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Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial tissues come in three basic types: squamous, cuboidal and columnar. These three types of tissue are seen in either simple (only one cell layer thick) or stratified (many cells in thickness) arrangements. We will begin with the simple epithelia, as they are easier to visualize, and then touch onpseudostratified columnar epithelium before we move on to the stratified squamous epithelium. Please note that, whereas stratified cuboidal and columnar epithelia do exist, they are rare and will not be discussed here. The Simple Epithelial Tissue Types
Simple Squamous Epithelium:

In this silver stained, whole mount of a simple Here we see simple squamous epithelia as seen squamous epithleium, we see it as it would in cross section. This photograph is of the look from a "top" view. These cells are large, peripheral portion of the chick embryo at about but quite thin, and have a prominent, 33 hours of incubation. Even though there are protruding nucleus. A good analogy to their several layers of cells visible, they are all shape is the sunny-side-up fried egg. It has also distinct and separate simple squamous been called "pavement epithelium, because it epithelial layers. In other words, they are each can look like like paving stones as seen from a different structure, each of which is only one above (although paving stones don't have cell layer thick. One of the nuclei of a something similar to the nucleus, so I like the squamous cell is shown (arrows), which fried egg analogy better). This epithelium is demonstrates how the nuclei can "bulge out" called mesothelium when it is found in certain along the simple squamous epithelial layer. locations within the body such as the linings of The embryonic layers seen here are, from top the peritoneal, pleural and pericardial cavities. to bottom: i. ectoderm, ii. somatic mesoderm, Other places simple squamous epithelia can be iii. splanchnic mesoderm and iv. endoderm

found include; the glomerulus of the kidney, the walls of capillaries, and the alveoli of the lungs, to name a few. Here they are forming a thin sheet-like layer which allows for minimal resistance to diffusion.

(here an example of a simple cuboidal epithelium).

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium:

Simple Columnar Epithelium:

These are collecting ducts in a section the This is a cross section through the small medulla of a mammalian kidney. Each duct is intestine. The tall, vertical cells seen at the top lined by simple cuboidal epithelium, where the of the tissue are columnar cells (one is shown height of the cells is approximately the same as red arrow), which make up simple columnar the width (and depth). This type of epithelium epithelium (the cells at the bottom of the image is thicker than simple simple squamous are connective tissue, which will be discussed epithelium, so it does not allow for passive later). Since columnar cells are quite thick, diffusion as readily. There are also tubules and they do not readily allow passive diffusion. As capillaries composed of simple squamous a result, these cells use active transport to move epithelia visible. nutrients through them from the intestine to the blood. This is what we commonly call "absorption." To help with this, they have numerous microvilli on their apical (lumenal) surface, which increases their surface area to allow for greater absorption. These are seen as a darker pink staining border at their lumenal edge. The black arrow is indicating a goblet cell. These cells show a triangular basal nucleus and a large amount of clear apical cytoplasm. The cytoplasm stains clear due to a large amount of mucus within it that the cell secretes to protect the intestinal cells from digestion by the digestive enzymes (your body

wants to digest the food, not itself!).

The Pseudostratified Epithelial Tissue Type

Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium:

Here we see a cross section through the 33 hour Here we see a close up of the cranial neural chick, which shows the neural tube, tube region of the 33 hour chick. When the mesenchyme and various other labelled neural tube first forms, it is composed of structures. The slide on the right focuses on the pseudostratified columnar epithelium. A pseudostratified columnar epithelium pseudostratified epithelium consists of a single associated with the neural tube. layer of tall cells with nuclei at varying heights within the cells. Since their nuclei are at 5. Foregut 1. Ectoderm differing heights within the cells (unlike a 6. Heart 2. Neural Tube simple columnar epithelium where nuclei are 7. Extraembryonic 3. Neurocoele roughly at the same height within the cells), it Coelom 4. Mesenchyme appears as though there are multiple layers of 8. Splanchnopleure cells. In reality, though,pseudostratified columnar epithelium consists of only one layer of cells. 1. Ectoderm 2. Pseudostratified Columnar 3. Neurocoele Epithelium (of 4. Mesenchyme the Neural Tube)

The Stratified Epithelial Tissue Type

Stratified Squamous Epithelium:

Here, in a section of frog skin, we see the epidermis (outer part of the skin) showing a typical stratified squamous epithelium and the dermis showing connective tissue. The cells of the basal layer of the epidermis (closest to the dermis) are cuboidal to columnar in shape. These cells are actively mitotic, producing new cells that get pushed upward into the overlying layers. As these cells are pushed up, they become flatter and longer (just as if you were to squash something), taking on the typical squamous shape. When the cells reach the top, they are sloughed off and replaced by cells from below. The dermis which underlies the epidermis is composed of a dense, irregular connective tissue, which we will see again later.

