2014grade9english0106 0110

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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Devin Ayers Week of: 01/06 01/10 Course/Grade: Grade 9 English I Unit Name: Vocabulary Acquisition

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: RL9-10.1 RL9-10.3; SL9-10.1 SL9-10.6; L9-10.1; L9-10.2; L9-10.4 L9-10.6 Essential Question(s): What are some good ways to acquire and retain vocabulary terminology relevant to understanding English grammatical conventions? In what ways can we make this acquisition interesting and fun? What are your personal methods for internalizing new and unfamiliar terminology? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students who require it will receive extended deadlines for writing assignments and/or shortened reading. Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): All students have played board games! They will used this experience to develop their own. Also, at least some of the vocabulary terms presented should have been introduced in the past; students will renew their understanding of these terms, and also learn some new ones. Resources/Materials Teacher: Students: vocabulary list Game Building Rubric Art supplies

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: direct observation This Week: direct observation/small group presentations Unit: direct observation/small group presentations/integration of student-generated products (vocabulary-building board games) Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their vocabulary with terminology that will be relevant to understanding English language and grammar conventions. They will show their learning by developing a board game that teaches these same vocabulary terms to their fellow students. In this week-long unit, students will develop a Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) Due-

board game that can be used in class in the future to teach their peers relevant vocabulary terms. Students will work in groups of 3-4, and each will receive a rubric describing the five areas of focus their grades will be based on (rules, accuracy of content, creativity, knowledge gained and cooperative work). We will discuss the creation of the games in class, and an example of a set of game rules (developed by the instructor in a summer AP training) will be provided as well. Students will test and rate the effectiveness of one anothers games on Friday 01/10.

TUESDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their vocabulary with terminology that will be relevant to understanding English language and grammar conventions. They will show their learning by developing a board game that teaches these same vocabulary terms to their fellow students.

Assignment(s) Due-

WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their vocabulary with terminology that will be relevant to understanding English language and grammar conventions. They will show their learning by developing a board game that teaches these same vocabulary terms to their fellow students. THURSDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their vocabulary with terminology that will be relevant to understanding English language and grammar conventions. They will show their learning by developing a board game that teaches these same vocabulary terms to their fellow students.

Assignment(s) DueWork Check: Students should have a coherent vocabulary-building game with clear rules and all the elements needed for functional play. Each student should document his/her contribution to the group effort. Finishing touches may be added tomorrow, but your game should be complete in concept by the end of the period. Assignment(s) Due-

FRIDAY Learning TargetStudents will increase their vocabulary with

Assignment(s) DueGame Analysis: Through testing the student generated games, each group will receive a

terminology that will be relevant to understanding English language and grammar conventions. They will show their learning by testing and rating one anothers work, and by testing their own vocabulary knowledge (by playing the games of others).

grade based on the game rubric.

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