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1977 World Evangelism, Inc. Printed in U. S. A.

The English version of the ld Testament !as translated directl" from the original #e$re! in !hich it !as !ritten. %ater &ree' $ecame the c(lt(ral lang(age of the )e!s. An im*ortant translation of the #e$re! ld Testament !as made into the &ree' lang(age. This !as called the Se*t(agint, $eca(se the translation !as made $" 7+ scholarl" #e$re!s. This &ree' translation or version of the ld Testament !as !idel" (sed $" the )e!s at the time the ,e! Testament !as !ritten. The &ree' !ord for -essiah or Mashiah .anointed/ is Christos, and is translated 0hrist. The &ree' for Jehoshua or Jeshua is Iesous, and is translated )es(s, !hich means 1)ehovah saves.1 #ence the #e$re! name for )es(s 0hrist is reall" Jeshua-Hamashiah. This leads (s to the name of this message, Jeshua-Hamashia. )es(s 0hrist the *hiloso*her2 r the Mashiah, the Anointed ne, the #o*e of Israel2 %et (s consider intelligentl" ld Testament *ro*hecies of the -essiah, and in consideration of these *ages if 0hrist .Who 3+++ "ears ago laid claim to $eing the -essiah, the *romised ne of Israel/ came as *ro*hesied, lived and died as *ro*hesied4 !e m(st then acce*t in o(r

minds and hearts the tr(e facts of #is $eing the tr(e -essiah. P($lished $" World Evangelism, Inc. San 5iego, 0A

1. MESSIAH LIKE ALL PEOPLE WAS TO BE THE SEED OF A WOMAN. ,ote6 0ontrar" to *o*(lar $elief and longing of the de*ressed )e!s of 7i$le da"s, !ho "earned for freedom and a might" deliverer, this -essiah !as not to dro* o(t of heaven as a general, $(t !as to come from the $r(ised seed of a !oman. This is hard fact to acce*t4 ho!ever, if !e $elieve the ld Testament !riting, !e m(st clear this tho(ght (**ermost, for this la"s the fo(ndation for f(t(re *ro*hecies. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. &enesis :61; 1And 1 !ill *(t enmit" $et!een thee and the !oman, and $et!een th" seed and her seed4 it shall $r(ise th" head, and tho( shalt $r(ise his heel.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. &alatians =6=. 17(t !hen the f(llness of the time !as come, &od sent forth his Son, made of a !oman, made (nder the la!,1 2. HE WAS THE PROMISED SEED OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. &enesis 1>61>. 1Seeing that A$raham shall

s(rel" $ecome a great and might" nation, and all the nations of the earth shall $e $lessed in him21 &enesis 17619. 1And &od said, Sarah th" !ife shall $ear thee a son indeed4 and tho( shalt call his name Isaac6 and I !ill esta$lish m" covenant !ith him for an everlasting covenant, and !ith his seed after him.1 ,(m$ers 3=617. 1I shall see him, $(t not no!6 I shall $ehold him, $(t not nigh6 there shall come a Star o(t of )aco$, and a Sce*tre shall rise o(t of Israel1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. Acts :63; 19e are the children of the *ro*hets, and of the covenant !hich &od made !ith o(r fathers, sa"ing (nto A$raham, And in th" seed shall all the 'indreds of the earth $e $lessed.1 -atthe! 163. 1A$raham $egat Isaac6 and Isaac $egat )aco$4 and )aco$ $egat )(das and his $rethren41 %('e :6:=. 1Which !as the son of )aco$, !hich !as the son of Isaac, !hich !as the son of A$raham, !hich !as the son of Thara, !hich !as the son of ,achor,1

