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Marketing Strategy and Management Major Assignment

A feature of the Marketing Strategy and Management course is learning through practical situations and understanding marketing strategies of different organizations around you. This assignment will exam and evaluate your level of understanding and learning towards course contents. Your task is to choose a company / product / service (only from Pakistan), which has either achieved demonstrable market place success through developing and executing an effective marketing strategy or alternatively, has or in your opinion is about to experience comprehensive market failure due to the inadequacies of its strategy. The criteria for what constitute success and failure is left to you to define and these must be made explicit in your written report. So too, must you provide some insight into what elements of their marketing strategy led to this success or failure and why this will form an important element of your report. You should identify and research your company primarily through published and on-line sources. If you wish to make a contact with the company or its representatives to obtain such kind of information, you can do it at your own sources.

Particular attention should be paid to the content, e.g., coherence of the story, application of marketing strategy and management concepts, tools and frameworks, depth of understanding and analytical thoroughness. The following criteria will be used to evaluate the written assignment: o Definition of success/failure criteria o Use of data (qualitative and quantitative) to substantiate your assertions o Application of Marketing Strategy tools, frameworks, concepts to the situation you are analyzing o Critical analysis o Creativity o Effective communication (clarity and style) Grading will be based on the quality of your research work, analysis and writing. Font size 12 Paper size A4 Maximum 4 pages in length Required through a hard printed copy

Due date Jan 02, 2014 before start of class

Sample grading grid 5 = Superior coverage of content area

4 = Adequate coverage of content area, additional coverage would enhance analysis 3 = Surface or superficial coverage of content area - depth of coverage is lacking 2 = Content area inadequately addressed 1 = Analysis/coverage of content area is severely inefficient 0 = Content is non-existent or information is irrelevant

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