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GATE : 1994 EE : Electrical Engineering Duration : Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks : 150 SECTION-A (100 MARKS) 1, Each statement below is accompanied by several answers of which only one is correct. Indicate the correct answer. Each question carries ONE mark. (1 20=20) 11. Figure shows a dc. resistive network and its graph isdrawnaside. A ‘proper tree’ chosen for analysing the network will contain the edges. (2) ab, be, ad (6) aby bd, ed (0) ab, be, ew (d) ac, bd, ad 1.2. Atresonance, the given parallel circuit constituted by an iron-cored coil and a capacitor behaves like (@) an open-circuit () ashort-cireuit (©) a pure resistor of value R (@) a pure resistor of value much higher than R 1.3. Ifa two-port network is passive, hen we have,wvith the usual notation.the following relationship (0) hyp = hy (8) yy == My (©) y= hg (d) yy tag “gob 1.4. When a charge is given to a conductor (@) it distributes uniformly all over the surface (0) it distributes uniformly all over the volume © it distributes on the surface, inversely proportional to the radius of curvature (@) it stays where it was placed 1.5. When a transformer winding suffers a short circuit, the adjoining turns of the same winding experience (a) anattractive force (6) a repulsive force (0) no force (@) none of the above 1L6. ‘Skew is used in induction motors in order to reduce torque due to (a) time harmonics (©) space harmonics (©) slot harmonics (@) reverse rotating fields 1.7, Two transformers of identical voltages but of different capacities are operating in parallel. For satisfactory load sharing (@) impedences must be equal (8) perunit impedences must be equal ences and be (© per-unit impedences and * ratios must equal x (a) impedences and % ratios must be equal 1.8. Ina 400 KV network, 350 KV is recorded at a 400 KV bus. The reactive power absorbed by a shunt rated for 50 MVAR, 400 kV connected at the bus is. (@) 61.73MVAR (0) 55.56 MVAR (©) 45MVAR (@) 40.5 MVAR 1.9, HVDC Transmission is preferred to EHV ~ AC because (@) HVDC terminal equipment are inexpensive (©) VAR compensation is not required in HVDC systems (©) system stability can be improved () Harmonics ~ problem is avoided 41.40. The matrix of any state-space equations for the transfer function e{3}/R(s) of the system, shown below in-Figure. is «_f ? se ° fo 4 @ [ ‘] Jo al etl el LAL. The pole-zero configuration of a phase-lead ‘compensator is given by 0 —F © 2 @ = 1.42. A5 «7 matrix has all its entries equal to -1. The rank of the matrix is 7 © ws (4) zero - @ @+1),0 © @-1),0 0.0 00 114. A 0-10 mA PMMC ammeter reads 4 mA in a circuit. Its bottom control spring snaps sucidenly. ‘The meter will now read nearly (a) 10a (0) BmA () 2ma (@) 2010 LAS. A Lissajous pattem, asshown inFigure, is observed on the screen of @ CRO when voltages of frequencies f, and f, are applied to the x and y plates respectively. f, fy is then equal to @ 3:2 ©2:3 ur (221 1.16. The number of comparisons carried out in a 4-bi flash-type A/D converter is, os 6 ® 15 4 @ 3 11.17. Im the transistor circuit shown in Figuce, collector. to-ground voltage is + 20 V. Which ofthe follwing is the probable cause of error ? (0) Collector-emitter terminals shorted (b) Emitter to ground connection open (©) 10k resistor open (@) collector-base terminals shorted 118. The contents of the accumulator in an 8085 microprocessor is altered after the execution ofthe instrvetion, (@ CMPC () CPI3A (© ANISC ( ORAA 1.19. A switched mode power supply operating at 20 kHe to 100 kHz range uses as the main switching element (©) Thyristor ® MOSFET (© Trine our 1.20. Referring to the Figure, the type of load is Mo Nw wi NEN (0) resistive load (@) capacitive load (a) indvetive load fe) de motor 2. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write the indicating work fully and legibly. A ‘FALSE’ answer must De accompanied by a very brief (preferably oneor to sentences} justification. Each correct answer Caz" (ONE mark (asst) 2.1. Superposition principle is not applicable to * nelwork containing time-varying resistors. 22. Inelectrostatic field a x E =0. 23. Static magnetic fields induce currents in closed conducting loops. 24. A S-phase induction motor coupled to a pump is operating at normal speed. If one disconnected, the motor stops. 1 gets 25. In a power-system, the 3-phase fault MVA is alwayshigher than the single-line-to-ground fault MVA ata bus. 2.6, The charging current of a 400 kV transmission line ismore than that of a220 kV line of the same length. 2.7. The closed loop system, of Figure, is stable if the ce) transfer function (6)= ey i table Pe) ee 6) “a 28. If two vectors u and » in a plane are linearly independent, then, they can not be collinear. 29, The value of X, alter the execution of the last line of the following Fortran routine is 2.0 X=20 0 123/@- 412 X=1 240. A precise measurement guarantees accuracy ofthe measured quantity 2.1, A piezo-electri pick up isan example for an active transducer 22. A practical R-C sinusoidal oscillator is built using 2 positive feedback amplifier with a closed Joop-gain slightly less thanunity 2.13. An analog comparator is 3 high-gain amplifier whose output is always either in positive or in negative saturation. 2.14. A line-commutated inverter changes de voltage ac voltage. 245, The output voltage of a six-pulse double star rectifier is the same as that of a three-phase half- wave rectifier. 3. In each ofthe following proles, theve are Four itemson the lelthand side (marked A,B,C. Dyand ‘Six items on the right hand side (marked P,Q, R, S, TU) Pickthe tems irom theright hand sie which match propery with the items on the lft hand side and write a a matched pai such as B> 7) Each proper matching carries one mark (Note that imeach problem, thre willbe ony four such pais) 3:1. Match the waveforms on the left-hand side with the correct mathematical description listed on the right hand side. Wave form fo @ ) (P)t.w(e-1) Qery.ue-y (Rew) ts .u M1). wn ———* © uyeetatt-1 (Uy) @- 1) ut 3.2. Match the appropriate item from the right hand side with those on the left hand side. () Line charge {P) Maxwell () Magnetic Flux (Q) Poynting’s Vector Density () Displacement (R) Transmission line current conductors (€) Power flow (6) Biot-Savart's law (1) Gauss law (U) Faraday’s law

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