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Total Quality Management

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PART A (Descriptive Type) = 25 PART B (Case Study) = 2 PART C (Short Question) = 40 PART C (Multiple Choice) = 80

PART A Descriptive Type Question

Question 1: TQM Applications has its Limitations. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer giving examples Question 2: Effective leadership and organization culture are foundations of Total Quality Management. Discuss. Question 3: Discuss in brief the philosophies of Deming and Juran and do the comparative assessment of the two. Question 4: Explain giving examples as to how ISO standards can benefit the society. Question 5: List out the conventional seven quality control tools. Explain any two in brief. Question 6: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Kaizen. Support your answer with relevant examples Question 7: What do you understand by Process capability! Illustrate with the help of an example. Question 8: Discuss the role of steering committee. Illustrate with the help of a case of any organization you know. Question 9: What do you understand by 'Total quality Management'? Discuss the objectives of total quality management. Question 10 [a]: Suppose that you are working in an organization which wants to develop an effective implementation methodology for ISO 9000 Quality Management system. How will you help your Organization in developing an effective implementation methodology? Question 10 [b]: Discuss the four absolutes of quality in context to the Organization you are working in or are familiar with. Question 11: Discuss the approaches of Deming, Juran and Crosby in managing quality. Compare the similarities and differences in their approach in a tabular form. Question 12: What are the quality system requirements of ISO9001: 2000? Explain the quality principles based on which the quality system is developed. Question 13: What are quality costs? Explain the different models for understanding quality costs. Question 14: Write short notes on i. Seven basic tools of problem solving ii. Benchmarking iii. Six Sigma iv. BPR

v. Quality circles Question 15: What is Statistical quality control? Explain control charts for variables and attributes taking suitable examples. Question 16: A structured approach is beneficial in implementing total quality. Explain the concept with the help of the model developed by Samuel Ho. Question 17: Distinguish between Question 18: What role top management plays in implementation of TQM? Question 19: If TQM is cross-cultural and holistic why are tools function specific? Question 20: Explain any five tools of quality with reference to service industry. Question 21: Differentiate managerial tools from operational tools in the context of Manufacturing in industry. Question 22: Relate soft tools to statistically designed experiments with particular focus on design of new products. Question 23: Explain the various approaches companies use in their effort at implementing total quality management. Question 24: Do you think a structured approach to Quality helps in effective implementation of TQM. Question 25: What role Quality Improvement Terms play in operationalising the concept of Quality Question 1: What do understand by Total Quality Management, What are the requirements to implement TQM approach in an organization? Question 2: Explain, Philip B Crosby's contribution in the field of quality management. How his ideas similar and different from ideas of Deming? Question 3: With the help of a practical example, how you will use control chart, also explain the guidelines you will follow to analyse and interpret the results? Question 4: What is benchmarking, what are the steps you will follow to implement benchmarking in an organization? Question 5: Explain the role and importance of employees in implementing TQM in an organization, what measure organization should take to deliver a certain level of satisfaction to them? Question 6: With the example each, explain the seven basic tools of quality management? Question 7: You are working as a general manager of an organization, explain the various steps you have for getting your org certified for ISO 9000:2008 or ISO 9000:2008? Question 8: What do you understand by the term 'work system' "do u think improvement of work system will eventually lead to implementation of TQM, justify your answer?

Question 1: Why is it important to get patients assessment about health care quality? Does a patient have the expertise to judge the health care he or she receives? Question 2: How might a hospital measure quality? Question 3: How can the value of a human life be included in the cost of quality control? Question 4: Select one department in the hospital and elaborate how quality standards could be developed.


Question 1: What role do models play in implementing quality. Discuss the different models used in the case based on your understanding. Question .2: What do you perceive is the reason behind quality being exhibited more on special occasions rather than on day to day functions.