3. MESSIAH WAS TO BE BORN IN BETHLEHEM. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. -icah ;63 17(t tho(, 7ethlehem E*hratah, tho(gh tho( $e little among the tho(sands of )(dah, "et o(t of thee shall he come forth (nto me that is to $e r(ler in Israel4 !hose goings forth have $een from of old, from everlasting.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 361. 1,o! !hen )es(s !as $orn in 7ethlehem of )(daea in the da"s of #erod the 'ing, $ehold, there came !ise men from the east to )er(salem,1 4. MESSIAH WAS TO BE BORN OF A VIRGIN. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah 761=. 1Therefore the %ord himself shall give "o( a sign4 7ehold, a virgin shall conceive, and $ear a son, and shall call his name Imman(el.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 161>. 1,o! the $irth of )es(s 0hrist !as on this !ise6 When as his mother -ar" !as es*o(sed to )ose*h, $efore the"

came together, she !as fo(nd !ith child of the #ol" &host.1 5. AS A BABE HE TOOK FLIGHT TO EGYPT. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. #osea 1161. 1When Israel !as a child, then I loved him, and called m" son o(t of Eg"*t.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 361=. 1When he arose, he too' the "o(ng child and his mother $" night, and de*arted into Eg"*t61 . MESSIAH WAS TO BE A PROPHET LIKE UNTO MOSES. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 5e(teronom" 1>61;. 1The %ord !ill raise (* (nto thee a Pro*het midst of thee, of th" $rethren, li'e (nto him "e shall hear'en41 P#E09. th" &od from the (nto me4

,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn ?61=. 1Then those men, !hen the" had seen the miracle that )es(s did, said, This is of a tr(th that *ro*het that sho(ld come into the !orld.1 !. MESSIAH WAS TO BE A PRIEST


LIKE UNTO MELCHI"EDEK. Psalm 11+6=. 1The %ord hath s!orn, and !ill not re*ent, Tho( art a *riest for ever after the order of -elchi@ede'.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. #e$re!s ?63+. 1Whither the forer(nner is for (s entered, even )es(s, made an high *riest for ever after the order of -elchisedec.1 #. MESSIAH WAS TO MINISTER IN THE REGION PROPHESIED, GALILEE. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah 961, 3. 1,evertheless the dimness shall not $e s(ch as !as in her veAation, !hen at the first he lightl" afflicted the land of Be$(l(n and the land of ,a*htali, and after!ard did more grievo(sl" afflict her $" the !a" of the sea, $e"ond )ordan, in &alilee of the nations. The *eo*le that !al'ed in dar'ness have seen a great light6 the" that d!ell in the land of the shado! of death, (*on them hath the light shined.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! =613C1?. 1,o! !hen )es(s had heard that )ohn !as cast into *rison, he

de*arted into &alilee4 And leaving ,a@areth, he came and d!elt in 0a*erna(m, !hich is (*on the sea coast, in the $orders of Ba$(lon and ,e*hthalim6 That it might $e f(lfilled !hich !as s*o'en $" Esaias the *ro*het, sa"ing, The land of Ba$(lon, and the land of ,e*hthalim, $" the !a" of the sea, $e"ond )ordan, &alilee of the &entiles4 DThe *eo*le !hich sat in dar'ness sa! great light4 and to them !hich sat in the region and shado! of death light is s*r(ng (*.E1 $. SOME OF CHARACTERISTICS. MESSIAH%S

%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah 1163.1 And the s*irit of the %ord shall rest (*on him, the s*irit of !isdom and (nderstanding, the s*irit of co(nsel and might, the s*irit of 'no!ledge and of the fear of the %ord41 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. %('e 36;3. 1And )es(s increased in !isdom and stat(re, and in favo(r !ith &od and man.1 1&. MESSIAH WAS TO JERUSALEM IN TRIUMPH. ENTER


