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This ultimate source for EU studies includes links to web sites of all EU institutions, legal texts, official documents and case law (the most recent cases are available at the European Court of Justice web site) Access to the Official Journal, treaties, agreements with third countries, secondary legislation, case law, national implementation of directives and other documents This excellent UBC Law Library site of international resources links you with home pages of the most important EU institutions, legislation and case law

Web site of the Delegation of the European Commission in the United States; informative site, gives historical overview of the EC and EU; explains EU institutions; informs on EU-US relations; good links Web site of the Delegation of the European Commission in Canada Working papers on a variety of EU law issues written by law professors and other distinguished academics; free downloading; an excellent resource for seminar papers. In addition, click on Top 10 Links button to see 'Top 10 Best Web Sites' related to EU studies of Professor Joseph Weiler, Jean Monnet Chair of EU Law at NYU. European Journal of International Law; excellent articles on various issues related to the development of the EU law The EU History Department of Leiden University maintains a highly comprehensive site on the history of European Integration that includes written and oral histories, statistics and a link to an economic history page Department of Law of the European University Institute is an ultimate source of information in comparative, European and international law. The Institute itself was founded in 1972 by the European Community Member States to provide advanced academic training to PhD students and to promote research at the highest level. European University Institute European History Project Web site of Professor Yves Tiberghien, Department of

Political Science and his course POLI 327: EUROPEAN INTEGRATION; in particular check out - best current news on EU, and - theories on EU integration

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