A manufacturing plant make wind mill assemblies and can produce 50 units in a month in two periods of 15 days each following is the data for number of defects arising per mouth. Month jan Feb Mar Apr May jun july Aug sep oct Nov dec No:of 4 3 1 4 6 7 9 5 2 0 2 4 defect per period 3 2 0 5 7 7 6 4 3 2 3 3 Question 1: Which control chart should be used for the above data and why? Question 2: Make the appropriate control chart on a graph paper? Question 3: Interpret the chart and give your recommendation. Whether the process is in control or not?

Case Study-3

Objective Type Set 1
Q1.) The inspection of the project through the implementation phase is critical to ensure that quality standards are being met. The use of vendors is most often required to obtain critical materials, components, or sub-assemblies. To determine a vendor's capabilities to produce to the specifications, a "shop survey" or audit of the vendor may be required. The areas for the audit should include . A. facilities and shop space B. experience and capability with similar work

C. D. E.

quality assurance an control procedures organization and quality of work in process all of the above

Q2) The quality program may include the requirement for "witnessed inspections" of critical items for the project. When a subcontractor or vendor is to conduct a destructive test, the project manager must ensure the test is validated (witnessed) by a qualified member of his team. The purchase order or contract should contain a statement that requires the subcontractor or vendor performing the test to. A. give a 30-day notice of when the test will be conducted and to provide a certificate of completion within seven days following thetest B. notify the project manager, in writing, of the date and time for witnessing the test C. retain the residue of the item destroyed for a period of one year following completion of the project D. have present at the test at least three independent sources (individuals) who are qualified in destructive testing procedures E. report the results of the testing to an independent laboratory for confirmation and validation of the procedures Q3). The majority of advertisers appeal the public on the basis of which of the following? A. Quality of product B. Quality of staff C. Inferiority of product D. Inferiority of service Q4). Which of the following was developed by Motorola to improve its processes by minimizing defects? A.ISO 9000 B. Six sigma C.QS 9000 D.TQM Q5). The 'Father' of statistical quality control is: A. F. W. Taylor B. Joseph M. Juran C. Philip Crosby D. Walter Shewhart Q6). The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards is called: 1. Quality Assurance 2. Quality Control 3. Quality Planning


Quality Review

Q7). The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards is called: A. Quality Assurance B. Quality Control C. Quality Planning D. Quality Review Q8). price A. B. C. D. The practice of ceasing mass inspections and ending awards based on is credited to: Edward Deming Philip Crosby Juran Pareto

Q9). Cost of quality includes: A. Cost of all work to build a product or service that conforms to the requirements B. Training programs C. Cost of all work resulting from non conformance to the requirements D. a and b E. all of the above Q10). A. B. C. D. The concept of zero inventory is called: Six sigma Continuous improvement Just in Time Zero defects

Qll). The zero defects concept A. is a performance standard for management B. is a motivational technique that promotes "doing it right the first time" C. is used by management to communicate to all employees that everyone should do things right the first time D. A and C E. B and C Q12). Financial compensation is the primary motivational tool for which of the following management theories or programs? A. Zero Defects program B. Theory X management C. Theory Y management D. Quality Control Circles E. A and C Q13). A. B. C. D. Just-in-time (JIT) is the concept of reducing inventories to: 25% of former stock Less than half of former stock 75% of peak stock zero stock


15% of the cost of the product for a planned stock

Q14).The primary responsibility for establishing design and test specifications should rest with A. senior management B. procurement or purchasing C. engineering D. manufacturing E. quality control Q15).The ISO 9000 series is: A. a set of instructions for preparing control charts B. a set of guidelines for quality C. a set of forms and procedures to ensure quality D. an international standard that describes a recommended quality system Q16). Which of the following models reflect horizontal processes beginning with suppliers and ending with customers? A. Organism model B. Mechanistic model C. Cultural model D. Total Quality model Q17.) TQM? A. B. C. D. Q18.) A. B. C. D. Q19) A. B. C. D. Q20) A. B. C. D. Which of the following is concerned about quality for achievement of The Managing Director The Operative The Quality Manager Everyone in the organization Whose concepts are referred to as statistical quality control (SQC)? Shewhart's Deming's Juran's Crosby's