%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Bechariah 969. 18eFoice greatl", da(ghter, of Bion4 sho(t, da(ghter of )er(salem6 $ehold, th" Ging cometh (nto thee6 he is F(st, and having salvation4 lo!l", and riding (*on an ass, and (*on a colt the foal of an ass.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn 1361:,1=. 1Too' $ranches of *alm trees, and !ent forth to meet him, and cried, #osanna6 7lessed is the Ging of Israel that cometh in the name of the %ord. And )es(s, !hen he had fo(nd a "o(ng ass, sat thereon4 as it is !ritten.1 11. MESSIAH WAS TO BE REJECTED BY HIS OWN PEOPLE. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah ;:6:. 1#e is des*ised and reFected of men4 a man of sorro!s, and acH(ainted !ith grief6 and !e hid as it !ere o(r faces from him4 he !as des*ised, and !e esteemed him not.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn 1611. 1#e came (nto his o!n, and his o!n received him not.1


12. MESSIAH WAS TO BE BETRAYED BY ONE OF HIS OWN CLOSE FOLLOWERS AND FRIENDS. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm =169. 19ea, mine o!n familiar friend in !hom I tr(sted, !hich did eat of m" $read, hath lifted (* his heel against me.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -ar' 1=61+. 1And )(das Iscariot, one of the t!elve, !ent (nto the chief *riests, to $etra" him (nto them.1 13. MESSIAH WAS TO BE SOLD FOR 3& PIECES OF SILVER. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Bechariah 11613. 1And I said (nto them, If "e thin' good, give me m" *rice4 and if not, for$ear. So the" !eighed for m" *rice thirt" *ieces of silver.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 3?61;. 1And said (nto them, What !ill "e give me, I !ill deliver him (nto "o(2 And the" covenanted !ith him for thirt" *ieces of silver.1 14. MESSIAH IS TO BE ACCUSED BY FALSE WITNESSES.


%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm 37613. 15eliver me not over (nto the !ill of mine enemies6 for false !itnesses are risen (* against me, and s(ch as $reathe o(t cr(elt".1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 3?6?+C?1. 17(t fo(nd none6 "ea tho(gh man" false !itnesses came, "et fo(nd the" none. At the last came t!o false !itnesses, And said, this fello! said, I am a$le to destro" the tem*le of &od, and to $(ild it in three da"s.1 15. MESSIAH WAS TO WITHOUT A CAUSE. BE HATED

%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm ?96=. 1The" that hate me !itho(t a ca(se are more than hairs of mine head6 the" that !o(ld destro" me, $eing mine enemies !rongf(ll", are might"6 then I restored that !hich I too' not a!a".1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn 1;63:C3;. 1#e that hateth me hateth m" <ather also. If I had not done among them the !or's !hich none other man did, the" had not sin6 $(t no! have the" $oth seen and hated $oth me and m" <ather. 7(t


this cometh to *ass, that the !ord might $e f(lfilled that is !ritten in their la!, The" hated me !itho(t a ca(se.1 1 . MESSIAH WAS TO BE BEFORE HIS ACCUSERS. SILENT

%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah ;:67. 1#e !as o**ressed, and he !as afflicted, "et he o*ened not his mo(th6 he is $ro(ght as a lam$ to the sla(ghter, and as a shee* $efore her shearers is d(m$, so he o*eneth not his mo(th.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 3?6?3, ?:. 1And the high *riest arose, and said (nto him, Ans!ereth tho( nothing2 !hat is it !hich these !itness against thee2 7(t )es(s held his *eace. And the high *riest ans!ered and said (nto him, I adF(re thee $" the living &od, that tho( tell (s !hether tho( $e the 0hrist, the Son of &od.1 1!. MESSIAH WAS TO BE SMITTEN AND SPAT UPON BY HIS ENEMIES. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah ;+6?. 1I gave m" $ac' to the smiters, and m" chee's to them that *l(c'ed off the


hair6 I hid not m" face from shame and s*itting.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -ar' 1=6?;. 1And some $egan to s*it on him, and to cover his face, and to $(ffet him, and to sa" (nto him, Pro*hes"6 and the servants did stri'e him !ith the *alms of their hands.1 1#. MESSIAH WAS VICARIOUSLY. TO SUFFER

