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Chaqueria Vereen Mrs. Hensel English IV 11 September 2013 Topic Proposal: The Convenien e o!

"oo# Statement of Purpose (Thesis): The purpose o! this resear h pro$e t is to in!orm %ou about the positive an# negative si#e o! the onvenien e o! !oo# an# the e!!e t it has on &meri an lives. 'e all have tons o! ba (groun# (no)le#ge on the negative si#e o! the onvenien e o! !oo#. M% goal in this paper is to also shine some light on the positive si#e o! the onvenien e o! !oo#. Background: Ever%one has eaten !ast !oo# sometime in their li!e* in lu#ing me. It+s so eas% to s)ing in a M ,onal#s or 'en#%+s be ause it+s ver% onvenient an# ine-pensive. .% the !oo# being so onvenient it oul# have a negative e!!e t on %our bo#%* I have !irst/han# e-perien e gaining )eight* health problems* et 0 Convenient !oo#s have a big e!!e t on man% people lives #ue to man% #i!!erent !a ts. Sometimes onvenient !oo# has positive si#e1 )e an !ee# large amounts o! people b% having this. Significance: This topi is important be ause it a!!e ts #i!!erent people on a #ail% basis. 2ot enough people have neat as mu h (no)le#ge about this topi )hen it+s reall% important. This topi has a lot o! interesting things tie# into it. Description: In m% sear h to !in# more in!ormation about the onvenien e o! !oo# I )ill utili3e the internet. I )ill also tr% to arrange some intervie)s to have some !irst/han# a ounts about m% sub$e t. I ma% tr% some observations to see )here it might lea# me. I )ill probabl% get the ma$orit% o! m% in!ormation !rom the internet be ause it has more to o!!er. Methodology: I )ill 3ero in on three main things in m% paper the negative* positive* an# the e!!e t it has on people #ail% lives. Some (e% terms I )ill use are !ast !oo#* obesit%* population* poor* #isease* an# health issues. I! I #e i#e to !ollo) through )ith m% intervie)s an# observation I )oul# tr% to intervie) !ast !oo# )or(ers an# observe people )ith health problems #ue to onvenient !oo#s. Problems: M% problems )oul# be !in#ing a goo# person to intervie) an# (no)s )hat the%+re tal(ing about. 4ou an al)a%s !in# a person that thin( the% (no) )hat the% are tal(ing about but it+s reall% not reliable in!o. I )oul# also have problems )ith observations be ause I )oul#n+t reall% (no) )hat to loo( !or. The positive !a ts )ill be har# to !in# be ause this topi has a lot more in!ormation about negative !a ts on the internet than positive !a ts.

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