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Resource List for Social Media 101

Christie Keith In my presentation, I reviewed the absolute basics of using social media for animal welfare and adoption. ere are some additional resources that may be helpful to you. !on"t hesitate to contact me if you have #uestions$

1. More Social Media Resources for Pet Adoption

Webcast: Social Media for Pet Adoption and Adoption Events (Christie Keith) Avoiding the Three iggest Social Media Mista!es "recorded live presentation b# $hristie %eith&
http://youtu be/dEov!oA"#$% Webcast: Social Media for Adoption Events (Christie Keith) %. &eneral 'ocial and (raditional )edia/*+/)arketing +esources &a'an(s P& )aily *f you i'nore every other su''estion * +a$e, ta$e this one: Subscribe to &a'an(s P& )aily ne-sletter Web: http://--- prdaily co+/ .-itter: /Mar$&a'anCE0 1aceboo$: http://--- faceboo$ co+/prdaily E+ail: Mashable co+ A 'reat 'eneral resource on all thin's related to usin' the social -eb, tech, and +ore *f you -ant to narro- your focus, you can follo- individual topic cate'ories 1or e2a+ple: http://+ashable co+/follo-/topics/faceboo$ Web: http://+ashable co+/ .-itter: /Mashable 1aceboo$: https://--- faceboo$ co+/+ashable E+ail: http://+ashable co+/follo-/subscriptions/ 3onprofit .ech 4 5 (Social Media for 3on6Profits) 7eather Mansfield, author of 8Social Media for Social !ood: A 7o-6.o !uide for 3onprofits,8 blo's and shares countless useful resources for anyone tryin' to do a better 9ob pro+otin' their non6profit or'ani"ation in social space Web: http://nonprofitor's -ordpress co+/ .-itter: /nonprofitor's 1aceboo$: https://--- faceboo$ co+/nonprofitor's

E+ail: http://--- diosaco++unications co+/si'nup ht+l Social Media for Pet Adoption and Adoption Events http://--- +addiesfund or'/&esource:;ibrary/Social:Media:for:Adoptions ht+l !ettin' Started in Social Media (<ery =asic =e'inners !uide to 1aceboo$ and .-itter) http://--- +addiesfund or'/)ocu+ents/&esource>45;ibrary/Social>45Media>45=asics pdf Avoidin' the .hree =i''est Social Media Mista$es http://--- +addiesfund or'/&esource:;ibrary/Avoidin':Social:Media:Mista$es ht+l Social Media and Ani+al Welfare http://--- +addiesfund or'/&esource:;ibrary/Social:Media:and:Ani+al:Welfare ht+l %. &etting )ore )edia An *nsider(s !uide to Wor$in' With the Media Part ?: http://--- +addiesfund or'/&esource:;ibrary/An:*nsiders:!uide:to:Wor$in':-ith:the:Media :Part:0ne ht+l Part 4: http://--- +addiesfund or'/&esource:;ibrary/An:*nsiders:!uide:to:Wor$in':-ith:the:Media :Part:.-o ht+l Part #: http://--- +addiesfund or'/&esource:;ibrary/An:*nsiders:!uide:to:Wor$in':-ith:the:Media :Part:.hree ht+l 7o- to +a$e a perfect pitch to a reporter http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/@4AB asp2 C factors that deter+ine -hether a 9ournalist -ill cover your story http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/?5C#? asp2 Why that reporter isn(t callin' you bac$ http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/?5AC4 asp2 ?5 thin's 9ournalists and blo''ers hate http://theabbia'ency -ordpress co+/45?4/5?/4B/dont6be6a6spa++er6?56thin's6 9ournalists6and6blo''ers6hate/ 7o- to en'a'e 9ournalists on social +edia http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/??45D asp2 ?5 -ays to build stron' relationships -ith reporters and blo''ers http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/?5DED asp2 Why you don(t need the press to 'et your -ord out any+ore http://holt" co+/blo'/content6curation/-ho6needs6the6press6to6+a$e6sure6a6press6 release6'ets6the6-ord6out/#A#B/ C reasons your chairty 'ets no press http://--- 9ac$son-i'ht+an co+/45??/5@/C6reasons6your6charity6'ets6no6press/

