743555 Oracle Sequence for RAC

When you migrate your database !rom single instance to 4A+ implement SAP OSS note "96333 :Oracle Se$uence !or 4A+: to recreate Oracle se$uence DD,O?LSEP !or 4A+ %ith @ nodes

Shared Filesystems in SAP Environments

-n an SAP environment it is common that all SAP Application Servers have access to a shared !ilesystem &<sapmnt* <usr<sap<trans* ) %hich store the SAP (ernels* pro!iles* trace !iles and provide the global SAP transport directory -n typical SAP installations such a shared !ilesystem is implemented using a NAS appliance* a cluster !ilesystem or through an NDS exported !ilesystem !rom the database server Dor high availability reasons a cluster !ilesystem is being used or the source o! the NDS location is protected by special con!igurations such as 0A1NDS to not be a single point o! !ailure in an SAP environment -! you already have an existing shared !ilesystem solution in your SAP environment not using an NDS exported !ilesystem !rom the database server* it is recommended to continue to use this solution %hen moving to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine -! the shared !ilesystem is NDS exported !rom the database server in your existing environment it is necessary to implement the shared !ilesystem on a di!!erent system other than the Oracle Exadata Database Machine as the Oracle Exadata Database Machine does not o!!er any 0A1NDS or cluster !ilesystem capability A+DS is currently not supported by the Exadata ,inux (ernels and D.DS* %hich %ould be available on Exadata* cannot be used in SAP environments The pre!erred solution is to use a separate Sun RDS Storage Appliance Other NAS appliances* 0A1NDS or cluster !ilesystem solutions can be used as %ell The Sun RDS Storage Appliance can also be used !or very !ast bac(ups !rom the Oracle Exadata Database Machine by directly connecting the RDS Storage Appliance to the Oracle Exadata -n!ini.and !abric


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Protection of SAP Central Services

To create a highly available SAP system* additionally to the database the +entral Services &S+S* AS+S) and the En$ueue 4eplication Server &E4S) must run protected by a cluster solution Almost every high availability so!t%are li(e -.M Po%er0A* 0P Serviceguard* Neritas +luster Server* Oracle Solaris +luster or Oracle +luster%are provide additional services to protect these critical SAP central services -n typical SAP environments this high availability so!t%are is running either on the clustered database server or outside the database server on a separate cluster o! servers -! a separate cluster other than the database cluster is already used !or the SAP +entral Services then it is recommended to continue to use this separate cluster !or the SAP +entral Services %hen deploying the Oracle Exadata Database Machine -! the SAP +entral Services are not cluster protected* it is highly recommended to put them under cluster control* %hereas %e di!!er here bet%een EunicodeF and Enon1unicodeF SAP systems Non1unicodeA Should the SAP +entral Services run on the clustered database server in your existing environment then you should consider to install t%o additional x;7L79 systems running Oracle Solaris and Oracle Solaris +luster on these t%o x;7L79 systems to protect the SAP +entral Services Note: Oracle Solaris +luster on x;7L79 hard%are cannot be used !or the SAP +entral Services !or Non12nicode SAP installations As an alternative !or Non12nicode SAP installations you should built an Oracle Solaris +luster using SPA4+ hard%are Dor unicode SAP systemsA Another alternative !or 2nicode1only SAP installations is to use the Oracle +luster%are running on the database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine along %ith the Oracle +luster%are utility SAP+T, to protect the SAP +entral Services The next chapter describes in detail all the necessary steps to install the SAP +entral Services on the database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine and ho% to protect them through Oracle +luster%are and SAP+T, Note: Please be a%are that any Exadata Storage So!t%are change &patch* patch bundle or upgrade) may a!!ect the con!iguration and the operation o! the SAP +entral Services on the database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine So please chec( the con!iguration and correct operation o! the SAP +entral Services on the database nodes a!ter an Exadata Storage So!t%are change %as applied Note: Please (eep in mind* that although sapctl supports all SAP instance types* only SAP instance types AS+S* S+S and E4S are supported to be run on Exadata


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Installation Procedure for SAP Central Services