In which of the following operations great deal of variations can occur? Manufacturing Distribution Purchasing Selling Which of the following results in low costs? High productivity and high capacity utilization Low productivity and low capacity utilization Low productivity and high capacity utilization High productivity and low capacity utilization

Q21) which of the following statements is TRUE for ISO 9000? A. Describes the principles of a quality management system and defines the terminology

B. Describes the requirements relative to a quality management system either for internal use or for contractual or certification purposes C. Intended for internal use and not for contractual purposes, focuses particularly on continually improving performance D. Contains the guidelines for auditing quality management and/or environmental management systems Q22) A. B. C. D. Identify the example of prevention costs. Quality planning Re-inspection Product recalls Customer returns

Q23 ) How can the quality be computed? A. Quality = Expectation/Performance B. Quality = Performance/Expectation C. Quality = Performance+Expectation D. Quality = Performance-Expectation Q24.) Which of the following focuses on results, not process, and encourages short-term behavior? A. Typical American MBO system B. Typical Japanese MBO system C. Typical Chinese MBO system D. Uncommon Chinese MBO system Q25.) A. B. C. D. Q26.) A. B. C. D. Which of the following is viewed as a Consistent Pair? ISO 9000 and ISO 9004 ISO 1987 and ISO 1992 ISO 1992 and ISO 1997 ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 How many maturity levels are there in the Capability Maturity Model? Four Five Six Seven

Q27.) Which of the following is a unit for measuring process performance according to traditional view of quality? A. Effective parts per thousand produced B. Defective parts per thousand produced C. Effective parts per hundred produced D. Defective parts per hundred produced Q28.)What are the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) series standards for industries such as automobiles? A. ISO 9000

B. C. D. Q29.) A. B. C. D.

ISO 14000 QS 9000 AS 9000 What is the objective of a TQM system? Continuous improvement Continual improvement Business improvement Process improvement

Q30.) Under which perspective of the balance scorecard, would you classify the operating cost management measurement? A. The customer perspective B. The business process perspective C. The financial perspective D. The learning & growth perspective Q31.) Which of the following is the purpose of ISO 9001? A. To define the minimum Quality Management System requirements needed to achieve customer satisfaction by meeting specified product requirements B. To determine metals and metalloids in airborne particulate matter by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry C. To ensure that the IT service management processes are aligned both with the needs of the business and with international best practice D. To evaluate ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium by determination of oxygen demand in a closed respirometer Q32.) Quality is one part of the three major parameters of a project. When the quality in a project exceeds the specifications that is called. A. excellence B. superior quality C. deviation plus quality D. gold plating E. silver plating Q33.) Zero Defects is an element of the quality management philosophy that is a for all workers to be achieved . A. slogan; whenever possible B. slogan; most of the time C. standard; at all times D. standard; whenever possible E. standard; during critical operations

Q34.) Self-inspection by the individual performing the work is used to achieve quality in a product. The advantages of self-inspection include . A. immediate feedback to permit adjustments to the process B. early identification of errors prior to further integration C. minimization of end product repairs and material waste

D. E. Q35. A. B. C. D. E.

reduction in the number of end product inspections and tests all of the above Poor quality in a design project is likely to directly affect manufacturing / building advertising overhead post-completion support A and D service mostly affects its costs.

