Rules and Regulations For Seed Reading Competition

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RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SEED READING COMPETITION 1. Each class is required t se!d " #artici#a!

ts t ta$e #art i! the c %#etiti !. Failure & se!di!' less tha! " #artici#a!ts (ill resulted i! disquali&icati ! & the (h le class. ). Partici#a!ts are required t dra( l ts t ch % r!i!' asse%*l+. ". Stude!ts, readi!' e-aluati ! is as & ll (. Pr !u!ciati ! E!u!ciati ! I!t !ati ! 1 Flue!c+ T tal /10 /10 /10 /"0 se the article t *e read duri!' the

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