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DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Concepts & Techniques of Discrete Mathematics: o Provide mathematical foundations for computer science students for

r their future studies o Provide Understanding of important mathematical concepts & facts which are important for applications, and how to apply them o Should teach students how to think logically and mathematically o Five important themes are interwoven in this text: Mathematical reasoning Students must understand mathematical reasoning in order to read, comprehend, and construct mathematical arguments Discussion of mathematical logic Discussion of methods of proof (Example of Finite automata and formal language definition, construction of words till acceptance of languages) Combinatorial analysis An important problem-solving skill is the ability to count or list objects (example of GOOGLE search technique and listing of objects) Performing combinatorial analysis to solve counting problems and analyze algorithms Discrete structures: Teach students how to work with discrete structures (structures used to represent discrete objects and relationships between these objects) These discrete structures include sets, permutations, relations, graphs, trees, and finite-state machines. Algorithmic thinking: Certain classes of problems are solved by the specification of an algorithm computer program can be constructed and implemented on the basis of those Algorithm(Example of Operating systems History to Advance) Applications and modeling Applications to computer science, data networking, chemistry, biology, linguistics, geography, business, and the Internet Modeling with discrete mathematics is an extremely important problem-solving skill, by developing by constructing different models

Table of Contents Chapter 01: The Foundations: Logic and Proofs Chapter 02: Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices Chapter 03: Algorithms Chapter 04: Number Theory and Cryptography Chapter 05: Induction and Recursion Chapter 06: Counting Chapter 07: Discrete Probability Chapter 08: Advanced Counting Techniques Chapter 09: Relations Chapter 10: Graphs Chapter 11: Trees Chapter 12: Boolean Algebra Chapter 13: Modeling Computation

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