Q36.The of a product or maintenance characteristics. A. design B. concept C. fabrication D. performance E. cost



Q37. You are sampling items from a batch and plotting the results on a control chart. How will an increase in the number of items sample affect the value of the standard deviation used to set the control limit? A. increase it B. decrease it C. no effect on it D. first increase it, then decrease it E. first decrease it, then increase it Q38. Financial compensation is the primary motivational tool for which of the following management theories or programs? A. Zero Defects program B. Theory X management C. Theory Y management D. Quality Control Circles E. A and C Q39. A. B. C. D. 80% of the problems are found in 20% of the work is a concept of: Edward Deming Philip Crosby Juran Pareto

Q40. The concept of making a giant leap forward followed by a period of maturity is: A. Innovation B. Continuous improvement C. Just in time D. Paradigm

Objective Type Set 2

1. Quality as understood in TQM context means a) Fitness for use b) Adherence to specification c) Zero defect manufacturing d) Meeting or exceeding customer needs and expectations 2. Internal customer means a) Next operator b) Customer within the country c) Service provider d) Management 3. Non value adding means that a) Has incurred least cost to execute b) Customer is unwilling to pay c) Non essential to organization d) None 4. Waste means a) Non essential b) Non value adding c) Not earning profit d) Difficult to implement 5. TQM is a) A statistical approach to quality b) Methods of capturing customer requirements c) Integrated approach to customer satisfaction d) Ensuring robust design 6. Purpose of existence of a organization is a) Vision b) Mission c) Values d) Goals 7. Which of the following is not a philosophy of TQM a) Customer focus b) Universal responsibility c) Inspection for compliance d) Continuous improvement 8. Which of the following is not a part of the eight dimensions of quality a) Reliability b) Durability c) Performance d) Capability 9. Quality trilogy is the contribution of a) Deming b) Juran c) Crosby d) Garvin

10. Which by Crosby a) b) c) d)

of the following is not a part of the four absolutes of quality as proposed System of quality is prevention of defects Performance standard is zero defects Measurement of quality is cost of nonconformance Observe zero defects day to improve quality

11. Quality chain reaction is the contribution of a) Deming b) Juran c) Crosby d) Garvin 12. PAF model of quality costs is the contribution of a) Deming b) Juran c) Crosby d) Garvin 13. Which of the following is the contribution of Taguchi a) Quality Loss Function b) 80/20 rule c) PDCA cycle d) Do it right first time 14. Kaizen is the teaching of a) Imai b) Deming c) Ishikawa d) Juran 15. Cost incurred on quality audit is a) Prevention cost b) Internal failure cost c) Appraisal cost d) External failure cost 16. Warranty claims is a) External failure cost b) Internal failure cost c) Appraisal cost d) Prevention cost 17. a) b) c) d) What is a process It assures continuous improvement and employee participation It converts inputs into outputs Anything that satisfies customers Anything that causes change

18. Statistical process control is a) A technique for finding best settings on machines b) A method of ensuring consistent levels of product quality by monitoring the production process c) A way to identify and eliminate potential failure modes in an operation d) A means of ensuring that the voice of customer is considered at every stage of design and production

19. The application of statistical techniques to determine whether a quantity of material should be accepted or rejected based on the inspection or test of a sample is known as a) Specification review b) Acceptance sampling c) Statistical process control d) Benchmarking 20. To facilitate the identification, exploration and graphical display of possible causes of an effect we use a) Fishbone diagram b) Pareto chart c) Flow chart d) Check sheet 21. The quality tool used to identify the most relevant problem area is a) Cause & effect diagram b) Pareto analysis c) Histogram d) Run chart 22. The spread of a process can be easily understood by a) Flow chart b) Scatter diagram c) Ishikawa diagram d) Histogram 23. The quality tool used to understand a process is a) Check sheet b) Flow chart c) Histogram d) Run chart 24. Which of the following activities must be carried out by someone who has no direct responsibility for the work being carried out a) Contract review b) Inspection of a product c) Audit d) Training 25. Information, which can be proved true, based on facts obtained through observation, measurement or test is called a) Objective evidence b) Deficiency c) Non conformity report d) Validation report 26. A third party audit is a) An internal audit b) An audit by the customer c) An audit by an independent organization d) An audit by the buyer 27. Surveillance audit is carried out by a) Internal auditor