The SAP +entral Services !or A.AP and TANA are typically provided by SAP instance type AS+S !or A.AP and S+S !or TANA The installation o! these instances on Oracle Exadata Database Machine must be per!ormed using SAP installation tool SAP-NST Dor a 0igh1Availability Setup including En$ueue 4eplication Service &SAP instance type E4S)* the initial installation must be per!ormed on every database node on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine -nstallation o! instance type AS+S and S+S is !ully supported by SAP-NST* %hereas the con!iguration and setup o! the En$ueue 4eplication Service must be done manually The !ollo%ing sections speci!y the steps re$uired !or the initial installation o! SAP +entral Services on Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Installation Preparation
Please chec( the minimum re$uirements !or your speci!ic SAP so!t%are version or system type regarding OS parameters* user limits* etc +onsult SAP documentation !or the recommended values and chec( i! re$uirements are met on all the database nodes -! necessary* adQust at least to the minimum re$uired value Do%nload T+E &Tava +ryptography Extension) policy !ile QceLpolicy1'L9L@ Cip to all database nodes Note that exactly this version is re$uired during installation Assign a virtual hostname !or the AS+S or the S+S instance This virtual hostname %ill be used !or the net%or( name resolution and represents the -P address o! the Oracle +luster%are N-P %hich %ill be used by SAP+T, to provide !ailover protection !or the SAP +entral Services We %ill re!er to these virtual hostnames as sapdb!abap and sapdb!"ava throughout the !ollo%ing sections Add the virtual hostnames to the <etc<hosts !ile on all database nodes [rootWxsapdb#'\ Y vi <etc<hosts . . . '# '73 ''# ';# xsapdbLabap '# '73 ''# ';' xsapdbLQava xsapdbLabap de oracle com xsapdbLQava de oracle com

As user root* change to the directory containing the SAP -nstallation Master +D<DND Add the variable T+ELPO,-+OLR-P and SAP-NSTL2SEL0OSTNAME to the environment Dor the installation o! the SAP +entral Services -nstance !or A.AP set [rootWxsapdb#'\ Y export T+ELPO,-+OLR-PM<I!ull1path1toJ<QceLpolicy1'L9L@ Cip [rootWxsapdb#'\ Y export SAP-NSTL2SEL0OSTNAMEMxsapdbLabap Dor the installation o! the SAP +entral Services -nstance !or TANA set [rootWxsapdb#'\ Y export T+ELPO,-+OLR-PM<I!ull1path1toJ<QceLpolicy1'L9L@ Cip [rootWxsapdb#'\ Y export SAP-NSTL2SEL0OSTNAMEMxsapdbLQava


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

On the Oracle Exadata Database Machine the /'' libraries !or a graphical user inter!ace are not installed Oou must use another host providing a graphical user inter!ace !or so!t%are installation %ith SAP-NST Export the D-SP,AO variable to the host providing the ?2[rootWxsapdb#'\ Y export D-SP,AOMIhostL%ithLguiJA' No% start the SAP so!t%are installation tool [rootWxsapdb#'\ Y <sapinst Dollo% the installation steps 2se identical user1id and group1id !or user IsidJadm on all database nodes The instance number !or AS+S instances must be identical on all database nodes The instance number !or S+S instances must be identical on all database nodes Pre!erable* also the pass%ord !or SAP System Administrator is identical on all nodes +omplete the installation on all database nodes

Setup of SAP Enqueue Replication Service

The con!iguration tas( to setup an SAP En$ueue replication server instance E4S !or either SAP AS+S or SAP S+S is not supported by SAP-NST and must be done manually +hec( the SAP documentation !or !urther guidance -n a nutshell %e %ill explain the necessary steps here to give a overvie% on the tas(s to do 4emember that these steps must be executed on all database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine As user #sid$adm* create directory %usr%sap%#&'D$%(R&#NR$ %ith sub1directories data* e e* log* sec and )or* -n the pro!ile directory <usr<sap<IS-DJ<SOS<pro!ile create the -nstance and STA4T pro!ile !or the E4S instance +hec( the SAP documentation o! the SAP so!t%are release installed to determine %hat type o! pro!ile is re$uired to start up the instance This may di!!er depending on the SAP product or version used The !ollo%ing example sho%s a %or(ing con!iguration !or the STA4T and -nstance pro!ile %hich can be used !or re!erence purpose STA4T pro!ile !or A.AP replication service
SAPSOSTEMNAME M G+M SAPSOSTEM M #@ -NSTAN+ELNAME M E4S#@ D-4L+TL42N M S&D-4LE/EL4OOT)<run D-4LE/E+2TA.,E M S&D-4L-NSTAN+E)<exe SAP,O+A,0OST M xsapdbLabap D-4LP4OD-,E M S&D-4L-NSTA,,)<pro!ile LPD M S&D-4LP4OD-,E)<G+MLE4S#@LxsapdbLabap SETENNL## M ,DL,-.4A4OLPAT0MS&D-4L,-.4A4O)AU&,DL,-.4A4OLPAT0) SETENNL#' M S0,-.LPAT0MS&D-4L,-.4A4O)AU&S0,-.LPAT0) SETENNL#@ M ,-.PAT0MS&D-4L,-.4A4O)AU&,-.PAT0) Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Y +opy SAP Executables


