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Location Edge of pavement Edge of pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Pavement Road Ally Ally Ally Ally

Shot Wide Wide Over the shoulder Close up Close up Medium Pans Wide Medium Over the shoulder Close up Close up Wide Canted Wide Low angle Pan Wide Medium Wide POV POV

Angle Mid-Level Slightly lower High Side/Level High Level Mid-level Mid-level Mid-level Lower Mid-level Slightly raised Right/Mid Midlevel/tilted Low Low Titled High Mid-level High Mid-level Mid-level High

Movement Static Walking Static Static Static Static Static Static Walking Walking Gun movement Static Quick turn Punch Flip Stands up Car stops Men get out car Running Running Head turning Static

Subject(s) Miller Miller walking Millers phone Miller talking Miller hand Miller MI6 agent Miller MI6 agent Agent Miller back/Gun Miller Agent/Miller Agent Miller/Agent Miller Car The new 2 agents Miller Miller Armed Agent Armed agent

Action Miller standing at the road putting his hat on Miller walks across the road and turns down a street Miller looks at his phone a begins to make a call Miller is on the phone and engaging in conversation Miller hand is holding a microchip which he stole Miller is still talking on the phone The MI6 agent is behind Miller with a gun The agent is talking to Miller with a gun to his back The agent is talking to Miller slowly walking towards him Agents is talking to Miller. The gun is placed on the back on miller Miller smiles and laughs Miller spins around and grabs the gun with his left hand Miller then follows through with the right and punches him. Miller then flips the Agent over using his body and punches him in the face knocking him unconscious Miller stands up and shanks of his hand A car comes driving round the corner and 2 other armed agents get out. Both get out the car and point the guns Runs down an ally to get away Miller is running down the ally Miller turns the corner and then the armed agent rifle butts him, Miller blacks out. Miller regains consciousness and begins to talk to the armed Agent

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