b) Statutory auditor c) Certifying body d) Customer 28. A tool which addresses potential countermeasures is a) PDPC b) Interrelationship graph c) Arrow diagram d) affinity diagram 29. Samuel Ho is famous for a) PDCA cycle b) BPR c) TQMEX model d) Benchmarking 30. Which of the following is not a pillar of the TQMEX model a) Satisfying customers b) Improvement tools c) System/Process d) Top Management 31. a) b) c) d) EPDCA cycle means Excellence, Plan, Do, Check, Act Evaluate, Plan Do, Check, Amend Evolve, Plan, Do, Check, Act Edit, Plan, Do, Check, Amend

32. The objectives of Quality council are a) Provide strategic direction on TQM for the organization b) Set up and review the process quality teams that own the key critical process c) Review and revise quality plans for implementation d) All of the above 33. Appraisal costs are associated with a) Quality audits b) Re-work c) Calibration & maintenance of equipment d) Complaints 34. a) b) c) d) 35. a) b) c) d) SPC is a tool kit that can answer which of the following questions Are we capable of doing the job correctly? Do we continue to do the job correctly? Have we done the job correctly? All of the above A process is under control if The output is within specifications Variability due to assignable cause is eliminated Variability due to random causes is eliminated Machines are put under TPM

True or False 36. The purpose of quality manual is to state particularly for the benefit of assessors that how the requirements of ISO9000 are met in the companys quality system

a) True b) False 37. Total quality management is far more than shifting the responsibility of detection of problems from the customer to producer a) True b) False 38. Special process requires pre-qualification of the process capability a) True b) False 39. TQM is all about producing best quality of products a) True b) False 40. Design for six sigma (DFSS) is used for an existing product a) True b) False

Objective Type Set 3

Q1: While evaluating the quality of a product, asthetics means (a) The performance of the product for which it is being purchased, (b) The efficiency of the product (c) The style and designing of the product Q2: Quality circle is a (a) A team of volunteer group composed of employees or workers or trainees, who met to talk about work place improvement and quality management in the org:, (b) A term of employees which is formed to address quality issue of the company (c) A team of personnel selected from quality department to analyse opportunities of quality improvement s. (d) A research team from quality Consultancy Company for improving the system of the organization. Q3: The concept of quality trilogy which mentions quality management as quality planning, quality control and quality improvement is given by (a) Deming (b) Juran (c) Taguchi (d) Crosby Q4: The concept "quality is free" is given by (a) Deming (b) Crosby (c) Shiego Shingo

(d) Ishikawa Q5: The concept of quality loss function is given by (a) Crosby (b) Tagichi (c) Deming (d) Ishikawa Q6: Theory of profound knowledge is stated by (a) Deming (b) Taguchi (c) Crosby (d) Imai Q7: Quality management deals with (a) Establishing standard and following them (b) Enhanced customer satisfaction by developing products based on customer expectations (c) Reducing the number of defects in the product or service and continuous improvement (d) All of the above Q8: Flow chart or diagram is (a) A chart to know the cause and effect of a process (b) To diagrammatically representing process for better understanding (c) Plotting the data collected from a process for analysis (d) None of the above Q9: QFD is a technique of

(a) To control the quality of product by using statistical analysis

(b) To gather the voice of customer and converting it into actual product to satisfy them (c) The application of MBNQA award. Q10: Supplier partnering is a process (a) Of making suppliers as a partner by sale of company shares to them (b) To train and develop them so that input received from them is of right quality (c) To share gains and profits with the supplier (d) None of the above Q11: The method of handle change in an organization during implementation of TQM are:

