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Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management & International Business Strategy Assessment Number: One Individually Written Report: 40%

of the overall module grade Word count 3000 words maximum Learning Outcomes Covered: 1, 2, 4

Assignment Brief

Introduction This assignment is the first part of three components that assesses the overall module. It is an individually written report that consists of 3,000 words (10 % +/-). This word count excludes any attached appendices, title page and table of contents. Your report should ideally display an excellent level of analytical and evaluative skills as well a reflection of theory and its contextualisation to the intended scenario. The use of appropriate theories, models and concepts to analyse and evaluate the given scenarios is needed in order to provide a proper and sustainable answer. In order to further complete this report in a successful manner, you are advised to use an organisation of your choice (one that you are currently employed in, a previous work place or one that you can obtain relevant information with ease). Your report will consist of a certain amount of secondary research and a significant amount of primary research to support your answer. Any supporting documents that you choose to use to reinforce your answer, need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices, in order to equip the examiner with the required background knowledge on the information you have provided within the report. It is essential that all theories, concepts, models and industry examples are appropriately referenced using the Harvard System style in the bibliography. You are advised to cite only those that you have used within your answer. Finally, you are advice to pay attention to the wording in which the tasks have been presented to you, to ensure that you understand and address the requirement as a whole with minimal misinterpretations.

Assuming that you are in the process of engaging in a global entrepreneurial venture of your choice, you are required to produce a report of a business proposal that you intend submitting to potential investors.

Tasks The report should encompass: 1. An explanation of each stage of the process involved in the new entrepreneurial venture from idea generation to implementation, while identifying of the possible challenges and opportunities that you may face when going through the above stages.

2. An assessment of Feasibility, Profitability & Resource Allocation of the venture using Financial,
Management & Cost Accountancy principles.

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management & International Business Strategy Assessment Number: Two Individually Written Assignment: 40% of the overall module grade Word count 3000 words maximum Learning Outcomes Covered: 3, 4, 5, and 6 Assignment Brief

This assignment is the first part of three components that assesses the overall module. It is an individually written report that consists of 3,000 words (10 % +/-). This word count excludes any attached appendices, title page and table of contents. Your report should ideally display an excellent level of analytical and evaluative skills as well a reflection of theory and its contextualisation to the intended scenario. The use of appropriate theories, models and concepts to analyse and evaluate the given scenarios is needed in order to provide a proper and sustainable answer. In order to further complete this report in a successful manner, you are advised to use an organisation of your choice (one that you are currently employed in, a previous work place or one that you can obtain relevant information with ease). Your report will consist of a certain amount of secondary research and a significant amount of primary research to support your answer. Any supporting documents that you choose to use to reinforce your answer, need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices, in order to equip the examiner with the required background knowledge on the information you have provided within the report. It is essential that all theories, concepts, models and industry examples are appropriately referenced using the Harvard System style in the bibliography. You are advised to cite only those that you have used within your answer. Finally, you are advice to pay attention to the wording in which the tasks have been presented to you, to ensure that you understand and address the requirement as a whole with minimal misinterpretations.

As the Business Development Manager of an organisation of your choice, you are required produce a report that highlights the following aspects to the top management in relation to a new entrepreneurial venture that you intend proposing.

Tasks 1. Identify and assess the changing elements of the global environment in relation to the industry you intend entering and discuss how it can impact the new entrepreneurial business venture and its industry related behaviour in terms of opportunities and threats they (changes) may pose 2. Assess how the government can impact the policies of the new venture and recommend ways to overcome any disadvantages identified

3. Identify and explain key personal traits & behaviours of entrepreneurs which are required to design & run entrepreneurial ventures successfully in challenging conditions with adequate emphasis on how these traits and behavioural patterns can be used to overcome the threats highlighted in the sections above.

