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Practical 6 Aim Materials Apparatus : To determine the value of Avogadros constant by means of the electrolysis procedure : 1 mol dm-3

copper(II sulphate solution and t!o copper plates" : #atteries$ %&' cm3 bea(er$ connecting !ires !ith crocodile clips$ ammeter$ s!itch and stop!atch"

Procedure: 1" )lean t!o pieces of copper plates using sand paper and !eigh them" %" *ill a bea(er !ith 1 mol dm-3 copper(II sulphate solution until it is half full" 3" +et up the apparatus as sho!n in *igure ,$ turn on the s!itch and start the stop!atch" -" Ad.ust the rheostat to allo! a small current to pass through" &" /ecord the reading of the ammeter" ," +!itch off the current after 3' minutes" 0" /ecord the changes at the anode and the cathode" 1" 2ash the copper plates and dry them !ith propanone and !eigh again"

Figure 6: 3lectrolysis to determine the value of Avogadros constant


Questions: 1" Theoretically$ the !eight gain of copper in one electrode should be the same as the !eight loss in another electrode" 34plain !hy there is a slight discrepancy in these t!o values !hen you carry out in this e4periment" (1m %" 2rite balanced e5uations for the reactions occur in anode and cathode" (%m

3" +tate and e4plain t!o !ays to improve the accuracy of the results obtained" (-m -" Apart from determining the Avogadro constant$ state and e4plain another t!o uses of electrolysis in industry" (-4%m


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