(a) Communicate, Empathize and support (b) Delegate, instruct and command (c) Negotiate, recruit and negotiate (d) Collective bargaining Q12: Motion study involves (a) Systematic processes to analyse the movement of material in a process, (b) Systematic processes to analyse the different movements completed to perform a job (b) Systematic process to analyse the motion of machine parts in a plant (c) Movement of information in an organization Q13: Work movement is (a) A technique of recording the various steps that has to performed to complete the task (b) A technique to record the output of a process to improve productivity (c) A technique of recording the control and timing of the various steps that has to performed to complete a task (d) All the above Q14: Ergonomics deals with (a) The work and the human effort done to perform the work, a technique to reduce the physical stress of an employee (b) The flow of work from one process to another, a technique to reduce the time for overall process (c) The flow of material with in the system of production (d) It analyse the people interaction in the organization Q15: Work system is (a) Set of steps that have to be undertaken by a person to perform a task (b) Integration of infrastructure, information, person and technologies to perform a work in an organization (c) A system of how to use the inputs for processing (d) None of the above Q16: Lot Acceptance sampling plan is a method (a) The technique by which the samples are drawn from the lot, (b) A technique by which using sampling acceptance or rejection of lot is being decided (c) A technique to remove defects from a lot using sampling (d) A technique by way of which the process is improved using sampling Q17: For variable data the control chart which is made

(a) n chart, (b) np chart (c) X bar, R chart Q18: For defectives, when sample size "n" is constant the____________ control chart is prepared (a) p (b) p or np (c) c or u (d) X bar, R Q19: For defects, when sample size "n" is variable the_______control chart is prepared (a) x bar S (b) u (c) p (d) X bar, R Q20: KANBAN is (a) Kanban is the system to use visual signals to control the movement of materials between the different process and work centre (b) Kanban is the continuous improvement by small incremental improvement is the process of the org: (c) Kanban is the process of recording defects of a process on a card, (d) Kanban is a quality tool requirement for implementing dening quality management principle Q21: Poka yoke can be defined as (a) System to use visuals signals to control the movement of materials between the different process and work centre, (b) A system that either prevents a mistake from being made or makes the mistake obvious at a glance (c) It is the process of continuous improvement in small increments that make the process more efficient, effective under control and adaptable (d) None of the above Q22: KAIZEN is (a) System to use visuals signals to control the movement of materials between the different process and work centre, (b) A system that either prevents a mistake from being made or makes the mistake obvious at a glance, (c) It is the process of continuous improvement in small increments that make the process more efficient, effective under control and adaptable (d) None of the above

Q23: (N,n,c) sampling plan is used for LASP, here

(a) (b) (c) (d)


is is is is

sample size, n lot size, and c is acceptance number acceptance number, n is sample size and c is lot size lot size, n is sample size and c is acceptance number sample size, n is acceptance number and c is lot size

Q24: Check sheet is a quality tool in which (a) The frequency and type of an occurrence is recorded, (b) A bar graph depicting frequency of an event (c) Similar to check list to see every thing is normal (d) A sheet which is filled by manager which doing maintenance work of a machine Q25: Fish bone diagram is (a) A diagram showing the process of a system used for better understanding of a process, (b) A quality improvement tool where through graphical representation of cause and effect relationship of different events are analysed (c) A quality tool made with fish bones used as recording the events on a chart (d) There is no such diagram in quality management Q26: KJ diagram is (a) Is a tool to collect data and represent in KJ chart and find out improvement in a process (b) House of quality is the other name of it and is used to design better quality product (c) Is a tool to organize a large number ideas or views to discover meaningful groups based on some relevant relationship. (d) A quality improvement tool developed by Imai required in Kanban system Q27: Tree Diagram (a) Is an analytical tool used in quality management for planning devising solutions and for better decision making, (b) Breaks down the process for better understanding, (c) Is an example of basic tool of quality required to collect the frequency of an event in the branches of tree (d) None of the above Q28: Arrow diagram (a) An example of chart made in CPM and PERT analysis (b) A diagram in which the cause and effect of different processes are defined using arrows (c) A method of employees well being used for rolling the employees satisfaction in the

organization. (d) the diagram which represent a work system and their relations with each other with the help of arrows Q29: PDPC means

