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The Research Process

Jeanette Ezra T. Gianan REPORTER

The Process of Research

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Problem Identification Literature Review Formulation of Hypothesis Testing Data Gathering Methods Data Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Problem Identification
To identify a problem or develop a research question. The research problem may be something the institution finds as a problem, some knowledge or information that is needed by the agency, or the desire to find a new trend nationally.

Literature Review
A thorough literature review provides a foundation on which to base new evidence and usually is conducted well before any data are collected. Literature reviews showcase researchers' knowledge and understanding of the existing information that relates to their research questions.

Formulation of Hypothesis Testing

A Hypothesis is a statement of the researchers expectations about the relationship between study variables.

Data Gathering Methods

Presents data collection methods that a may choose to use in the evaluation.
METHOD 1: Self-reports (e.g. Interview) METHOD 2: Observation (e.g. observing the people that are involved in the study)

Data Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation

ANALYZING the DATA: To answer a research questions and test hypothesis , researchers need to process and analyze their data in an orderly, clear manner. INTERPRETING the DATA: Interpretation is the process of making sense of study results and examining their implications.

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

In the findings and conclusion sections, the researcher reviews all significant findings, notes and discusses all shortcomings, and suggests future research.

Bautista, Victoria A. 1998. Research and Public Management. UP Open University Calderon, Jose F. and Gonzales, E.C. 2004. Methods of Research and Thesis Writing National Bookstore

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