Commercial Lesson

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Crade Level: 9

Sub[ecL: LA
1lLle/1oplc: ersuaslve Speaklng/LlsLenlng
1oLal 1lme AlloLLed: 30 mlnuLes

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2. SLudenLs wlll be expecLed Lo communlcaLe lnformaLlon and ldeas effecLlvely and clearly, and Lo
respond personally and crlLlcally.
3. SLudenLs wlll be expecLed Lo lnLeracL wlLh senslLlvlLy and respecL, conslderlng Lhe slLuaLlon,
audlence, and purpose.

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1. uemonsLraLe Lhelr ablllLy Lo work respecLfully and producLlvely wlLh a group of Lhelr peers.
2. lormulaLe, wlLhln a group seLLlng, an effecLlve and persuaslve oral presenLaLlon.
3. uevelop an undersLandlng of common Lechnlques used by adverLlsers Lo persuade consumers.


Common AdverLlslng 1echnlques" worksheeL for each group
Commerclal lnsLrucLlon sheeL for each group
roducL plcLure for each group

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l. "#$%&'()$&%* &%+, -.%/(+/0&# .1.%)0/.. 8egln Lhe lesson by Lelllng Lhe class you don'L
have a smarL phone and LhaL your frlends have been unsuccessfully Lrylng Lo convlnce
you Lo geL one. Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo use convlnclng argumenLs Lo persuade you Lo buy
one. (llve mlnuLes)

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l. 2.//&# &3.%30.4. Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL Loday, ln Lhelr groups, Lhey wlll be maklng
commerclals for new producLs LhaL Lhey musL Lry and sell. Pand ouL Lo each group a
copy of Lhe Common AdverLlslng 1echnlques" sheeL. Culckly go over Lhe sheeL wlLh
Lhe class, as well as Lhe lnsLrucLlon sheeL whlch explalns whaL Lhey wlll have Lo lnclude
ln Lhelr commerclals. (1en mlnuLes)
ll. 5%0$0#6 $7. )&88.%)0+,. Lach group of sLudenLs wlll be glven a plcLure of a new
producL. keeplng Lhelr audlence ln mlnd, Lhey are Lo make a name and prlce for Lhe
producL, creaLlng Lhelr own commerclal uslng Lhe adverLlslng Lechnlques provlded Lo
Lhem. 1he goal of Lhls commerclal wlll be Lo Lry and persuade Lhelr audlence (Lhe class)
Lo buy Lhelr new producL. ClrculaLe whlle sLudenLs are dolng Lhls Lo ensure LhaL Lhey are
sLaylng on Lask, worklng well LogeLher, and Lo answer any quesLlons LhaL Lhey may have
abouL Lhe asslgnmenL. (1wenLy mlnuLes)
lll. 9%./.#$0#6 $7. )&88.%)0+,. AfLer Lhey have flnlshed wrlLlng Lhelr commerclals, each
group wlll come up and presenL Lhelr commerclal Lo Lhe class. Whlle Lhey are
presenLlng, noLe wheLher or noL each group compleLed Lhe Lask properly and how well
each of Lhe group members ls presenLlng. AfLer each group has presenLed, poll Lhe class
on wheLher Lhey would buy Lhe producL Lo see wheLher each group was successful. (1en

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l. :(88+%0;. $7. ,.//&#. Ask sLudenLs whaL Lhey Lhlnk Lhey learned abouL persuaslon
from Lhls lesson and why Lhey belleve Lhey were asked Lo do lL. Lxplaln Lo Lhem Lhe
lmporLance of persuaslon ln adverLlslng, as well as Lhe lmporLance of communlcaLlng
ldeas and argumenLs orally and worklng wlLhln a group seLLlng Lo geL a Lask done. (llve


AVANTE GARDE The suggestion that using this product puts the
user ahead of the times e.g. a toy manufacturer encourages kids to be the first on
their block to have a new toy.
FACTS AND FIGURES Statistics and objective factual
information is used to prove the superiority of the product e.g. a car manufacturer
quotes the amount of time it takes their car to get from 0 to 100 k.p.h.
MAGIC INGREDIENTS The suggestion that some almost
miraculous discovery makes the product exceptionally effective e.g. a
pharmaceutical manufacturer describes a special coating that makes their pain
reliever less irritating to the stomach than a competitor`s.
PATRIOTISM The suggestion that purchasing this product shows your
love of your country e.g. a company brags about its product being made in
America and employing American workers.

PLAIN FOLKS The suggestion that the product is a practical product
of good value for ordinary people e.g. a cereal manufacturer shows an ordinary
family sitting down to breakfast and enjoying their product.
SNOB APPEAL The suggestion that the use of the product makes the
customer part of an elite group with a luxurious and glamorous life style e.g. a
coffee manufacturer shows people dressed in formal gowns and tuxedos drinking
their brand at an art gallery.
BRIBERY Bribery seems to give a desirable extra something. We humans
tend to be greedy. e.g. Buy a burger; get free fries.
TESTIMONIAL A famous personality is used to endorse the product
e.g. a famous basketball player (Michael Jordan) recommends a particular brand
of skates.
WIT AND HUMOR Customers are attracted to products that divert
the audience by giving viewers a reason to laugh or to be entertained by clever
use of visuals or language.
SIMPLE SOLUTIONS Avoid complexities, and attack many
problems to one solutions. e.g. Buy this makeup and you will be attractive,
popular, and happy.
BANDWAGON Bandwagon exploits the desire of most people to join the
crowd or be on the winning side, and avoid winding up the losing side. Few of us would want
to wear nerdy cloths, smell differently from everyone else, or be unpopular. The popularity
of a product is important to many people. Even if most of us say we make our own choice
when buying something we often choose well-advertised items - the popular ones.

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