%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah ;:6=, ;. 1S(rel" he hath $orne o(r griefs, and carried o(r sorro!s6 "et !e did esteem his stric'en, smitten of &od, and afflicted. 7(t he !as !o(nded for o(r transgressions, he !as $r(ised for o(r iniH(ities6 the chastisement of o(r *eace !as (*on him4 and !ith his stri*es !e are healed.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! >61?C17. 1And !hen the even !as come, the" $ro(ght (nto him man" that !ere *ossessed !ith devils6 and he cast o(t the s*irits !ith his !ord, and healed all that !ere sic'6 That it might $e f(lfilled !hich !as s*o'en $" Esaias the *ro*het, sa"ing,


#imself too' o(r infirmities, and $are o(r sic'nesses.1 1$. MESSIAH WAS TO BE MOCKED AND TAUNTED. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm 336?C>. 17(t I am a !orm, and no man4 a re*roach of men, and des*ised of the *eo*le. All the" that see me la(gh me to scorn6 the" shoot o(t the li*, the" sha'e the head, sa"ing, #e tr(sted on the %ord that he !o(ld deliver him6 let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 376:9C=+. 1And the" that *assed $" reviled him, !agging their heads, And sa"ing, Tho( that destro"est the tem*le, and $(ildest it in three da"s, save th"self. If tho( $e the Son of &od, come do!n from the cross.1 2&. MESSIAH WAS TO SUFFER WITH TRANSGRESSORS AND PRAY FOR HIS ENEMIES. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah ;:613. 1Therefore !ill I divide him a *ortion !ith the great, and he shall divide


the s*oil !ith the strong4 $eca(se he hath *o(red o(t his so(l (nto death6 and he !as n(m$ered !ith the transgressors4 and he $are the sin of man", and made intercession for the transgressors.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 376:>. 1Then !ere there t!o thieves cr(cified !ith him, one on the right hand, and another on the left.1 21. MESSIAH%S HANDS AND FEET WERE TO BE PIERCED. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm 3361?. 1<or dogs have com*assed me6 the assem$l" of the !ic'ed have enclosed me6 the" *ierced m" hands and m" feet.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn 3+637. 1Then saith he to Thomas, 8each hither th" finger, and $ehold m" hands4 and reach hither th" hand, and thr(st it into m" side6 and $e not faithless, $(t $elieving.1 22. MESSIAH WAS TO BE GIVEN GALL AND VINEGAR. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm ?9631. 1The" gave me also gall for


m" meat4 and in m" thirst the" gave me vinegar to drin'.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn 19639 1,o! there !as set a vessel f(ll of vinegar6 and the" filled a s*onge !ith vinegar, and *(t it (*on h"sso*, and *(t it to his mo(th.1 23. MESSIAH WAS TO HEAR PROPHETIC WORDS REPEATED IN MOCKERY. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm 336>. 1#e tr(sted on the %ord that he !o(ld deliver him6 let him, deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 376=:. 1#e tr(sted in &od4 let him deliver him no!, if he !ill have him6 for he said, I am the Son of &od. 1 24. MESSIAH%S SIDE TO BE PIERCED. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Bechariah 1361+. 1And I !ill *o(r (*on the ho(se of 5avid, and (*on the inha$itants of )er(salem, the s*irit of grace and of s(**lications6 and the" shall loo' (*on me !hom the" have *ierced, and the" shall


mo(rn for him, as one mo(meth for his onl" son, and shall $e in $itterness for him, as one that is in $itterness of his first$orn.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn 196:=. 17(t one of the soldiers !ith a s*ear *ierced his side, and forth!ith came there o(t $lood and !ater.1 25. MESSIAH WAS CRUCIFI'ION. TO DIE BY

%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm 3361=,1?C17. 1I am *o(red o(t li'e !ater, and all m" $ones are o(t of Foint6 m" heart is li'e !aA4 it is melted in the midst of m" $o!els. <or dogs have com*assed me6 the assem$l" of the !ic'ed have inclosed me6 the" *ierced m" hands and m" feet, I ma" tell all m" $ones6 the" loo' and stare (*on me.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 376:1. 1And after that the" moc'ed him, the" too' the ro$e from him, and *(t his o!n raiment on him, and led him a!a" to cr(cif" him.1 2 . THEY WERE TO CAST LOTS FOR MESSIAH%S GARMENTS.