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 L+PA4?# M listAS&D-4L+TL42N)<scs lst ExecuteL## M immediate S&D-4L+TL42N)<sapcpeS&DTLE/E) p!MS&LPD) S&L+PA4?#) Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Y Start SAP loc(ing service replication Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LE4S M enr sapS&SAPSOSTEMNAME)LS&-NSTAN+ELNAME) ExecuteL#' M local rm 1! S&LE4S) ExecuteL#@ M local ln 1s 1! S&D-4LE/E+2TA.,E)<enrepserverS&DTLE/E) S&LE4S) StartLProgramL#' M local S&LE4S) p!MS&LPD)

-nstance pro!ile !or A.AP replication instance

SAPSOSTEMNAME M G+M SAPSOSTEM M #@ -NSTAN+ELNAME M E4S#@ D-4L+TL42N M S&D-4LE/EL4OOT)<run D-4LE/E+2TA.,E M S&D-4L-NSTAN+E)<exe SAP,O+A,0OST M xsapdbLabap Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Y SAP Message Server parameters are set in the DEDA2,T PD, Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ms<standalone M ' ms<serverLportL# M P4OTM0TTP*PO4TM;'SS Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Y SAP En$ueue Server Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 en$ue<tableLsiCe M 9#87 rdisp<mynameME4S#@LxsapdbLabap rdisp<en$name M S&rdisp<myname) en$ue<snapshotLpc(Lids M '## Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Y SAP+T, 0A -mpl %ith SAP En$ 4eplication Y11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 rdisp<mshost M xsapdbLabap en$ue<processLlocation M local en$ue<server<internalLreplication M true en$ue<server<replication M true en$ue<enrep<(eepaliveLcount M '

en$ue<server<threadcount M '
Edit the !ile <usr<sap<sapservices Add an entry !or every replication server instance Example !rom a %or(ing con!iguration !or re!erence purposeA
,DL,-.4A4OLPAT0M<usr<sap<G+M<E4S#@<exeAS,DL,-.4A4OLPAT0X export ,DL,-.4A4OLPAT0X

<usr<sap<G+M<E4S#@<exe<sapstartsrv p!M<usr<sap<G+M<SOS<pro!ile<STA4TLE4S#@LxsapdbLabap 1D 1u (cmadm

Examples o! the con!iguration !iles !or the TANA +entral Services can be !ound in the SAP+T, %hite paper &>Providing 0igh Availability !or SAP 4esources %ith Oracle +luster%are ''g 4elease @B)


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Please chec( also all available SAP documentation and support notes on additional con!iguration tas(s %hich are re$uired !or an SAP 0A installation %ith !ailover capabilities

Configuration of SAPCTL
Please re!er to the latest version o! the SAP+T, %hite paper stored on the SAP +ommunity Net%or( &S+N) under httpA<<scn sap com<community<oracle Dollo% the instructions on installation and con!iguration described in the collateral documentation De% additional tas(s on the Oracle Exadata Database Machine !or running SAP+T, must be executed A!ter the installation and setup o! SAP+T, on the !irst database node* copy the !iles sapctl+ sap)rap !rom directory <usr%sap%#&'D$%&,&%e e%run to the same directory on all remaining nodes We recommend to copy the perl subdirectory !rom the ?4-D so!t%are installation recursively to directory <usr<sap<sapctl and change the o%nership to IsidJadmAsapsys to avoid access permission problems [rootWxsapdb#'\ Y dcli 1g IgroupJ cp 1r <u#'<app<'' @ #<grid<perl <usr<sap<IS-DJ<sapctl [rootWxsapdb#'\ Y dcli 1g IgroupJ cho%n 14 IsidJadmAsapsys <usr<sap<IS-DJ<sapctl Set variable PE4,L0OME in !ile sapctl to point to this directory Note that there is no need to duplicate the STA4T and instance pro!iles as described in the SAP+T, %hite paper i! the installation o! SAP +entral Services !or A.AP or TANA as %ell as the setup o! SAP En$ueue E4S replication services %as per!ormed using virtual hostnames as described in the section >-nstallation Procedure !or SAP +entral ServicesB


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Appendix 1:
SAP Oracle_Home Naming Convention
The correct installation and operation o! any SAP utility such as SAP-nst or .45Tools on the database nodes o! the Oracle Exadata Database Machine re$uires some preparation !or the correct setting o! the OracleL0ome environment variable in the SAP environment The SAP environment re$uires the OracleL0ome environment variable to be set to <oracle<IDatabase nameJ<IreleaseJ There!ore the !ollo%ing directories and symbolic lin( &according to the values listed in the con!iguration sheet belo%) must be manually created on each database node by the OS user %ho o%ns the Oracle so!t%are &-n the con!iguration sheet belo% the name oracle is being used !or the OS user)A rootJ m(dir <oracle rootJ cho%n oracleAoinstall <oracle rootJ su 1 oracle oracleJ m(dir 1p <oracle</'' oracleJ ln 1s <u#'<app<oracle<product<'' @ #<dbhomeL' <oracle</''<''@

