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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Nonuay, }anuaiy 6, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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SAN ANT0NI0 - State Senatoi Bonna Campbell eaineu an A+ iating anu the
enuoisement of the National Rifle Association in hei biu foi ieelection to the State

"Youi iating anu enuoisement aie baseu on youi stiong iecoiu of leaueiship on
issues of impoitance to gun owneis anu spoitsmen in the Texas Legislatuie," saiu
Taia Reilly Nica, NRA-ILA State Liaison.

Senatoi Campbell authoieu a numbei of bills impoitant to Texas gun owneis,
incluuing Senate Bill 864. Signeu by the goveinoi, the bill stieamlines the minimum
numbei of houis to obtain a concealeu-caiiy license while pieseiving the
instiuctional mateiials anu iange pioficiency iequiiements. As a iesult, moie law-
abiuing Texans will have the oppoitunity to eain theii CBL.

"Seconu Amenument iights aie the beuiock of oui libeity anu I will always make
piotecting these iights a piioiity," Senatoi Campbell saiu. "I will continue to push
foi legislation that guaiantees the iight to uefenu oui families anu block any effoits
to uisaim Texas citizens."

Senatoi Campbell was nameu as a Top Five Couiageous Conseivative eailiei this
yeai foi hei oveiall woik in the 8Siu Legislatuie. She faces two piimaiy opponents
in 2u14 with the election scheuuleu foi Naich 4.

Senatoi Campbell is an emeigency ioom physician iepiesenting Senate Bistiict 2S,
which incluues all oi paits of Bexai, Comal, uuaualupe, Bays, Kenuall, anu Tiavis


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