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Brown, H.D. (2007). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. White Plains, !: Pearson "#$cation.

%ower, &. (200'). Teaching Practice Handbook. ()*or#: Heine+ann Press. ,cDono$gh, -. . /haw, 0. (2001). Materials and Methods in English Language Teaching: A Teachers Guide Applied Language !tudies". ()*or#: Blac2well P$blishing 3t#. ,oon, -. (2004). #hildren Learning Language. 3on#on: ,ac+illan Heine+ann "3T. Pinter, 5. (200'). Teaching $oung Language Learners. ()*or#: ()*or# 6ni7ersity Press.

&ea#, 0. (2007). %&& Activities 'or the Pri(ary #lassroo(. ()*or#:,ac+illan.

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