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Relevant extracurricular activity, achievement or experience * --write in the form of bullet points & limit you answer to maximum

8 points. -co-chair person -brandsale -booksale -FP -SA -Intern -log and ops of feasib -PO Tiktakbo

Motivation to join ASEAN Future Leaders Summit 2013 * Limit your answers to maximum 300 words

Coming from one of the most rural areas in a developing country, I have been exposed to the simplest way of living a person can ever have. I come from Pagsanghan, Samar, a place with no internet connection and telephone lines, a limited TV channel variety, no means of public transportation in town other than walking. Pagsanghan houses one public elementary and high school. Those who can afford send their children to schools in towns two hours away from ours and I am lucky since my parents did it to me. As I began to grow and see that my classmates are just a few minutes away from school, I wondered, Why do people have to leave town just to study? Why cant I be like my classmates who can go home anytime they wanted to? It was that moment that I know I wanted to help build a better education for the people of Pagsanghan. Its my goal to donate computer rooms in both schools in the hope that these can aid in boosting the students love and passion for learning. But to be able to do this, I planned on getting rich first. But this summit changed my mind, it made me believe that at a young age, I will be able to change lives of other people if I just act on it passionately. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. These words from Warren Bennis drives me to join the ASEAN Future Leaders Summit 2013. I want to be part of this summit to be able to not only see different perspectives through different culture interactions but to also find networks. I want to challenge myself of what I can do, with the current knowledge I have plus the additional learning I will gain.

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