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A Monologue By Mindy Jones copyright (c) 2001 Mindy Jones Crazy? Define crazy A! " crazy? Do " loo# crazy to you? Do you #no$ $hat crazy is? %o$ $ould you #no$ $hat crazy is? %a&e you e&er 'een crazy? "(&e ne&er 'een crazy " don(t #no$ $hat crazy is A! " crazy? )hy do you thin# "(! crazy? Just 'ecause of $hat happened to !e? Do you e&en #no$ $hat happened to !e* Doctor? +r do you ,ust #no$ $hat it says on that paper? -.ost t$o children in fire - " #no$ $hat it says* and " #no$ $hat it !eans Do you #no$ $hat it !eans? %o$ could you? )ere you there that day? Did you see !y life go to hell in a !atter of seconds? Did you e&er see !y girls* /0/1? 2hen ho$ do you #no$ $hat happened to !e? %as it e&er happened to you? " don(t thin# so 3o$ let !e help you understand that paper a little 'it 'etter " had e&erything anyone could e&er $ant4 a lo&ing hus'and* a 'eautiful house and $onderful children " had !y t$o little t$ins* Maggie and Betty5 they could 'righten up the $orst days (Beat) 2hen ca!e the fire "t all happened so fast* it see!s li#e a drea! " $ish it $ere a drea! 2hen " $ouldn(t ha&e to deal $ith this pain of realizing that they are gone fore&er 'ecause of !e6 " found the girls upstairs playing $ith a 'o7 of !atches* " too# the !atches and hid the! " #no$ " did But " !ust ha&e !issed one )e all $ent do$n for naps* and " actually fell asleep* $hich is $eird 'ecause " ne&er sleep during the day " $o#e up to !y oldest daughter* 8usan* the house $as on fire " ran for the stairs +n !y $ay up the stairs they collapsed* and " 'ro#e !y ar! " #ept trying to get out of there and up to !y 'a'ies* 'ut " couldn(t get out $ith only one good ar! " could here the girls screa!ing and crying "t 'ro#e !y heart* 'ut then " realize that $as !usic to !y ears co!pared to $hat " heard ne7t silence )hen they stopped crying " " #ne$ the fire had got the! " started screa!ing li#e " $as crazy " screa!ed their na!es* 'egging the! to start crying again* anything to let !e #no$ they $ere ali&e* (pause) 'ut " ne&er heard the! cry again 3o$* a! " crazy Doctor? )hat is crazy? Define crazy "s it crazy loosing your children in a fire you could ha&e pre&ented ,ust 'y chec#ing their poc#ets or the floor for that one little !atch you !issed* or 'y e7plaining a little 'it !ore a'out ho$ dangerous it is to play $ith fire? "s that crazy? 3o* 'ut do you #no$ $hat is? 2hey found the 'odies of !y innocent 'a'ies 'ehind the furnace 2he furnace6 " didn(t e&en thin# that a rat could fit

'ehind the furnace* 'ut there they $ere* huddled together $ith their ar!s $rapped around each other* trying to protect each other for! the fla!es )%9 2%/M? )%9 3+2 M/? " a! old6 "(&e li&ed a long enough life6 2hey $eren(t e&en three years old yet6 " #no$ $hat you(re thin#ing no$ 9ou thin# "(! crazy* 'ut $hat is crazy? )here is crazy? )hen is crazy? )hy do you thin# you can tell people they are crazy? %o$ do you define crazy? )ho is crazy* Doctor? Me or you? 3ot !e* Doctor* it !ust 'e you

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