1. Epidermis (Stratified Squamous Epithelium) 2. Dermis

Epithelial Tissues

Simple Squamous Epithelial Tissue

Simple Cuboidal Epithelial Tissue

Stratified Cuboidal Epithelial Tissue

Simple Columnar Epithelial Tissue

Ciliated Pseudostratified Columar Epithelial Tissue

Stratified Squamous Epithelial Tissue

Transitional Epithelial Tissue

Transitional epithelium

Transitional epithelium

Transitional epithelium of the urinary bladder. Note the rounded surface of the apical cells -- a distinguishing characteristic of this type of epithelium.

Transverse section of ureter.

Transitional epithelium (also known as urothelium) is a type of tissue consisting of multiple layers of epithelial cells which can contract and expand. These cells, part of the epithelium, are found in the urinary bladder, in the ureters, and in the superior urethra and gland ducts of the prostate.

These cells appear to be cuboidal with a domed apex when the organ or the tube in which they reside is not stretched. When the bladder fills, the tissue actually compresses and the cells become stretched, and they appear to be flat, irregular, and squamous.

The transitional epithelium cells accommodate fluctuation of volume of the liquid in an organ or tube, such as the urinary bladder, and protect against the caustic effects of urine.


The free surface of the tissue (the part that faces outward into the organ or tube) is called theapical surface or free surface. The part that lines the bottom of the tissue is called the basement membrane.

Loose Fibrous Connective Tissue

H & E Stain / [100X]

Please Note: This tissue is the bodys "cob webby" "glue". It fills in, "where ever needed and something else isnt". The primary fiber type is collagen, but elastic fibers are also common. Collagen, an albuminoid protein, is by far and away the most abundant structural protein in the body.

This particular tissue sample is called "loose" because of the relatively low number of fibers and the "large" amount of space between the fibers [the intercellular matrix] and the cellular elements of the tissue [that produce the matrix]. Loose fibrous connective tissue "grades" into dense fibrous connective tissue as the number of fibers increases and the spaces in the tissue decrease. Connective Tissue
This is the most widespread and abundant type of tissue in the human body. Its function is primarily to support, anchor and connect various parts of the body. Although connective tissue exists in a number of forms, all types have three basic structural elements -- cells, fibres and intercellular substance (ground substance). The most common cell types are fibroblasts, which produce fibres and other intercellular materials. The two most common types of fibres are: collagen (collagenous) and elastic. Collagen fibres are for strength while the elastic ones are for elasticity of the tissue. Both the cells and the fibres are embedded in theintercellular substance. The consistency of this substance is highly variable from gelatin-like to a much more rigid material. The proportions of the cells, fibres, and intercellular substance vary, depending on a particular nature and function of the connective tissue. For example, a strong connective tissue needs a greater proportion of the collagen fibres and fewer cells. An example would be a dense regular connective tissue, which is found in tendons and ligaments. On the other hand, a connective tissue composed of mostly cells would not be very strong. An example would be an adipose (fat) connective tissue.

Classification of Connective Tissue

I. Connective Tissue Proper -- encompasses all organs and body cavities connecting one part with another and, equally important, separating one group of cells from another. This is a very large and diverse group of tissues and includes adipose tissue (fat), areolar (loose) tissue, and dense regular tissue, among others. Specialized Connective Tissues -- this group includes cartilage, bone, and blood. Cartilage and bone form the skeletal framework of the body while blood is the vascular (transport) tissue of animals. I. a) Connective tissue proper Areolar (Loose) Connective Tissue (Slide #31)


Areolar connective tissue is the most widespread connective tissue of the body. It is used to attach the skin to the underlying tissue. It also fills the spaces between various organs and thus holds them in place as

well as cushions and protects them. It also surrounds and supports the blood vessels. The fibres of areolar connective tissue are arranged in no particular pattern but run in all directions and form a loose network in the intercellular material. Collagen (collagenous) fibres are predominant. They usually appear as broad pink bands. Some elastic fibres, which appear as thin, dark fibres are also present. Examine slide #31 and locate these two types of fibres (Figure 10). The cellular elements, such as fibroblasts, are difficult to distinguish in the areolar connective tissue. But, one type of cells - the mast cells are usually visible. They have course, dark-staining granules in their cytoplasm. Since the cell membrane is very delicate it frequently ruptures in slide preparation, resulting in a number of granules free in the tissue surrounding the mast cells. The nucleus in these cells is small, oval and light-staining, and may be obscured by the dark granules.

