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TABLE 1 Positioning the Negative considert hef ollowingru lesr egardincth ef ormationo f negatives: Ne + the negative goes around

the conjugated verb when it is followed b an infinitive! Ellen e veut "lusj ouer! #she doesn$tw ant to "la a n more!% ll ne "eut "as sortir#!& e can$tg o out!% Personne follows the "ast "artici"re and the infinitive: ll n$a vu "ersonne! #&e didn$t see an one!% 'e ne veu(v oir "ersonne#!l don$tw ant to see an one!% )ue "recedes the word or words stressed! ll ne mange *ue deu( fois "ar jour! #&e eats onl two times a da !% E+le n$a achet, *u$une robe! #she bought onl one dress!% Tense -rench Negation English Translation Presentt ense 'e ne fume" as!N e fumes.tu

+ don$t smo0e! 1on$t ou smo0e/ Presentt ensew ith two verbs 'e ne vaisj amais fumer! +$mn everg oingt o smo0e! 2ommandin the "resent tense Ne fume "as3 1on$st mo0e4 5efle(ives ll ne se rase jamais! &e never shaves! lm"erfect 'e ne fumais rien! + wasn$t smo0ing an thing! -uture 'e ne fumerai "lus! + will no longer smo0e! 2onditional 'e ne fumerais *ue des cigarettes! + would smo0e onl cigarettes Pass, com"ose 'e n$ai jamais fume! + never smo0ed! 5efle(ive "assd com"osd

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