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what about the fact that IMI mini carbine barrels dont have "B"?

There is a gap (1) that when you push the barrel forward out of the restriction ring you can wiggle it from side to side in that gap!!! there is currently no support here!!! the only support is the restriction ring area (")! #es I $now that semi Mini carbine barrels do not have "B" which is a bad thing if you don%t have the ring! &onsidering that in this country all transferrable '( Mini%s are conversions there is a good possibility that the ring is not present or that the ring can be removed with no legal issues! (lso since the semi and )M* trunions have the same I+T,-+(. dimensions they both can accept barrels that have "B"! +ote that /ector used full si0e 12I trunions in their Mini builds (ones made from *roup receivers not the /ector3IMI Mini builds)! The only time that I%ve seen issues with having the "B" are some /ector )emi Mini%s built from re4welded *roup receivers where the ring was not welded in with the proper alignment! Then it would get stuc$! Ta$e the same barrel and drop it in an IMI Mini carbine with the ring and it would go in fine! 555555555555555555

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