(a) (b) (c)

product design process control Product development and process control Process design program chart

Q30: Voice of customer means (a) the analysis of customer complaint, (b) the expectation of customer and feedback (c) the explicit an implicit of customer needs (d) all the above Q31: The concurrent engineering give the ability to the organization to (a) design the product in economical way, (b) a strategy of product development for faster market response and better quality of product (c) to find out the better alternatives for producing the product (d) all the above Q32: Fault Tree analysis (a) is a graphical technique used to determine in advance the list of undesirable events that design team must take care of to avoid any failure which can result into an undesirable out come (b) is a decision making technique for finding faults in the process (c) is a graphical technique used to determine the cause and effect relationships in events resulting into failure of work system (d) a decision tree's another name Q33: Benchmarking is a process (a) to learn and adapt a process or system of doing a work from the best in the industry or organization (b) to copy a process of doing things from the best (c) to set standards for each process which has to be achieved by the process owner (d) standards required to get MBNQA Q34: Value engineering is a process (a) A method of improving the value of product or service by finding alternatives ways and inputs available at lower cost (b) To enhance the value of product by adding new features

(c) To use high quality inputs and reducing the labor cost of operation to increase the value of the product (d) A product development strategy in which customer develop the product for the company Q35: For total quality management which of the following is not true (a) Integrates all the levels of the org: (b) It is a system dependent approach and hence doesn't require much participation of people, (c) All stake holders of the company are the customers Q36: Reengineering is a process of (a) Redesigning the business processes, associated systems and organizational structures to achieve a dramatic improvement in business performance (b) To change the current product portfolio and diversifying in other product (c) To completely transform the organizational structure and climate for developing better products (d) Redesigning production department so that they can produce better products for the market Q37: NC in iso means

(a) no conduct (b) Non conformance (c) no cost (d) non confidential
Q38: Surveillance audit (a) Done by internal auditors of the company (b) Conducted by customers to ensure the standards are being followed, (c) Conducted by certifying body to see whether the standard are being followed (d) Conducted at the time of giving the certificate to the organization Q39: MBNQA awards means (a) Michael Baldrige National Quality Award (b) Malcom Bond National Quality Award (c) Multinational business national quality awards Q40: Internal benchmarking (a) To adopt the best practices of an organization from some industry, (b) To adopt the best practices of an organization from some country (c) To adapt the best practices from the same organization (d) To adopt the best practices from international business

Objective Type Set 4 (Short Question Answer)

Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question 1: Define Quality as per ISO 8402. 2: What is TQM? 3: What are grades in quality? 4: How does Deming define quality? 5: How is TQM different form quality? 6: What is repair? 7: What is rework? 8: The first country in the world to use SPC 9: What is SPC? 10: Schewart is known for 11: Who is Juran? 12: "Quality is Free". Who said this? 13: What is ISO? 14: Name two people who changed face of quality in Japan. 15: What is fishbone? 16: Relate Pareto to 17: What role tax plays on quality? 19: What is 'Golden Peacock Award'? 20: Name any two Japanese Gurus. 21: What is cost of quality? 22: What are control limits? 23: Quality cost is 24: What is CMM? 25: Is quality synonymous with worth? 26: What is "5S"? 27: Do Japanese tools apply worldwide? 28: What is BPR? 29: Expand PDCA. 30: What is Value Engineering? 31: Why do we use Pokayoke? 32: What are Taguchi's Methods? 33: Explain soft quality. 34: Define 6 Sigma. 35: What is UCL? 36: Who got the first ISO certification in India? 37: What is ISO 8402? 38: What is reengineering? 39: Why did reengineering fail? 40: What is Champy's contribution to Quality?

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