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management & International Business Strategy Assessment Number: Three Group Presentation: 20% of the overall module grade Learning Outcomes Covered: 7, 8 Individual Presentation with handouts: maximum 20 slides and speakers notes Assignment Brief

Introduction This is the third and final component that assesses the overall module. The presentation should address the tasks mentioned and you should ensure that they demonstrate that they have achieved the outcomes stated. You should prepare a supporting handout in which you summarise the key points of their presentation; you should also present the presentation slides and accompanying speaker notes when submitting this assignment. You are advised to develop the slides in professional manner. Ideally, you should refrain from including a large amount of information within a slide. You are advised to maximise the use of visual data on slides. You can use the slides to present important information in point form and use the speaker notes to provide comprehensive information. You should maintain consistency between what you present and what is contained within the handouts when presenting information during assessment, Marks will be awarded for the format of the presentation along with the information contained within. Ensure that the speaker notes complement the slides as well as make sense without the visual aid of the slides when presented alone.

As a Business Development Manager of an organization of your choice, you are required to prepare a presentation highlighting the application of economic analysis on a new entrepreneurial venture.

Tasks Candidates should present their analysis focusing on the following elements. 1. Income 2. Inflation 3. Recession 4. Interest Rate 5. Exchange Rate Candidates are also required to refer a wide range of economic & business resources to support their answers.

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management & International Business Strategy

Assessment Criteria for all Assessments % Grade 70-100% Sufficient grades to award an overall pass mark Criteria Has presented an answer with an outstanding result with a minimal number of errors Reflects an excellent level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks. Analytical techniques used are of high standards that display the required breadth and depth. Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of high standards. The analysis and interpretation of research related data, as well as the ability to use the data to reach acceptable and accurate conclusions is outstanding. Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer Has followed appropriate Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


The answer reflects an above average standard with errors. Reflects a good level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks. The use of analytical techniques is evident throughout the answer in a manner that reflects a very good level. Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of a good standard, however, is quite broad in certain instances. The analysis and interpretation of research related data, as well as the ability to use the data to reach acceptable and accurate conclusions is of a good standard. Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer. Nevertheless, does not reflect consistency at all levels. Has followed appropriate Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


The answer reflects an above average standard with errors. Reflects a general level of sound knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks, though with notable errors. The use of analytical techniques is evident throughout the answer in a manner that reflects a very good level. Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of a reasonable level, however, the link between theory and practice projected through the presentation of findings has been restricted. Reflects more assumptions rather than valid arguments based on analysis of research data. However, has displayed sound interpretative and evaluative abilities. Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer. Nevertheless, does not reflect consistency at all levels. Relatively appropriate Harvard referencing is evident in the bibliography.

43-49% Insufficient grades to award an overall pass mark

Displays several shortcomings throughout the answer. Reflects a limited level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks. The use of analytical techniques is also limited. The degree of accuracy and research abilities are somewhat limited and the interpretation and the application of findings reflect a superficial characteristic. A certain level of appropriateness is evident in Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


Answer reflected is weak and lacks proper focus. Reflects a high level of poor grammar and spelling errors. Understanding of subject knowledge, related models, theories and frameworks is poor. Contextualisation, interpretation, and evaluation are of poor standard. The degree of accuracy and research abilities are somewhat limited and the interpretation and the application of findings reflect a superficial characteristic. Reflects basic level of Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


Requires more work on overall answering skills. Very little evidence of appropriate subject knowledge has been reflected. The evidence of the use of appropriate models, theories and frameworks is quite poor. The analytical skills and contextualisation is almost non-existent. Answer produced has little relevance to the assignment briefs. The overall output is well below the required standard.


Considerable amount of work is needed as the overall answer it quite weak and unacceptable.

Link of the requirements to the learning outcomes Requirement Assignment One The report should encompass: 3. An explanation of each stage of the process involved in the new entrepreneurial venture from idea generation to implementation, while identifying of the possible challenges and opportunities that you may face when going through the above stages. An assessment of Feasibility, Profitability & Resource Allocation of the venture using Financial, Management & Cost Accountancy principles. 3. Analyse the personal traits and behaviours required to design and run an entrepreneurial venture; 4. Critically appraise their own level of knowledge, learning and understanding. 5. Identify and assess the factors which affect general business behaviour in a constantly changing global environment 6. Appreciate the complex nature of policy decisions which often confront businesses and governments in a dynamic - environment 2. 1. Learning Outcome Level 5 Demonstrate an understanding of the key stages in developing an entrepreneurial venture, from idea generation to commercialisation; Identify and assess the challenges and opportunities associated with designing and running an entrepreneurial venture 3. Learning Outcome Level 4 Accounting and Finance 1. Understand the context within which financial information is prepared and used. Describe and understand the key management accounting techniques and their role in a range of decision making scenarios. Recognise and explain fundamental financial and management accounting terminology. Identify and apply appropriate planning and decision making techniques to management problems involving organisational resources.


