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The Lion capital from Sarnath a!apte! a" a national cre"t of In!ia i" the #e"t fini"he! an! the mo"t famo$" amon% the animal capital"& The a#ac$" 'ith a %allopin% hor"e a "tri!in% elephant a 'al(in% #$ll an! a prancin% lion e)cel" in mo!elin% an! e)pre""ion& L*in% near the col$mn 'ere the #ro(en portion" of the $pper part of the "haft an! a ma%nificent capital of the 'ell(no'n Per"epolitan #ell "hape! t*pe 'ith fo$r lion" a#o+e "$pportin% in their mi!"t a "tone 'heel or Dharma cha(ra the "*m#ol of the la' fir"t prom$l%ate! at Sarnath& Both #ell an! lion" are in an e)cellent "tate of pre"er+ation an! ma"terpiece" in point of #oth "t*le an! techni,$e - the fine"t car+in%" in!ee! that In!ia ha" *et pro!$ce! an! $n"$rpa""e! #* an*thin% of their (in! in the ancient 'orl!& The In!ian %o+ernment a!opte! thi" capital 'ith "ome mo!ification" a" it" "tate em#lem& The pillar" erecte! #* A"o(a f$rni"h the fine"t "pecimen of the Ma$r*an art& A"ho(an pillar" 'ith in"cription" 'ere fo$n! in place" li(e Delhi Allaha#a! R$mmin!ai Sanchi an! Sarnath& Their top" 'ere cro'ne! 'ith fi%$re" of animal" li(e lion elephant an! #$ll&


At$l Bho"e(ar M&A-II .B$!!hi"t St$!ie"/

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