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Who were the Anglo-Saxons?

The Anglo-Saxons" is the general name given to the Germanic peoples who inhabited Britain between the fifth and the eleventh centuries, between the Romans and the ormans! The name isn"t a modern invention# it was first used in $ngland at the court of Alfred the Great who came to the throne as %ing of the &est Saxons, but redefined his title as %ing of the Anglo-Saxons, to mar' his rulership over all free $nglish people! What was Old English? "(ld $nglish" is the name modern scholars give to the language of the Anglo-Saxons, though some scholars use "Anglo-Saxon" to refer to the language as well as the people! &here did the) come from* The simple answer is probably all up and down the North Sea coast, rom !enmar" and rom the northern coasts #in modern terms$ o %ermany, the Netherlands, and &rance' What sort o money did they use ? +rom the middle of the eighth centur), Anglo-Saxon coinage standardi,ed on the silver penn), which was about the si,e of a modern -uarter or ./p piece! +or designs, the coins tended to have the 'ing"s head on the front side, and a pattern with the mone)er"s name around the rim on the bac' side! +ebruar) 01, 2.2# 3eath of %ing 4thelberht of %ent 5e was the first $nglish 'ing to convert to 6hristianit)! 5(7$ Anglo-Saxon houses were built of wood and had thatched roofs! $ach famil) house had one room, with a hearth with a fire for coo'ing, heating and light! A G8(-SA9( ART Before the :th centur), manuscript illumination was the ma;or art in Britain! There were two schools of illumination# one in 6anterbur) and one in orthumbria R< =6 A8>5AB$T -A G<8AR 8$TT$RS +(R7 -the inscriptions were written from right to left

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