%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm 3361>. 1The" *art m" garments among them, and cast lots (*on m" vest(re.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -ar' 1;63=. 1And !hen the" had cr(cified him, the" *arted his garments, casting lots (*on them, !hat ever" man sho(ld ta'e.1 2!. MESSIAH%S BONES WERE NOT TO BE BROKEN. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm :=63+. 1#e 'ee*eth all his $ones6 not one of them is $ro'en.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn 196::. 17(t !hen the" came to )es(s, and sa! that he !as dead alread", the" $ra'e not his legs.1 2#. MESSIAH WAS TO BE BURIED WITH THE RICH. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah ;:69. 1And he made his grave !ith the !ic'ed, and !ith the rich in his death4 $eca(se he had done no violence, neither !as an" deceit in his mo(th.1


,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 376;7C?+. 1When the even !as come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea named )ose*h, !ho also himself !as )es(sI disci*le6 #e !ent to Pilate, and $egged the $od" of )es(s. Then Pilate commanded the $od" to $e delivered. And !hen )ose*h had ta'en the $od", he !ra**ed it in a clean linen cloth, And laid it in his o!n ne! tom$, !hich he had he!n o(t in the roc'...1 2$. MESSIAH WAS TO SACRIFICE FOR SIN. DIE AS A

%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah ;:6;,?,>, 1+C13. 17(t he !as !o(nded for o(r transgression, he !as $r(ised for o(r iniH(ities6 the chastisement of o(r *eace !as (*on him4 and !ith his stri*es !e are healed. All !e li'e shee* have gone astra"4 !e have t(rned ever" one to his o!n !a"4 and the %ord hath laid on him the iniH(it" of (s all... for the transgression of m" *eo*le !as he stric'en... !hen tho( shalt ma'e his so(l an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall *rolong his da"s, and the *leas(re of the %ord shall *ros*er in his hand.... he shall


$ear their iniH(ities... and he $are the sin of man".1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. )ohn 1639. 1...7ehold the %am$ of &od, !hich ta'eth a!a" the sins of the !orld.1 3&. MESSIAH WAS TO BE RAISED FROM THE DEAD. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm 1?61+. 1<or tho( !ilt not leave m" so(l in hell4 neither !ilt tho( s(ffer thine #ol" ne to see corr(*tion.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. -atthe! 3>69. 1And as the" !ent to tell his disci*les, $ehold, )es(s met them, sa"ing, All hail. And the" came and held him $" the feet, and !orshi**ed him.1 31. MESSIAH WAS TO ASCEND TO THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm ?>61>. 1Tho( hast ascended on high, tho( hast led ca*tivit" ca*tive6 tho( hast received gifts for men4 "ea, for the re$ellio(s also, that the %ord &od might d!ell among them. 1


,EW TESTA-E,T <U%<I%%-E,T. %('e 3=6;+, ;1. 1And he led them o(t as far as to 7ethan", and he lifted (* his hands, and $lessed them, And it came to *ass, !hile he $lessed them, he !as *arted from them, and carried (* into heaven. 1

W()* W+, T() M),,-+( T. C./)0 According to the Pro*het, 5aniel, the -essiah !as to come $efore the destr(ction of the second tem*le at )er(salem. #ere is the *rediction6

