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Crade Level: 7

Sub[ecL: Soclal SLudles

1lLle/1oplc: ollLlcal LmpowermenL - lederal CovernmenL
1oLal 1lme AlloLLed: 80 MlnuLes (erlod 6)

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1. Compare Lhe power glven Lo Lhe dlfferenL levels of CovernmenL by Lhe 8nA AcL.

!-&%35$)4 67879 + explaln Lhe pollLlcal sLrucLure of Canada as a resulL of ConfederaLlon

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LlsL of bllls for Lhe SenaLe Lo look aL and debaLe over

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l. Ask sLudenLs Lo wrlLe down Lwo Lhlngs Lhey know abouL Lhe federal governmenL and/or
arllamenL. CeL sLudenLs Lo share whaL Lhey have wrlLLen. (llve mlnuLes)

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l. 1ell sLudenLs LhaL for Lhe flrsL half of class, Lhey are each golng Lo acL as Members of
arllamenL ln Lhe Pouse of Commons. Culckly explaln Lo Lhem how someone geLs Lo
become an M and Lhe worklngs of Lhe Pouse of Commons. lndlvldually, Lhey are Lo
come up wlLh one blll LhaL Lhey wlsh Lo dlscuss wlLh Lhe oLher Ms. AfLer Lhls, Lhe class
wlll come LogeLher, readlng each proposed blll. 1hey wlll Lhen voLe on Lhese bllls
LogeLher, glvlng reasons for why each should or should noL be passed. 1ell Lhem LhaL
Lhose bllls whlch obLaln a ma[orlLy of voLes ln Lhe Pouse of Commons wlll pass on Lo Lhe
SenaLe. (llfLeen mlnuLes)
ll. SLudenLs wlll now acL as Lhe SenaLe. 8emlnd Lhem of how SenaLors geL Lhelr [obs and
whaL exacLly Lhe SenaLe does. 1hey wlll be presenLed wlLh a number of pre-creaLed bllls
and wlll argue respecLfully and pollLely abouL wheLher or noL Lhey should pass each one.
lf Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhem declde Lo pass Lhe blll, lL wlll Lhen become a law and wlll go on Lo
Lhe hands of Lhe Covernor Ceneral. lf noL, lL wlll be elLher amended or Lhrown away.
1he Leacher wlll acL as Canada's Covernor Ceneral and wlll slgn off on Lhe bllls LhaL Lhe
SenaLe has passed. (llfLeen MlnuLes)

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l. 1o conclude Lhls lesson, sLudenLs wlll be asked Lo flll ouL an exlL card deLalllng whaL Lhey
have learned abouL Lhe federal governmenL and Lhe sLrucLure of arllamenL over Lhe
lasL few days. 1hey wlll also wrlLe down Lwo Lhlngs Lhey would llke clarlfled and one
quesLlon Lhey have. (llve mlnuLes)
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8lll #1: no one should be allowed Lo smoke ln publlc ln

8lll #2: 1he voLlng age should be changed Lo 13 years old.

8lll #3: 1he drlvlng age should be lowered Lo 14 years old.

8lll #4: !usLln 8leber records should be banned from

8lll #3: Cnly people 18 and older should be allowed on
lacebook ln Canada.

8lll #6: Pockey should be Lhe only sporL allowed ln

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