Yr 10 Force Leah

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Fortismere Photography Department

GCSE Photography Assessment Sheet

STUDENT: TEA!"E#$S%: T(T+E: Minnie Barker-Samson Mr "o&'en !o)rse*ork DATE: UN(T: 6/1/1 !o)rse*ork

Target gra'e ,ag

Summer Task

A B-

The pi.t)res that yo) ha/e taken in this task sho* some sense o0 'is.o/ery1 ho*e/er they 'on2t rea&&y te&& me an a*0)& &ot a3o)t the p&a.e that yo) /isite'4 ( *o)&' ha/e &ike' to ha/e seen more pi.t)res an' a&so a &ot more s)staine' in/estigation o0 yo)r .hosen s)35e.t The e6hi3itions that yo) /isite' ha/e some goo' ana&ysis an' yo) ha/e .&ear&y 3eg)n to &ook at an' 'es.ri3e the more .omp&e6 iss)es in/o&/e' in the .onstr).tion o0 the image4 The in-'epth ana&ysis yo) ha/e *ritten 0or the 78ision o0 the Uni/erse9 are parti.)&ar&y strong4 :/era&& yo) ha/e .omp&ete' a&& the tasks set 3)t ( 0e&& that yo) ha/e not gone in-'epth eno)gh *ith 3oth yo)r .onte6t)a& *ork an' yo)r /is)a& pra.tise4 ;o) m)st make s)re that yo)r 0ina& pro5e.t 'emonstrates a 'eeper &e/e& o0 in/estigation an' ana&ysis4

FORCE Strand 1 - Force of nature (T-) Some interesting images ;o) ha/e tho)ght thro)gh the images *e&& an' 'emonstrate' a goo' )n'erstan'ing o0 the 3rie04 "o*e/er ( *o)&' &ike yo) to )se .onta.t sheets an' then e'its rather than sho*ing a&& yo)r images in one go4 Strand 2 - Appl ed Force (T-) 4A goo' se&e.tions o0 images 3)t again yo) nee' to ha/e some 'etai&e' ana&ysis o0 a re&e/ant artist that yo) .an &ink to yo)r o*n *ork4 Strand ! - Force of transformat on (T-) This se.tion is strong an' is starting to sho* a rea& sense o0 'e/e&opment4 ( think the i'eas sho*n parti.)&ar&y aro)n' the 'o)3&e e6pos)re o0 the h)man portrait .an 3e 'e/e&ope' m).h 0)rther4 P&ease keeps )p the in/estigation an' yo) m)st .ontin)e to p)t in 'etai&e' ana&ysis o0 other photographers *ork4 GE""ERA# CO$$E"TS ,e&& 'one +eah some goo' *ork here ( think that yo) sho)&' .ontin)e to 3e e6perimenta& in yo)r pro.ess an' try o)t more *ays o0 .apt)ring the 'ere&i.t man ma'e en/iroment4 #emem3er to keep )p the .onte6t)a& &inks thro)gho)t an' 0i&& in the se.tions that ( ha/e spoken a3o)t4 Force cont nued !reate .onta.t sheets instea' o0 &arge images Se.on' response to app&ie' 0or.e an' e'its an' artist Artist nee'e' ,ater&oo &eak street response to yo)r gra00iti *ork E6pan' starn 3rothers Take en&argement to &o.ation to photograph

Close up a%stract on More Artists are nee'e' to e6pan' yo)r .onte6t)a& e&ement in this )nit4 Fina& pie.es .o)&' 3e printe' o)t &arger to ha/e more o0 an impa.t the e6isting images .o)&' 3e an interim o)t.ome

#andscape < P)t a&& *ork onto one ta3 makes it easier 0or the e6aminer to rea' an' mark4 Make s)re to make .onta.t sheets 0or ea.h shoot that .an 3e p&a.e 3e0ore yo)r e'its $o&ement < More 'etai&e' Artist ana&ysis is nee'e' to e6pan' yo)r .onte6t)a& e&ement in this pro5e.t )se the ta&king a3o)t photography sheet4 +ight painting Artists nee' to 3e a''e' $Mi.hea& Bossanko% ;o) sti&& nee' to )p&oa' yo) Fran.e stop motion /i'eo

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