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Speeches and Talk

Steps Greet the audience Examples Good Morning, boys and girls Boys and girls, a very good morning to you. Good Morning to the Principal, teachers and friends Good Morning to our Principal, Senior Assistants, teachers and friends I am Dr Shazwan to give you all a tal on the topic ! "ental #are$ As the President of the En ironment !lub of our school As the "ead Prefect of our school I am here to give you all a tal on the topic ! Dental care$ %oday, I &ould li e to give you all some useful tips on what you should do during the school holidays In con'unction &ith (orld )nvironment "ay, *ur school is organi+ing #ecycling week. ,et me tell you a-out the aims and acti ities of #ecycling $eek. %his morning , I &ould li e to refresh your memory a-out our school regulations. I feel honoured to tal to you a-out ways of conser ing water I &ish to give a tal on why road accidents occur and the ways to reduce them %he purpose of my tal today is to make you all realize the importance of caring for your teeth and the steps you should take% %his day is an opportunity for us to raise en ironmental awareness and to encourage action to safeguard the en ironment /irstly, you must brush your teeth after e ery meal. Ma e sure you brush your teeth using a good brush% %han you very much for your attention. %han you for your ind attention

Introduce yourself to the audience (your name, position held, department attached to) Introduce topic

Purpose of speech

Main points and their ela-oration (facts, figures, e.ample) Ending & thank the audience

szab, SMKSP

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