Hear What Supporters Are Saying About Greta Bergstrom - .

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HearWhat Supporters Are SayingAbout GretaBergstrom. . .

"Gretaunderstands that the next staterepresentative for 648 hasthe responsibility to providethe economic and educational opportunities that makeit possrb/e for low-income and middle-class famrTr'es to prosper.Sheknowsthat future improving the livesof all peopleis the key to Sf. Paul'sand Minnesofa's and will be a strongvoiceat the Capitolforall." Jay Benanav, FormerSt. PaulCity Gouncilmember "l haveknownGretafor a numberof years,in ottr local DFL and as a longtime customer at my sfore.As a smallbusiness ownerin 648,I knowGretawillbe a legislatorwho is accessib/e and will workto level the playingfield for small busrness ownersat the Capitol.She has my full support." Owner, Poppy Jill Henderson, "Whenpushcomesto shovein legislative fights- and it will- you wantGreta in overcoming Bergstrom in your corner.She'sa bold progressive experienced challenges and will be a leaderat the Capitolfor 648 and our state." MattWells,formerPresident, Community Council Mac-Groveland "Asan activeparentat Randolph HeightsElementary, I trustGretawill be a strongthinkerto benefitkids and families- not justin our districtbut throughout growth,opportunity the state* ensuringeducational and equityfor all." Margelsom,Parent,RandolphHeightsElementary "Gretaunderstands how to take big ideasand turn theminto winners." Ted Davis,DavisGommunications "Gretahas seled our DFLparty for two decadesin electiveand volunteer capacities. She'sbeenin the trenchesfightingfor progressive candidates and causesthat havemadea real difference for Minnesotans." DFLActivist Beth Commers,

Prepared & paidfor by Greta Bergstrom for 648,1362Sargent Ave,St. Paul, MN55105 printed Labor donated, in house.

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