Figure 10A: Schematic representation of the areolar connective tissue.

Figure 10B: Microscopic view of areolar connective tissue.

Loose or areolar connective tissue. Thick pink bands are the protein collogen, while the thin dark threads are the protein elastin.


Adipose Connective Tissue (Slide #32)

The cells of adipose (fat) tissue are characterized by a large internal fat droplet, which distends the cell so that the cytoplasm is reduced to a thin layer and the nucleus is displaced to the edge of the cell. These cells may appear singly but are more often present in groups (Figure 11). When they accumulate in large numbers, they become the predominant cell type and form adipose (fat) tissue. Adipose tissue, in addition to serving as a storage site for fats (lipids), also pads and protects certain organs and regions of the body. As well, it forms an insulating layer under the skin which helps regulate body temperature. Examine slide #32 and note that on your microscopic slides (and in Figure 11), the lipids have actually been removed and the cells appear empty.

Figure 11A: Schematic representation of the adipose connective tissue.

Figure 11B: Microscopic view of adipose connective tissue.

More pictures of adipose tissue.

Why is the nucleus of adipose cells located at the outer edge of the cells?




Dense (Fibrous) Regular Connective Tissue (Slide #33)

Dense connective tissue is characterized by an abundance of fibres with fewer cells, as compared to the loose connective tissue. It is also called fibrous or collagenous connective tissue because of the abundance ofcollagen (collagenous) fibres. Little intercellular substance is present. Furthermore, in this tissue type, the fibres are organized in a regular, parallel pattern (Figure 12). Hence, the name dense regular (fibrous or collagenous) connective tissue.

Examine slide #33 of the tendon. In addition to the tendons, this type of tissue is also found in ligaments. Hence, the function of this tissue is to anchor skeletal muscle to bone, to attach bone to bone as well as to stabilize the bones within a joint. On your slide, note that the collagen fibres are parallel to one another. Fibroblasts are the only cells visible, and are arranged in rows between the fibres. These fibroblasts function to lay down or create the fibres of the tissue (Figure 12).

Figure 12A: Schematic representation of dense regular connective tissue.

Figure 12B: Microscopic view of tendon

Dense (Fibrous) Regular Connective Tissue


Specialized Connective Tissues

Cartilage (Slide #16)

Cartilage is a somewhat elastic, pliable, compact type of connective tissue. It is characterized by three traits: lacunae, chondrocytes, and a rigid matrix. The matrix is a firm gel material that contains fibres and other substances. There are three basic types of cartilage in the human body: hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage and fibrocartilage. In this laboratory, you will examine the most common type of cartilage, thehyaline cartilage. Most of the skeleton of the mammalian fetus is composed of hyaline cartilage. As the fetus ages, the cartilage is gradually replaced by more supportive bone. In the mammalian adult,

hyaline cartilage is mainly restricted to the nose, trachea, bronchi, ends of the ribs, and the articulating surfaces of most joints. The function of the hyaline cartilage is to provide slightly flexible support and reduce friction within joints. It also provides structural reinforcement. Re-examine slide #16 of a cross section of the trachea. Use Figure 13 to locate the band of hyaline cartilage on your slide. The matrix appears as a smooth, solid, blue or pink-coloured substance. Fine proteinfibres, are embedded in the matrix, but they are not visible with the light microscope since they do not stain well. Locate the large cartilage cells called chondrocytes, which are trapped within the matrix in spaces called lacunae (singular, lacuna). Cartilage is a non-vascular tissue. As such, the chondrocytes rely on blood vessels in the tissue surrounding the cartilage for nutrient supply and waste removal. Considering this structural feature, can you make a general comment as to the potential "thickness" of cartilage?



Figure 13A: Schematic representation of hyaline cartilage.

Figure 13B: Microscopic view of hyaline cartilage.

Epithelial Tissue
Simple Cuboidal epithelium

Simple Squamous Eputhelium

Simple Columnar Epithelium

Stratified Squamous Epithelium

Pseudostratified Epithelium

Connective Tissue
Connective Tissue Proper Areolar (Loose) Connective Tissue

Adipose Connective Tissue

Dense Regular (White Fibrous) Connective Tissue

Specialized Connective Tissue Cartilage

Muscle Tissue
Skeletal (Striated) Muscle

Smooth Muscle

Cardiac Muscle

Nervous Tissue

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