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The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was a big wall splitting Berlin, Germany right down the middle. It was built because too many people from the East escaped to the West side. The U.K., U.S.A., and France took over West Germany and West Berlin, and the Soviet Union took East Germany and East Berlin in August 1961. I have been studying Germany in my Global Studies class and recently saw a black and white photo of the Berlin Wall. At the bottom of the photo were big 4x4 concrete slabs, then next were 2 layers of 1x1 cinderblocks with 5 shadows on the wall. The people seem to be very happy. Then at the top of the wall were more big concrete slabs. There is a metal bar in a Y formation with barbed wire strung over it. In the picture, the wall takes up most of the photo. Everybody on the West side of the wall was happy to see their families on the East side. But they were also very scared because if their relatives tried to escape they would have been shot. Furthermore, it would have been really quiet and eerie, and the whistle of the wind was there. In the background the wall is a bricked building in the corner of the picture. In conclusion, the black and white photo has a lot of meaning behind it. It signifies that the families were sad from being split and the Soviets went way too far by putting up the wall and killing people for no reason.

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