Dispositor Yogas and Other Houses: Parvata Yoga Su Mo Ju Ve Mer Ra

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Dispositor Yogas Dispositor Yogas Dispositor Yogas Dispositor Yogas

The first four dispositor yogas given: Parvata Yoga, Kahala Yoga,
Parijatha Yoga, and Kalpadruma Yoga are all centered on the lagna
lord, therefore, they further the native in life. The principles
illustrated by these four yogas, however, may be extended to other
house lords as well; these other houses being furthered and a benefit
to the native in the event that their lord's dispositors are well situated
as illustrated by these yogas.
These four yogas can also be considered from each house;
success being attributed to the person ruled by the house from which
the yoga is formed. In this case the angles and trines are counted
from the house in question.

Parvata Yoga
In the horoscope of Motown
musician, Stevie Wonder, the lagna
lord is in the rasi of Venus. Venus, the
dispositor, is in an angle and in
exaltation forming Parvata Yoga.
Qualifying the yoga, it is found that
the lagna lord, Mercury, is unaspected
and alone, therefore, mediocre.
Mercurys dispositor, Venus, though
exalted, is with two malefics, Rahu and
the Moon, and rasi aspected by
another malefic, Ketu. The Parvata Yoga is, therefore, somewhat poorly
disposed and, by itself, cannot give great results.
However, Venus is forming beneficial yogas with
all of Rahu, the Moon and Ketu, and so, even
though the Parvata Yoga itself is not well disposed,
from the age of 13, at the commencement of
Venus dasa, Stevie Wonder has enjoyed musical
fame. The beneficial yogas that Venus is forming
with these malefics are a raja yoga by being the lord
of a trine in an angle with Rahu; a raja yoga by
being a trine lord aspecting Ketu in an angle; and, a
Subha/Asubha Subha/Asubha Subha/Asubha Subha/Asubha Me Me Me Me Ve Ve Ve Ve
Ben/Mal Rasi, 30 30 30
Dignity in Rasi: 60
Ben/Mal Nav. 30 -30 -30
Dignity in Nav.
Vargottama: + 60
Tara, 60: 60 60
Ben. Conjunctions
Mal. Conjunctions -120
Ben. Aspect 42 2
Mal. Aspect -73 -107
Hemmed by Ben.
Hemmed by Mal.
Total Total Total Total 28 -105
Stevie Wonder
May. 13, 1950
16:20 EST
Saginaw, MI
43N25, 83W57
m = M =

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