Yr 10 Summer Work ERIN

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Fortismere Photography Department

GCSE Photography Assessment Sheet

STUDENT: TEA!"E#$S%: T)T,E: Erin Gostick &r "o'(en co*rse+ork DATE: UN)T: 06/01/1 co*rse+ork

Target gra(e -ag


Summer tasks An interesting choice of exhibition and the way in which you introduce the Artist is done with a eloquence. However you should have analysed individual images not ust introduce the sub ect matter. !here is the second "art of the "ro ect. #verall summary A very unfinished summer assignment that will be reflected in the grade that you recieve

$orces Strand % & $orce of nature ' ()&* Some interesting images .*t there sho*'( .e t+o sets o/ o.ser0ations one in c'ass an( then one at home1 2o* m*st a'so make s*re to p*t in the +ork o/ other Photographers that are re'e0ant an( can in/orm yo*r o+n 0is*a' practise1 Strand + & A""lied $orce ' ()&* Some interesting images .*t there is no+here near eno*gh +ork1 2o* sho*'( again ha0e t+o sets o/ o.ser0ations that are in t*rn .acke( *p .y the +ork o/ a chosen photographer +ith /*'' ana'ysis1 Strand , & $orce of transformation ' ()* This section is strong an( is starting to sho+ a rea' sense o/ (e0e'opment p'ease keep *p the in0estigation an( agin yo* &UST p*t (etai'e( ana'ysis o/ other photographers +ork1 GE--E.A/ C#00E-)S Some goo( +ork here .*t yo* m*st impro0e the A31 e'ement o/ yo*r +ork name'y the 'inks to artist an( the (emonstration o/ critica' *n(erstan(ing1 ) 'ike the (irection that the pro4ect is taking an( /ee' the (o*.'e e5pos*re o/ /aces is a s*.4ect that can .e e0o'0e( /*rther1

Development Continue with the idea of stopping people in the street I think you maybe need more of a focus though maybe have a specific question to ask them and maybe they could write their response. Look at the work of Gillian Wearing. ovement More development of light painting needed different locations at night. This will help develop your final outcome. Landscape Should read environment strand followed by Joiners followed by your final my London responses please put in order. Close up abstraction Move images from around school up to the start of the project as this was the first work that you undertook. Look more in-depth at type and how it has been used in rt! photography. Maybe shoot some more with this in mind to develop the final piece idea further.

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