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2hapter 34 5otion

Sci-words-page 1
$ame4 (a rice )ddie L. *ac yan

Skills: Literacy, knowledge

Unit 5.1 Describing motion
Word Cl e
dis p l a c e ment Distance and direction from the start. a v e r age s pee d Distance/time. v e l o city Speed with direction. t ick e r tim e r lectric hammer used to measure motion. s tat i o n a ry !t rest. g rad i e n t Slope of a graph. re a c t i o n time "ime it takes to detect and respond to an emergency

Unit 5.! "cceleration

Word Cl e

a c cel e r a tion #ate of change in velocity. d e c e l era t i o n $egative acceleration. m e t e r s per s e c o n d s%uared m/s& acc e l er o m e ter !cceleration indicator. d r opp i n g distance #eaction distance ' (raking distance.

Unit 5.# $ewton%s &irst law

f o r ce e n ert i a applied. enertia. force. $ewt o n *s f i r s t law $ e w t on

Cl e
)ush or pull. "he effect of no force (eing "he law of +nit for

Unit 5.4 $ewton%s second law

m as s

Cl e

"he amount of matter. ki l o g ra m +nit for mass. $ e w t o n*s s e c o n d law F,ma ( a l a nce d forces cancel each other out. a cc e l e r ation ! change in force may cause this.


Unit 5.5 $ewton%s t'ird law

a c t ion/r e a c t ion force pair $ e w ton*s t h i r d law # e c oil when fired.

Cl e
)air of forces. .ou push me/ 0 push you1 -eapons do this

Science Focus 4 Homework Book


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