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Perfect Tenses

Perfect tenses? For what can we use the perfect?? The reason that we use the perfects is simple because with this tenses we can speak more clearly and more mining full, and its going to help us more than another tenses, she helps as to specify the tense. Perfect tenses are divided into two times and they are !. Present perfect and ". Past perfect.

Present perfect
Forms #ffirmative $ % have worked 'uestions ? (ave % worked? *egative + % have not )orked he&she&it has worked we&you&they have worked (ave we&you&they )orked? )e&you&they have worked

(as he&she&it worked?

(e&she&it has )orked

To make the present perfect, put have&has with the past participle. ,egular past participles end in -ed like simple past tenses. )ith irregular verbs, the past participle is often different from the simple past tense. Present perfect news )e often use the present perfect to give news to tell people about new things that have happened. )e dont normally use the present perfect with words for a finished time.

Test yourself and

Present perfect .imple past

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