7o- pitchin' a reporter is li$e datin' http://--- spectru+science co+/blo'/45?4/54/?#/datin'6or6pitchin'6a6post6for6all6of6 the6sin'le6pr6pros/ !ettin' covera'e for your ne-s should be easy http://blo' 9ournalistics co+/45?4/'ettin'6covera'e6for6your6ne-s6should6be6eas/ ,. -acebook (ips Ad Council !uide to Fsin' 1aceboo$(s .i+eline http://--- adlibbin' or'/45?4/5#/5C/ti+eline6ti+e6a6'uide6to6the6ne-6faceboo$6pa'es6 for6nonprofits/ Petfinder Pet ;ist Scroller for 1aceboo$ Pa'es http://--- petfinder co+/ad+in6content/faceboo$scroller ht+l .he Flti+ate !uide to 1aceboo$ 1an En'a'e+ent http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/??54? asp2 1aceboo$(s *ntro to Pa'es https://--- faceboo$ co+/about/pa'es 7o- .o Custo+ )esi'n %our 3on6Profit(s 1aceboo$ .i+eline http://nonprofitor's -ordpress co+/45?4/5#/5C/ho-6to6custo+6desi'n6your6nonprofits6 faceboo$6ti+eline/ 1aceboo$ Cheat Sheet: Si"es and )i+ensions http://--- drea+'ro- co+/faceboo$6cheat6sheet6si"es6and6di+ensions/ What %ou Can ;earn fro+ Celebrities( .i+elines http://--- allfaceboo$ co+/faceboo$6celebrities6ti+elines645?465# .he .op ?5 &easons People Fnfollo- and Fnli$e =rands http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/?5E?C asp2 7o- .o Fse the 3e- 1aceboo$ Ad+in Panel http://+ashable co+/45?4/5#/45/faceboo$6ad+in6panel/ .. (witter (ips 7o- .o !et More Clic$s on .-itter http://dan"arrella co+/info'raphic6ho-6to6'et6+ore6clic$s6on6t-itter ht+l .-itter Enhanced Profiles http://--- businessinsider co+/source6t-itter6-ill6start6to6function6+ore6li$e6 faceboo$6on6feb6?645?46? When Should %ou .-eetG http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/??45@ asp2 Social Media =est Practices: .-eet S+arter http://info coco++unications co+/blo'/bid/?4D?@4/social6+edia6best6practices6t-eet6

s+arterG /. *interest (ips !ettin' %our 3on6Profit Started on Pinterest http://nonprofitor's -ordpress co+/45?4/5?/?D/ho-6to6'et6your6nonprofit6started6on6 pinterest/ B .ypes of =usinesses .hat Should be on Pinterest (includes causes) http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/?5DE5 asp2 What %ou Can ;earn 1ro+ 7o- Whole 1oods Fses Pinterest http://+ashable co+/45?4/54/4#/pinterest6-hole6foods/ .en Strate'ies for 3on6Profits on Pinterest http://+ashable co+/45?4/5#/54/pinterest6strate'ies6non6profits/ 0. 1ou(ube (ips %ou.ube for 3on6Profits http://--- youtube co+/nonprofits Settin' Fp %our 3on6Profit %ou.ube Channel http://--- youtube co+/t/n'o:tips C Ways 3on6Profits Can *ncrease En'a'e+ent With %ou.ube http://+ashable co+/45?5/5#/4D/non6profits6youtube/ 2. (ips for 3ther 'ocial 'ites A =e'inners !uide .o !ettin' %our Cause on *nsta'ra+ http://blo' dutiee co+/a6be'inners6'uide6to6'ettin'6your6cause6on6insta'ra+/ 1orbes: Si2 3e- Social Sites Mar$eters 3eed to Knohttp://--- forbes co+/sites/ciocentral/45??/??/4E/si26ne-6social6sites6+ar$eters6 need6to6$no-/4/ D &easons Why Addin' !oo'leH to %our Web Presence I SE0 Strate'y is a !ood *dea http://blo's i+ediaconnection co+/blo'/45?4/5?/4D/D6reasons6to6add6'oo'le6to6your6 -eb6presence6seo6strate'y/ B Ways to =oost %our SE0 With !oo'leH http://+ashable co+/45?4/54/?5/seo6'oo'le6plus/ !oo'leH for 3on6Profits http://blo' 'oo'le or'/45??/??/'oo'le6pa'es6no-6available6for6all ht+l 4. Crisis *+ 70W .0: &espond to &ants I 0ther Criticis+ on the Social Web http://--- interactiveinsi'hts'roup co+/blo'?/ho-6to6respond6to6ne'ativity6and6 criticis+6on6the6social6-eb/ P& )isasters Averted: @ Cases of Stron' Crisis Mana'e+ent

http://--- prdaily co+/Main/Articles/????? asp2 Crisis P& for Ani+al Shelters http://--- +addiesfund or'/&esource:;ibrary/Crisis:P&:for:Ani+al:Shelters ht+l

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