Prolifer Killed

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Isaiah 5:20: ‘Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who

substitute darkness for light and light for darkness..”

Proverbs 17:15: “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the
righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.”

Homicide victim James Pouillon had extensive background of

civil violations, many related to anti-abortion protests
by Elizabeth Shaw and Dean Bohn | Flint Journal

Friday September 11, 2009, 12:17 PM

Garza | The Flint Journal Owosso Police officers position themselves around the
perimeter of the scene where James L. Pouillon was shot and killed in front of Owosso
High School early Friday morning.

OWOSSO, Michigan -- Police have not yet determined if James Pouillon's background
as an anti-abortion protester had anything to do with his slaying this morning, but
Pouillon was well-known for his protest activities, with a lengthy background of arrests
and citations related to that.

Pouillon was gunned down in a drive-by shooting while he was demonstrating in front of
Owosso High School about 7:20 a.m., police said.

Pouillon, 63, made headlines in 2003 when an appeals court overturned his 1994
conviction for disorderly conduct in an altercation outside an Owosso church.

According to 66th District Court records in Corunna, James Pouillon paid $2,365 in fines
and served one day in jail between 1994 and 2003. These do not include circuit court
Here's a breakdown, showing offense date, charge, and outcome:
Sept. 22, 1994 -- Housing code violation. Guilty by trial. Fined $200.
Sept. 30, 1994 -- Zoning violation. Plead guilty, fined $100.
Dec. 22, 1994 -- Disorderly person. Not prosecuted.
July 26, 1995 -- Malicious destruction of property over $100. Plead guilty. Fined $550
and given one year probation.
Sept. 1, 1995 -- Littering. Dismissed.
Sept. 7, 1995 -- Housing code violation. Not prosecuted.
Sept. 16, 1995 -- Disorderly conduct. Plead guilty. Fined $250. Served one day in jail, on
probation six months.
Nov. 29, 1995 -- Disturbing the peace in public building. Dismissed.
Aug. 8, 1997 -- Disorderly conduct. Dismissed. Fined $200.
Sept. 22, 1997 -- Disturbing worker. Not prosecuted.
Feb. 23, 1999 -- Defective equipment. Admitted responsibility.
June 7, 2000 -- Disturbing worker. Dismissed.
June 7, 2000 -- Stalking. Dismissed.
July 1, 2000 -- Stalking. Guilty. Fined $800.
April 12, 2001 -- Improper lane use, causing accident. Admitted responsibility. Fined
Oct. 12, 2002 -- Pedestrian violation. Found responsible. Fined $35.
July 18, 2003 -- No seat belt. Admitted responsibility. Fined $50.
Dec. 7, 2003 -- Speeding 10 mph over the limit. Default judgment. Fined $85.

Some of the many comments received posted after this one-sided story
about the VICTIM of a brutal murder

What does his record have ANYTHING to do with him being killed? Are you going to
post the civil infraction record of the second victim? Are you implying that because he
was against abortion that maybe he DESERVED it?

When did it become status-quo to list a person's speeding or littering record as a response
to their being murdered?

Your point is? So somehow using civil disobedience to protest the killing of innocent
new life and then their murder is somehow justified because they have a history of
protesting sin in our society?

Something to ponder...if the person killed there today was a pro-death/pro abortion
advocate, would this paper have printed that person's arrest record? Honestly, think about
it. James Pouillon is an American hero!

So how is the VICTIM'S legal history relevant to this crime? Are you suggesting that he
deserved it?

Littering?! Great googily moogily!

However, they hated him so, it had to be at least partially his fault. There is no chance
that there has ever been a list like this EVER. They will not run a list like this on the
MURDERER. I have never seen such a list.

The most important thing that I know about Jim was that he was saved by the grace of
Jesus Christ.

I too fail to see the relevance in posting this man's misdemeanor record from 1994 - 2003.
The most recent is a speeding fine from 6 years ago. Did these activities somehow
influence the shooting? Poor reporting doesn't explain it. Why is the paper deliberately
obscuring the issue of this PRO-LIFE activist's MURDER? Why are they obscuring his
cause - it is PRO-LIFE not anti-abortion? is this propaganda or simply yellow
journalism? I do not espouse this man's political views, but it seems they shouldn't be
distorted or obscured by the press. The focus should be on his MURDER. pro-abortion
groups? These would seem more relevant queries.

Do your editors approve of this kind of reporting?

I cannot believe that you would print the arrest record of a person who was just
murdered! As if that somehow justifies or explains the murder?!!!
That was an incredibly insensitive thing to do!

Now the victim's shooting is justified MLIVE??? How DARE you try to turn the victim
into the guilty party!

Where's the reporting about the actual shooting and the "suspect"? Nothing about the
Dear Friends of the Preborn,

We have learned that Jim Pouillon was actually

holding a LIFE sign (see picture below) when he
was gunned down. That picture is actually of my
son Jeremiah when hea was
And, finally only four
comment thatweeks old.
It was taken back in February of 1993. The
picture has been used around the world by pro-

Below seems
also wetohave
focusa on
picture of the crime scene.
the victim..
You can see Jim's oxygen tank laying on the
ground, as well as the photo of Jeremiah.
“Sounds like someone who honored God
instead of man by fighting for justice for the
unborn children with mercy and in all

Praise God! for men like James Pouillon.

America needs more...” Chuck Norris

"I'm trying to do for the babies what the Lord did for me," said Jim Pouillon, of Owosso in 2000.
"My Bible said we are supposed to be like Jesus." Pouillon was gunned down Friday while protesting
abortion in front of Owosso High School.

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