Default Oracle Environment Settings

The !ollo%ing con!iguration sheet !or the Oracle Exadata Database Machine is an example !or a success!ul SAP installation %ith Oracle Exadata The sheet belo% sho%s in red the values re$uired by SAP Note: Please be a%are that !or SAP installations only Standard OS Authentication is supported there!ore Table @ is not included in this paper Table 2 lists the de!ault settings %hen selecting Standard OS Authentication !or the OS o%ner used during installation to create the Oracle so!t%are environment These de!ault settings are in addition to the in!ormation in the con!iguration %or(sheets

Table - .racle (nvironment Default &ettings )/en 0sing &tandard .& Aut/entication .racle Database 'tem Oracle -nventory group name Oracle -nventory group identi!ier D.A group name D.A group identi!ier Default &etting oinstall '##' dba '##@

Oracle so!t%are o%ner user name oracle Oracle so!t%are o%ner user identi!ier '###


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

Oracle so!t%are o%ner de!ault pass%ord Oracle base directory &O4A+,EL.ASE) Oracle inventory directory ?rid in!rastructure home directory Database name Database character set Database national character set Database bloc( siCe ASM dis( groups

%elcome <u#'<app<oracle <u#'<app<ora-nventory <u#'<app<'' @ #<grid /'' &must be three characters) 2TD; &WE;DE+ !or Non12nicode SAP) 2TD; ;'8@ DATA !or the de!ault data !ile location 4E+O !or the !ast recovery area NoteA De!ault DATA and 4E+O dis( group siCe depends on the type o! system* the type o! dis( drives* and the type o! bac(up All !lash dis(s are con!igured as !lash cache '8@ '7; '# ' @33 @33 @3@ #

Exadata Smart Dlash +ache Starting -P address !or -n!ini.and private net%or( Subnet mas( !or -n!ini.and net%or(

'n t/e general configuration )or*s/eet 1Table -2 3ou s/ould al)a3s specific a )or*load t3pe of .4TP for an3 &AP database. (ven for an &AP 56 database 3ou s/ould use t/e .4TP )or*load t3pe .4TP as &AP 56 uses serial D74 1'nsert+ 0pdate+ Delete2 and ver3 fe) full table scans against t/e database. 7ost of t/e data access in an &AP 56 database occur t/roug/ inde es 15itmap and 58trees2.

Additional Information
Exadata N@ Starter Git &Doc -D '@99699 ') SAP Note '96'"8; Oracle Per!ormance 4el '' SAP note '38#3'3 SAP applications %ith Oracle Exadata Database Machine

SAP note '33977' >+on!iguration o! environment !or =oracle= userB SAP note '769"7" Tainted ,inux Gernel generated by A+DS modules on Exadata
SAP note '7""8"; >Administration o! mixed SAP<Non1SAP Environments on ExadataB SAP note 38;389 >.45Tools con!iguration !or Oracle inst under :oracle: user>


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

SAP Note'7@"39' >.45Tools support !or Oracle ASM and ExadataB

SAP note '9@;3@8 ASM and Exadata are supported by .45Tools

Oracle 4A+ &>+on!iguration o! SAP NetWeaver !or Oracle ?rid -n!rastructure '' @ # @ and Oracle 4eal Application +lusters ''g 4elease @A A .est Practices ?uideB) Oracle ASM &>SAP Databases on Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @A +on!iguration ?uidelines !or 2nix and ,inux Plat!ormsB) Oracle ,inux and SAP+T, &>Providing 0igh Availability !or SAP 4esources %ith Oracle +luster%are ''g 4elease @B) Oracle Whitepaper EMoving your SAP Database to Oracle Automatic Storage Management ''g 4elease @* A .est Practices ?uideF

All these %hite papers are stored on the SAP +ommunity Net%or( &S+N) under httpA<<scn sap com<community<oracle The SAP Notes are available through the SAP Support Portal !or authoriCed users


Using SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine

How to use SAP NetWeaver with the Oracle Exadata Database Machine, A Best Practices Guide July 2012 Authors: Tanja Albrecht, Hanno Bresch, Kurt Brg, Stephan Bhne, Dirk Hering, Jan Klokkers, Christoph Kurucz, Dieter Orth, Martin Sautter, Jens Schmidt Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 9 0!5 "#S#A# Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 0712 document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.

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