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The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was a wall that cut through the heart of Berlin. It was built in 1961 and smashed down in 1989. After people started to flee to West Berlin in hopes of a better life, it was extended to stop all of the people from waving to their families across the wall. We have been studying about the Berlin Wall in Global Studies and I recently saw a black and white picture of the Berlin Wall. First, the large crowd of people, standing on dead grass, in front of the wall, seemed to be scared, surprised, and maybe even mad. They might have been shouting or whispering, for on the other side of the wall were three Soviet guards. Nearby, on the East side, are what seemed to be telephone wires covered in black plastic. To the left of that was a newspaper bulletin. Next, is the wall, which was made out of cinder blocks, bottoms slathered with mortar, and running under it was a broken-down road, which started in the right East side and ended in the left West side. There was barbed wire on top, blocking off people that try to escape. Finally are the buildings. The buildings were abandoned, shattered, run-down, and rotten. In conclusion, the Berlin Wall was never meant to be there and should have never been there, and if it werent, Germany would have never been scarred for life.

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