Dog Seizures - 3

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Different Types of Dog Seizures

As we all know, seizures happen without any warning. Just like human seizures, there are also different types of dog seizures every pet owner should know. The first type which is very common is the Grand Mal seizure. In this type, the dog undergoes different stages: the prodromal stage which happens days before the seizure characterized by change in behaviour, the aura stage which signals that a seizure is about to occur and is usually characterized by apprehension and whining, the ictus stage which is the actual seizure characterized by muscle contractions and jerky movements, then the post-ictal phase wherein the seizure already ceases and the dog appears drowsy and disoriented. Another type is Petit Mal seizure which is not preceded by an aura and there is absence of jerky movements. The last type is Status Epilipticus wherein seizures last for more than 30 minutes with no periods of normal consciousness. If you see your dog manifesting signs of dog seizures, rush them immediately to your veterinarian.

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