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(Company No: 367474 V) CHALLENGING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN SIRIM BERHAD SIRIM Berhad is a well es!a"lished #orpora!e en!i!

!y responsi"le !o lead and enhan#e !e#hnolo$y and %&ali!y in Malaysia' (e &r$en!ly see) %&ali*ied and dynami# pro*essionals who are ready *or a #hallen$in$ #areer !o +oin &s as: RESEARCHER (CONTRACT) POSITION GRADE 20 BIOMASS ENERGY SECTION RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION DIVISION BASED IN SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR ,s an ,sso#ia!e Resear#her- !he in#&m"en! par!i#ipa!es &nder *&ll $&idan#e o* his.her /ro+e#! 0eader in !he implemen!a!ion o* R12 pro+e#! and #ons&l!an#y pro+e#! on !he area o* "iomass rela!ed renewa"le ener$y !o *&l*ill !he o"+e#!i3es o* Renewa"le 4ner$y Resear#h Cen!re'

RESPONSIBILITIES: /ar!i#ipa!es &nder $&idan#e in !he implemen!a!ion o* spe#i*i# R12 and #ons&l!an#y a#!i3i!ies in renewa"le ener$y area and rela!ed dis#ipline !o ens&re ma5im&m e5pos&re and !rans*er o* )nowled$e and awareness o* !he 3ario&s aspe#!s o* !he !e#hnolo$y "&siness' ,s a new resear#her- #on!in&o&sly s!ri3es !o &p$rade his s)ill in renewa"le ener$y and rela!ed dis#iplines' Be responsi"le and a##ep!s #oa#hin$ "y o!her resear#hers !o de3elop )nowled$e and s)ill in !he )ey !e#hnolo$y areas o* renewa"le ener$y' Sys!ema!i#ally do#&men!s all R12 wor)s and o!her assi$ned !as)' REQUIREMENTS: /ossess a minim&m de$ree in 4n$ineerin$- ,$ri#&l!&ral- Bio!e#hnolo$y or rela!ed S#ien#e dis#ipline' 6nowled$e in !he "asi# #on#ep!s o* renewa"le ener$y espe#ially in "io$as prod&#!ion and "iomass'

/a$e 7 o* 8

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