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ANIMAL PATHOLOGY RECORD Page 1 of 7 DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK LION, BARBARY PANTHERA LEO LEO, M-FELIDAE, FELIDAE PATH # 2002-0297 PATH # 2002-0297 Acc # 108413 DEATH # 48410 ACC DATE: 11/15/88 DEATH DATE: 10/11/02 NECROPSY DATE: 10/11/02 SEX: M AGE: 13¥ 10M 26D WEIGHT: 209.5 KG STAY: >30 Days MANNER OF DEATH: FOUND DEAD INTERVAL: < 12 HRS TIME OF DEATH: 06:40 XRAYED: YES ‘TAG/BAND/TATTOO: TANA/ DISPOSITION: INCINERATE DEATH LOCATION: LeT, YELLOW LINE PROSECTOR: MONTALT SUBMITTOR: ALAN PETERS OWNER/ANIMAL DEPT: Dom HISTORY AND CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS: Medical procedure 10/10/02. Last observed at 6:30 PM resting on sternum, responding to sounds by turning head, "glassy-eyed", still very "dopey" , heavy breathing subsided. 10/11/02 Found dead by lion keepers approximately 130 the following morning. {Dr..5. Murray) This 14 year old adult male lion had a long history of intermittent lameness. Initially keepers noted a reluctance for this animal to hop up on its cage furniture and a deliberate gait while negotiating steps. In addition, in the yard he had some difficulty walking the ridge by the water that his brother was able to easily navigate. Once in the yard, his sibling would patrol around the enclosure while this animal urinated, then sat down. At times the lameness appeared to be associated with the forelimbs, but as months progressed the lameness seemed to be associated with both hind limbs. He did not knuckle over when he walked, and appeared to be aware of leg placement. Om Oct 10th, this lion was anesthetized for full body radiographs to determine the cause of this lameness. Anesthesia was relatively uneventful The first injection appeared to be only partially complete because sedative effects were not noted for the 25 min following this injection. Since he was too awake to be safely handled, he received several supplements of injectable anesthetics (xylazine, Ketamine and Midazolam). When he was finally safe enough to approach, he was still too light and responsive to be transported, so he was placed on isoflurane by mask. Once under a safe plane of anesthesia, he was moved to the hospital for a complete evaluation. He received isoflurane by endotracheal tube for approximately 2 hrs during his radiographic evaluation - during this time he was stable and well oxygenated. Following the evaluation he was returned to his enclosure. Yohimbine was used as a reversal agent and was administered both IV and SQ. First signs of recovery were noted at nine minutes after reversal injection (i.e, his head was up) - 20 min later the keepers reported he was up and standing. Three hours later one keeper reported he had had an episode of panting, which had subsided, and he was still recovering normally: Two hours later a keeper reported he was still recovering normally. The next morning, this lion was found dead with a pool of frothy bloody fluid nearby. GROSS DESCRIPTION: The body of this lion is in excellent nutritional condition with abundant pannicular and other subcutaneous fat stores. The subcuticular spaces are moderately dry and tacky. There is wet bloody fluid on the face and side of the head and front legs. other body orifices are dry and patent. There is Date Printed: January 8, 2003 ANIMAL PATHOLOGY RECORD Page 2 of 7 DEPARTNENT OF PATHOLOGY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK LION, BARBARY PANTHERA LEO LEO, M-FELIDAE, FELIDAE PATH # 2002-0297 minor bruising of the subcutis of the inside of the right rear leg. The skin in the inguinal and posterior aspects of the upper legs contain mitiple elongate to circular macular lesions. Some are alopecic with crusted exudate on the surface. There are several sutured areas in these regions (H/O punch biopsies 10/10/02). There is a prominent pigmented hairless lesion on the forehead. Major joints examined (shoulders, hips, stifles, hocks,) show only mild erosions of the articular margin of the humeral head of the right leg ‘The lower thoracic and lumbosacral spinal column segment shows no rupture of intervertebral disks or exostoses of the ventral vertebral bodies. The spinal cord is removed from the upper cervical and lower thoraco-lumbo-sacral regions for fixation. The oral cavity is normal with some general tooth wear, and a brown-black discoloration of a lower incisor. Upper and lower canines have recent enamel fractures with exposure of root canals at apices. The esophagus is normal. The stomach is in normal anatomical position and contains approximately 1 liter of watery, reddish, slightly turbid fluid in the lumen with no solid material present. The duodenum, jejunum and ileum contain a small amount of pasty to creamy yellow-white material. There is scant green material in the lower ileum and the cecum contains green mixed fibrous and hair material. The colon and rectum have no formed feces. The mesenteric nodes are unremarkable. The liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen all appear grossly normal. There is no evidence of pneumothorax upon puncturing the diaphragm. There is