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Fortismere Photography Department

GCSE Photography Assessment Sheet

STUDENT: TEA!"E#$S%: T&T+E: Martha Middleton Mr "olden S'mmer Tas( DATE: UN&T: 19/09/1 S'mmer tas( / )or*e

Target grade ,ag


Comments & Targets The pi*t'res that yo' ha-e ta(en in this tas( sho. a real sense o) dis*o-ery/ The a0andoned ho'se shots are parti*'larly interesting the s'01e*t matter is parti*'larly intrig'ing/ The d'll dereli*t images o) the ho'se pla*ed alongside the ri*h -i-id tones o) the !ornish )lo.ers *reate a real 1'2taposition o) *olo'r and theme/ Dra. the in ho.e-er & .o'ld ha-e li(ed to o) seen a )e. more *lose 'p images demonstrating a .illingness to de-elop and re)ine yo'r ideas/ The strength o) yo'r -is'al images is let do.n 0y the total la*( o) *onte2t'al st'dy that .o'ld ha-e )ormed the se*ond part o) the "oliday tas(s .here is this .or(3

FORCE Strand 1 - Force of nature (T) Some interesting images 4o' ha-e tho'ght thro'gh the images .ell and demonstrated a good 'nderstanding o) the 0rie)/ "o.e-er & .o'ld li(e yo' to 'se *onta*t sheets and then edits rather than all yo'r images in one go/ Strand 2 - App !ed Force (T) /A good sele*tions o) images 0't again yo' need to ha-e some detailed analysis o) a rele-ant artist that yo' *an lin( to yo'r o.n .or(/ Strand " - Force of transformat!on (T) This se*tion is strong and is starting to sho. a real sense o) de-elopment/ & thin( the ideas sho.n parti*'larly aro'nd the portrait ha-e the potential to 0e e2plored in a lot more depth/ & .o'ld really li(e to see yo' mo-ing a.ay )rom the *omp'ter and get in-ol-ed 'sing a lot more man'al )orms o) trans)ormation/ Also .here yo' ha-e done some s'0stantial digital .or( please ma(e s're to sho. yo'r print s*reens o) ho. yo' *reated the image/ Please (eeps 'p the in-estigation and yo' m'st *ontin'e to p't detailed analysis o) other photographers .or(/ GE##ERA$ CO%%E#TS ,ell done Martha some e2*ellent .or( here & thin( that yo' sho'ld *ontin'e to 0e e2perimental in yo'r pro*ess and try o't more .ays o) *apt'ring and distorting the portrait/ #emem0er to (eep 'p the *onte2t'al lin(s thro'gho't and )ill in the se*tions that & ha-e spo(en a0o't/ De-elopment To mo-e the pro1e*t )or.ard &t is -ery important that yo' sho. some s'stained in-estigation sti*(ing .ith one idea and progressing .ith it/ The .or( dis*'ssed in *lass aro'nd the .or( o) &an ,right needs to 0e de-eloped/ 4o' need to ta(e di))erent portraits that *an 0e t'rned into a large5s*ale *ollage portrait/ &t .o'ld 0e good to e2periment on a small s*ale 0e)ore yo' mo-e 'p to larger s*ale images

Mo-ement Print o't )inal pie*es +ands*ape P't the di))erent se*tion into one ta0 and *reate a )lo. to yo'r .or(/ Print o't )inal pie*es !lose 'p a0stra*tion !o'ld e2periment .ith the trans)erring pro*ess p'tting images onto di))erent s'r)a*e area 'sing image trans)er/ Print o't images on a larger s*ale to *reate greater impa*t/

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