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Monday 20th January

MON 20th Richard Rolle, spiritual writer, 1349 Revd Chris Hobbs, of St Stephens and St Wulstans, Selly Park, writes: A Passion for Life (March 23rd30th) is a week of outreach we are engaged in with other churches across the Midlands. Please pray that the Lord will give us opportunities and the courage to invite people to look at the Bible with us, and to share the gospel with them. TUES 21st Agnes, child martyr, 304 Revd Louise Shaw, of St Pauls, Dosthill, writes: We have a new Reader, Joan, licensed in January. Please pray for Gods blessing on her and also our Reader of six years, Carolyn. Please pray that people will be encouraged in the exercising of their Godgiven gifts, for the ourishing of church and community. WED 22nd Vincent of Saragossa, deacon, martyr, 304 Revd Susan Barter, of St Pauls, Bordesley Green, writes: Supporting our local community becomes ever more challenging for St Pauls Church and its associated charity, Crossover, as the funding cuts take hold. Demand for services has increased fourfold. Please pray that we might maintain our much-needed support for our community. THURS 23rd Please pray for the Area Deans meeting taking place today. FRI 24th Francis de Sales, bishop, teacher, 1622 We pray for a greater appreciation of winter; its bleak serenity, its testing cold and darkness. May we engage with frosty ground and slushy paths. Help us to value the role of winter, and to thank God for the wisdom of the seasons. May we learn the blessings of nature, and live in harmony with it. SAT 25th Conversion of St Paul O God, who, through the preaching of the Apostle Saint Paul, hast caused the light of the Gospel to shine throughout the world: Grant that we, having his wonderful conversion in remembrance, may show forth our thankfulness unto thee for the same, by following the holy doctrine which he taught; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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