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TO: National Library of Israel RE: Documents of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1 !

" # 1 "$ % The documents donated to the Library today came to my possession from my Grandmother, the late Irene Zernik (born Schimek), born June 2 , ! "! in #erlin, Germany, deceased September !$, !"%" in &aifa, Israel' The documents (ere stored in the book )The Sabbath*, by +abbi &eschel, published in !",!, -y Grandmother (as a representati.e of the educated German/Je(ish community of pre/0orld 0ar II #erlin' She (as the dau1hter of an industrialist, educated in Germany and 2rance' 2ar remo.ed from traditional Judaism, her life/lon1 interests (ere In music, art, and history of reli1ions' Therefore, her lon1 friendship (ith +abbi &eschel is of particular interest' It started in #erlin before the 0ar, and accordin1 to my Grandmother +abbi &eschel also .isited her in Israel after the 0ar' The photo1raph is probably the oldest item, datin1 to pre/0ar #elrin' It (as probably placed in one of the small metal frames, (ith other photo1raphs of family and close friends on my Grandmother3s stationary' The letter, dated 4o.ember 5, !"$5, is notable for its close personal tone' The .isitin1 card (ith the inscription )0ith (armest re1ards* probably came (ith the book itself around !",!' It should be noted that all (ritin1 by +abbi &eschel is in 6n1lish, althou1h their common lan1ua1e before the (ar (as German, in line (ith +abbi &eschel3s decision not to (rite in German after his fli1ht to the 7nited States' 8ther friends of my Grandmother, (hom +abbi &eschel (as likely to ha.e been ac9uainted (ith, included, +echa 2reier : in #erlin and in Israel, and 6n;o Sereni : in #erlin' +udi Lehmann and &ed(i1 Grossman (ere also t(o of her close friends in Israel' 4o.ember !$, 2<!=

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joseph Zernik, ?h@ &uman +i1hts Alert (4G8) 8ccupy Tel/A.i.

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