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Rodman Reynolds 2231 Grand Ave Everett, WA 98201 425 258 6128 biiru onomu!

"mail#$om %o t&e Everett '$&ool (istri$t )o# 2 *oard o+ (ire$tors, - am submittin" t&e above and +ollo in" in+ormation as$ation +or a..ointment to +ill t&e s$&ool dire$tor .osition va$ated by /e++ery Russell# *io"ra.&i$al '0et$& - as born in 1ouston, %e2as, and resided t&ere until a"e 11, &en - relo$ated to 'an 3arino, 4ali+ornia# A+ter "raduatin" +rom 'an 3arino 1i"& '$&ool in 1988, - attended t&e 5niversity o+ 6ir"inia &ere - re$eived a *A in 4lassi$s7 subse8uently - re$eived an 3A in 4lassi$s +rom t&e 5niversity o+ Was&in"ton# 'in$e t&en - &ave &ad several o$$u.ations, in$ludin" tea$&in" 9atin in t&e $lassroom, sellin" te2tboo0s and $urri$ula to s$&ool distri$ts, and mana"in" data +or .re$lini$al dru" trials# - &ave t o $&ildren $urrently enrolled in Everett :ubli$ '$&ools, a si2t& "rader at )ort& 3iddle, and a se$ond "rader at W&ittier Elementary# Good de$isions made by t&e board ill im.a$t t&em .ositively, &ile bad ones are li0ely to a++e$t t&em ne"atively# -+ t&is $onstitutes a $on+li$t o+ interest, let it no be $onsidered duly dis$losed# 'tatement o+ -nterest -t s&ould be ell 0no n by no t&at - &ave made t o bids already +or a s$&ool dire$tor seat, one very unsu$$ess+ul run in 2011 and t&en a"ain as a $lose runner;u. t&is .ast )ovember# - &ave been $losely +ollo in" t&e a$tions o+ t&e Everett s$&ool board +or t&ree years no # - &ave attended many re"ular and s.e$ial board meetin"s, in$ludin" trainin" sessions +or ne s$&ool dire$tors# -+ - &ave not been able to attend in .erson, -<ve at least read t&e a"endas and "one over t&e minutes# -n .arti$ular - .ay attention to t&e ne .oli$ies or .oli$y revisions in meetin" a"endas, sin$e t&ese are &ere t&e $ru2 o+ t&e +un$tion o+ a "overnin" board lies# - also read materials .ublis&ed by W''(A and t&e )'*A# - also .eruse, .er&a.s less t&orou"&ly, t&e materials issued by WA'A and t&e AA'A, =ust to 0ee. in tou$& it& s$&ool distri$t issues +rom a su.erintendent<s .ers.e$tive# %&in0 &at you ill about t&e o.inions and .ers.e$tives - may land on, - $an<t be a$$used o+ bein" unin+ormed# 3y "uidin" attitude to ard t&e role o+ s$&ool boards and s$&ool dire$tors is elo8uently stated in t&e introdu$tion to t&e "uidan$e issued by W''(A, >?.en :ubli$ 3eetin"s, A Guide +or '$&ool *oard 3embers and 'u.erintendents@ A?$tober 2009 revisionB, Representative democracy relies on the informed trust of the citizens. School board members serve their communities at a crucial place, governing large sums of money and the future of the community's children. Without the informed trust of the citizens, this enterprise will fail. Trust may be lost directly, or through inattention to detail. Cmy em.&asis addedD

As an e2am.le o+ my dedi$ation to t&e buildin" t&e >in+ormed@ trust o+ t&e $itiEens, let me use as an e2am.le my re"ular dissemination o+ t&e su.erintendent<s Friday Re.orts to t&e board# %&ese $onstitute t&e best "eneral resour$e +or t&e re"ular o.erational "oin"s;on in t&e distri$t, mu$& more so t&an t&e 4ommuni$ations (e.artment<s -n%ou$& ne sletters and t&e 8uarterly Everett Schools ne sletter mailed out to residen$es# -n my o.inion, it ould be a "reat servi$e at ne"li"ible $ost to t&e distri$t i+ t&ese Friday Re.orts ere re"ularly .osted on t&e distri$t<s ebsite similar to t&e manner in &i$& 'u.erintendent *anda does it& &is Friday 3emos to t&e board o+ 'eattle :ubli$ '$&ools# 1o ever, sin$e t&is is our su.erintendent<s .rero"ative it&out ot&er ise bein" dire$ted by t&e board, t&e Friday Re.orts ill remain as 8uasi;.rivate $ommuni$ations bet een t&e board and su.erintendent unless mysel+ or ot&er $ommunity member $ontinues to ma0e .ubli$ re$ords re8uests and .ro.a"ate t&em# %&e ot&er lobe o+ >in+ormed trust@ is, o+ $ourse, >trust#@ W&ile trust is an im.ortant .art o+ any +un$tional relations&i., absolute trust $reates an environment o+ .otential +raud, aste, and abuse# -n t&e same vein, any 4E? Aor any ot&er em.loyee, +or t&at matterB &o insists on bein" trusted s&ould be vie ed by &is board it& immediate sus.i$ion# Furt&ermore, &ile t&e su.erintendent does &ave t&e =ob o+ managing t&e +lo o+ in+ormation to t&e board, &e must not &ave t&e dis$retion or aut&ority to control &at in+ormation is or is not .rovided to board members# 1o ever, $urrent board .oli$y establis&es =ust t&at7 t&is .oli$y must be $&an"ed, and $&an"ed immediately# - s&ould devote a +e ords to address $on$erns t&at - may brin" to t&e board be&aviors t&at ill be a sour$e o+ embarrassment# 9et me assure you - ill not# 3y o.inions may not al ays be in a"reement it& ot&er board members, but t&at is =ust a .art o+ re.resentative "overnment# For t&ose &o still &ave $on$erns, - invite you to loo0 to t&e $areer o+ 'aturday )i"&t 9ive $omedian;turned;5';senator Al Fran0en, &ile t&ere ere some &o .ro.&esied t&at &is ele$tion ould brin" not&in" but a $lo n to t&e 5' 'enate, &e &as .roven to be a very serious and e++e$tive senator# W&ile - $annot &onestly disavo t&at -, as a .rivate $itiEen and at$&do", &ave at times been star0, abrasive, $andid, $ontrary, and sar$asti$, ma0e no mista0e t&at - re$o"niEe t&at t&e .osition o+ s$&ool dire$tor is a serious =ob and ill .ursue it it& t&e serious attitude t&at it re8uires and t&e di"nity t&at our $ommunity demands# For t&ose &o may be $on$erned t&at $ivility durin" board meetin"s ill be an issue, as +ar as - am $on$erned t&at .roblem as solved it& t&e de.arture o+ /e++ Russell# - &a..en to li0e all t&e +our sittin" board members and &ave never &ad an e2$&an"e it& any o+ you t&at as anyt&in" but $ivil and $ourteous and - intend to 0ee. it t&at ay, re"ardless o+ t&e sub=e$t o+ dis$ussion# Endorsements - $onsider mysel+ endorsed by t&e 10,586 re"istered voters it&in t&e Everett s$&ool distri$t &o voted +or me in t&e 2013 "eneral ele$tion#

Res.e$t+ully submitted, Rodman Reynolds

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