approximately 25 ml of serosanguinous fluid in the thoracic cavity. The tracheal lumen is filled with a mixture of white foamy fluid stained with red streaks. All lobes of the left lung and major lobes of the right lung are dark red, wet and heavy. There are ecchymotic hemorrhages within the visceral pleura of both lungs. The trachea, bronchi and parenchyma exude watery to red foamy fluid. Within one lung lobe are minute, white, gritty structures. Regional thoracic lymph nodes are unremarkable. The heart, including ventricles, valves and great vessels, are all within normal limits. The kidneys and ureters appear normal. The urinary bladder is contracted with no urine in the lumen. The testes, epididymis, prostate and penis all appear normal. Thyroids (parathyroids not grossly discerned) adrenal glands and pituitary and brain are also unremarkable. PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSES: /O of anesthesia for clinical examination of lameness/movement abnormalities Excellent nutritional condition Mild subcutaneous dehydration Gastropathy with hemolyzed bloody watery contents Acute pulmonary edema/congestion/hemorrhage Multiple enamel fractures, canine teeth Focal dermatitis, inguinal and hindquarter region LABORATORY STUDIES: Cytology: gastric contents, lungs (imprint, smash prep), thoracic fluid Culture: heart blood, lung, gastric fluid analysis and toxin assay (Cornell) Toxicology serum, kidney, liver, brain (Michigan State Univ.) Photography: lungs, lumbar colum TISSUE STATUS: Tissue taken for trimming Tissue samples ultrafrozen Ultrafrozen: heart, brain, liver, lung, kidney, epleen SPECIAL REQUESTS: Save skull & thoracolumbar column HISTOLOGY: 1. KIDNEY: There are scattered glomeruli with thickening of gownan's capsule. Scattered occasional glomerular sclerosis with a few obsolete glomeruli. In Date Printed: January 6, 2003 ANIMAL PATHOLOGY RECORD Page 3 of 7 DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK PATH # 2002-0297 LION, BARBARY PANTHERA LEO LEO, M-FELIDAE, FELIDAE general, most glomeruli appear as functioning units. There is congestion of the medullary veins but distal tubules appear within normal limits. There is diffuse mild vacuolar change in the proximal convoluted tubule celis 2. LUNG: Multiple sections from multiple lobes. Some sections show moderate diffuse congestion of the pulmonary vascular bed. There are red blood cells within alveolar spaces in some areas and in addition, interalveolar deposits of what appear as protein rich edema fluid present. There are scattered macrophages low in number throughout the alveolar spaces that show edema and congestion. There are few clusters of neutrophils and a few macrophages in several small bronchi. There are several clusters of macrophages with foamy cytoplasm. There is peribronchial and perivascular edema. There are occasional peribronchial macrophages with anthracrotic pigment. B&H gram stain shows a few gram positive rods in an airway in one area. 3. SPLEEN shows occasional hyelinized arterioles. The lymphoid elements are relatively inactive with normal RE cells and some scattered plasma cells throughout the white pulp. LUNG: No additional findings. 4. LIVER shows moderate centrilobular congestion bridging lobules. There appear to be increased numbers of Tto cells throughout the liver. There are clusters of lipid-containing hepatocytes scattered throughout the liver 5. KIDNEY shows several foci of interstitial accumulations of lymphocytes; otherwise as noted above. 6. PANCREAS shows normal exocrine component with islets that appear to be within normal limits. SMALL INTESTINE shows normal villus structures with a normal component of mononuclear cells and a few eosinophils in the lamina propria in the villi. There is also a normal submucosa and the muscular coats and serosa are WNL. 7. STOMACH: There are scattered rod-shaped bacteria, few in number, along the outer mucosal surfaces. The gastric glands in this area appear WNL. There is moderate widening of the submucosal space mostly with fat cells and some separation of collegen fibers indicative of mild edema. 6. RENAL PAPILLA shows in the distal segment some mineralization of the intertubular connective tissue. 9. SALIVARY GLAND shows one focus of perivascular lymphocytic infiltration, mild. HEART MUSCLE: Mild fatty infiltration epimyocardium. 10. SMALL INTESTINE: Most likely ileum, as noted from Pyer's patches and increased numbers of goblet cells, appears to be within normal limits. LARGE INTESTINE: WNL. 11. SMALL INTESTINE: As above. LYMPH NODE shows relatively low follicular activity containing a normal pattern and presence of lymphocytes with some dilitation of the sinuses indicative of edema 12 & 13. Sections of LARGE AND SMALL INTESTINE: WNL. 14. Section of SKIN-COVERED CARTILAGE AND MUSCLE shows abundant sebaceous glands with some dilated ducts, mild hyperkeratosis. This is most likely a Section near the nostril or eyelid, which appears to be within normal limits. ATRIUM: WNL. 15. Another section of STOMACH: Some neutrophils at tips of L.P. show early Date Printed: January 8, 2003

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