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Pinky Mae Portugal PERSEF C38


Professional Etiquette Always stand when being introduced to someone. "Standing helps establish your presence. You make it easy for others to ignore you if you dont stand. If you are caught off guard and cannot rise, you should lean forward to indicate that you would stand, if you could." Always arrive on time. Nothing makes a bad first impression faster than being late. In fact, it is a good idea to arrive a few minutes early to allow for any last minute preparations. Never pull out someone's chair for them. It's okay to hold open a door for your guest, but you shouldn't pull someone's chair out for them regardless of the gender. In a business setting, you should leave those social gender rules behind. "Both men and women can pull out their own chairs." All business introductions are based on power and precedence. The person who holds the highest position in an organization takes the precedence over others who work there. Gender does not affect the order of introductions. The proper way to make introduction is as follows: Mr. /Ms. Greater Authority, may I introduce Mr. /Ms. Lesser Authority. When a client is involved, mention him or her first. If nametags are worn, they should be placed on the right shoulder. The reason for this is that most people are right handed and when people shake hands, using their right hand, this is where the eye can best see the nametag and the name of the person.


II. Social Graces in Fine Dining Do not place any bags, purses, sunglasses, cell phones, or briefcases on the table. Wait for everyone to get their meal before starting to eat. Keep elbows off the table. Dont talk with your mouth full. Once you have used a piece of silverware, never place it back on the table. Place it on the plate or a saucer. Any unused silverware is simply left on the table. Pass salt and pepper togethereven if asked for only one. If you leave the table, excuse yourself and place your napkin on your seat. Do not apply makeup or comb your hair at the table.

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