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Please note that this is only a sample calendar. It is divided into class periods instead of days estimated for each step of the project. These are, of course, flexible

Period 1 Launching the project, deciding on driving question. Setting up teams. Period 5 Finalize method to estimate time of use (such as a survey). Students should try it out first, and then monitor it to ensure it is being used properly. Period 9 Finish work from period 8.

Period 3 Period 2 Finalize driving question. Complete and hand in work plan. Period 6 Energy: Estimate energy use of device(s) based on time and power estimates. Water: Estimate total water consumed in a day. Period 10 Work on finding/recommending datainformed solutions to reduce consumption Period 14 Preparation of data for presentation/Trial run of presentations Period 7 Finish work from period 6. Equipment orientation (if needed). For energy audit - discussion of difference between power and energy.

Period 4 Devise a method to estimate how long devices of interest are being used for in a day (eg. Surveys with checkmarks by microwaves) Period 8 Estimate consumption (energy or water) in a typical year (have students research the number of school days and non-school days). Period 12

Period 11 Work on finding/recommending datainformed solutions to reduce consumption Period 15 Final Presentations

Preparation of data for presentation

Period 13 Preparation of data for presentation

realistic environmentalism

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