4. Critically appraise their own level of knowledge, learning and understanding.



Assignment Two 1. Identify and assess the changing elements of the global environment in relation to the industry you intend entering and discuss how it can impact the new entrepreneurial business venture and its industry related behaviour in terms of opportunities and threats they (changes) may pose Assess how the government can impact the policies of the new venture and recommend ways to overcome any disadvantages identified Identify and explain key personal traits & behaviours of entrepreneurs which are



required to design & run entrepreneurial ventures successfully in challenging conditions with adequate emphasis on how these traits and behavioural patterns can be used to overcome the threats highlighted in the sections above. Assignment Three Using an organisation of your choice, prepare a presentation highlighting the application of economic analysis on a new entrepreneurial venture. Candidates should present their analysis focusing on the following elements. 1. Income 2. Inflation 3. Recession 4. Interest Rate 5. Exchange Rate Candidates are also required to refer a wide range of economic & business resources to support their answers. 7. Apply economic analysis to current business related controversies and topics which often dominate the business press 8. Interpret information from a range of economic and business sources -

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management & International Business Strategy

Student Name: Student Number:

Assignment One: Written Assignment

Work is assessed according to the assessment criteria
Task Identify the stages involved in the new entrepreneurial venture Explain each stage of the process involved in the new entrepreneurial venture from idea generation to implementation. When addressing this section, candidates are required to focus the following elements in their answers Business Plan Cash Flow Forecast Marketing Plan HR plan Operations Plan Identify of the possible challenges and opportunities that you may face during the above stages. Candidates are required to assess the of Feasibility of the business proposal in relation to Management Accounting investment appraisal methods Candidates are also required to assess the potential Profitability of the business venture by referring to financial statements of organisation in a similar context (relevant to the industry) Candidates are also required to assess required Resource Allocation by focusing on aspects such as budgeting, cost apportioning etc. Structure and presentation of work including use of Harvard referencing Total Overall comments: Comment Marks allocated 03 Marks Received


05 06



04 40

Second markers comments:

First Marker:

Second Marker:

Agreed Mark:

Assignment Two: Written Assignment Work is assessed according to the assessment criteria Task Identify at least three changing elements of the global environment. It is important that candidates focus on a global context when identifying these elements Candidates are then required to assess these elements in relation to the industry of focus, in terms of the opportunities and threats they pose 06 Candidates are then required to discuss how it can impact the new entrepreneurial business venture and its industry related behaviour. It is imperative that candidates focus on both threats and opportunities identified when answering this section Assess how the government can impact the policies of the new venture Recommend ways to overcome any disadvantages identified Identify at least three key personal traits & behaviours of entrepreneurs Explain how these can contribute to design & run entrepreneurial ventures successfully in challenging conditions Candidates are required to emphasise on how these traits and behavioural patterns can be used to overcome the threats highlighted in the sections above. Structure and presentation of work including use of Harvard referencing Total Overall comments: Comment Marks allocated 03 Marks Received



04 03



04 40

Second markers comments:

First Marker:

Second Marker:

Agreed Mark: %

Assignment Three: Group Presentation Work is assessed according to the assessment criteria Task Candidates should present their analysis focusing on the following elements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Income Inflation Recession Interest Rate Exchange Rate 03 Comment Marks allocated 15 Marks Received

Candidates are also required to refer a wide range of economic & business resources to support their answers. Candidates are required to follow a professional format of presentation, structure and language Total Overall comments

02 20

Second markers comments:

First Marker:

Second Marker:

Agreed Mark:

Overall total:

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