D+*-)1%, P2.3()45
1...shall -essiah $e c(t off, $(t not for himself6 and the *eo*le of the *rince that shall come shall destro" the cit" and the sanct(ar"41 5aniel 963?. -essiah came, and !as 1c(t off 1as foretold4 soon after!ard 1the cit"1 of )er(salem and 1the sanct(ar" 1of the Tem*le !ere destro"ed $" 1the *eo*le of the *rince....1 Tit(s and his 8oman legions,


in A. 5. 7+, *recisel" as *redicted long cent(ries $efore $" 5aniel the *ro*het. A0TS 1+6=:6 1T #I- &IJE A%% T#E P8 P#ETS WIT,ESS, T#AT T#8 U&# #IS ,A-E W# S EJE8 7E%IEJET# I, #I- S#A%% 8E0EIJE 8E-ISSI , < SI,S.1 <or 3+++ "ears, men, nations, and 'ingdoms have tried to dis*rove the claims of Jeshua-Hamashiah, 1)es(s 0hrist,1 to the -essiahshi* #e *roved. It had stood ever" test4 $een tried in the fire of life and $itter conflicts. 9et no other individ(al or *o!er has affected the !hole of h(manit" and civili@ation as this Person, for "o( see #e !as more than F(st the *hiloso*her4 #e !as the -essiah. f co(rse, it is to $e noted, that these are onl" some of man" ld Testament *ro*hecies of the -essiah, that he clearl" f(lfilled in 1Iesous10hrist. With these I add a fe! !ords of m" o!n6 ta'e "o(r ld Testament and search the Scri*t(res, for in them "o( !ill find life, and "o(r -ESSIA#. It is m" sincere *ra"er that after gen(ine consideration of the aforementioned "o(


!ill receive this Jeshua-Hamashiah, )es(s 0hrist, as "o(r #o*e, 8edeemer, and -essiah.


1. MESSIAH IS TO COME IN THE CLOUDS OF GLORY. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. 5aniel 761:, 1=. 1I sa! in the night visions, and, $ehold, one li'e the Son of man came !ith the clo(ds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of da"s, and the" $ro(ght him near $efore him. And there !as given him dominion, and glor", and a 'ingdom, that all *eo*le, nations, and lang(ages, sho(ld serve him6 his dominion is an everlasting dominion, !hich shall not *ass a!a", and his 'ingdom that !hich shall not $e destro"ed.1 NEW TESTAMENT PARALLEL. M+66()7 2483&. 1And then shall a**ear the sign of the Son of man in heaven6 and then shall all tri$es of the earth mo(rn, and the" shall see the Son of man coming in the


clo(ds of heaven !ith *o!er and great glor".1 ,ote6 -atthe! 3;631, 3?63=. 2. MESSIAH IS TO SIT THRONE OF DAVID. ON THE

%5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Isaiah 96?, 7. 1<or (nto (s a child is $orn, (nto (s a son is given6 and the government shall $e (*on his sho(lder6 and his name shall $e called Wonderf(l, 0o(nsellor, The -ight" &od, The everlasting <ather, The Prince of Peace. f the increase of his government and *eace there shall $e no end, (*on the throne of 5avid, and (*on his 'ingdom, to order it, and to esta$lish it !ith F(dgment and !ith F(stice from henceforth even for ever. The @eal of the %ord of hosts !ill *erform this.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T PA8A%%E%6 %('e 16:3, ::. 1#e shall $e great, and shall $e called the Son of the #ighest6 and the %ord &od shall give (nto him the throne of his father 5avid6 And he shall reign over the ho(se of )aco$ forever4 and of his 'ingdom there shall $e no end. 1


3. MESSIAH IS TO REIGN OVER ALL THE EARTH. %5 TESTA-E,T P8 P#E09. Psalm 736>, 11. 1#e shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from river (nto the ends of the earth. 9ea, all 'ings shall fall do!n $efore him6 all nations shall serve him.1 ,EW TESTA-E,T PA8A%%E%6 Phili**ians 369C11. 1Wherefore &od also hath highl" eAalted him, and given him a name !hich is a$ove ever" name6 That at the name of )es(s ever" 'nee sho(ld $o!, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things (nder the earth4 And that ever" tong(e sho(ld confess that )es(s 0hrist is %ord, to the glor" of &od the <ather.1 #e$re!s 16>. K7(t (nto the Son he saith, Th" throne, &od, is for ever and ever6 a sce*tre of righteo(sness is the sce*tre for th" 'ingdom.L


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