Conference Req Letter

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02.12.13 Chennai.

From Siva Shankar P Assistant Professor Dept., of Mechanical Apollo En ineerin colle e Chennai

!o !he Secretar" Apollo En ineerin colle e Chennai S#$%ect& Fac#lt" Development Pro ramme on A'vance' !heor" of (C En ine )especte' Sir, Ma'ras (nstit#te of !echnolo ", Chennai is con'#ctin Fac#lt" Development Pro ramme on *A'vance' !heor" of (C En ine+ to $e hel' on Dec ,0-.12.13 to 1..12.13/ for seven 'a"s. !he o$%ective of this pro ramme is to present the a'vance' concepts an' applications of internal com$#stion en ines. Participation in this pro ramme 0ill enhance the kno0le' e in (C en ines. (t helps ver" 0ell in teachin the s#$%ect A#tomo$ile En ineerin an' A'vance' !heor" of (C en ines for the Si1th Semester an' Ei th Semester 2.E. Mechanical En ineerin st#'ents. Since, ( 0ill $e han'lin A#tomo$ile En ineerin s#$%ect for si1th semester 2.E. Mechanical st#'ents, ( 0ish to atten' the Fac#lt" Development Pro ramme so it 0ill $e #sef#l for me to kno0 more a$o#t the s#$%ect an' enhance m" kno0le' e. !he co#rse is offere' free of cost to the fac#lt" mem$ers of Anna 3niversit" Chennai an' its affiliate' colle es. ( re4#est o#r instit#tion to allo0 me to atten' the pro ramme as ( 0ill $e represents on $ehalf of Apollo En ineerin Colle e.

!hankin "o# 5o#rs faithf#ll",

6Siva Shankar P7

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